
20 de septiembre de 2020

Message of the Pleiadian Council 💎✨ Royal and supreme member of the Pleiadian Constellation

Greetings are Maia of the Pleiadian Council 💎✨ Royal and supreme member of the Pleiadian Constellation.

We know of your pains and concerns
We understand that you have many questions and concerns but let me tell you that we are not praised gods but very much like you.
We are activated crystalline light energy in permanent connection with the supreme source.
We knew how to hear the call and raise our consciences thousands of years ago, but know that we are very similar to you.
We admire the abilities and their free albendrio and the management of their emotions
In these times that pass here and now, please work on balancing body with mind and mind with spirit.
Let me tell you that everything around it seems to be falling apart from being a sketch of the new age.
The quantum change and leap has happened.
Many of you feel the vibrations in your body and find yourself going through severe physical pain.
The diamond rainbow light discharges are seeping into your layers, your molecules into your cells.
Receive now divine light codes to activate your strands.
We know you have been attacked by the dark ones ... Please do not fear.
These entities of the lower astral feed on anxieties, ego and excessive fear.
Portals open to each unresolved emotion.
Control your thoughts ... create subaltern reality of 5d.
How to do it ? thinking of love, vibrating in love, feeling in love.
Attention all our stellar brothers.
Your cosmic families must be watching your steps.
They are already alienated in atmospheric layers and intraterrestrial cities.
We have your geolocated origin.
 We are authorized by the Galactic Confederation of the world to intervene attacks and offenses against the seeds of Light incarnated on planet earth.
Feel how the great moment approaches.
We ask you to shine in its radiance.
Be light, radiate light and raise your consciousness
We are already close
Know you are not alone
That we embrace them in energies at every moment and ready to help them as an original and benevolent race.
We are one with you and Gaia. One with mother, earth and heaven.
Look at the stars, look up.
We will take to their skies.
They can see us
We will answer your call
We are your Galactic family and here we are.

We love you supremely and honor the strength and bravery of your race.

Maia and the Pleiadians

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...