
18 de marzo de 2017

Pope Warns Of World War III As Trump Prepares To Join British Commonwealth

As Trump Prepares To Join British Commonwealth, Pope Warns Of World War III
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Donald Trump has just stunningly revealed his “master plan” to defeat the globalist forces aligned against him by his joining the United States with the British Royal Commonwealth—and that then caused Pope Francis, in his knowing of the vast water wealth this new alliance will now control, to bitterly warn: “I ask myself if in this piecemeal third world war that we are living through, are we not going toward a great world war for water?”.  [Note:Some words and/or phrases  appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, confirmation of President Trump’s daring “master plan” to defeat his globalist enemies was confirmed yesterday when The Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS) acknowledged that it was opening a new office in the US in order to bring the United State into the fold as an “associate member, and that RCS Director Michael Lake stated about by saying “the UK rather left this treasure in the attic, and forgot about it because people were so glued to Brussels”—and that the Trump White House expressed its joy in being invited to join.
With this new alliance being favored by both President Trump and Queen Elizabeth II, this report explains, The Royal Commonwealth was established in 1949 as an association of free and equal sovereign states that had been part of the British Empire, and that now comprises 52 member nations with a combined population of 2.2 billion (30% of the world's population)—and even more critically, with the United States now joining too, will control over 12,000 cubic kilometers of renewable water resources.
Combined with their staggering amount of renewable water resources, this report continues, and by the United States now joining The Royal Commonwealth, this alliance will, also, control over half of the world’s available fresh water available in underwater reservoirs (aquifers) underlying their affiliated nations in North America, Africa and Australia. 

With the United Nations having already predicted a global shortfall in water by 2030, this report details, President Trump’s aligning the United States with The Royal Commonwealth is, also, being spurred on by the secret Pentagon report, leaked in 2004, that warned that the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters due to water and food shortages.
As scientists warned last year that the global water crisis is worse than they originally thought, this report continues, the masses of the American people are still failing to understand why President Trump has named numerous top generals as his closest aides, and is beginning to erect a giant wall along the United States southern border—and as the Pentagon had warned about in 2004, could see tens-of-millions of water refugees seeking to cross in the coming years.

Standing opposed to President Trump in his aligning the United States with The Royal Commonwealth, this report notes, is Pope Francis, who in 2015 warned that “powerful of the earth will face the wrath of God” and asserts that “all people have a right to safe drinking water”—but who is countered by the United States that asserts water is not a human right.
This report concludes by noting that with President Trump now joining the United States with The Royal Commonwealth, thus securing his nations long term water and food security, the risk of war between the Federation and the West has been slightly lessened—and though the West has long coveted Russia’s vast water wealth, Trump appears not willing to risk nuclear war in able to seize it like his globalist enemies have long sought to do.     

Want to know more? Click HERE.

February 25, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

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