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Judicial proceedings could void the Santander Administration

President, Ana Patricia Botin, Vice President Rodrigo Echenique, counselors Javier Botín, Ignacio Benjumea, Sol Daurella and Juan Miguel Villar Mir are related to various legal proceedings that reveal their unsuitability for managing a financial institution

Standards and guidelines for financial and listed companies (Articles 24 et seq Law 10/2014;. Articles 29 et seq RD 84/2015, guidelines for the assessment of the adequacy of the European Central Bank and the European Banking Authority. unified code of good governance of listed companies of the CNMV, etc.) require their managers  commercial and professional ; establish the responsibility of the supervised institutions to appoint members who meet the eligibility requirements and establish evaluation criteria among which is  the reputation, conflict of interest and collective fitnessIn the event that the board members do not meet the requirements of respectability establish the obligation of society to communicate to the supervisory bodies and remove the administrator 'inidóneo "if he does not resign voluntarily.
The  guide ECB  maintains that  criminal, administrative judicial proceedings, both completed and pending, can have an impact on the reputation of the affected management and supervised entity and that the mere fact that a director is, or has been , incurso in such proceedings it is relevant to their honor . Guide ECB attaches great importance to the circumstances that gave rise to the proceedings to be relevant to determine whether they affect reputation management even when the decision is favorable, but it is based on procedural issues rather than facts showing not committed the alleged act.

The Board of Directors of Santander is littered with directors who are being or have been investigated for allegedly committing various crimes, which calls into question his honesty and therefore their suitability to hold office in the management of a financial institution . So much so that at the last meeting of the minority shareholder and Santander Investment Home lawyer, Eduardo Martín Duarte, calledthe removal ofentire board of directors, in some cases per share and other default of its members.

