
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Government of the United States. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Government of the United States. Mostrar todas las entradas

19 de abril de 2019

The Original Equity Contract, the Codicils, and Us

By Anna Von Reitz

It's all in the Congressional Records --- the Original Equity Contract --- The Constitution for the united States of America was passed in 1787, ratified by the States in 1789.

As soon as it was finished dealing with the first Constitution, the Congress was "reseated" and acted as the Territorial United States Congress which allowed it to address the British Trusteeship while the Original Equity Contract was being ratified--- so they worked next on The Constitution of the United States of America, and adopted as a codicil to the Original Equity Contract by a simple vote of the Congress operating as the Board of Directors for the States of America. 

Finally, the Congress was "reseated" a third and final time in their Municipal United States Congress capacity to write the Municipal Constitution known as The Constitution of the United States, which was adopted as a codicil to the Original Equity Contract by a simple vote of the Congress operating as the Board of Directors for the States of America in conformance with The Jay Treaty. 

Thus there is one ratification process by which the actual States approved the Original Equity Contract -- The Constitution for the united States of America, and the subordinate Constitutions were attached as codicils approved by the Congress acting first as the Territorial Congress and next as the Municipal Congress----and further sharing out "powers" vouchsafed to the States of America under the Original Equity Contract --- which is the only one ratified by the States.

One must remember that everything taking place -- the adoption of the Constitutions -- is a power-sharing agreement between the States operating the original Confederate States of States, and two foreign subcontractors, according to the dictates of the peace process and treaties ending the Revolutionary War. 

They are divvying up the "powers" being "delegated" by the actual States to their own States of States and two foreign subcontractors.  

At  each step, the Congress is operating in a different capacity and jurisdiction --- first acting in public to restructure and limit the American Confederation of States [of States] dba "States of America", then acting to structure and adopt the British Territorial "share" via The Constitution of the United States of America, then acting again to adopt the Municipal "share" via The Constitution of the United States. 

And at each step, the Congress changed hats and jurisdictions, moving from General Session to Territorial business to Municipal business.

You can see the actual names of the entities involved from the titles of the Constitutions:

The Constitution for the united States of America  --- our Federal Government operating in international and global jurisdiction
The Constitution of the United States of America  --- our Territorial Government being operated by the British Territorial United States
The Constitution of the United States --- the Municipal Government being operated by the Holy Roman Empire

Originally, only the States of America were formally chartered by their own States; the foreign Territorial and Municipal service providers were doing business as private, unincorporated businesses under what are called prescriptive charters --- that is, they were not directly chartered and incorporated by the foreign governments (UK and Holy See) acting as subcontractors.

After the Civil War, both the Territorial and Municipal entities restructured as incorporated entities operated by the Queen and the Holy See respectively; they had no permission to do this, but there was nothing in our contract with them prohibiting it, either.  This is what the flap over the (repealed, by the way) Act of 1871 was about, and this is what cleared the way for them to be able to work all the insurance and pre-planned international bankruptcy frauds that took place in 1907, 1933, etc.

As unincorporated and lawful businesses these foreign subcontractors had to be accountable for their behavior, but as incorporated "legal" franchises of the UK and Holy See, they enjoyed bankruptcy protection --- which motivated them to secretively hypothecate debt against our American assets on the pretext that they were working for us, and then seek bankruptcy protection for themselves, while leaving us on the hook to pay off their debts --- all, conveniently, without our actual conscious knowledge or consent.

This is a crime on many levels, but most essentially is a constructive fraud involving unconscionable contracts and deliberate and premeditated bankruptcy, breach of trust, and false claims in commerce. 

The crime is only magnified because both governments chartering these organizations -- the Queen's UK Government and the Pope's Government -- had cause to know that: (1) the American States were the actual Parties to the Constitutions, (2) the American States were, as the Delegators of all the Delegated Powers, owed Good Faith and Due Diligence from their Subcontractors and Trustees,  including Full Disclosure and Assistance in resolving The Mess caused by the Civil War staged on our shores.

There is absolutely no doubt that both the Queen and the Pope and their respective governments which chartered, supported, and offered bankruptcy protection to the Offenders, are at fault, in proven Gross Breach of Trust, in violation of the Treaties and Commercial Contracts owed to our States and People, and lacking any plausible Cause in their Defense.


See this article and over 1700 others on Anna's website here:

6 de octubre de 2018

An important message POTUS Donald J. Trump

'Important Message' POTUS Donald J. Trump (email) Clearance Q PatriotMis countrymen during the coming days, certainly will realize that we are recovering our great country (the land of the free) of Tyrants evildoers who wish us harm damage and destroy the last remaining refuge from the bright light.In order POTUS, we have initiated certain fail - safe boxes that will protect the public from the primary consequences are expected to occur 11.3 after the announcement of the arrest of Mr. Podesta (drivable 11.4). Confirmation (the public) of what is happening will revealand will not be accepted openly. They are organizing public disturbances in large quantities in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of senior civil servants. 

Under the command of POTUS , a state of temporary military control will be activated and carried out special operations. There have been several false leaks to retain within the limits of the United States to avoid extradition and the need for special operators. Rest assured that the safety and well - being of every man, woman and child in this country is running out completely. 

However, unfortunately, the atmosphere within the country is divided, as many have fallen in love with the corrupt and evil narrative that has been handed down for a long time.Iniciaremos the emergency broadcast system (EMS, for its acronym in English) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding false news) to all citizens. Organizations and / or individuals who wish us harm during this time will face a quick fury certain laws have been previously raised to provide our great military needed to manage and carry out these operations authority. (Home and abroad)

POTUS is well insulated / protected and abroad AF1 (specific sites classified) while these operations are carried out due to the nature of entrenchment. It's time to take our country back and make America again be great.Saludemos and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will carry out this task of bringing peace, unity and return power to the people. 

We hope this message reaches enough people to have a significant impact. We can not telegraphed this message through normal methods for reasons I'm sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions in the previous thread (s) and remain calm, the main objectives are in DC and stay at the top (on both sides). The spill on the streets will be closed quickly. Look for more false flags: Be alert, be alert and, above all, pray."For God so he loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Love is patient, love is
 kind. " God bless my compatriots. 4,10,20 (DJT) Source: Rumor Mill News

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