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Brexit pulls the the EU to Pieces – The Final Wakeup Call –

Brexit pulls the the EU to Pieces

The Great Awakening has begun

Anti-establishment forces are forging alliances

Euroscepticism is rising across Europe

German government acts like master of the EU universe

Russian interference campaign in European politics

Cabal and Deep State terms adopted by MSM

Proven; Government works for the Cabal and not for the People
Theresa May is resigning, and in the upcoming British national election, the conservative party may become the 5th, while the Brexiteer party with Farage could win. Theresa was working for the EU-cabal and not for the people. She clearly misjudged the underlying state of aggravation of the British people, she didn’t care what the people were saying. She went stubbornly ahead with the EU-plan as was instructed by Brussels. Because the Rothschild ECB central bank wants to hold onto their power.
Despite this, change is coming, as was clearly evident in the EU-elections Farage won in the UK, Marine Le Pen in
France, Salvini in Italy, Orban in Hungary, right wing is surging in Sweden and Poland. Everything is shifting. Massive success for the right-wing and Eurosceptics has been scored. Now, the entire global system is about to be restructured and it is going the people’s way and even beyond all expectations. In Britain for example, never before has a party, only 6 weeks into the game, won an election. If, Britain does not leave the EU on October 31stnext, these results will be repeated in a general election. History has been made and this is only the beginning. The people wanted to leave and government did not want it and moreover refused to do it.
No doubt anymore, the UK is about to change, Farage’s party won and they are demanding change, they want to leave the EU just like the people voted in the referendum three years ago. Before the UK was deceived by Edward Heath who received in his role as Prime minister, 1.5 million pounds from at that time the EEC, for signing away Britain’s sovereignty in 1972.
The same way Woodrow Wilson sold the US out to the Central Bank in 1913.
With the total results in, the Brexit Party won 29 of the 73 British EU seats up for grabs and almost a third of the votes. – On the pro-EU side, the Liberal Democrats took 20% of the vote and 16 seats. Nigel Farage said that his party – which currently has no members and no policies apart from leaving the EU – would “stun everybody” in the next British general election if the country didn’t leave the EU on time.
While Salvini, emboldened by his party’s gains in European parliamentary elections, said that his party’s first proposal in Brussels will be to propose a new role for the ECB as a guarantor of government debt. He is also pressing his proposal for a flat tax and challenging EU budget rules, saying spending should be loosened to boost growth and allow more government investment in things like schools. Salvini also has become increasingly combative in the face of a prospect of warning letter from the European Commission on Italy’s public debt.
Anyhow, Brexit will set an example for all European countries to return their sovereignty from the globalist EU, effectively pulling the EU to pieces.
The Great Awakening has begun
Finally, the world is waking up. The weapon in the Great Awakening of the world is being used against the Deep
State. The weapon is quite powerful, simply TRUTH with Transparency. This weapon is so powerful that they are panicking because all is about exposing the things these people have been doing for over one hundred years.
They don’t want the people to know about all they have done, as they cannot fight against the truth of it all. This will destroy the whole cabal Establishment. That’s why they always keep the people in the dark. Except now, there is no way out anymore for them.
Once the UK is out of the EU and doing better, other EU-nations will follow by doing the same. This is going to be a major shift, where the Rothschild-controlled EU is going to lose its grip over the people. And the people will gain control. Once enough leaders show up and demonstrate that they are of the intention to follow the will of the people and band together, they will go after the EU establishment and sweep all unelected clowns out.
In the recently held European elections; the Brexit Party showed that the above viewpoint is correct. They owe their triumph in the European elections to voters from both the right and left who wanted to send a message to the ineffective and incompetent political establishment. It is important to take a closer look at this new political phenomenon.
Brexit, the one-issue party, formed six weeks before the elections and won about 30 percent of the votes, placing the outspoken Eurosceptics ahead of the old guard parties like the Conservatives and Labour. They collected more votes than the Conservatives and Labour parties combined. Hard-bitten cynical Britain, desperately trying to get out of the European Union, thought that it was never going to happen and thought this saga was going to last forever. They are convinced that Brexit must happen in order to survive in the long run.
Having been founded by former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, Brexit success may be attributed to a new political orientation in the UK and other EU nations; as right versus left became; Leave versus Remain. Support could be drawn from across the political spectrum, which is most likely the reason the Brexit Party emerged so victoriously over its establishment rivals. Brexit makes it possible for the UK to readjust to the GESARA compliant terms.
Anti-establishment forces are forging alliances
Overall the populists, liberals and the greens garnered an enormous block in the new EU parliament, as Marine Le Pen in France and Salvini in Italy made grandiose headway.  At the end of the day, the EU will fail at every level; politically, economically and socially. Take note, the EU cannot survive if the people don’t want it to. Even so, the
EU’s collective productivity has already peaked.
The most pessimistic regarding the staying power of the EU are the Slovaks. No one who has been to Eastern Europe will be surprised to find pessimistic natives. But surprisingly in second place is France, the second biggest power in the EU, where 58% believe the EU will be consigned to the dustbin of history within a generation.
The 751 MEP seats will be up for takes, while various anti-establishment forces on both sides of the political spectrum will gobble up the shares currently held by centrists. Adding to the confusion was Britain, which took part in the election, while simultaneously working hard to leave the EU. If the centrists are driven out to the periphery, the likelihood is considerable that the forged Eurosceptic alliance will be able to unseat the unelected clowns in Brussels. Just wait and see how the new spectrum develops.
Euroscepticism is rising across Europe
The fact is, Euroscepticism is rising across Europe, because it is obvious that the leadership in Brussels, controlled by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, together with her Fellow-Rothschild slave Macron, are all devoted to the EU first and the needs of European populace second. Now, people have voted to protect their local communities from
dying through the political parties’ over-promising and under-delivering results, Brussels makes ever more bizarre and complex laws to stifle innovation and growth, the mood is leaning towards change; the earlier the better.
