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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta HISTORY PROHIBITED. Mostrar todas las entradas

8 de noviembre de 2018

What you are experiencing as humans seems extremely real

There is only Love, God, the supreme and infinite Intelligence, the divine Wisdom, the infinite field of Conscious Awareness – how you define what is beyond imagination or definition is immaterial – and every conscious sentient being is part of and permanently connected to that divine field, and receives from it everything that makes life and consciousness possible.  More and more of you are beginning to allow yourselves to open to an awareness of the possibility that you have an eternal connection to something far, far greater than your human form and its temporary identity.  This is part of the awakening process, to know that life is not just a one time experience of being human.  It is allowing yourselves to know that incarnating as a human was a choice you made to experience the unreal – separation from Source.
What you are experiencing as humans seems extremely real, and, as humans, you do need to respond to the situations that arise and deal with them as you think fit.  But of course you often have within you conflicting opinions as to what is fit in the moment that has arisen.  Often there is uncertainty – fear – suggesting one or more courses of action, with love/compassion/honesty suggesting another.  Frequently uncertainty wins, and then later doubts or regrets arise as a person realizes that they have not been true to themselves, or they feel that they have won by defeating the system to gain personal advantage over another or over the system, and a sense of guilt results.
Life as a human is a game that you are dreaming, and games have rules.  Deep within yourselves you know the rules, in fact of course there is only one rule – be loving whatever arises – and you know it.  But there is always the temptation to break the rules for personal gain, to cheat.  Often doing that becomes habitual, and then a person’s awareness of their lack of honesty and integrity gets lost or forgotten, and should they get called on it the common response is: “Well, everyone else is doing it.”
Before incarnating you planned a path for yourselves very carefully and wisely so that the lessons that you had chosen to learn would be presented to you at the most appropriate moment.  But when you game the system, as many of you have been doing, you do not recognize that the lessons being presented to you are lessons you have wisely chosen to experience.  You don’t even realize that they are lessons, and you think that you are being treated unfairly, or that life itself is unfair.  With that attitude firmly in place it is extremely difficult for you to find your purpose in life, and you may end up convinced that it has no purpose and decide to “get what you can out of it, regardless of ethics, because life is a one time event, and it is your right and duty to take care of yourself, of number one.”
The downside to holding this attitude – and it is an enormous downside – is that one can never find peace, contentment, or happiness.  One’s life is spent basically at war, operating from fear, and forever preparing for attack and betrayal, as a person seeks safety in wealth, power, and influence over others.  You all know people who live in an almost constant state of fear, blaming others for their misery, and constantly ready to engage in conflict because they believe it is essential for their survival.  People who live like this have great difficulty with love.  They form relationships that always seem to end in bitterness and betrayal, which confirms for them that love is illusory.
To move forward from experiences of this nature to a place that allows and encourages them to live lovingly is almost impossible, unless a major disaster or catastrophe engulfs them.  And many do experience such events, often more than once, as their true selves attempt to shake them up and guide them toward sanity.
You have many organizations that have been founded to assist those who are addicted, and those who are serving as active members of such organizations are doing wonderful and holy work.  Slowly it is becoming apparent that drugs and alcohol are by no means the only addictions, and addictions have now generally been recognized as illnesses, not crimes, that require the help of others to enable healing to occur.  It is a very tough road to rise from the ashes of addiction because addiction, once it is acknowledged by the person involved, tends to destroy any sense of self-esteem, replacing it with an intense sense of shame and guilt, and frequently with a death wish.  When a person finds that within themselves it is very hard for them to believe that they are loved, for they hate and despise themselves.  To love those who hate themselves is a very daunting task, because they frequently attack very viciously those who would assist them.  Nevertheless, assisting them is an absolutely essential task, and those who engage in it need enormous support so that they do not burn out or get drawn down into that terrifying abyss themselves.
Truly Love is the answer, the only answer, to every problem that besets humanity.  And there is only one problem pervading humanity, and that is the belief in separation.  However, it appears in a multitude of disguises which makes it very difficult to recognize and identify, unless and until people become aware that there is only One.  The One loves Itself deeply, unconditionally, infinitely – and every sentient being is a part or aspect of the One – at the depths of Itself it knows that It is Love.  The task you all have as humans is to remember this divine and unchanging Truth.
The big question is: “How are you to do this?”  This is in truth the only question that you need ask, and you need to ask it of yourselves because others cannot answer it for you.  Others can offer guidance or pointers, but only you can answer it.  And, of course, the answer already lies within you.  To find it you need to enter your inner space, that place of peace, that holy sanctuary where Love resides in every moment, waiting with infinite patience for you to allow It to embrace you and show you how deeply loved you are.
Going within and relaxing there, letting go of all your thoughts or concerns, helps you to find peace from the incessant mind chatter that, among other things, attempts to persuade you that you are guilty, unworthy, and even shameful.  So remind yourselves that you are, as a human, playing a game, and that it is now time to bring the game to conclusion.  Then rest there awhile – do this very consciously at least once a day – and remind yourselves that your true nature is Love, and let go of your hold on judgment of yourselves or of others, and of any bitterness, or resentment that arises.  Forgive yourselves for having and holding onto those feelings, and accept that no punishment or restitution is due because there is only Love which is utterly accepting, unconditional, and without judgment of any kind.
It is your right to feel and savor the Love in which you are held, the Love that is your true nature, and in which you have your eternal existence.  And when you feel It you will feel only unconditional love and compassion for all sentient life, as all judgment and blame dissolves leaving you totally free and at peace.
With so very much love, Saul.


