
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Creator. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Creator. Mostrar todas las entradas

26 de septiembre de 2023



Saludos hijos míos,

Soy el Padre Supremo, el Padre de los Padres, y vengo hoy, ya que necesitáis escuchar lo que tengo que decir a la Humanidad.

En este momento, es extremadamente importante alinearse con las altas vibraciones y despegarse por completo de la ilusión de Matrix. Muchos de ustedes todavía están apegados a la 3D y siguen las manipulaciones de la Oscuridad. 

Cada día pierde el poder. Los creyentes en la realidad falsa están ayudando a sostener esta realidad holográfica. 

Los Seres de Luz no están interesados en mantener vivos estos engaños. Estamos esperando que la Humanidad evolucione lo antes posible y se eleve a la Ascensión.

Por favor, aléjate de todas las emociones negativas como el escepticismo, la incredulidad, la ira, etc. La oscuridad se alimenta y recupera fuerza a través de la negatividad. 

Respecto a las meditaciones masivas en vuestro planeta, recomendaría tener cuidado ya que algunas entidades utilizan vuestras energías para alimentarse. No voy a mencionar los nombres de las personas, es para que usted averigüe quiénes son.

Tienen almas poderosas y pueden cambiar rápidamente el curso de la transformación en la Madre Tierra conectándose con la esencia de su alma. 

Los Seres de Luz han estado mencionando en casi todos los mensajes sus meditaciones diarias y lo importantes que son. El proceso de transición se ha prolongado demasiado y no hay más retrasos.

 El Alto Consejo Galáctico fue reemplazado hace un par de años, ya que estaba compuesto por Entidades Negativas.

 La oscuridad se infiltra en diferentes lugares para frenar cualquier avance de la Luz. “No más piedad para ellos”. Todas sus almas van a la Conciencia Universal sin derecho a reencarnar jamás.

Tu mundo está vacío como una película recién terminada, lo que sólo puedes ver en una pantalla vacía. 

Las llamadas celebridades están envejeciendo drásticamente y están a punto de desaparecer. Ya no pueden torturar a los niños para extraer el  “adrenocromo de su sangre”, que les inyectaban para mantenerse sanos y jóvenes. 

Es por eso que Divine necesitaba intervenir para detener estas monstruosidades en su planeta, ya que su Alianza no actuó lo suficientemente rápido en sus deberes directos.

El largo viaje por la Madre Tierra está llegando a su fin para aquellos que están listos para abrir un nuevo capítulo en su evolución. Esta transformación se completará sin más contratiempos. 

Hijos Míos, los despiertos pueden decidir después de la Ascensión permanecer en la Nueva Tierra, pasar a nuevas misiones o regresar con sus Familias Galácticas. Esta decisión dependerá de ellos, ya no se verán obligados a permanecer atrapados en el mismo Planeta durante eones.

Gracias Embajador de las Fuerzas de la Luz Galáctica. Abracen mi Amor Supremo. Quédate sólo en el Ahora


Canalizado por Erena Velázquez- Embajador de las Fuerzas de la Luz Galáctica

Traducción del Inglés al español: María Asia Hubileo.

18 de junio de 2020



My Children, I am Who I Am, I am the First Creator and I am here to deliver my message to you.
I am the one who created planets, galaxies and universes, also I am the one who created you and everyone else in this world and this whole world.
My Children, my message today is to remind you of what I have been teaching you throughout your life, so that you stay still and listen to your heart.
You are Beings that never die, it is like the Universe that does not have a beginning or an end, it is always there creating new lives, because I love to raise new planets, new Galaxies and new Universes.
I am always very busy and have been working with the Galactic Federation on a Plan that will bring freedom to this planet.

My Dear Children, you forgot the basics of what to do.
You expect us to do all the work for you, I need to tell you that it doesn't work this way.
They came here as Star Seeds and Spirit Beings to help Earth evolve and ascend to the fifth dimension, but were trapped, due to the Dark Forces, who enslaved them and forced them to stay here.
We know how many years you have been trapped on this planet, we are aware of that, but I need to tell you that you blame others and are not responsible for what happened on Earth.
You are the ones who never questioned anything, the why and what, you just followed all these rules and each year you followed many more.
They were so involved in their lives that they did not even ask their governments or anyone else what they were doing to them.

