
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Corrpución in Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Corrpución in Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas

2 de septiembre de 2018

Franco's remains

Exhume the remains of Francisco Franco it will not be easy if exhumation deep it is. Remove the remains of a coffin is not enough to do justice to the thousands of murdered, persecuted and driven by a dictatorship. But it is no small thing dare to dismantle a symbolic monolith, and right-wing parties, have defended and defend the banner of its worst criminal aberrations. Incidentally, it is not a "merit" as a significant political victory attributable to a single occurrence of situation.There are whole generations committed to this struggle in their own land and overseas. Latin America still in the tuffs of the Franco dictatorship are perceived.
Exhume the remains of the dictator, as well as being a claim of leftist parties and organizations, is a repudiation of the soul of any person who does not understand dignified life based on political killings or persecutions. Fight your body and soul of thousands of people have been humiliated while  blithely  can visit the tomb of Franco in a place for the fun of forgetful and not so much.
Franco, and all his accomplices, underwent Spain since the end of the "Civil War" (1936-39) until his death in 1975. And that has not disappeared. Is a full menu of bickering exhibiting palabreríos piecework, pro and con, that the remains and the symbolic legacy to posterity imposed by the whim of the coterie of Franco touch. Living and dead. The Church announced that it will not oppose the transfer and some descendants insist that the tomb is untouchable. The important thing is to tell the Spanish people who have been dismembered blood and death, in whose memory it keeps as fresh as fresh is the tomb of the dictator. With the state budget.
In May 2017 the Congress of Deputies approved the bill for the exhumation of the dictator. They say the chief executive of the Francisco Franco Foundation, Juan Chicharro says angrily that "a corpse belongs to his family, and an exhumation without the permission of the family is a profanation, which is a crime and have a grievance." Did he say anything of the thousands of corpses caught thousands of families, or something said about the thousands of exhumations impossible under the mass graves that have not yet been opened? Remember that "everything is stored in memory." Every November 20 death of the dictator who left his post to Juan Carlos and this in turn to his son recalls. The monarchy remains so smugly. Meanwhile the general hardship of workers not taparán with the exhumation of a symbol of the Franco dictatorship,
There are hundreds of thousands of people killed, expelled, persecuted by a fascist state and we can not fall into any gimmicky ambush, even with the best intentions, should not be used to give by settled a grisly past that still lives in the bowels of the current Spain. Must be alive in the memory of the people, not to trade with pain or mask the fierce exploitation of Spanish workers, both under Franco and until today, they support all the weights of the dictatorship.
Franco 's regime survives on fear and repression that evolves into a system of financial dictatorship supported by pure economic, physical and media repression by the widening of the international market with all its crises of overproduction in paradise banks. Franco survives in its laws and its moralistic, ideological and cultural chicanery against the working class.the  bones Franco no rest or repose business of his accomplices. Franco's remains are too many people and too much money, land, houses, businesses and industries. The same church that blessed shootings and bodies in pits. You have to open the tomb to heal the wounds caused by an executioner buried alongside their victims. So, with his remains have to exhume Franco inherited monarchy, judges, military, streets and Francoist monuments.
No exhumation enough to erase from history a dictatorship that trampled all basic rights with a hellish repression. Victims were thousands of activists, especially the young working class.Repression was always the suffocating atmosphere that enveloped the everyday class while terrorism was one of the many methods of everyday multiplied by a state apparatus that perfected their art of repression, permanently. No exhumation must serve to cover up the horrors multiplied disguised as "democracy" under the adventures of Juan Carlos de Borbon, guarantor of the survival of Francoism. And to date.
The exhumation is not a triumph of a sector policy or a spell to save the Franco regime and its crimes, or save the privileges of the Catholic Church accomplice. Exhuming initiative is again to show that social justice only people can begin to put in place, historical and political, all criminal episodes States without forget. Breaking an odious to the history of Spain and the world symbol, pulling it out of context of statuary tribute or mausoleum, proposes to open a debate against all ideological ambush oligarchy provided it work, also, consciously organization victims, direct and indirect, to the exhumation and Francoism, a learning the lessons of the past. Be able to neutralize any possibility of partial political use of the bones of the dictator, or what remains of it, materially and ideologically.Wherever you are.
If the exhumation must be a historical vindication of the victims, their families and their people, you have to get much more than a decorative claim and a plan becomes permanent symbolic struggle to  exhume, once and for all, the bodies that capitalism "hidden under the carpet" and we sell them as historical and moral achievements. A battle against the ideology of the ruling class and its symbolic war that is not reduced to hide the hundreds of thousands of political prisoners, exiled and executed, but continues to operate with impunity, and often with nostalgia, in this Spain -still a bitter monárquica- kneeling by financial, real estate and media mafias. Among many others. It is why we do not just insist on saying: "Franco's remains are not in the Valley of the Fallen are in business and in Congress."

Rebellion has posted this article with the author 'spermission through a  license Creative Commons , respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere

16 de marzo de 2018

Freedom of expression is under threat in Spain


 International Amnesty
Freedom of expression is under threat in Spain
Nyto Rukeli , 23, was arrested in 2016. The prosecutor accused him of "glorifying terrorism" for the lyrics of their songs. Lyrics like " Ni underground I keep silent, you can not be imprisoned art ". In the same operation they were arrested 11 other rappers, members of the group Insurgency. A group whose aim was " to provide a platform for musicians to talk about political issues , " the Nyto itself. On December 4, 2017 were sentenced to two years and one day in prison each, and nine - year ban and a fine of 4,800 euros. 

In 2013,  Alex Garcia , director of 23, opened a YouTube channel called  Resistance FilmsFour years later, in July 2017, police handed a subpoena and had access to a police report a thousand pages in which all channel videos, photographs, audio transcripts and biographies of some of the enumerating Interviewed people. Alex was accused of "glorifying terrorism" and can be sentenced to two years and one day in prison, plus nine years of disqualification and a fine of 4,800 euros. 

Social network users, journalists, lawyers and musical artists in Spain have been prosecuted under  Article 578 of the Penal Code , which prohibits the "glorification" of terrorism and "humiliation of victims of terrorist crimes." The impact of this application is devastating for people: substantial fines , long periods of  exclusion from the public sector ,  imprisonment ... and intangible consequence: the  self - censorship  for fear of repression.
The Spanish Government should ensure that the rights of victims of terrorism rather than defend stifle  freedom of expression  on their behalf. Article 578 of the Penal Code should be repealed. Meanwhile, all charges must be removed for peacefully expressing

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