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3 de abril de 2018


EARLIER ciphers were presented to initiates in a ritual context. This ritual context has, from at least the times of the Egyptian and Babylonian Priesthood, formed the bridge between human initiates and their Ultraterrestrial sponsors, sometimes associated with the double star system of Sirius, even in ancient times.

Thus, we find the ‘modern’ Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis conferring a secret Degree called ADEPT OF SIRIUS, the name of which, decoded using the eleven-fold cipher encrypted in The Book of the Law, means SECRET CHIEFS and, also, SECRET MASTER.

Fortified with the 1904 Cipher, we can take, for example, the case of Trevor James Constable, author (as “Trevor James”) of the seminal 1950s work They Live in the Sky, and an active experimenter today with Reichian Energies.

John A. Keel long ago noticed that UFO contact incidents seemed to step out of time in the usual sense. Without the UFOnaut Cipher, however, the predictive aspect of this non-linear factor can be lost.

In April, 1965, a piece of parchment was found wrapped around a glass vial containing some silver sand. This was the site of Arthur Bryant’s encounter with “Yam-ski” the newly made “ascended master” who emerged from a UFO the day after contactee George Adamski’s death half a world away. The parchment contained the Greek words Adelphos Adelpho (“brother to brother”).

Two years later, in December of 1967, student Tom Monteleone encountered a UFO being in Adelphi, Maryland. The name of the town should alert us to a probable ‘coded’ relationship to the earlier case. Monteleone was told by the entity he met that it was named VADIG. Later, he met Vadig in Washington, D.C. (where Adamski had died and was buried) in ‘civilian clothes’ several times.

On each occasion VADIG, as if for emphasis, closed his conversation with the phrase, “I’ll see you in time.”

Keeping in mind that one of Adamski’s main contacts had been Fir-kon, and that this name had been adopted by an Adamski and Williamson follower who disappeared without a trace, along with his partner ‘Ramu’ we are not surprised to find that VADIG = 51 = RAMU, but also, LODGE. The value again shows up in the recent ZARKON case.

As we have seen, the strange words and names that show up in Masonic Lodge settings are similar in form and purpose to those which show up in contact cases. They show up in modern cases of Angelic Visitation, which, in a sense, resemble the visitations of the Men in Black. The Hebrew word for “angel” literally means “messenger” and the names of these messengers are often equivalent to the names of Ultraterrestrial Messengers. They also show up in demonology.

The original “etheric” and “astral” contacts took place in the ‘50s, and are a lot like the Richard Shaver ‘hidden worlds’ material. It is of interest that an old acquaintance from both the lore of classical occultism and the legends of modern Ufology, known as “Ashtar” shows up in these contacts as well.

“Ashtar” is, in traditional occult circles, a demon of considerable power. In UFO lore, he is usually a “positive force” or is so identified by percipients. A variant name that shows up in UFO contact cases is ASHTAR SHERAN. Constable also was in communication with one ANDOLO. Interestingly, ASHTAR tells Constable which beings are “etheric” and “good” and which are “astral” and “satanic”.

He tells Constable that one of the bad guys, so to speak is ERANUS, who he identifies as Satan himself.
These contacts are somewhat puzzling, because they contain, when viewed in light of the Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts, aspects of deception on the part of certain Ultraterrestrial parties, and we note the pattern of even a bizarre humor entering the picture.
  • ASHTAR SHERAN = 108 = FINGERS, while SHERAN by itself = 61 = TOES.
  • ASHTAR = 47 = ATLANS (one of Shaver’s Ancient Races) and AEON.
  • ANDOLO = 37 = AGE.
  • ERANUS, on the other hand, yields 74 = SOLAR DISC and TERRA.
  • ASHTAR (47) also yields DISC.
  • Both ASHTAR (47 or 4+7=11) and ERANUS (74 or 7+4=11; note the 47/74 reversal) both reduce to the ‘code key number,’ eleven.
I should emphasize again that a reduction to eleven is usually only possible in significant cases, eleven being the “cycle key” to the UFOnaut cipher, as explained elsewhere.
  • ERANUS = 74 = RIDDLE. It makes an anagram for SUN ERA = 74 = SOLAR DISC!
  • SUN ERA = 74 = SOLAR DISC brings to mind Aleister Crowley’s anthropological observations on “Satan”.
He informs us that,
“The Devil does not exist. It is a false name invented by the Black Brothers to imply a Unity in their ignorant muddle of dispersions…‘The Devil’ is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes… This ‘Devil’ is called Satan or Shaitan, and regarded with horror by people who are ignorant of his formula, and, imagining themselves to be evil, accuse Nature herself of their own phantasmal crime.

Satan is Saturn, Set, Abrasax, Adad, Adonis, Attis, Adam, Adonai, etc.

The most serious charge against him is only that he is the Sun in the South. The Ancient Initiates, dwelling as they did in land whose blood was the water of the Nile or the Euphrates, connected the South with life-withering heat, and cursed the quarter when the solar darts were deadliest…

But to us, aware of the astronomical facts, this antagonism to the South is a silly superstition which the accidents of their local conditions suggested to our animistic ancestors.”
Ashtar, on the other hand, is more suspect. He is frequently mentioned in the UFO literature.

Early contactee George Van Tassel mentions him in 1952 as,
“Ashtar, commandant of station Schare” and a very powerful ruler.
Van Tassel’s Giant Rock conventions became the fountainhead of the entire contemporary New Age movement. Van Tassel’s trance channel group, in fact, included advanced students of Parmahansa Yogananda’s Yogic Philosophy.

UFOlogist Bryant Reeves told his wife Helen that Van Tassel,
“reminds me of a veritable modern ‘John the Baptist’ crying in the wilderness, ‘Prepare ye for a new cosmic age’."
The occult literature has always considered ASHTAR, or Astaroth, a fallen angel, that is, a malevolent demon.