Let the charges that fall on the various members of the board of directors that would demonstrate a "unsuitability" collective evident as six of the fifteen being directly involved in legal proceedings to examine.
We start by its president  Ana Patricia Botin  who was  indicted by the Audiencia Nacional for tax fraud that came to light with the Falciani list . In that criminal proceedings it will be imputed to the president of Santander and other members of his family have hidden 2,000 million euros in the HSBC Switzerland to the Treasury for 70 years. The president acknowledged hiding the money and not pay the corresponding taxes , Botin family being forced to regularize the last five years not prescribed paying 200 million euros. The payment of this amount served to not be convicted of tax fraud by applying a mere absolving excuseAna Patricia Botin has also been punctuated by the scandal of the Ponzi scheme  Bernard Madoff  65,000 million, which was implicated her husband  Guillermo Morenés  and his brother Javier Botín through its boutique private banking  Morenés & Loot Capital Advisers . The scammer Bernard Madoff has had visits he made Ana Patricia Botin and her husband in his office in the Lipstick Building in New York and made him the invitation to witness with them America 's Cup in Valencia aboard his boat. Santander sold approximately 3,000 million euros, through its subsidiary  Optimal Investment Services  based in the Swiss city of Geneva and responsible Manuel Echevarría , CEO of Optimal, who escaped a criminal conviction in Switzerland for the case Madoff because the main witness,  Rajiv Jaitly , head of risk control of the Swiss manager of Santander Optimal July 2005 to December 2007, finally  he did not testify  at the trial  after having said earlier in July 2012 to the American authorities in 2006 had warned unsuccessfully to Santander in a report of 50 pages of gross deficiencies of the products and the impossibility of verifying the commercial operation of Madoff .
The recent case of  Banco Popular , which our colleague Esteban Cano takes several months to report on time is directly related to the president of Santander to occur during his tenure and speak to the gossip of the financial world of alleged insider trading and scheming.
Similarly, the case of alleged embezzlement of 50 million euros to shareholders of Santander in the case of the estate of Mijas ,which we reported in Diario16 and for which he was asked at the recent Board, also splashes Ms. Botin because it was a member of the executive committee authorized the sale of the estate of 480,000 m 2  by 450,000 euros when their value exceed, according to different valuations, the 50 million euros. Till the date,Ana Patricia Botin has not taken any action for the defrauded amount is returned to the bank and its shareholders. This process also could be involved Rodrigo Echenique, Ignacio Benjumea Cabeza de Vaca and Javier Botín who, in the year 2,007 he was told by a notary, in his capacity as advisor, without which has since been carried out any action for restitution to bank allegedly defrauded amount.
The same accusations could be attributable to his brother Javier Botín and he also participated in hiding the Spanish Treasury 2,000 million euros in the HSBC Switzerland . Javier Botín was related to the Madoff scandal through M & B Capital Advisors that toxic products marketed Madoff and caused an alleged loss carry its customers approximately 152 million euros.In addition, Javier Botín, director of Santander for being president of the Botín Foundation and on behalf of the syndication of shares formed with the shares of the Botin family, called the alleged fraud estate Mijas since the year 2,007 was told notary in his capacity as advisor without since then has carried out any action for restitution to the bank allegedly defrauded amount.
As vice president, Rodrigo Echenique Gordillo , he was on his imputed day by the High Court in the case of loan transfers , in which, with Emilio Botin and Ignacio Ucles, he was accused of tax fraud and forgery to have defrauded about 80 million euros to the Spanish Treasury and having provided false documentation. Echenique escaped condemnation, not substance, but by the controversial "Botin doctrine" that had five individual votes against the same judges of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court. Echeniquealso it was punctuated by the Madoff scandal that apparently was visiting to withdraw funds from Santander invested in their toxic products. Echenique is executive vice president of Santander and could have direct knowledge of the intricacies of the operation of the Popular Bank, which is its current president and that during the operation that ended with the intervention of the sixth financial institution in the country, dispatched with Emilio Saracho in the passenger compartment of your car , as Esteban Cano has been confirmed through several sources familiar with this fact.
Similarly, Echenique was accused by the Anti - Corruption Prosecutor for tax fraud, along with the other members of the Executive Committee of Santander, in the case of delivery of 1% of the shares of Banesto to Alfredo Sáenz and other commissioned by the Bank of Spain following the intervention of the entity, which would subsequently appointed managers. In that case more than 6 million shares of Banesto to € 2.40 (400Ptas) surrendered when its market value was € 5.09, more than double.
Councilor Ignacio Benjumea Cabeza de Vaca, former secretary general of the bank, is being investigated today by the National Court for the alleged commission of an offense of money laundering related to the Botin family heritage at HSBC in Switzerland. Ignacio Benjumea, as general secretary of Santander and secretary of the board of directors, the executive committee and all committees of the bank and head of the legal department of the bank for nearly 20 years, was responsible for advising on the legality of the resolutions adopted by all those bodies so it could have responsibility for the unlawfulness thereof.
The Minister Sol Daurella Comadrán, president of Coca Cola European Partners and Cobega, bottler of Coca Cola (holding company with a higher annual income to 4,000 million euros) , it is accused in a case of crime of unfair administration and against the rights of workers, the opening of the trial has been recently agreed by the Provincial Court of Zaragoza. The complaint relates to the purchase of Cacaolat and promise to the bankruptcy administrators and workers in new investments, maintaining production and employment promises were not fulfilled and culminated in the closure of its Zaragoza factory and allegedly fraudulent dismissal from the workers.
Finally , we counselor Juan Miguel Villar Mir, former Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, to which it is related to the illegal funding of PP and alleged bribes in Mexico and Algeria . He isaccused by the High Court in the Punic plot by prevarication, embezzlement, fraud, bribery, criminal organization, money laundering, falsification of commercial documents and influence peddling, as in the case Lezo. In addition, your company OHL has been reported in Mexico for allegedly funding the PRI and public works commissions multimillion by its president José Andrés de Oteyza had to resign.In May 2017 complaint was filed with the National Electoral Institute of Mexico with multiple charges against Juan Miguel Villar Mir. In the complaint mention it is made innumerable recordings of directors of OHL in which there is talk of bribery of judges, how to avoid complying with court judgments and government favors to pressure judges to benefit OHL; false accounting, etc.
In conclusion, we have a board with six directors directly related to lawsuits whose suitability is questionable; while the remaining members of the board, but are not related to processes, they know and do not carry out any action for the return of money allegedly defrauded.