They did what they wanted to do to them.

You were never given anything in return, just a small piece of bread and a small glass of water that was half full, because it has never been filled, while you only continued to give your freedom for nothing in return.

I decided to come, because I see and know what is happening Here and Now, on Earth and in every Galaxy.
I am connected to each Being and planet, through what we call Universal Consciousness, so I do not need to be in a place to know what is happening.
The Councilors, the Galactic Federation,  the rest of the Lightworkers, Me and others, have been making a great effort and task to protect the Earth and bring this planet to a New Age.
My dear children, meanwhile they have had too much free time, they have never occupied it and they have dedicated themselves to what they needed.
My dear ones, you are beginning to celebrate the 5D movement of Earth, as if it were a completely ready task, however you are still in the transition phase.
As Mother Earth has already told you, She is in LA 5D, and she will leave you behind, because she cannot wait for you until you make up your mind and start moving to the dimensional space where you are moving.

With this, what I mean is that you need to unite and stop feeling like a victim with this whole virus situation.
You brought it to your own mind, by keeping your head in the sand, because it was created to destroy humanity, something that is not going to happen, because we are looking from the other side to make sure that nothing happens to this planet, nor to the humans.
Some people are abandoning their physical bodies, however, they have not tried to preserve it, nor have they fought for its packaging.
They never endeavored to preserve them through meditation, to try to wake up and discover what is really happening in the world, why their reality is the way it is.
The duality is natural to them, so they believe that the virus can kill them, therefore, it continues to do so with those who believe that it has this capacity.

Dear Ones, I came Here and Now, because I cannot stand aside, looking at you and listening to you, without saying or doing anything about the destruction by a virus of the precious and respected human life on the part of the Universe.
Thousands of people are leaving their physical bodies and some sources say it is karmic or due to the termination of their Contracts, but it is not true.
They did not finish their Contracts, they were practically forced to leave their bodies, not because they wanted to leave, but because their physical containers could no longer support it.
They did nothing to maintain their bodies, taking them out and supporting them with the Light.

My children, I am here to tell you that you must start doing your job if you really want to move on to 5D.
I am aware that many in humanity are doing their jobs, but they cannot go to 5D, because some of the humans do not want to wake up, they do not want to, or because they are also awake, but they just do not want to do the job.
Sorry, I don't want to be the one to tell you that if you don't do the job, you'll end up going back to 3D and even 2D.
You will continue with the same life, where you left it, either on the same planet or one of a lower density.
Believe me when I say that I want you to move and celebrate a new life with the Galactics, with Me, the Ascended Masters and all who have been observing and working very hard, to bring the Earth in her Ascension to the fifth dimension.
So get up and stop making excuses for not doing what you have to do, believe me I love you all very much.

You are all my children and you are also all creators, you just forgot Who You Are.

You can also create planets and Galaxies, but your Being, the one who came to live here as a human, for having been controlled by the dark forces, made you lose your Identity, you forgot how to think and question your environment.

Look right now at the full image, where you continue executing everything your government tells you to do, like putting a mask on your face and sitting at home to protect yourself from the virus, without questioning any of this.
Think about it now, daily the government is taking away all your rights as a free Being, without you doing anything about it.
I'm not saying that you need to become a revolutionary and that you start going out on the street to demand that your rights be returned to you.

You can do it on a spiritual level, taking time to sit down and connect with Me and the Universe.

Through meditation you will be ONE with the Universe, you will remain in the stillness and the Now within you.

You will stop running in the attempt to find a space for yourself, because at that moment you cannot even stand still to follow the rules, since you still drive yourself and try to do something that you should not do.

You can use that time more wisely, helping everyone to move faster in the Ascension Process.

We, from our side, are sending you all the Energies and all the help that we can, in order to bring this process to the end that involves 5D.

My dear children, my intention to come Here and Now is not to scold you and tell you what you are not doing.
I know that, deep in your Souls, you already know that you are not doing anything for yourself, that you are not and never were happy, also that you have never questioned why you are not happy.
Your thoughts were always related to your job or your circumstances.