The Lemegeton (the Lesser Key of Solomon, or Book of Evil Spirits) tells us that Ashtar,
“discourses willingly on the Fall but pretends that he himself was exempt from their lapse”.
This sounds suspiciously like what ASHTAR was doing with Trevor Constable, and other contactees, particularly in America.

Interestingly also, The True Key of Solomon (Grimorium Verum, dated 1517 and allegedly translated from an earlier Hebrew source) tells us that ASHTAR migrated to America, presumably around the time of Columbus.

So, when ASHTAR SHERAN (= “FINGERS & TOES”) tells us to watch out for the “Satanic” ERANUS (= SUN ERA or SOLAR DISC), watch out for Ashtar. Constable, be it noted, has come to have a more wary view of his early communications experiences, for which he has our admiration.

The More Angelic side is represented here too.

METATRON, the classical angelic being said to be the ascended Patriarch Enoch and the “original man in black” who wrestled all night with Jacob in The Book of Genesis and gave him the name “Israel” has the value of 128 in NAEQ6, that of SPACE SHIP, TWO FOLD NAME (Enoch-Metatron; Jacob-Israel) and NEW AGE KEY.

TIME Magazine for December 27, 1993 features a cover story on “The New Age of Angels”. It offers a remarkably uncritical account of the New Age Angel Fad, which seems to have replaced dolphins, crystals, unicorns and fairies, all so trendy in the ‘80s.

Some of the accounts resemble the encounters with Men in Black in UFO lore or the ‘black man’ of medieval demonology, the major difference, as one expects from the New Age perspective, being that these visitors are taken to be benevolent in nature,

In the Summer of 1977 Ann and Gary Cannady were visited at a time of extreme stress in their lives. Ann had been diagnosed as having advanced uterine cancer, and was three days away from major surgery. Gary’s first wife had died of the same disease, and Ann’s diagnosis had been confirmed by repeated tests. The door bell rang, and Gary answered.

Standing on the step was a large man, a good inch taller than her 6-ft. 5-in. husband.
“He was the blackest black I’ve ever seen,” Ann says, “and his eyes were a deep, deep azure blue.”
The stranger introduced himself simply as Thomas. And then he told her that her cancer was gone.

They invited the mysterious stranger inside, where he re-affirmed that she was healed. Ann asked, point blank, who he was, to which the stranger replied, ‘I am Thomas. I am sent by God.’ He then proceeded to perform a sort of laying-on-off-hands healing. Ann felt a burst of light and heat go through her body, and passed out. Subsequent testing showed no trace of the cancer, and there has been no recurrence.

The obsidian angel quoted Isiah 53:5 to the couple, a text concerned with healing through sacrifice. THOMAS = 62 = ORDER and SACRED and AIWASS & LAM in NAEQ6, thus identifying the commonplace name with the current of the present Aeon.

But, lest the omen be misunderstood, on the next page TIME gives another modern angelic account, a being seen by Melissa Deal Forth with her dying husband Chris Deal, comforting him and seemingly communicating to him a profound sense of peace. When her husband was discovered missing from his hospital bed only days before his death, she found him in the hospital chapel “with a man she had never seen before”.

He was tall, dressed rather like Chris usually did, in a flannel shirt, new Levis and lace-up work-boots that appeared as if they, too, had just been taken off the shelf.

The clothing of such visitors in UFO lore also often appear taken ‘directly off the shelf’.
“There was no real age to him,” Melissa says. “No wrinkles. Just this perfectly smooth and pale, white, white skin and icy blue eyes. I mean I’ve never seen that color blue on any human before.”
Students of MIB cases will recognize the basic fabric of all the visitation cases here.


THE term “New Age” was restricted, until the late 1960s, to a relatively narrow group of people, although the New Aeon concept has been present in esoteric circles from the beginning of the Twentieth Century. The popular culture of the 1960s brought the idea into focus for large numbers of people, which have continued to increase.

One of the first ventures beyond the immediate confines of the occult movement (which had a hard core of mere hundreds) was in Guy Warren Ballard’s I AM movement. The term I AM became, for many years, a kind of “cipher signal” held in common by those ‘in the know’ about the New Age movement. In the 1960s, the term I AM began to be replaced by the metaphysical cipher WE ARE ONE.

Both terms can be linked, through New Aeon Qabalistic Cipher, to Frater Achad.

FRATER ACHAD = 117 = CLEAR LIGHT. The Value 117 also makes specific reference to the predictions in The Book of the Law, which was dictated at the very dawn of the New Aeon, that C.S. Jones (Frater Achad, or Frater Parzival) would provide the key to decoding the Cipher.

FRATER ACHAD = 117 = A FEAST FOR A-L-W (the first three letters of the code); LETTERS; ORDER & VALUE; NEW SYMBOLS and I WHO SHALL SAY “NOT”. The word “NOT” is a major key to the cipher.

The other magical name or motto mentioned, FRATER PARZIVAL (the name Jones used as an O.T.O. member and eventual chief), has a value of 175.


FRATER PARZIVAL = 175 = LIGHT IN ME, suggesting a cipher link, just as the names are linked in the concept behind the Tarot Card “The Fool” which represents the completely blank slate on which the lessons of life are written.

To appreciate “I AM” as used here, we must recall the Biblical account of the incident of the Burning Bush.
“(Moses) gazed, and there was a bush all aflame, yet the bush was not consumed.”
We are informed that this was a messenger of the divine.