source: diario16


Spanish MPs complain that citizens promueveun coup in Venezuela

Solidarity with Venezuela

United We Can, Esquerra Republicana de Catalonia and the Basque party EH Bildu, demanding respect election results in Venezuela and expressed their full support for managing mediation of former Spanish President Zapatero
(Special / Madrid) Given the continued attack by the Spanish right against Venezuela in the Spanish Congress, on Tuesday, did not wait the reaction of members of leftist parties, who exigieronrespeto the sovereignty of the Bolivarian people, the legitimate decision It will take in the elections next May 20 and accused the party Citizens to promote conditions to favor a coup against Venezuelan democracy.
The issue of Venezuela returned to the Spanish parliament, this time by an initiative of the rightist party Citizens ask the Popular Party government to lead the pressure on the European Union to which it applies more illegitimate unilateral actions against the Venezuelan people and not known in advance results of the coming elections.
The first to respond to this motion was the Basque deputy Oskar Matute, Euskal Herria Bildu party, who considered the citizens' initiative as interference in the political life of Venezuela "that instead of contributing to a democratic dialogue seeks to hinder it."
He charged that the policies implemented by the Bolivarian government to move forward and solve the economic problems of the whole society, "are being hampered very clearly" and warned that Spain "to Venezuela is used as a smokescreen to cover up scandals corruption and accusations of drug trafficking to finance parties in this state. "
Then intervened Joan Tarda, Catalan deputy party Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya who accused Citizens of "torpedoing Venezuelan democracy, contributing to the worsening conditions of Venezuelans" to request further sanctions against this nation.
"Cynically they call to ignore the elections of May 20, when a demanding year and clamored ago. Urge more blocking, more violence to create the conditions for a coup, for which aim to bury the culture of dialogue ".
For his part diputadoPablo Bustinduy spokesman Unidos Podemos Parliamentary Group in the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Congress, called the motion input by citizens as "an affront to the most basic principles of international relations".
About the application to ignore the upcoming Venezuelan elections, Bustinduy said to be left in the hands of technicians international observation denouncing any irregularities if any. "And if they conclude that the elections were not clean, can be reported and up not recognized. Something is happening in Hungary, right here in the European Union where Viktor Orbán, xenophobic and anti-Semitic leader, known for persecuting journalists, refugees and opponents, just bulldoze in an election amid allegations of serious irregularities, but have heard a word until the Citizens date and of course the Popular Party parliamentary group shares with Mr. Orbán in Brussels. "
He recalled that the last 24 elections in Venezuela have had international support, "and even the Spanish parliament itself sent a delegation in 2013 that endorsed the outcome in a declaration signed by the PP, the PSOE, among others. And President Rodriguez Zapatero was as an international observer in the elections of 2015 when he won the opposition.. "
"Why citizens do not want these elections are recognized months before they happen ?, why in the negotiation process between the government and the opposition in Santo Domingo Venezuelan opposition ended up divided, and some decided at the last minute not sign the agreement and boycott the elections and another part itself signed and presented against Maduro? "he asked.
"Citizens has decided to support the hardest fraction of the Venezuelan opposition and today asked the government and the Congress to do the same. Citizens never supported the dialogue process and a year ago at a meeting of control in this Congress, asked the government to withdraw its support for the mediation of Zapatero. And they never mentioned the words dialogue, mediation or agreement. "
"No democratic elections or dialogue without proposing nothing but exacerbate the economic strangulation the Venezuelan people, which guarantees ultimately is that a coup in Venezuela, and openly call for the sectors of the Venezuelan opposition that you support is given, as demanded by the most extremist government Trump hawks, as he tried to do military who hijacked a helicopter and bombing the Supreme Court. I have not found a single statement of Citizens condemned these acts. "
"Why ask for more sanctions to stifle further the Venezuelan people, but do not ask for sanctions against the government of Israel, that exemplary democracy that has cold-bloodedly murdered 30 people in the last ten days, including a journalist, who imprisons children without trial and has been built according to the United Nations an apartheid regime. "
He reminded citizens and especially the PP that the positions that defend against Venezuela are not new. "They are the same who supported the coup in Venezuela in 2002 and after the coup in Honduras and Paraguay are the same that support today coup continued in Brazil without that you have said anything about it, "he said after expressing overwhelming support for President Lula Da Silva." we say here today Lula, that their struggle is the struggle of any democrat in the world and that democracy in Brazil will open the way because it's over time coups in Latin America. "
Finally he expressed pride and gratitude of the coalition of United We Can "for the mediation effort of President Rodriguez Zapatero and that any solution to the crisis in Venezuela must be peaceful and will for dialogue, agreement and democracy. It is a pity that Mr. Trump, Mr. Aznar and Mr. Rivera, do not think the same. Hopefully Spain's foreign policy never fall into their hands. " 