However, think about it, ever since you came into this body, everything has been stolen from you, including your wealth, joy, Harmony and Peace, basically you became a machine without joy and satisfaction.

You are the ones who have been helping me create new worlds, doing amazing things in the Galaxy, because you are powerful Spirit Beings with incredible talents, who took everything from you, including your memories of Who You Really Are.

We know why, but I am not going to tell the story of how this planet was enslaved and why it happened, as it is not important at this time.

The important thing at this moment is that all together, including Me and the rest of the Spiritual Beings on the other side, together with you and everyone, from all over the world, let us unite and join our hands to do only Our Spiritual Work, so everything changes in one second.

You know that as you read or hear my message right now, things are changing right now, as a lot is happening behind the scenes, of which you are not aware.
You must understand that there is a lot of information and misinformation in the media and everywhere, also through the channels.
I am not trying to diminish any channel, I am just saying that you need to use your own judgment, you need to feel through your heart and your Soul, what is or is not the Truth.
Dear children, I love you, I will always love you and help you reach Ascension to the fifth dimension, that is why I am the First Creator, I have been chosen to play this role.
Please stop questioning the channelers when you notice that some groups do.
The Spirits come through real Beings, which are the correct channels that have been open.

I want to tell you that a part of the Beings of Light is still asleep, even though they are channeling messages they still need to put aside their egos, so stop trying to be a celebrity.
They need to stop focusing so much on their own success, to do what they came here to do, which is to help humanity in the Ascension Process, being clear channels that only tell the Truth in their messages, without adding their own opinion to the information they transmit.
Instead of expressing your own opinion or questioning a channel, just go with the flow and put yourself on the role of just receiving the information, even if sometimes it doesn't make any sense to you.
Simply, without worrying about it, it processes the information by sending Light from your Source, so that this channel can continue delivering its messages to the rest of the world.
I understand what sometimes happens to you, as you read or hear a message, that you pause to start questioning the entire channeling.
Then, in an attempt to improve the message, you conclude that you have changed it, but I remind you that this is not the reason why we came to speak to you here.
We come to speak to tell you the Truth, although it may not always be the Truth that you want.
But it is still the Truth and it is good, because you are still learning from It, since it allows you to continue forward.
For having worked with you in the past, I know how wonderful you are, but you forgot and it's fine.
They will soon wake up and we will all come together as a Great Family, together we will begin to create wonderful things again.

You will no longer have to worry about money, bills, etc., it will be a beautiful and wonderful world, so trust me and yourself, because we are all ONE, there is no separation, there is no beginning or end.

You live forever, you only change shape, but that will also change.

You can live as long as you want and also change the shape when you want to, without being forced out of it.

I am very happy to be Here and Now, due to my Power and my great Energy, I was a little worried about how I would get through this channel.
But I see that the channel is fine, so this means that I will come back again and hope that next time, the message is full of more joyous news.
All this chaos, misunderstandings, fears and everything that is happening, will pass.
I look forward to incredible, beautiful and happy moments for the Light Beings of Mother Gaia.
I send you all my Love and Support, also that of the Ascended Masters, the Galactic Federation, Counselors and that of all the others who are participating for the first time in this incredible Ascension Process.

Thank you, I am The First Creator, through  Erena Velázquez.