In this Close Encounter, Moses, asks the name of the god to whom he is speaking.
God said to Moses, “Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh.”
He continued,
“Thus shall you speak to the Israelites: ‘Ehyeh’ sent me to you.”

“This mysterious and numinous phrase has puzzled scholars for generations. The phrase is translated variously as I AM THAT I AM, I AM WHO I AM, I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE, etc."
Whatever it means, and the JPS Hebrew-English translation leaves it untranslated, I AM is the standard translation, and the phrase that became the New Age “cipher key” in Ballard’s movement.

It is rumored that Ballard’s son Mark, who virtually disappeared during a period of legal trouble for his father, resurfaced as the famous trance channel Mark Prophet, one of the key players in the modern “New Age” movement.

I AM = 45 = NOT. I AM was replaced by the phrase WE ARE ONE = 112 = WHO AND WHAT I AM. It is also the value of Ballard’s student George Hunt Williamson’s magical name MARK III. WE ARE ONE also equals WORD OF THE LAW. NEW AGE = 79 = WILL KEY.

“Will” or, more properly the Greek form, “Thelema” is the Word of the Law of the New Aeon.

NEW AGE = 79 = ABRAHADABRA, the eleven-fold magical word that is the key to the rituals and to decoding the Cipher of the New Aeon.


“By using a collection of different ‘glasses,’ or crystals, and special ‘shew-stones,’ Kelly was able to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligences. Dee directed the ceremonies, observed the proceedings, and carefully wrote down the results. It was in this way that the entire magical system which is called Enochian, originated.”Gerald J. Schueler
THE cipher brought to light (or, in a sense, “hidden in plain sight”) in 1904 by Aiwass, the præterhuman contact associated with Aleister Crowley, was not the first magical cipher or system developed in the English-speaking world.

In 1581, Dr. John Dee and Edward Talbott, who took the last name “Kelly” as they began their work together, conducted a long series of Magical Workings which produced intense and detailed communication with Ultraterrestrial Intelligences of a high order. A language, cosmology (scheme of the universe) and a (now lost) set of practical instructions emerged, which foreshadowed the New Aeon Cipher, just as the Enochian ‘language’ echoed earlier Rosicrucian models.

Three hundred years later the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, organized by High Grade Freemasons associated with John Yarker and Kenneth Mackenzie and their esoteric approach to the Mysteries, took up the Enochian work as part of their late-Victorian “magical revival”.

The English magick of the culturally rich Elizabethan Era was to an extent perfected in the equally fertile Victorian Age. What developed was a reconstituted and perfected version of Dee and Kelly’s partially lost practical system of instruction for contacting Ultraterrestrial Entities, and for ‘astral’ travel (sometimes physical travel) to other celestial spheres (or “planets”) called “Aethyrs” or “Aires” of the Universe.

When Aleister Crowley, still rather fresh from the dictation of The Book of The Law, took up the exploration of the Enochian Aethyrs in 1909, he did so not far from the home of Max Theon, then himself taking the dictation of The Cosmic Philosophy associated with the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light he had once headed.

These unique ethereal communications ended for Theon shortly thereafter with the untimely death of his wife, the gifted trance medium Alma Ware.

Crowley worked in these sessions with his disciple Victor Neuburg. Having done some preliminary workings during his active period in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1900, Crowley produced a truly remarkable document of Communication with Higher Intelligences, that is, Ultraterrestrial Contacts - and Travel to Other Realms.

Published as The Vision And The Voice in his famous journal, The Equinox, it ranks as world-class mystical literature with methodical notes on the ceremonial methods used which could be reproduced by any dedicated experimenter - though, it is true, not without some risk.

The implication here should not be underestimated; in fact there is good reason to believe that the 13th Enochian Aethyr, called “ZIM” transports the scryer directly to the Sirius planetary system, where one can meet the Oannes, or NOMMO as the Dogon (“people of the fish god Dagon”) call him, under the name NEMO.

This scientific methodology approaching mystical phenomena was in keeping with Crowley’s philosophy of “Scientific Illuminism” - described uniquely as ‘the aim of religion, the method of science’.

The “Enochian Universe” consists of Thirty ‘Aethyrs’ or ‘Worlds’ each quite unique and inhabited by quite different entities.

Through a Ritual Opening of the Portal of the Adepti and the recitation of certain Enochian “Keys” or “Calls,” any specific Aethyr can be reached, and the contactee can interact with the inhabitants and function within the rarified environment.

In 1991-92, the present writer organized and conducted a series of 30 experiments with this very system, one each week over a thirty week period. This was preceded by two instructional Intensives devoted to educating prospective participants on the Enochian System of Contacting the Ultraterrestrials at various levels.

I took upon myself the Induction, but deliberately selected a number of relative novices for my ‘seers’ or contactees.

In this way any results would be relatively untainted by preexisting knowledge of what to ‘expect’. Due precautions were taken, but every one of the twenty or so participants (some of whom came and went as the long and challenging series of workings ran their incredible course) were told that this was, truly, Risky Business.

The results were quite spectacular, by anyone’s account. Conducted under the auspices of a Major Lodge of one of the Great Magical Orders of Antiquity, in the fashionable Temple located in a historic and elegant building mostly tenanted by a number of holistic health practitioners and environmental groups, every single amateur contactee was successfully propelled by us into the targeted ‘Aethyr’ or specific Ultraterrestrial Sphere I invoked, met with and had communication with the Entities or Forces of that realm, and returned.

In the process, eerie physical effects were frequently, almost routinely produced. On one occasion, at the critical moment of closure electrical power failed not only in the building but for a block in either direction from the Temple. Casual participants and hardened veterans alike sometimes saw Entities physically appear within the Temple during sessions, although all doors and windows were locked from the inside and monitored by my assistants and myself.