Rebellion has posted this article with the author 'spermission through a  license Creative Commons , respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere



A propósito de la ejecución extrajudicial de un adolescente

El pasado miércoles -escribe nuestra colaboradora Tita Barahona - en el pasillo de una sala del tribunal de menores de la ciudad de Columbus (Ohio, EEUU), el enjuiciado, Joseph Heynes, de 16 años, fue abatido de un disparo en el abdomen por uno de los policías presentes en la sala. El muchacho no portaba armas. Esto, que habría sido tratado como un suceso extraordinario, lamentable y condenable de haberse producido en otro país americano o europeo, en EEUU es rutina (...).
   Como es habitual, de lo que sucedió al joven Heynes hay dos versiones: la del departamento de policía, que es la que transmiten los grandes medios (ABC News, Fox News, CNN, The Washington Post,entre otros) y la de los testigos presenciales que, en este caso, son familiares de la víctima (su madre y abuela) y una abogada que pudo grabar la escena tras producirse el disparo. 
La nota de la policía sostiene que, cuando el juez ordenó salir al acusado y su familia, se armó una refriega con la familia durante la cual el joven tiró al suelo al policía y a este se le disparó el arma fatalmente.  
La versión de la abuela es que el policía ordenó a la madre salir de la sala sin dejar que recogiera sus cosas, a lo que la madre protestó, el agente la empujó violentamente contra la pared y fue entonces cuando el joven gritó “deja a mi madre”, agarró al agente por el hombro, este se dio la vuelta, arrojó al chico al suelo y le disparó. 
Como en otras ocasiones, el agente en cuestión ha sido mandado a casa (suspendido de empleo pero no de sueldo), mientras se abre una investigación.
     Esta realidad palpable los grandes medios la ocultan sistemáticamente; pero también lo hacen los medios de comunicación calificados como progresistas y/o independientes, porque estos están más interesados en las “políticas de identidad”, dentro de las cuales la clase social no entra o, si lo hace, de soslayo. Resulta que el joven Joseph Heynes, problemático como tantos otros chicos de su edad, además de pertenecer a una familia de clase trabajadora, era blanquísimo y de melena rubia. 
Esta circunstancia no le ha hecho elegible para hacer titular en medios como Democracy Now, buque insignia de la progresía norteamericana, que directamente ha ignorado la noticia, aun cuando tiene una sección dedicada a la police brutality. 
Porque en esta sección sólo caben las víctimas que pertenecen a minorías raciales y colectivos LGTB. 
La muerte del joven Haynes no deriva ni del racismo (el policía que lo mató también es blanco), ni de la homofobia, ni del sexismo; por tanto, no interesa.
    Otro chico de 16 años, Kalief Browder, en 2010 fue acusado falsamente de robar una mochila. Pagó muy caro no querer aceptar el trato de declararse culpable, prefiriendo ir a juicio. 
Le mandaron a la prisión de adultos de Rikers Island, notoria por las torturas que se infligen a los presos. 
Lo pusieron en incomunicación durante dos años. Recibió palizas de los guardianes y los mismos presos. 
Pasó tres años en este infierno por una mochila. 
En 2013 un juez archivó el caso, el joven fue liberado, sometido a tratamiento psiquiátrico, y se suicidó a los 22 años. La madre falleció de pena poco después. El caso de Kalief hizo titulares en Democracy Now y tuvo un amplio seguimiento, merecido sin duda. Él era pobre, como Joseph Heynes, pero era un muchacho afro-americano del Bronx: esa era la diferencia, la identidad que había que resaltar por encima de cualquier otra.
    No se puede negar que EEUU es un país racista, y con unos elevados índices de violencia contra las mujeres que superan a los de la brutalidad policial. Pero si la mujer negra o latina es una laboring poor, tiene casi todas las papeletas para ser humillada por cualquier representante del Estado, explotada hasta la extenuación, golpeada por la policía incluso si está embarazada (recientemente una mujer ha abortado en una comisaria tras ser paralizada con un taser), abusada sexualmente, encarcelada o despojada de la tutela de sus hijos. 
Lo hemos dicho otras veces: la raza, el sexo, la clase forman en los EEUU un coctel explosivo de amplia honda que irradia a todo el mundo capitalista. Este es el modelo de ataque de clase que últimamente estamos viendo recrudecerse en nuestras latitudes también, con las llamadas leyes mordazas, con el ataque al derecho de huelga y otros ganados con nuestra lucha.
    Como otros, el movimiento feminista debe tener cuidado en no caer en la trampa de las políticas liberales de la identidad, que, en definitiva, funcionan para perpetuar el sistema capitalista lavándole la cara, el sistema que se reproduce también con nuestra opresión como mujeres. 
El mejor medio para sortear este peligro es tener presente que vivimos en una sociedad de clases, que la lucha de clases existe y se ha recrudecido, que las trabajadoras, mayoría de las mujeres del mundo, somos también objetivo de este ataque; que nuestra lucha de liberación es internacionalista (sin fronteras de nación, cultura, raza, sexo o edad) y estamos contra toda forma de explotación y opresión sea sobremujeres, hombres, niños, adultos, blancos o negros.
- El número de muertes por brutalidad policial, en
- La declaración de la abuela de Heynes, en
- La noticia sobre Kalief Browder en Democracy Now:
- El caso de la mujer que abortó tras ser atacada con un taser, en