Eurosceptic parties have obtained the momentum and the passion over the unelected clowns in Brussels. By winning in simultaneously held local elections, they see clearly the opportunity to use these results as a springboard to even greater success at a later stage. This was confirmed by the highest voter turnout ever of over 51%, which could put them in the position of being able to crush the establishment completely.
This clearly demonstrates the hardening of political opposition against the path of the European Union. Even in the Netherlands, the cabal’s Pet-Test-Case-Kingdom, favoured because of its docile, sleepy population, puppet Prime Minister Mark Rutte was forced to beg voters not to abandon him after earlier disastrous local elections. However, he has to share his power with the right-wing FvD party of  Thierry Baudet, a party only established in late 2016. Both the VVD and FvD obtained 12 seats each.
Most people in member states see a realistic chance that within two decades, or perhaps even earlier, the EU will have disintegrated. That may sound like an optimistic prediction to the desperate Brexiteers in Britain, while the French, the Italians, the Hungarians, the Poles, the Austrians, the Swedes and the Finns are all finding it impossible to get out of the EU. If it was not for Nigel Farage, Britain would probably still be trying to cut a deal to leave, long after the EU has gone?
The better focus with regards to the EU is the awareness that a monumental realignment is taking place in Britain. For months now, the traditional right/left political divide is breaking down. It’s no longer about shifting the priorities of governments a little to the social welfare side or back toward the ‘’personal responsibility” side. It’s about sovereignty versus globalism.
Nigel Farage branded his sovereignty movement perfectly to the tune and name of ‘The Brexit Party’. This is the pivotal issue in the U.K., whereas beforehand, the main parties were tasked to keep the people fighting about
insignificant details, so that the political elite could undermine the fundamental issue of sovereignty.
Theresa May should have resigned elegantly, at a much earlier stage in the process but now she has to resign by force, because the British want a BREXIT in their favour, but May stupidly kept presenting EU deals four times in a row. This was not what the people wanted, which gave Nigel Farage the chance of his political life, resulting in an impressive lead in the EU election.
German government acts like master of the EU universe
After East Germany was annexed, Germany was transformed from an emerging influential EU partner, into the most dynamic expansionist power within the EU, especially with the former Warsaw Pact economies.
The US and Germany tried to return Russia into the vassal status of the 1990s. The cabal does not want normal relations with Russia at any cost. From the moment Putin moved to restore the Russian state and economy, the
Western powers have engaged in a series of political and military interventions, eliminating Russian allies, trading partners and independent states.
Angela Merkel has openly criticised Vladimir Putin’s apparent strategy to spread Russia’s sphere of influence in Eastern Europe and the EU. The Chancellor doesn’t admit that Germany’s domination of Europe has been disastrous for some states.
Germany keeps dictating the EU path and asserts itself as the dominant power within the Union, says Ernst Wolff, journalist and author. The EU problems originated from the time of its conception and were exposed in 2008 with the Euro crisis, problems which were never solved, but rather relabelled and swept under the rug. They tried to solve these problems by printing more money, by incurring more debt. The general economic situation today is a lot worse than it was before 2008. When an economy deteriorates, cracks between the individual countries become more evident and this can potentially lead to clashes.
The result of all of this is that Angela Merkel’s Germany stands exposed and extremely vulnerable, not only due to Brexit and a global trade slowdown, resulting from Trump’s changes in modernising trade. At the same time, Germany is facing a potential political earthquake that will undermine Germany’s control over EU politics and bring greater policy uncertainty in the near future.
The truth is that Germany’s economy is heading off a cliff; a reflection of the slowdown both nationally and globally – retail sales are drying up, overall factory orders are diminishing, while exports remain relatively high, which keeps the euro overvalued.
However, the global economy is being purposely readjusted via the US-China Trade War, which is an orchestrated Alliance plan with the goal of dethroning the Petrodollar and dismantling the Cabal’s fiat financial system to make way for the QFS, with the gold standard for all currencies. To facilitate this, the Gold Treaty Revision was recently signed and implemented.
In the meantime, the anti-establishment, Eurosceptic parties have given an impressive display in the European Parliament election, while the establishment-puppets, desperately cling to the ridiculous premise that the rise of these populist movements serve as evidence of successful Russian interference.
Russian interference campaign in European politics
For some European and international officials, the problem would seem to be Russia, secretly supporting Eurosceptics – they fail to acknowledge the disconnect between political elites and the people they are meant to represent. They desperately assign the blame of all electoral failure on Kremlin trolls – without, of course offering a
shred of evidence. The claim is that Russian trolls are actively luring EU-voters, as it was accused of in 2016 in America.
For years, the European establishment has been sounding the alarm about a seemingly ever-imminent Russian interference campaign in European politics. Accusations against the Russian media often take centre stage. Now, hundreds of conferences, articles and speeches later; shock and horror prevails, as there is absolutely no evidence of interference. It can be attributed to full-blown propaganda. Even in the final efforts to pre-emptively find a scapegoat for unsatisfactory results, they have not been able to come up with anything.
However, it hasn’t stopped attempts to incessantly push that narrative. The most earnest attempt has come from France’s MEDIAPART, which published an extensive investigation entitled: “The Elysée is worried about Russian interference in the European elections.” The article admits that the President of France is “obsessed with a possible Russian interference.” This should not come as a surprise. Mr. Macron, in his 2017 campaign at times appeared to be running, not against his political opponents, but against RT, which he repeatedly accused of spreading “fake news” about the then-presidential candidate, despite having failed to produce a single example to date.
Today, the Elysée takes issue with RT’s coverage of the Yellow Vest protests, which have been going on for more than half a year throughout France. It seems protests are only newsworthy when they take place in Russia – then they are covered obsessively by the MSM.
Cabal and Deep State terms currently adopted by MSM
Nonetheless, the MSM mainstream media is using the term “Cabal’ in addition to “Deep State.” Both terms used to be considered “a conspiracy theory”, just another addition to the list of so-called “conspiracy theories” which has silently been proven true. Is the MSM waking up too?
We would like to know whether a native German speaker is interested to assist with translation of articles from English into German. And able is further spreading these articles. Please contact us at