Some effects were ‘picked up’ by tenants in the building who were totally unaware of the Ceremonies, and sensitives several miles distant spontaneously and accurately sometimes ‘picked up on’ peak events.

Uncannily, a recap at the conclusion of each session revealed a startling degree of correlation with the experiences recorded by Crowley for the same Aethyr in 1909.

Although my amateur contactees (“scryers” or “seers”) were not particularly learned regarding such matters (they did not, in fact, even know one another very well for the most part), the parallel was so close at times that I resorted to switching scryers at the last minute for a particular session in case someone was ‘boning up’ on a particular Aethyr. It made no difference in the result.

Sometimes two contactees “co-scryed” the same Aethyr, interacting with one another rather like astronauts on the lunar surface or in space, as well as with the denizens of the Aire being traveled to. I had maintained substantial control throughout, acting as a kind of guardian. On one memorable occasion the contactee being in some difficulty, I took a (quite physical) consecrated magical tool (a sword, as it happens), and handed it “up” to the scryer, who was quite able to perceive, grasp and use it to unravel her predicament with it.

This was clearly a direct interaction between one plane or dimension of existence and another on an intentional basis. But, unlike in many UFO Abduction episodes, my scryer and I were calling the shots.

I realized that what we were utilizing here was something in the way of an ages-old “ritual technology” for producing human-alien contact. The ancient Priestesses of Delphi used such a technique, and the modern RA Material produced by the Kentucky-based contactee Lightlines group, centered around Carla Rueckert and the late Don Elkins, had been doing much the same thing when they would take perfectly ordinary people and, applying their own metatechnology, produce communication with the same group of Entities, even though they were careful to isolate one contactee from another.

I did not, then, “need” a talented medium like Mark Probert or Richard Shaver to produce meaningful results. Nor did I approach these Entities with undue reverence. In fact, assisted by an Ordained Exorcist, I routinely ended each session with a full scale Formal Exorcism.

Again, and this is very important, unlike the Adamski-type contacts, the place and time of contact was under our control, not Theirs. (This is aside from the question of whether classical contacts were in some sense ‘guided’ by a “secret magician” - in the case of Adamski, perhaps George Hunt Williamson.)

This was human over alien, not the other way around.

Dee and Kelly had not been so lucky, back in Elizabethan England. Dr. Dee started out as a distinguished scholar in a world peopled by Bacon, Shakespeare, and the savants who gave us the King James translation of the Bible. Dee’s library was eventually looted by a mob and partially destroyed.

Kelly, for his part, contacted the Forces of the Seventh Enochian Aethyr, encountering an entity that sent him running forever from scrying, taking with him the pitiful remnant of Dee’s once-considerable fortune…and Dee’s wife. He disappeared into oblivion. A somewhat similar occurrence ended the famous “
The Babalon Working” of John W. Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard in the 1940s.

Parsons claimed, after opening a Star Gate, that “BABALON is now incarnate on the earth in the form of a mortal woman.”

Hubbard went on to develop the influential Church of Scientology.

What Kelly encountered in the Seventh Aethyr, known as “DEO” - was a female entity associated with Venus and the Tarot Card called “The Star.” This Arcanum, of unknown antiquity, usually depicts a nude woman next to a body of water with a blazing star overhead.

This, originally, referred to Sirius, which is similarly depicted in bas reliefs from the ancient Sumerian-Babylonian civilization, and the semi-aquatic nature of the Visitors ‘from’ the Sirius system called “Oannes”.
The Star Gate “Scrying Table” of Dee and Kelly served as a portal to other universes.
Modern experiments reproduce these results.

In whatever event, the Lady, spectacularly erotic and “beyond good and evil” (that is, beyond Duality) in a way totally unpalatable even to a rogue like Kelly in the time of Elizabeth I or King James, told him,
“…I am Understanding, and science dwelleth in me; and the heavens oppress me. They come and desire me with infinite appetite; for none that are earthly have embraced me, for I am shadowed with the Circle of Stars, and covered with the morning clouds.”
Phrases such as “the heavens oppress me” in this instance, or “I come from a country much weaker than your own” in the INDRID COLD close encounter case, are generally made by entities from worlds which have been conquered by the Gray Aliens, unlike the Earth. Kelly ran, in terror and without understanding.

Crowley, scrying the same Aethyr on December 7, 1909 in the Algerian Desert, described her as,
“…the Daughter of the King. This is the Virgin of Eternity. This is she that the Holy One hath wrestled from the Giant Time, and the prize of them that have overcome Space.”
Even Crowley could almost not bear the intensity of the contact.

All of this closely parallels an episode in the short novel published by Ray Palmer in Amazing Stories in March, 1945. “I Remember Lemuria” launched the late Richard Shaver’s remarkable career as a mystic seer in the totally inappropriate context of a science fiction pulp magazine.

Shaver’s protagonist was Mutan Mion, an antediluvian hero of Inner Earth in the last thrashings of any kind of real civilization. Mutan Mion goes to visit the highest ranking NORTAN he can reach, the Nortans being the most ancient of space faring races who live in Deep Space away from the detrimental radiation of all Stars, in a state of virtual endless growth and near immortality.

As Mion relates it:
“We were drawn as by a powerful magnet toward a huge figure which was an intense concentration of all vitally stimulating qualities that make beauty the sought-for thing that it is...

“All of eighty feet tall she must have been. She towered over our heads as she arose to greet us, a vast cloud of the glittering hair of the Nor women floating about her head, the sex aura a visible iridescence flashing about her form.