Venezuela turns against the petrodollar

The Art of War

Venezuela turns against the petrodollar 

Manlio Dinucci "From this week , the average price of oil in Chinese yuan is fixed", announced on September 15 the Venezuelan Ministry of petróleo.Por first time, the selling price of the Venezuelan oil no longer It sets in dollars. The response from Caracas to sanctions issued by the Trump administration on August 25, tougher than those imposed by the Obama administration in 2014: impidían to Venezuela to receive dollars from oil sales to the United States, more than one million barrels per day, dollars so far used to import consumer goods, such as food and medicine. The sanctions also prevent the marketing of securities issued by PDVSA, the Venezuelan state oil company.

Washington is twofold: the growing scarcity of essential goods in Venezuela and therefore popular discontent, the internal opposition stands (forged and supported by the US) to overthrow the government of Maduro; ie in bankruptcy, making it impossible to pay the foreign debt, ie to defeat the State which has the largest oil reserves in the world, almost ten times more than the United States. 

Caracas tries to escape the suffocating torment of sanctions, quoting the selling price of oil is not in US dollars, but in Chinese yuan.

The yuan came a year ago in the basket of reserve currencies International Monetary Fund (along with the dollar, euro, yen and pound sterling) and Beijing is about to launch marketing contracts oil in convertible yuan gold. "If new contracts are consolidated, albeit partially, corroding the power of petrodollars, would be a stunning blow to the US economy," said Sole 24 Ore.

When asked by Russia, China and other countries is not only the excessive power of the petrodollar (reserve currency generated by oil sales), but the very hegemony of the dollar. Its value is determined not by the actual economic capacity of the United States, but the fact of representing almost two thirds of global monetary reserves and the currency in which the price of oil, gold and commodities is determined. This allows the Federal Reserve, the central bank (which is a private bank) to print trillions of dollars that the colossal public debt of the United States is funded-about 23 trillion dollars through the purchase of shares and other securities issued by the Treasury. In this context, Venezuela's decision to decouple the dollar price of oil causes a seismic shock,

If the example of Venezuela to expand, if the dollar ceases to be the main currency of trade and currency of international reserves, a large amount of dollars would flood the market, causing the collapse of the value of the US currency. 