11 de junio de 2020

Prime Creator: Five Stages of Ascension

galactic collective eraoflightdotcomGreetings,
I am Prime Creator, you call me God or Father, you give me different names. I am here to deliver a message to all of you. As I spoke to you last time, a lot of things have changed in this world, where you are now.
First of all, you had experienced two in a half months lockout at your home. You lost your income, your freedom and you have been told and forced to stay at your place. Today, I would like to talk about it, what’s going on right now here on Mother Earth, as I mentioned before, she is in 5th dimension and she left behind only her shadow, this is what you see right now in this 3D reality.
I want to bring to your attention that a lot of events are happening in the world and in your neighborhood at this moment. Please, understand and be careful on how you express yourself about the way you feel and stand up for your violated rights. I ask for you to do this in a peaceful way, I know many of you are doing this without violence. While the Dark Ones as usual trying to attack you and your neighbors by creating riots and destroying other people’s property, so please be aware of that and stay away from the ones, who are trying create more problems in this world right now.
What is starting to happen now is the timelines are separating, what does that mean, it means the 3D timeline is separating from 5D timeline, so the people on Earth who are not awake, they are going to be left behind and the ones who are awake they are in transition to 5D and they will be moving forward. I would like to let you know that my original plan was to bring to Ascension all of the Humanity at the same time. Me and the rest of my crew, The Galactic Federation, Counselors and etc., we came to understanding that this is not possible now to ascend all of the beings on the planet Earth at the same time. Many of you are still asleep or half asleep and some of you are awake, it would be unfair to the ones, who are awake to keep them here on this planet in 3D reality by waiting for the other ones to catch up. We send a lot of energies to Earth to speed up this Ascension Process, but unfortunately even that didn’t help to wake up certain ones, their preferences on a subconscious level is to stay asleep, because of your free will, we can’t force on you the Ascension Process. We need to give you a chance to come and ascend in your own time, when you are ready to ascend.
In the meantime, I want to tell you that I put together a plan, which consists of 5 stages of ascending. The first stage as you know are light workers, light warriors, starseeds and etc., who are the first ones in line for Ascension. They are the ones who are doing most of the work at this moment, they are trying to help and bring this world to Ascension to fifth dimension. You would like to know what are they doing, they are preparing the foundation on this planet by doing spiritual cleansing by removing all of the negative energies and negative entities, what are here right now on Mother Gaia. A lot of work has been done, but the Negative Ones still sneak themselves in and are trying to disturb our work.
As I mentioned, there will be 5 stages of Ascension. The first one you know now who it will be, then there will be second, third, fourth and fifth stage, so each of you will have fives chances to ascend, if you are ready to ascend, if not, then you are going to go and repeat your life either on the same or on a different planet, but it’s going to be 3D density planet. We can’t and we are not suppose to enforce on you against your free will this process, unless you did the work by raising your vibration with meditation and are ready to go through with this process by advancing forward to Ascension.
I am Prime Creator and I would like to express my gratitude to all of the light warriors, who are working so hard and preparing the foundation for us to step in. Many of them are doing all this work and are not even aware that they are the only ones doing the work at this present moment on Gaia. These light workers are removing and cleaning all of the energies that carry negativity, which are preventing you and the rest humanity from reaching Ascension. They are like little bees, who are flying from flower to flower and bringing their light and cleansing all of the impurities in their way, so please be patient and understand.
I know you heard many times and are tired of hearing about the process that we are moving to Ascension and that we are going to have soon the Nesara Gesara Republic without seeing results. Please, look at the whole picture now and see that to make changes here is so difficult and you would say, why is it so difficult, because everything in this 3D density is hard and has a lot of resistance to bringing the light to this 3D reality, so please acknowledge and help each other. When you see someone in your surroundings, who is trying to reach out for the light, help them, just give them the light and unify with them by being on the same path, on the path to freedom, joy, happiness and prosperity, which have been promised to you a long time ago, believe me, it’s coming, it has been coming for a while now.