Trump sanctions to China catalyzing the impending reset process and purge International Deep State

Current policy - May 11, 2019 at 7:06 a.m.

- Rafapal

Reset sources provide a detailed agenda of what will happen: Trump sanctions to China catalyzing the impending reset process and purge International Deep State

Once Vox has "dropped his pants', we can only that" the cousin Zumosol "come to our aid to get rid of the ritual sadomaso Sanchez and churches has us prepared. 
Thank Heaven, news and rumors reaching us from the United States seem stronger than ever. That is why I am going to translate fully the most important of them: Alert intelligence reset on May 11.(Remember that you have to take How to take). 
Plan Alliance for the collapse of debt-money system is nearing completion. 
These plans began after 11-S and launched with the crisis of 2008. 
The [impostada] trade war between China and the Brexit and are the final stages of that plan.
The Brexit be used to collapse the government of the European Union and remove the London City Khazar control the mafia. 
The current [impostada] trade war will generate repercussions that will catalyze a total collapse of the financial system. 
During the collapse, a transition process that will last for two weeks until the new quantum is perfectly stable monetary system is live. 
During that two - week period, the purification of all elements of the Cabala / State Deep start in each country through the military or the  
Once the quantum monetary system is implemented, all the coins to be reset gold standard.
The Zimbabwe dollar will become the world 'sreserve currency, given the large amount of gold you have in your basement. 
The quantum monetary system will monitor all transactions to prevent manipulations and secret agreements that Kabbalah has done throughout history. 
The system of central banks (private) will be eliminated. 
The income tax will be eliminated. 
All governments will be reformed to comply with GESARA. 