This is the real reason the executive mandate of 9 March, 2015 , President Obama declared a "national emergency with respect to the unprecedented threat and national security extraordinary and foreign policy of the United States established by the situation in Venezuela . "

It's the same reason that the President Trump announced a possible "military option" against Venezuela. She is being prepared by the US Southern Command, whose emblem is the imperial eagle that goes over Central and South America, ready to dip their paws on those who rebel against the empire of the dollar. 

Il Manifesto September 19, 2017) 

Translator: Maria Luisa de Vasconcellos


Venezuela: These are 8 laws and Maduro announced measures to tackle the economic war and sanctions

Among the measures announced by the Venezuelan President, Nicolás Maduro, in his speech to the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) on September 7 are:

A new system for fixing prices on 50 items; creating tax from CLAP and community councils to monitor these prices; the wage increase of 40 percent , including cestatickets, pensions and homes Patria cards; the implementation of a new system of international payments based on currencies other than US dollars; the establishment of exchange offices throughout the country; the reduction of 5 points in VAT for those who pay with debit or electronic payment, and reactivation of investigations into the case CADIVI and large capital amassed during the economic war.

A few minutes after 6 pm on Thursday, President Nicolás Maduro arrived at the Federal Palace Legistativo, home of the National Constituent Assembly to address the nation at the thirteenth session of this body, where major announcements are expected in economic matters.

"Today I have come with a single topic: I came to start a new day momentum of the fight against economic war and to build the economic model contained in the plan of the country," said the President.
"I brought some very important materials it has been this battle for 4 years as well as a set of proposals and eight vital laws to address and resolve the rising prices, induced inflation, to face the economic war, to punish the bachaqueros and that the ANC and the revolutionary government together face this historic battle for peace, stability and economic happiness of the people, "he said.
"I have come to propose a constitutional plan to unlock the country," he said. "I have a week without appearing in public events. People were worried about that. I was concentrated these 8 days face the economic blockade plan right and Trump ". 

He called it "the plan of aggression against Venezuela Trump-Borges" them responsible actions to sanction and block the country economically.

Sovereign Supply Act and agreed prices, "Law 50 Plan".

With it, starting Friday, it will start the discussion since the Great Mission Supply Sovereign, with productive sectors, distributive, consumers and popular power, to create a new system for fixing maximum prices for public sale 50 core products and services in the country.
The State will play a key role as a prosecutor and guard these prices.
Among the products mentioned liquid milk pasteurized, milk powder, mayonnaise, margarine, mortadella, wheat flour for bread, pasta, chicken, curbina, corocoro, tuna, sardines, butter, hard cheese, pork ham, panela soap, bath soap, oil, between otros.Indicó Maduro that the solution can not be a freezing system "outdated and unrealistic" prices, which seeks to achieve consensus "by good ", with dialogue, but it takes the people on the street, and justice acting on time.
Nor it can consider as a solution price liberalization; He confirmed that the government will not leave the people alone.
The second law seeks to establish Maduro gave the figure of tax from Local Councils Supply and Production  (CLAP)  and Community Councils. 

Maduro said that they "must be the eyes, ears and hands of neighborhoods, communities, parishes, streets and cities of Venezuela" for monitoring prices, giving legal presence and power of action.

These popular tax should be accompanied by a trade attorney and an ombudsman, who can stop those who violate the law and can be prosecuted by the courts.
The third law will authorize the operation of exchange offices across the country  (and not only in Lasa border areas) in order to defeat the pricing mechanisms of the US dollar from Miami (called "DolarToday"). There will be a direction from the Central Bank of Venezuela and the Commission of National Economy.

The fourth is the Law on the Promotion and protection of foreign investment in Venezuela,which will improve the conditions for foreign companies will come to invest in Venezuela.

The fifth law establishes a new regime for investors and a new tax regime for the sovereign development of the Orinoco Mining Arco.

He stressed that last month entered 540 kilograms of gold mining product. 
It is hoped that a third of the foreign currency entered by the oil rentismo are covered by mining development.
The sixth law seeks pechar fairly and create tax who managed large estates that have emerged during the economic war. "May they pay the country 's economic development."