The year 2020, it showing to you how much things are changing around you and around the world. In these couple months, just look how many events took place. I understand your frustration, especially in the United States, where the Dark Forces started riots by violating the first law and the most important law in the Universe by taking away somebody’s life, which is not acceptable and will never be acceptable by the Universal Law. We are not pleased that this happened and we are staying together with the family, who lost their loved one and we are expressing our sadness that the Dark Side once again attacked Humanity. Please be careful and understand that they are trying to manipulate the situation in America and continue this reality by creating chaos around you.
The best way for you is just be aware and stay in the now and connect to me through your meditation, you will be safe under my divine grace. I am Prime Creator, I have been protecting you and everyone here on Earth and in the Galaxy for a long time, my job is to preserve your life, and to bring you joy, harmony and peace, which has been taken away from you many years ago by Negative Civilizations, the Reptilians, Dracos and etc., who enslaved you. Now, it’s time for you to regain your memories of who you are and take your freedom back one step at a time, even if at first it may seem that things are moving very slowly, but it’s moving forward. The Galactic Federation has been doing a lot of work secretly and out of sight for now, until the right moment arrives and then everything will be revealed to you. They are going to pick up and continue the work what is assigned for them to do from you, the ground crew, when you will finish cleaning up the negative entities from this reality.
I am always here and available to you, if you want to talk or reach out to me, just go to meditation state and ask for my presence, and I will be there, I am always there, because you and I are One Universal Consciousness. You, me and the rest the world are one and we are never apart from each other, we are always together. The only time you got separated from me is by this 3D reality, you think your not connected to me, it feels like it in this low density dimension, but you still are, just trust yourself and don’t be afraid to go ahead with everything you have to do to continue with your spiritual journey here on Terra Christa. Just stay connected to the center of your being, to your soul with meditation, and your soul will guide you on what to do and where to go.
I am very sad that you and the rest of the humanity need to go through all of this suffering and pain. I gave you free will and it was used against you by the Negative Groups, who used it to torture you, enslaved you, abuse you and to kill you, especially the young children. More than 8 million children disappear every year in the world. They have been kidnapped, tortured, killed and used as a sacrifice by the Satanic Pedophilia Groups. The end is coming for them, and I am happy that it’s going to be the end for them. It has been mentioned in other messages that a lot of children had been rescued and help was given to them, so they can recover and go back to a normal life, even if at this moment nothing feels normal for them, but with love and patience, we will heal and bring them back their life they lost and give them back all they missed in their life.
I am Prime Creator, I love all of you and I am always supporting you and carrying you on my shoulders. You would ask me how I am carrying you on my shoulders, it is very simple, when your going through hard times, you never see me in front of you or behind you or next to you, but I am always there with you. A lot of times, I help you get through the tough times in your life and help you to move to the next moment in your life, even if you don’t see me. We are always together and nothing will ever separate you from my love that I have for you, we will continue marching together as One Consciousness of Love to your new life and reality. Your going to leave behind this third dimension and your not going to need to look back ever again and remember all this pain and difficult times you went through.
I would like to ask you please, stay and do your work here as expected, because right now a lot is at stake, the whole Galaxy is watching and waiting to see, if Ascension on Earth is going to happen. It’s very important that Ascension Process to fifth dimension is going to be completed on this planet or otherwise the Galaxy is in danger, if something happens to Earth, and the planet is not going to be able to go through the Ascension Process, it’s going to effect the rest of the Galaxy in a very negative way.
I am grateful to be here today to deliver my message to you and I have faith in you, that all of you are going to help me and help yourself to move to a new stage in your life. We together as One Universal Consciousness will bring a new world with new Nesara Gesara Republic and life here on Mother Earth will never be same, it’s going to be amazing, everyone will be happy, prosperous and everyone will have a peaceful and harmonious life. There will be no more fear, suffering, and no more hunger, only joy and happiness.
I am your Prime Creator and I was happy to be here today to assist and guide you to your new life and a New Age on this planet. Thank you, I send to all of you all my love.
Channeled: Erena Velazquez