“I yearned toward that vast beauty which was not hidden for in, nor it is considered impolite to conceal the body greatly, being an offense against art and friendship, to take beauty out of life...”
Compare this to Crowley’s Algerian vision of the Being of the 9th Aethyr (December 7, 1909):
“And this palace is nothing but the body of a woman . . .

“It is impossible to say anything about her. She is naked; her whole body is covered with fine gold hairs, that are the electric flames that are the spears of mighty and terrible Angels whose breastplates are the scales of her skin. And the hair of her head, that flows down to her feet, is the very light of God himself.”
Crowley is eventually shown into what he calls a ‘tower’by an Ultraterrestrial Being.

The ‘chamber’ is,
“furnished with maps of many mystical cities. There is a table, and a strange lamp, that gives light by jetting four columns of vortex rings of luminous smoke.”
The ‘tower’ is some kind of spire or turret, the ‘chamber’ some kind of alcove or containment. The description given is, however, bizarrely similar to that given by modern contactees of the interior of so-called ‘space ships’.

Crowley’s perception seems, on balance, far closer to the actual nature of the ‘place’.

This seems all the more plausible when we take cognizance of Crowley’s vision, six days earlier in the same location, in the 15th Aethyr:
“And behold! there is one God therein, and the letters of the stars in his crown, Orion, and the Pleiades, and Aldebaran, and Alpha Centauri, and Cor Leonis, and Cor Scorpionis, and Spica, and the pole-star, and Hercules, and Regulus, and Aquila, and the Ram’s Eye.

“And upon a map of stars shalt thou draw the sigil of that name; and because also some of the letters are alike, thou shalt know that the stars also have tribes and nations...”
It should be well noted that the 15th through the 1st Aethyr of the Enochian System are linked, according to Crowley’s experiences, by the being Nemo.

The English language based Cipher of the UFOnauts is less helpful here than usual. This seems to be the realm of Enochian and earlier Hebrew-based ciphers.

But, nonetheless, keeping in mind the cipher qabalistic principles are the same in all contexts, and with a nod to Shaver’s MANTONG concept (English is a bastardized reinvention of the primal language of the Universe, called “Mantong”), we note that the Aethyr’s Name, DEO, has a NAEQ6 cipher value of 38, the same as that of AIWASS, the intelligence which dictated The Book of the Law to Crowley.

If Shaver’s “Princess Vanue of Nor” is the Being of DEO, the great nude female entity with a sexual aura nearly unbearable even to the preeminent Sexual Magus of the Twentieth Century, Aleister Crowley, we may find her title CHIEF OF THE NOR ON QUANTO revealing, as its cipher 6 value of 297 is that of TEMPLE WHORE PRINCESS.


THE rituals of the orthodox Western ceremonial magick tradition conceal the technology for contacting Ultraterrestrials across barriers of time, space and ‘dimensionality’, but also for breaking such contact should this prove necessary, or for containing any force or being brought forth in this manner.

The immediate past source for such rituals are the medieval magical texts termed “grimoires” or “grammars” that is, basic instructional texts-but their sources are much older.

A clue to the origin of such texts can be found, for example, in the introductory narrative of the Clavicula Salomonis, or Key of King Solomon.

In the 1888 translation by S.L. Mathers, we are told by 'Solomon’ the purported author,
“I suddenly beheld, at the end of a thickly-shaded vista of trees, a Light in the form of a blazing Star, which said unto me with a voice of thunder: Solomon, Solomon, be not dismayed; the Lord is willing to satisfy thy desire by giving thee knowledge of whatsoever thing is most pleasant to thee.”
What follows Solomon’s request for wisdom are various techniques for conjuring Celestial Powers and Beings, of controlling their energies and of sending them back to their places of origin.

These beings are named and described in detail, as are the planets and spheres of their origin. While the antiquity of some of this material is unknown, some of it shows a knowledge of ancient Gnostic Wisdom Literature unavailable in medieval Europe, suggesting a very ancient origin.

One ritual that invokes the Power of Contact that comes from the Stars is certainly of very ancient origin.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn polished the ritual as “The Bornless Ritual for the Invocation of the Higher Genius” in the late 19th Century, but a cruder version had been published in 1852 under the unappetizing title “Fragment of a Greco-Egyptian Work Upon Magic” and later reprinted by the great Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge in his turn-of-the-century book Egyptian Magic.1
1. Charles Wyclifie Goodwin’s translation of the ancient papyrus was published in 1852 as “Fragment of Greco-Egyptian Work Upon Magic.” Wallis-Budge reprinted it at the turn of the twentieth century in Egyptian Magic, and the Golden Dawn began using it as the “Bornless One” ritual shortly before. The Greek original was recently reprinted in the outstanding definitive edition of Book Four edited by Hymenaeus Beta. Crowley certainly worked on the ritual for a number of years, terming it “…the most helpful and exalted of all magical instructions” in his autobiography. Crowley approached the matter imperfectly (his own assessment) in The Equinox Volume I Number VIII. His perfected version, Liber Samekh, Theurgia Goetia Summa (Congressus Cum Daemone) Sub Figura DCCC was presented to one of his key students at the Abbey of Thelema in1921. It remains an instructional document of the A. A. to the present day, and, as such, may rest safely upon its stand-alone great merit.

In more recent times we have learned a great deal more about the Egyptian magical literature of the period following the conquest by Alexander the Great. Alexander, let us remember, was heir not only to the thousands of years of Egyptian occultism, but the similar traditions in Babylon and India, which nations he also conquered.

This ritual dates, therefore, at least to the last days of Egypt, but probably reflects an ancestry thousands of years earlier in EgyptSumer and India.