He ordered a special investigation in 30 days to determine who are the beneficiaries of great wealth produced during the economic war. 
He asked the ANC, through its Committee on Comptrollership, determine the origin and location of these great fortunes.
The seventh law creates the Tax Unit Punitive "to prosecute all crimes committed in the fields of economy against the people, from the smallest to the largest, and charge them up the way they walk."

The law applies to everyone who speculates or bachaquée. 
He stressed that current laws apply derisory fines for offenders. Maduro said that in a maximum of 30 days should be installed electronic invoicing system for large taxpayers 5,000 of the country, so that "they pay the country, economy and respect the minimum catch".
Minister of Finance and vicepresiente, Ramón Lobo, is in charge.
The eighth law will create Agrosur: 

agroalimentaria a large consortium or corporation that achieves the national coordination of all productive efforts to the 20 main areas of the country, attending inputs, consulting, machinery and entire production process in the Venezuelan countryside.

Next week there will be an event to stimulate productive local and socialist economy with a series of recommendations on credit and inputs.
President Maduro announced that it will make the effort to produce and deliver 12 million monthly CLAP to 6 million households, giving them two monthly CLAP. 

There will be a stimulus for local production of the products of the box. 

On the other hand, the Venezuelan president announced the reactivation of measures to boost electronic payment through debit cards or transfers. 

He said that since Monday, 5 points VAT will be reduced to electronic payment transactions. 

He also established the obligation to receive payments of all public services in the country via electronic payment, and a discount on payment of income tax by transactions and electronic payments when the tax is paid in 2018.

He denounced that "banks have led to the deterioration of ATMs, POS and electronic payment system", which he considered sabotage. 

"It's a bank guarimba! Will we stay idly by? They are have to reset all payment mechanisms and must work 100 percent, without delay, without sabotage without guarimbas! "

Maduro claimed that ministries and public institutions have to be transformed, then behave more as part of the bourgeois state, the people and the revolutionary state. "You have to hit the streets to see, to inspect, to see who benefits and amasses great wealth stolen from the people."

Maduro pointed out the need to resume the path of socialism of the 21st century to overcome the economic war. "Comandante Chavez threw the bases, but have left many of them!" He acknowledged, and urged return to the path of socialism, away from purely estatizadoras formulas. 

About sanctions on Venezuela, Maduro said the country will implement a new system of international payment and a basket of currencies (like the euro, the Chinese yuan, Indian rupee and Russian ruble) as a mechanism to offer, pay and collect "and free ourselves from the dollar." 

Maduro said that "it is immediate, is an order that is already beginning to be implemented at all levels," he said.

He hopes that, with Venezuela in the vanguard, this will open the road to a new international system that is free from the constraints that the United States makes the dollar.
Dicom Maduro said that the yuan will start functioning next week. He also said that if the EU ignores requests Julio Borges and applies sanctions against Venezuela, the euro will be away from this basket of payments. 

Also, it will hold talks with bondholders of Venezuela's public debt, which includes mainly American and Canadian investors.

There will be rounds of negotiations and after them, Venezuela will take a position in defense of the legal security of the Republic, Head of State said.
President Maduro also alleged that a number of companies that have been provided foreign exchange to help them export in the context of the Bolivarian Economic Agenda, not been charged and have not returned the money, totaling about one billion of dollars.

He noted that a group of companies has provided them with more than 250 million dollars for export but have only returned 40 million to the State. He said that agencies should collect the money have not done, and urged the Constituent National Assembly and the competent bodies to investigate what happened about it. and-the-sanctions /

Venezuela:  Let's do it, but now!

