Opus Dei and Judicial Corruption
It is remarkable that in these times when the raging corruption Spain, and the population begins to react demanding change, there exists an overview of the importance of the independence of the judiciary to solve the problem of corruption.
If there is a separation of powers as established by the  Constitution Spanish , and a decent independence of the judiciary that would ensure the  rule of law , politicians would be more careful not to commit crimes to pay the assurance that their guilt before an impartial tribunal. But despite the  insulting impudence  with which political work with economic crime and impunity of these, there seems to be reactions against the judges of the  Supreme Court  allowing behaviors considered by many as  high treason , to selling and even giving away public goods of Spain to private interests.
But the reason for this chaos, where Spain  lost its sovereignty  in the interest of interest especially represented by  private banks  and the  Catholic Church  among others, seems it to be out of the scope of the understanding of the majority to the absence of general awareness of representing a Opus Dei sect as control the judiciary. To this contributes situation effectively goad carried out by many media that directly or indirectly are  controlled by this sect  hiding, among other things, that bipartisanship was designed under Franco by Opus Dei as a strategy to remain in power with "democratic makeup."
Thanks to the testimony of  numerous victims , it is found that the Opus Dei, and the like other dangerous sects, hardly lets out their prey. For this reason, it would be a great naivete to believe that after having a monopoly of the government in times of Franco's dictatorship, the neuralgic positions leave the state so easily. The Supreme Court (TS), and especially the  Sala II Criminal , is one of the key positions that this sect was never going to let go of control, especially if we consider that this control depends on impunity for their crimes .
The impartiality of the judiciary which is guaranteed by law, the Supreme Court does not exist, among other reasons, because if the members of the  General Council of the Judiciary  (CGPJ) are elected by politicians, one would expect the resulting alignment of the members of the TS and partiality. The current system whereby the TS feeds is clearly unconstitutional as attempts against the higher values of equality before the law and justice, and for this reason it should be ensured that its members were reputed judges for fairness, honesty and uprightness in his professional career, and not, as unfortunately it is happening, for their   ideological alignments  or policies.
As to whether these jurists set by the  PP-PSOE  recognized to be of the Opus or not, remember the following:
"In the constitution of the Opus Dei, written in 1950, Article 191 states:" numerary and supernumerary members know well that should always observe silence cautious about the names of other partners and should never reveal to anyone that they belong to Opus ".
Even he is denying many judges belonging to the sect Opus, according to Vidal Judge of Judges for Democracy, at the least one third of the judges is known for his  membership in Opus Dei  in Spain. But it is understood that this percentage may be much higher. The truth is that it is known that the founder of Opus, and since the time of Franco, showed a blatant interest in attracting to the sect  judges and especially prosecutors . The goal was clear, ensure the impunity of the sect by officials whose mission is precisely to ensure the inviolability of the law. The consequences could not be others. We have seen how the sadly famous  opusino TrilloHe repeatedly used the same strategy against judges who had the audacity to investigate corruption of the PP (the political arm of the Opus Dei) in the  Naseiro case  and later in the  Gürtel plot . First, liquidate the judge hearing the case, then ring as wiretapping and "bring cause of them."
To clarify to what extent the independence of the judiciary is conspicuous by its absence, just remember the "exceptionally" accelerated that have been proceedings against judges as  Elpidio  or  Garzón , both with the common denominator being sent to prison accused in the Guertel frame, which contrast with impunity of the  opusino Trillo  in different allocations of serious crimes in cases such as  the Yak-42 , etc. and the slow carried general processes in which the  PP (Opus)  is involved.
A statistical study on  criminal cases against judges  shows that in reality there are many cases against corrupt judges, but the number of convictions is too low. The fact that among those few convicted judges judges like Garzón or Elpidio, NY in these cases are self that has been given much publicity in the media, confirms my suspicion to what extent manipulated the press that does not give advertising to those other many complaints against corrupt judges if there is evidence,  as has happened in my case .
The control exercised by the Opus Dei on the Judiciary through its members, which clearly  put their loyalty to Opus  his duty to ensure the rule of law, makes many citizens do not believe in justice and inhibit putting complaints . But of course there are exceptions which, incidentally, rarely reported in the media. For example, the case of a woman who was  scammed by Opus Dei for 18 years which is denied compensation of any kind. After reporting the scam in court and win in the first instance, the sect appealed to the Supreme Court where judges, as usual standard, are responsible for safeguarding the interests of "theirs". Apparently it is a common fraud practiced by the sect brainwash citizens who fall into their clutches, which deliver all their money without knowing exactly what they are doing, without requiring payments to social security to cover them, and certainly deceived into believing that Opus acts in good faith.
But this case described is just the tip of an iceberg. My own experience showed me that, despite asking the most important media in Spain, and insistently, that advertize the various complaints that interposed against judges for crimes of corruption and concealment of other crimes, while having  documented evidence I did not get to publish anything. All editors who saw the documents were interested at first. But my case was never published, I was told, because the editor of the respective media is not permitted.
Another example of the opusina "jurisprudence" is the  reasoning of the Supreme Court  justifies the separation of sexes in schools of the Opus Dei paid for with public money. This other story that reveals the existence of  judges who have taken advantage of the tax amnesty  It implies that, despite the Judiciary can obtain the identity of the judges, none has been prosecuted by the Supreme Court. It is clear that those amnestied for letting judges hacienda, are "his own" because otherwise, as has been the speed that characterizes the proceedings against judges who bothered to investigate corruption. Not forget that the members of the CGPJ have been handpicked by parties drowning in corruption, especially the PP being viewed has been a  criminal organization  since its inception.
To understand the criteria used by the PP to name their vowels in the CGPJ, simply remind the judge Grande-Malarska, who instructed the case on the  tragedy of the YAK-42 , which was distinguished by its continuing  impediments   to the cause, and it was "I rewarded" by the PP  naming it vowel  of the CGPJ. It is also representative that the PP has been included as a member of the CGPJ to Judge  Francisco Gerardo Martinez Tristan , president of the Board of Administrative Litigation of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid, which is currently challenged in lawsuits against health privatization in Madrid.
For all the above, we can conclude that the consequences of the Opus Dei controls the judiciary are among others:
PS: The words  thicker  are links to information sources.
Ramon Martinez
Previously published in  The Digital Spy .