
30 de octubre de 2020



馃檹 Addictions are related to the family nucleus, to maternal overprotection and the absence of the father. Both cases for lack of unconditional love.

✨ Alcoholism:
It is related to the desire to flee from physical or emotional responsibilities for fear of being hurt and being hurt again.

✨ Tobacco:
Tobacco is related to the mother's conflicts, living a profound situation of loneliness. Lack of communication with the mother or excess of over protection. Lack of freedom and independence.

✨ Obesity: Try to satisfy your hunger for love with food. The more you eat, the greater your hunger.

✨ Chocolate:
The need for daddy's love and sweetness. Severe conflicts with the father.

✨ Sugar:
The need to sweeten life, compensating for the feeling of lack of love.

✨ Sex addiction: It
derives from a family and ancestral religious unconscious, in the background of the belief of the "sin of sex" Ancient conditions, ideologies of the last century that you must free yourself.

✨ Work Addiction:

Living with too much stress so as not to suffer from lack. I must show that my life is productive and recognize that I am worth something.

✨ Exercise addiction:

Difficulty accepting yourself. Dependence on their physical state (outside) to fill and fill the void (Inside) of affective lack.

馃檹If you suffer from this type of addiction, you must go to the origin of the root of your family history and forgive what has to be forgiven for you, for your ancestors so that you can free yourself from all this burden and can live fully.

*** © misteri1963 this publication can be freely reproduced on condition of respecting its integrity and mentioning the author, as the source thereof and including this URL and the Copyright notice ***

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