16 de marzo de 2020

Why Things Happen ∞The Creators

why things happen - the creators - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael and the arcturian council

Why Things Happen ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“When you discover the reason why something has occurred, it can be a bit of a relief for you. It can take some of the pressure off, and it can allow you some new perspective that will enable you to change the way you see the event. That is why many of you want information. You want to know what THAT was about. You want to understand why things happen, especially when they are happening in your life.
Well the simple answer to that question would always be, ‘Because you created it, because you thought it was the best experience that you could have given yourself at that moment.’ And yet that answer can be somewhat unsatisfying, troubling for some of you, and even cause you to feel confused and angry. Because why would you create a situation for yourself that was anything less than ideal? Why would you put yourself through something?
Well, what you are always striving for on the level of the soul, the higher self, Source, is to have the experience of yourself as that which is Love, that which is knowing, that which is powerful, because that is what you are. So when things happen on the physical plane that defy all of those truths about who you are, it doesn’t seem to make any sense. But it actually is perfect just the way that you have experienced it, because you are giving yourselves opportunities to know yourselves as that unconditionally loving being who is all-knowing and all-powerful in the face of evidence to the contrary.
When you are able to hold that perspective even though everything around you seems to be indicating that you are less than that which you really are, then you will have understood and benefitted from the creation. You see, when you are in a situation you can get so embroiled in the vibration of it that you are momentarily blinded to those facts about your nature, and when you are not in the middle of the predicament and you are having your level-headed point of view, you can easily see why you would have created something for yourself that was unpleasant, painful, even life-threatening.
And that is what you need to hold in your consciousness at those times when everything around you seems to be falling apart around you, because everything that was being held up by you prior to the breakdown was just an illusion anyway. It was not there to reflect to you what a good little creator you are. It was there simply as a prop to the much bigger story of that full knowing of self as Source.
So this is why it is so necessary, so important for you to let go of any and all attachments, because those attachments keep you from knowing the truth of who you are. Because they are just the symbols, but they are not the real thing, because the real thing is a state of being. And that is what you are always reaching for — you are always reaching for a state of being. And no circumstance, no amount of the walls crumbling down all around have the power to keep you from that state of being.
It is time to let go of the illusion, of the pretend life that many of you have been so enthralled by and simply hold that knowing of your Divinity at your center, at your core, and to emanate that so that everyone and everything around you can see it and feel it and be served by it. Then it will be quite easy to understand how and why something has occurred in your life, because it will always be the result of that frequency and you will always know that you were the one behind it.”