Attention to this. 
Our military sources report that many countries have been informed and are preparing for the overthrow of the Cabala / Deep State.
[According to this latest information, if we move now to demand repeat elections and denouncing the rigging, the military will have the perfect excuse to act]. 
The world will experience a "hard reset." 

[It Involves there were two options: the reset "for good", provided they have gotten all great nations had governments for the good, but since the countries of the European Union is stealing the elections and does not allow rule patriots parties, it will make "the hard way "]. 
We are at the end of the game. 
I also recommend, for the detail of what he says,  the first of the reports belonging to another briefing: The Republic Restaurada via Restarting the global currency. Says interesting things, but also fails lot.Take a look "just in case" ... 
PS: Just so you realize how they are preparing things, the website of Russian-Yankee intelligence Whatdoesitmean published a report yesterday that feeds the imminence of a military war between China and the United States on account of the trade war; a smokescreen to hide the reset monetary system.

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, the author receives credit and the URL is included in https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and copyright notice


Executive Order on Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Transnational Criminal Organizations

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code;
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, in order to take additional steps to deal with the national emergency with respect to significant transnational criminal organizations declared in Executive Order 13581 of July 24, 2011 (Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations), in view of the evolution of these organizations as well as the increasing sophistication of their activities, which threaten international political and economic systems and pose a direct threat to the safety and welfare of the United States and its citizens, and given the ability of these organizations to derive revenue through widespread illegal conduct, including acts of violence and abuse that exhibit a wanton disregard for human life as well as many other crimes enriching and empowering these organizations, hereby order:
Section 1.  Subsection (e) of section 3 of Executive Order 13581 is hereby amended to read as follows:
“(e)  the term “significant transnational criminal organization” means a group of persons that includes one or more foreign persons; that engages in or facilitates an ongoing pattern of serious criminal activity involving the jurisdictions of at least two foreign states, or one foreign state and the United States; and that threatens the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States.”
Sec. 2.  (a)  Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i)   the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii)  the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b)  This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c)  This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
March 15, 2019.


direct letter to VOX, PP and C's on expression for the unity of Spain

Pablo Alvarez Fernandez 

When companies began closing not because you manifestasteis was worthless .

When male and female workers took to the streets to try to prevent the loss of labor rights do not l @ s apoyasteis because they were a privilegiad@s . 

When the women went to complain they were being murdered because you were not Feminazis thing that was. 

When l @ s students took to fighting education cuts do not You went the call because you brought education will not care . 

When they called out in defense of public health do not be solidarizasteis because these mobilizations were politicized.

Against bank fraud that resulted, among other things, thousands of evictions not go out to protest because you @ s you were not one @ s perroflautas. 

When people took the streets to denounce energy scam you do not be joined yourselves because, as you have never had many lights, do not be affected . 

And there you are now, you @ s that in your fucking life have supported any fair mobilization, mounted on a bus to express to you against l @ s who want to break Spain

What Spain, scoundrels? Spain have broken the thieves and corrupt @ s that you graze today. And there you will be as good borreg @ s, bleating slogans without seeing beyond a flag. 
No dais for more.

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets.

Copyright © misteri1963


Military Tribunals Begin; DOD Invites Press to Cover Hearings at GITMO Expeditionary Legal Complex

We’ve been waiting for them. Now, it appears they have arrived. The first of what will likely be many (possibly hundreds) of military tribunals has begun. The tribunals commenced on January the 2nd, according to the Department of Defense, and these proceedings began with a case that could very easily unravel the provably false mainstream narrative of the September 11th attacks.
Along with this news comes a new series of posts from Q Anon. When we see the correlation between these sources of intel (those being and the official D.O.D. website), it becomes clear that there is notable credibility and attention to informational accuracy included within the Q drops. These disclosures appear to be strategic in their timing and subject matter, and as we can see, the following post is no exception.