Popularly known as “The Bornless One” ritual, the title has been variously translated. The literal meaning is something like “The Headless One” but probably carries more the sense of either “the One Without Beginning” (“head” in the languages of this region often means beginning) or possibly “the one without a human head”.

The basic ritual, as translated (or interpreted) in The Golden Dawn, is intriguing enough in and of itself.

After some ritual preliminaries, the Celebrant (a Zelator Adeptus Minor), aspiring to the ‘higher Genius’ says, facing East:
Thee I invoke the Bornless One. Thee that didst create the Earth and the Heavens. Thee that didst create the Night and the Day. Thee that didst create the Darkness and the Light. Thou art Osorronophris, whom no man hath seen at any time. Thou art Iabas. Thou art Iapos. Thou hast distinguished between the Just and the Unjust. Thou dist make the female and the male. Thou didst produce the Seed and the fruit. Thou didst form men to love one another and to hate one another.

I am [name and grade] of the Order of the R.R. et A.C., thy Prophet unto whom Thou didst commit Thy Mysteries, the ceremonies of the Magic of Light. Thou didst produce the moist and the dry and that which nour-isheth all created things. Hear me Thou. For I am the Angel of Paphro Osoronophris. This is Thy true Name, handed down to the Prophets of the Sun.
What follows are ceremonial vibration of what are called “barbarous names” - largely meaningless words not unlike the “funny names” associated with contacteeism, mediumship and the lore of the Secret Chiefs.

Our interest is immediately aroused. Though “The Bornless One” (or “The One Without Human Head”) is an old ritual, with words far older than the English, as we have established, the Cipher Rules of Qabalistic analysis were in use with earlier codes used by Ultraterrestrials and Human Adepts long before the rise of modern English speaking cultures.

But there is more.

Aleister Crowley rewrote the ritual again in the early 1920s, under the name “Liber Samekh”, apparently primarily to ‘correct’ the strange nonsense words “with the significance of the BARBAROUS NAMES Etymologically or Qabalistically determined and paraphrased in English”.

Since this was the period just after Frater Achad’s Book 31, the “key” to The Book of the Law, and following Crowley’s main contacts with high-level Ultraterrestrial Chiefs including Aiwaz or Aiwass, Lam, Amalantrah and Abuldiz, such alterations might be expected to restore the old ritual to something of its Ultraterrestrial origin, and so it does.2
2. “The research community has consistently failed to address the real issues posed by flying saucers, which relate not to propulsion systems, aerodynamics and the like, but to the human psycheandthe magical currents that inform it.” -Alec Hidell in Chronicles of the Grey Lodge

When the UFOnaut Cipher is applied to all of the “barbarous names” as Crowley revised them in 1921, all but one of them produces the same values as the names given in modern Ultraterrestrial contactee cases, occult Secret Chiefs, starry wisdom, or Crowley’s own contacts with higher beings, in some readily obvious combination.

The entire argument for the Aleister Crowley (Thelemic) Canon is based upon contact with discarnate intelligences of unknown provenance. Crowley himself is quite clear upon this matter in a postscript of a letter to a student written in the mid-1940s, published in Magick Without Tears as “Do You Believe In God?”

Yet, some of the Crowlean establishment exhibits remarkable resistance to any attempts to link Crowley’s communications to the whole modern literature of trance channeling and contactism. This is true of the obviously related RA and Seth materials, as well as the more outré experiences of Rex and Ray Stanford or the late George Hunt Williamson.

This tendency reflects nothing so much as,
“… a priori fallacies full of ignoratio elenchi, non distributio medii, non sequitur, and sometimes sheer Hobson Jobson,” as Aleister Crowley put it himself.
To those few of us trained in both occultism and UFO lore over many years, the parallels are remarkable. If nothing else, we deal here with similarly constituted mythologies.

While I have no doubt that there is a most special quality in The Book of the Law, it diminishes it not at all to note that its advent was under similar circumstances to the dictation of OAHSPE a few years earlier, The Cosmic Philosophy of Max Theon contemperaneously, and the RA Material in more recent years. Quite the contrary, in fact.

The notion that such association somehow diminishes the “respect” the occult is accorded in the public mind betrays a true disconnection with general convictions; far more people in industrialized countries are apt to credit the UFO phenomenon than occultism, as major pollsters have noted for many years. The Yankelovich Partners conducted a survey on behalf of LIFE Magazine January 12-13, 2000.

They found that:
  • 30% of Americans believe extraterrestrials have visited the Earth
  • 1% claimed alien contact
  • 6% claimed to know someone in contact with aliens!
  • 6% claimed to have seen UFOs
  • 43% thought UFOs were real (a plurality - 42% did not think so)

The most recent scientific panel on UFOs, in fact, convened by the Society for Scientific Exploration in 1997,concluded that,
“there may be more to UFO evidence than just verbal reports of what people seeing in the sky. Some UFO evidence may be worthy of scientific investigation.”
The international panel was co-chaired by Prof. Von Eshleman of Stanford University and Dr. Thomas Holzer of the High Altitude Observatory, and included:
  • Stanford’s Prof. Peter Sturrock
  • Prof. H.J. Meloshof the University of Arizona
  • Prof. James Papike of the University of New Mexico
  • Dr. Guenther Reitz of Cologne
  • Dr. Bernard Veyret of the University of Bordeaux
  • Prof. Charles Tolbert of the University of Virginia
The subject is not taken lightly, nor should it be.