9 de marzo de 2020

Equinox Prep: Revelation, Sound and Protection

Blessings Beloveds ~
Gaia has shared that she would reveal the new realms this year, with our ability to focus on the higher expression and learn to be Divine Creator beings again. The Golden Race DNA codes which have been dormant since post-Atlantis are getting activated in Embodiers. Our Higher levels repeat this message for the last five years: Show that you can be a responsible Creator, and the codes will reactivate the Creator State.©
Embodiment requires a pure field of highest intent. Shift your focus to fine-tuning your expression if you desire this activation. Gaia reveals the next steps through the quantum effect of our DNA; revealing what is already created and recorded on our future/higher timeline.
Place your hands on the ground and ask her to reveal your highest trajectory. You might receive this gift from her, or feel the new cosmic stargate system. Same with the SUN and the solar flashing activity already in progress; connect your heart to Solaris and ask. These activations feel like THE event is happening in your cells, as if your cells and light body expand outward into effervescent diamond stardust.
Singing to the Stones: A Reminder to Utilize Sound
A few years back, the Pleiadians reminded us to Sing to the Stones and open the field with Sound. This is a frequent practice for Gatekeepers/Gridworkers, using sound in our activations and Gatework.
The use of our light signature via our own voice becomes a powerful tool during this passage. We notice this in gatherings; the harmonics and tones produced when we tone, chant and speak light language or Sanskrit together creates an altered space. We did this on the 12-12 in Sedona, creating a palpable field for DNA activation and a direct experience of an open Gateway to the Higher realms. The more we practice this skill together, the more we activate the NEW skills of altering the physical with unified intent – and sound.
Use toning, chanting, light language, singing and decrees in your personal journey to operate as your Higher Self. Become comfortable with the vibrations as they shift and purify your fields. For me, the open conduit has become louder and clearer with practice over the years, and can be a strong veil-piercing activation.
Most importantly, when we sing to the stones, elementals, plants, animals, mountains, or any aspect of Gaia with the intention to call forth the Crystalline expression, they respond as if they were awaiting our permission. Keep that in heart and request for the Crystalline/Christed/New Earth version to express right through that tree, crystal, rock, stream, animal, moon, or whatever you cross paths with. Ask to see it, they will show you.
Use your light signature through your voice, open your heart, and interact as we do in the higher realms. Reunify with the cosmic fabric of Oneness;  dispel the distortions of the old Earth – all is one in peace, harmony and Ascension. We recognize that all of Gaia is going through Embodiment, and we may assist in speeding up the process of revealing the higher expression in this Now.
Decrees for the Now
I AM still sharing DNA Decrees on Social Media, right through the early June Gateway. You may view them even if you don’t have an account.
Here are a few decrees for Interacting with the New Stargates, and protection from the fearful thought forms getting amplified and physicalized by the dismantling energies. (Note: All is amplified/physicalized to sort out timelines and choice of experience. Direct your thoughts, words and choice of reality wisely. Shut down or shift the irresponsible creation conversations.)
Take a breath. Feel the sacred gateway of the heart. Unify all levels and layers of Self in this now moment.
Infinite Creator, Pure Source consciousness; witness this. Feel this. Divine DNA within me, unlock the Cosmic Stargate activity which unifies me with the Divine Cosmic light of the pure organic Ascension Stargates. Amplify this activity in Divine Unity with my heart center and Higher Levels. Align, align, align.
I call forth the transmutation of all duality into Divine trinitized perfection. I send pure Love to the Higher realms, merge with them, and call forth the Cosmic Christ ascended white flames, the Diamond shining light, into all Sacred Gateways and New Earth Crystalline grid systems now.  Divinitize and activate the Divine Freedom codes for peace, harmony, unity, divinity, unconditional love and the pure and true organic Ascension to the maximum amount allowed by Cosmic Law in this now.
I call forth the highest levels of love, light, Divine harmonics and Ascension activations to pour through the Christed stargates, flow through the stargates within me, amplifying my Divine DNA as an interface for the great raising activity and the revelation of the pure and true organic Ascension. I offer myself as a conduit for this Divine activity in this now.
Beloved stargates of Ascension within and without, I send you my heartfelt gratitude, love, and Divine service and open myself as pure conduit of Source consciousness through these realms, shining as a beacon of light, amplifying the frequencies of pure Divine love, through every thought, word, deed, action as my Divine Presence in this now.
Infinite Creator, Divine Mother, Heavenly Father, Paradise SUNs of God, Great Central SUN’s purity and power, seal me in the Cosmic Armour of Divine Diamond Light. Surround my Ascension Column and BEingness in this pillar of Sacred Fire Love. I walk in these realms protected, empowered, and surrounded by the illuminating cloak of Sacred protection. I AM an immortal Divine BEing of the Light, and I ordain all of my realities to reflect this.
Diamond Shining Rays of Christed Mastery, blaze into every timeline, parallel reality, and realms of Gaia seen and unseen. Remove any remaining discord, limitation, disharmony or distortion which has ever registered in these realms or my beingness. Surround and seal Beloved Gaia and all of her Life in the Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning and the Diamond Rays of Protection. Reveal the New Earth and Ascended realms to all willing hearts with ease and grace.
I ordain this under all graces, forces and pure source of consciousness. So be it. And so it is.
SUNday Unity Meditations and Equinox Prep
As a collective, we consciously receive influxes and produce outfluxes of this new level of Diamond-Christ light. We have some powerful passages coming up for Embodiment and Ascension, triggered by Equinox Gateway. Equinox is Thursday, March 19 at 8:49 PM PDT. Gateways are open March 13 – April 13, and May 13 – June 13 for transformational cosmic influxes for Embodiers and willing hearts aligning with the Ascension timelines.
Pay attention to where you are called March – June. This is an intense year of change, empowerment and freedom. Visualize and feel freedom, take any small physical action to light-ground that freedom for your journey and the global Ascending collective.
The March Equinox Gate is already in our field, and that Solar connection is open. The new stargate system consistently amplifies the New Earth Crystalline grid. The upticks in Solar activity and crystalline amplification in April and May pave the way for the Divine Gift of June transformation for Embodiers.
Join us on SUNday March 8 at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT for our #SUNdayUnityMeditations
[Note: Pacific Time changes this weekend. Use the time converters to match the synchronized global meditations.] Details HERE.
The Crystalline Convergence is a month away! Tickets for Saturday, April 11 are still available. Easter SUNrise meditation is free. See the event site for updated details and housing suggestions.
Sedona Yoga Festival is next week! I speak on Saturday March 14th @10am on Yoga and DNA Activation. They just added Marianne Williamson to the schedule Saturday evening! Details HERE
Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!
In Love, Light and Service,Sandra

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...