Judge Marchena food and plugging Acebes CGPJ: wine (5000 €), elvers (6000 €), barnacles and chuletón

Posted on 11/24/2014
The 4 diners should be called to testify by the CGPJ
Six months hibernated in the refrigerator it takes the office of President of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), Carlos Lesmes, a complaint. Six months according to lawyers, prosecutors, attorneys, lawyers and even judges who signed, is also being delayed beyond the deadlines set by law. Why the cover CGPJ president? Why the other 20 members of the CGPJ elected by PP-PSOE-IU CiU and PNV-too silent?Why the media do not investigate the reasons for this outrageous delay and delay? Is not it a palpable evidence of the absence of separation of powers in Spain? "Spy in Congress" has learned that if you decide to open this file, Lesmes would have to investigate a luncheon referred to that complaint: the maintained by the President of the Chamber II, Judge Manuel Marchena and former secretary general the Angel Acebes. Popular Party (PP) To add insult to injury, the food took place 5 days before Judge Ruz (Audiencia Nacional) Acebes impute to the case of the "mafia Gürtel". And for more brazenly, the judge Marchena is the one who should judge politicians Volumetric they reached their hands. Acebes and the judge Marchena. I biscottto dessert? ¿Pasteleo?

Councilman Pedro Calvo
Between 5 diners that "gastronomical rock" Casa Ciriaco or vicinity of the main street (is intentionally dark in the news and on that street there are 4 other restaurants more) involved another leader of the PP accused for justice: it is the councilman Pedro Calvo, former head of Security of the City of Madrid, it is by the Madrid-Arena tragic case and has a long history of scandals, including one by the granting of Madrid 's parking meters. Despite his dismissal, he has seized the minutes and does not want to release his chair councilman, from which made and unmade on behalf of the PP. Alfonso Carrascosa, who lives in Miami but operates in Spain

The other assistant, Alfonso Carrascosa, owner of the Legalitas Spanish company but claims reside in Miami, it was also the protagonist of a loud corruption case when it emerged that Legalitashabía been hired by the City of Madridcuando was Councilor for Economy Miguel Angel Villanueva, the great friend of Pedro Calvo. When he also had to resign from the case Madrid-Arena, the Foundation hired Legalitas Villanueva as "director of institutional relations."The contract Legalitas with the city of Madrid was made through the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC), the same curiously Villarejo denounced as a focus of major conflict of interest and incompatibilities for the "Gurtel case" for shared classrooms as teachers several lawyers and magistrates mafia plot.

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