This post was made on January 5th (the day of the writing of this article) and according to the post, the itinerary of what many anticipated to be the Deep State take-down is ahead of schedule.
We might remember one clever reference made by Q a number of weeks ago regarding a certain succession of significant events.
Q Post 2417 – November 4, 2018 (
This image (above) was posted by Q on November 4, 2018, and suggests that there is a specific order of events that were planned for three successive days. It was unclear whether or not these dates were intended to reference the month of January. However, after the above Q post was revealed, the date of January 4th makes sense.
This would also explain the statement that the Q team and the patriots involved are now two days ahead of schedule. The events planned for the 4th ended up occurring on the 2nd (i.e., Guantanamo tribunals), and the events that follow may also be taking place earlier than anticipated.
It seems that all of the reports about the preparations and massive construction operations at Guantanamo Bay were just as substantial as anticipated. However, it is still important that we remain attentive and avoid getting ahead of ourselves with regard to oncoming disclosures.
We may wait in eager expectation to hear more recognizable names coming through the D.O.D. website fairly soon. Until then, it may be important to prepare for the anticipated public reaction to these revelations.
It has been predicted that many of those who have chosen to blindly default to mainstream propaganda may panic upon hearing the truths which come forward during these tribunals. These mainstream fanatics might believe that the world is ending when they see the opposite of many of the MSM narratives proving to be true.
This may require each of those who have done their research and are able to articulate their knowledge of these events to be available to explain these details to their friends, family, neighbors, etc. as events progress. This means that many of us need to come out of the conspiratorial closet and making this information public with those who may not be aware of it. By doing this, we can help to ease the shock which the public will likely experience if/when they see their once-admired public figures facing a military tribunal.
It is recommended that we only present information that can be officially substantiated (at least initially). It may also be a wise course of action to gain a working understanding of these matters so that if we are questioned on any issue, we can easily give a helpful answer or at least point people to the information they are seeking.
There will most likely be much more on these subjects to report. I will do my best to be prompt in delivering this information as soon as it becomes available to me.
* * * * *
Published: January 2, 2019
By: Department of Defense
Jan. 2, 2019
Press Advisory
Press Operations
Release No: PA-001-19
Military Commissions Media Invitation Announced for United States v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad et al.
The Department of Defense and the Office of Military Commissions will allocate seats for news media aboard military-chartered aircraft for travel from Joint Base Andrews to Naval Station Guantanamo Bay to cover military commission pre-trial proceedings scheduled for United States v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad et al., Jan 28 to Feb. 1.
Travel is scheduled to originate at Joint Base Andrews, Saturday, Jan. 26 and return from Guantanamo Bay to Andrews, Saturday, Feb. 2.
Due to a limited number of seats aboard the flight and limited accommodations at Guantanamo Bay, selection is not guaranteed. However, there is additional opportunity for media members to view the proceedings by closed circuit television (CCTV) from a media work center at Fort George G. Meade.
Media desiring to view this hearing from either Guantanamo Bay or Fort Meade should send their requests via email to All requests must be received no later than 5:00 PM (EDT), Monday, Jan. 7.
Media members should submit the following information to the email address above:
– Individual’s full name
– Individual’s position
– Sponsoring organization
– Contact information (cell phone and email)
– Gender
– Country of residence
– Emergency Point of Contact (name/phone number)
Multiple names from the same organization may be listed. Requesters should indicate each individual’s desire to be considered for travel to Guantanamo Bay or attendance at Fort Meade.
NOTE 1: There are no tours of detention camps scheduled during military commissions. Requests for reporting on Guantanamo topics not related to the military commission (courtroom) must be coordinated through OSD Public Affairs and the Joint Task Force Guantanamo public affairs office. The primary purpose of travel to Guantanamo Bay is courtroom reporting.
NOTE 2: All media must ensure their passports and visas (foreign press) are up-to-date and eligible to enter and exit the United States.
Expeditionary Legal Complex – B-roll 2017
Further information including the media ground rules can be viewed at the Office of Military Commissions website at


When we move into the Fifth Dimension?

When we move into the Fifth Dimension will be Laws and governments or things like that 

Father God speaks

Reaching the Fifth Dimension is open the door to all higher dimensions. This gateway will take youto all infinitely higher dimensions. About such laws and as you mention, will not exist so it will be a different kind of laws. It will be a "Choice Act". 

Children who go to school in the Hollow Earth are helped and driven everywhere to be themselves as they are. He never keeps them doing anything you want todo. They are allowed to be themselves and that is what encourages the Fifth Dimension.