One should examine the relation, for example, between the image of the mysterious being called “Aiwass” as seen by Crowley in 1904:
“He seemed to be a tall, dark man in his thirties, well-knit, active and strong, with the face of a savage king, and eyes veiled lest their gaze should destroy what they saw,”
...and Malcolm X’s 1949 vision of the also mysterious Wallace Fard:
“He wasn’t black, and he wasn't white. He was light-brown-skinned, an Asiatic cast of countenance, and he had oily black hair.”
Or that Crowley’s rather well-known sketch of the being Lam resembles anticipates, in fact - the large headed beings described in many more recent UFO Abduction Cases. This does not denigrate Crowley’s work, but it does place it in the context of the mythos of our times, which, to my mind, enhances its plausibility.

To this I must add the foot note, meaning no personal disrespect to any parties who might identify themselves with this critique, that I personally know a number of highly placed, competent and erudite champions of magick and mysticism who are almost entirely uninformed on the subjects of UFOlogy and Forteana, and the lore of spiritualism, trance channeling and the contactee subculture that has developed over the last hundred years.

The author of this volume has spent some thirty five years studying these phenomena, both in terms of the literature and inextensive field research efforts. I have spent nearly as long a time in the study of magick, mysticism and parapsychology. My challenge to those skeptical of the linkage between these fields on either side of the question is to cross reference with some diligence before dismissing what, for some of us, is obviously a part of one continuum.

For example, in the core ritual given above, the phrases,
“Thou art Osorronophris, whom no man hath seen at any time. Thou art Iabas. Thou art Iapos,”
...becomes, in Crowley’s version,
“Thou art ASAR UN-NEFER (“Myself made Perfect”): Whom no man has seen at any time. Thou art IA-BESZ (“the truth of the matter”). Thou art IA-APOPHRASZ (“the Truth in Motion”).”
These yield the values in NAEQ6 of 144, or STAR KNOWLEDGE, 82 or A LEAGUE, and 114, or THE NAME, a standard Hebrew euphemism for the unutterable four-fold name of Deity. (It also has the same value as our “old friend” from the Mark Probert channelings, MAHARAJA NATCHA.)

Keeping in mind that the latter, which I once termed “the silliest of the silly names” refers to one of Sixteen Transtemporal Ascended Human Adepts who form A LEAGUE called the Guardians of Humanity outside of Time and Space in the contacts of Probert some decades after Crowley’s revisions, and that Probert worked with Meade Layne, a one-time adept of a rival body to Crowley’s A. A., descended from the Golden Dawn, we read this as,
“Thou art STAR KNOWLEDGE, whom no man hath seen at any time. Thou art of A LEAGUE. Thou art THE NAME. Thou art PROTECTOR OF EARTH.”
(“Maharaja Natcha” may also be decoded as the less humorous “of the Sixteen Protectors of Earth” because of the double name’s cipher values 114 = THE NAME).

The intriguing phrase,
“Hear me Thou. For I am the Angel of Paphro Osoronophris. This is Thy true Name, handed down to the Prophets of the Sun” the Golden Dawn version becomes, for Crowley,
“Hear Thou Me, for I am the Angel of PTAH-APOPHRASZ-RA: this is Thy True Name, handed down to the Prophets of KHEM.”
Now PTAH-APO-PHRASZ-RA has the value 158, or that of Crowley’s own major Ultraterrestrial contacts AMALANTRAH & ABULDIZ, but why does he switch the phrase “Prophets of the Sun” - a phrase consistent with Crowley’s own philosophy, for “Prophets of KHEM” with the capitalization in the original?

Khem is an early name for Egypt, but its value in the UFOnaut cipher is 59, that of BRAHMA.

If we recall that, in the Hindu mythos, the sky god Brahma rides a ‘swan’ which makes the sound “Aum”, both the change in “The Bornless One” ritual, and Crowley’s mysterious advice on keeping a personal magical book quoted at the beginning of this section begin to make sense.

He said,
“Let the pen with which the writing is done be the feather of a young male swan - that swan whose name is Aum. And let the ink be made of the gall of a fish, the fish Oannes.”
The name of that book is given as “Thelema,” or “Will”. All of this tells us that Crowley certainly was privy to the legend of the “fish god” of Sirius, Oannes, the originator of writing, flying from the heavens in a bird-like vehicle making a strange humming sound.

Some of the more interesting “barbarous words” offered by Crowley:
  • THIAF = 70 = SPACE
  • KOTHA = 45 = I AM
“Thoron” is an anagram; it could be made out as “Jesus beware” as well, but, also, the mantram for calling UFOs only recently received by a modern contactee, SOLIM SOLARA.

The whole term DIATHARNA (86) THORON (68) is of exceptional interest in our quest. The reversal of numbers 86 & 68 is probably a Cipher “Flag” to initiates to pay special attention. We can nevertheless become quite impressed with its depth, especially as it shows up ONLY in connection with Crowley’s version with the words “corrected”.

SOTHIS FISH MAN, or fish-being of Sirius is one cipher meaning of DIATHARNA THORON, as is the related FISH MAN JESUS (recalling the original association between Jesus, John and immersion in water). TITAN CRAFT is another meaning.

We find names familiar from the modern contactee lore:
  • AEOOU = 57 = BALORAN
  • ABRAFT = 76 = KIMI
  • SABRIAM = 83 = FIRKON, etc.
Lest anyone think this forced or coincidental, keep in mind that this comes from a standardized list of ONLY ABOUT THIRTY of the most common contact names, most of them listed as such in The Revolt of the Free, pp 105-107.

Virtually all of them show up. But, for occultists, most interesting is the name “FF” having the value 36 = AIWAZ, the original name for what Crowley called, “mine own guardian angel.”

In the text of Liber Samekh, Crowley simply wrote FF,
“Mine Angel! Mine initiator! Thou one with me - the Sixfold Star!”.

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