By Luis Gavazut Bianco, José Gregorio Piña, Luis Salas Rodriguez, Juan Carlos Valdez, Juan Romero, Tony Boza
The situation we live in today demands catch up. We are no longer going through a difficult, complex or emergency situation we face a situation of war. A multidimensional war is not new, it's quite true, but it has escalated to a new level and is becoming more explicit.
In this regard, all those who have denied the existence of an economic war are now forced to revise its analysis and surrender to the evidence. 
But they are also obliged to do so who, discursively accepting its existence, practical actions to limit the instrumentalization of conventional measures.
Wartime measures require war. 
And practice shows that giving in to the blackmail of economic powers, has never been a guarantee of stability and protection of democracy dissimilar experiences, but parallel, between Greece and Syriza, Gaddafi's Libya and Brazil Dilma serve as evidence.
Cases of Venezuela in 2002-2003 with the coup and the oil-trade blockade, the Syrian of Bashard Al Assad, and again in our country between April and July this 2017 show, however, only the active mobilization and not give up the initiative are the only guarantees of victory.
It is not superfluous to keep in mind, as President Maduro himself correctly he noted that sanctions taken by the US government are not directed against the national government, but against the country and the entire population, regardless of the political affiliation of people. 
Consequently, the need to take special measures to safeguard sovereignty but also protect citizens and the people prevails.
We repeat: we are not facing an economic crisis, we have a declaration of war by the global economic and political power, economic, financial and commercial war that seeks to "heat the internal climate" in order to create the conditions for a collapse of the country , which ultimately it would be used as an excuse for military intervention.
But at the same time we must be aware that what is now presented as aggression, can also be considered an opportunity. 
Thus, as the events of 2002-2003 allowed to achieve sovereignty in the management of oil resources and seal the civic-military alliance, the current situation can become the occasion to achieve monetary and foreign trade sovereignty. 
However, none of this will be achieved, as we said, with conventional measures or giving in to blackmail.
Is complex at this juncture define concrete to recommend to the Executive and the ANC on economic measures. 
And it is for several reasons, but first and foremost by the lack of current and accurate information on the accounts and national indicators. 
On the other hand, we know that there are no magic recipes. 
However, based on our experience and analysis that are public and well known, in the best spirit of contributing to national defense, we propose the need to advance at the following address:
In terms of exchange and foreign trade
1. Strengthen exchange controls, suspend foreign exchange allocation to private companies and individuals, and destine them available to direct imports of essential goods State from allied countries.
2. In the case of exceptions to be made to the previous point, after its due and public justification, doing so through financial means, not exchange. That is, rather than sell currencies transnational, you lend it at interest and sufficient collateral currency loan recovery.
3. In any case of foreign exchange allocation, both private and public companies and state agencies thoroughly check the ante and ex post given the same use.
4. Subjecting the allocation of foreign exchange to an international scale of reference prices in order to prevent overpricing of imports and tax evasion through transfer pricing and the subsequent transfer of inflated prices to the cost structures of production, distribution and marketing.
5. Ensure transparency foreign exchange management to prevent corruption and facilitate social control through the detailed publication of all allocations made by CENCOEX, turn cross the customs import data recorded by the SENIAT in ASYCUDA.
6. Create an operating entity, to impose penalties, perhaps improving the design of the planned and not yet implemented Ente Interoperability, controlled directly by Miraflores, linking necessarily real-time all databases organs and agencies of the State, process all information by using information technologies and communication and render intelligence reports on such analyzes.
7. Orientate the oil that is currently sold to the United States towards our Eurasian allies, which could include the form of barter for essential goods.
8. Initiate a process of renegotiation and restructuring of external debt, allied countries and investors.
Pricing and supply
9. Integrated constitute a defense of socio-economic rights of the people who join the Sundee Command, the Superintendencia Anti-Monopoly, the Public Prosecutor, the Ombudsman, the SENIAT, SUDEBAN, FANB and other organs and competent authorities.
10. Failure to recognize or accept the pricing reference marker using the exchange rate in the parallel market for costing.
11. Enact mandatory state monopsony in essential goods, in order to give the State power price negotiation thereof with the monopolists who control the import, production, distribution and marketing.
12. Strengthen mechanisms for direct or scheduled food and other essential goods distribution.
13.- Start, on the basis of and public enterprises, communal economy small and medium, a process favoring import substitution goods and essential supplies for the population.
In the case of Colombia
14. Close the border with Colombia indefinitely.
15. Report to Colombia to the WTO by the application of unfair international trade practices, money laundering and terrorist financing through brokerages border.
16.- denounce before UNASUR for violation of the territoriality of a member country, specifically promote and encourage smuggling extraction and attacks on the national currency.
As for national defense
17.- immediate signing of a military Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance with Allied powers authorized by the plenipotentiary Constituent Assembly

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