As for governments it is to unify all. There will be no war and there will be no government since the government represents what you call as "control". And why are you going to allow governments to take control when you who are bringing reality to the game of life. 

In the Hollow Earth no such thing as a government and as you knowis a tremendous joybe and feel one with the other because thereno difference or misunderstandings because all are comprising a single thought. 

Once the presence of the Galactic Confederation is revealed in Revelation, they will go down with Mentors and governments are no longer important or relevant anymore because all going to be so full of happiness that will not have any time for them.

Someone says that there is no need to protest against anything rebelliously.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL is included and the Copyright Notice


Anti-globalist yellow vests movement ‘conquers’ Europe and spreads to fifth country

Guillaume Louyot Onickz Artworks - Alexandros Michailidis /

The yellow vests movement has spread to its fifth country, Sweden. Starting in France on 17 November, protests of the anti-globalist movement have been seen in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. 
Now yellow vest demonstrations against the UN Migration Agreement have been announced in Sweden on Saturday and Sunday.
Last Sunday around 1,000 Swedes gathered outside Parliament in Stockholm to demonstrate against Sweden’s signing of the UN Migration Agreement. This weekend, even larger events with more speakers will be held in the same place.
Migration to Sweden is in focus because the whole of society is adversely affected when hundreds of thousands of migrants from the third world are brought into such a small country. However, in the future, other issues may also be addressed.
“The citizens have been informed that the led migration policy is a profit, which it is not”, says one of the speakers, independent journalist and writer Katerina Janouch.
“The issue of Sweden’s signing of the UN Migration Framework is too important to be hidden away. The signing is done behind the people’s backs.”
“There should be a referendum about this. We should not let a reality denying, high-on-power elite decide. It is becoming increasingly apparent that those who govern Sweden, whoever they are, don’t have what’s best for the Swedes in mind.”, she continues.
The Swedish resistance movement is inspired by the French, but not a copy of it. The Swedes focus on the issues considered most important for Sweden, while the French focus on their issues.
Another difference is that the Swedes have chosen events with speakers instead of street marches as protest form
Participants have been asked to wear yellow vests and a lot of those are likely to be seen in Sweden this weekend. Protests will also be held in Gothenburg, Malmö and several other cities.
As the yellow vests movement is spreading through Europe protests have been announced in Brussels (Belgium), Amsterdam and Rotterdam (The Netherlands), Stockholm (Sweden), Paris and several German cities.
Most protests are peaceful, but as usual the escalations receive the most mainstream media coverage. Last week protests in Paris and Brussels completely escalated as some violent groups used the protests to attack people and destroy public property.
In the Netherlands the protests were peaceful last week and it is expected that they will be peaceful again.
If you are joining one of the protests, make your voice heard, stay safe and protest peaceful. It’s the best way to make a statement and not become demonised as a group by mainstream media.


* SANTIAGO ABASCAL (VOX) * _ (short biography of a Patriot fashion) _

She lives of public money since 1999 (or since age 23, now 42). 
He - affiliated from 18 years to PP, he left the party in 2013. 
-Concejal of Llodio by the PP from 1999 to 2007. 
Solicitor General Meetings of Álava 2003-2004. 
-VOX advocates the elimination of autonomies, but Santiago Abascal took seats in the Basque Parliament from 2004 to 2009. 
Esperanza Aguirre did Director of the Data Protection Agency of the Community of Madrid (2010/2012). 
In the meantime receives money from the Gurtel.
-Then in 2013, again does Esperanza Aguirre Director of the Foundation for Social Patronage and Sponsorship (with only 1 more worker Abascal itself).That same year 2013 receives from the Community of Madrid (now Cristina Cifuentes) 183,000 euros for the Foundation, of which 82,000 euros are for the salary of Abascal. 
When El País and UPyD uncover the scandal, the Community decides to end the bar. 
-However, Santiago Abascal will continue to overcharging Danaes (Association for the Defense of the Spanish Nation), of which he is founder. 
- Then the PP government gives him 33,000 euros and a floor as offices.
When El País uncovers this new scandal, the Community announced that it will close latter Foundation, and that is when Santiago Abascal leaving the PP in 2013 and months later he founded VOX. 

Everything 's a roughneck for "own" and was born on April 14, Republic Day. 

PASS AND HELP THIS unmask vivant far - right

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...