
11 de marzo de 2022

President Putin Returns the Gold Standard to Russia


President Putin Returns the Gold Standard to Russia

Russia returns to the gold standard

President Putin has announced the return of the gold standard in Russia which could make the Ruble the single most stable currency on the planet.

As of this week, the Russian government is abolishing the VAT (tax) on bullion.


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Russia just completely SMASHED the United States and the EUROZONE.

Think I’m kidding?   Think again.

When Muammar Qaddafi in Libya planned on a Gold-backed currency for all of Africa, the West went into Libya and overthrew him.

When Saddam Hussein in Iraq announced he would start selling oil in currencies other than the U.S. Dollar, two months later was Iraq War 2 – and they hung him!

The U.S. Dollar being the sole reserve currency for this planet is why wars get waged, and now Russia has completely, totally smashed it.

You watch.  The U.S. that has been saying “no nuclear war” and even Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin saying yesterday “All this talk of nuclear war is dangerous, stop it” is going to change almost overnight.  The US is now in an existential crisis.  Our currency has just been utterly smashed by Russia’s decision to back the Ruble with Gold.

Watch the rhetoric about Russia from this moment on.  You will notice it is ratcheted-up to vilification like you’ve never seen before.   Why, they’ll probably start accusing Russian troops of throwing babies out of incubators in Ukraine hospitals (like they accused Iraq) in order to justify going to war with Russia.

In my personal opinion, war with Russia is now a foregone conclusion.   The US and Europe have no choice.   If the Dollar and the EURO are to survive, Russia must be killed.

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