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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta NATO. Mostrar todas las entradas

30 de noviembre de 2018

Hillary Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency - Global Research

By Sheep Media
First published on June 13, 2017
Hillary’s emails truly are the gifts that keep on giving. While France led the proponents of the UN Security Council Resolution that would create a no-fly zone in Libya, it claimed that its primary concern was the protection of Libyan civilians (considering the current state of affairs alone, one must rethink the authenticity of this concern). As many “conspiracy theorists” will claim, one of the real reasons to go to Libya was Gaddafi’s planned gold dinar.
One of the 3,000 Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department on New Year’s Eve (where real news is sent to die quietly) has revealed evidence that NATO’s plot to overthrow Gaddafi was fueled by first their desire to quash the gold-backed African currency, and second the Libyan oil reserves.
The email in question was sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by her unofficial adviser Sydney Blumenthal titled “France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold”.
The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power, and to prevent Gaddafi’s influence in what is considered “Francophone Africa.”
Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves, estimated at “143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver,” posed to the French franc (CFA) circulating as a prime African currency.
This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA).
(Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya. According to these individuals Sarkozy’s plans are driven by the following issues: 
     a. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,
     b. Increase French influence in North Africa, 
     c. Improve his internal political situation in France, 
     d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the     world, 
     e. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi’s long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in Francophone Africa)
Second update: see  (screenshot below)
Ergo as soon as French intel discovered Gaddafi’s dinar plans, they decided to spearhead the campaign against him- having accumulated enough good reasons to take over.
Sadly, Gaddafi had earlier warned Europe (in a “prophetic” phone conversations with Blair) that his fall would prompt the rise of Islamic extremism in the West. A warning that would go unheeded; what’s a few lives in France and Libya, if the larger goal lines the pockets of politicians and the elite so much better after all?
Featured image: Sheep Media

9 de noviembre de 2018

Turning the Tide | Report #19 | A New America

One World of Nations
Turning the Tide Series
7 November 2018

With the realignment of empirical Global territories, new wealth, power and dominance will all have to be rethought through. Each nation now seeks to be free of the US Cabal Zionist Hegemony snout.

But how will the old dual Anglo American forces now re-task and reemerge, each still with a viable hold of dominance, however hidden. Be assured, smart pervasive forces in each nation will play out new roles for position. Can we each cope with the new Chess Board moves? Because, we must.

Donald Trump is trying to free America of the Deep State. Americans have no greater enemies than those Usurpers of Freedom within.

Evolution or Revolution? Even the British seek Brexit to re-evolve as a nation freed from Socialist Pariahs. They will of its people who said No More!

The shock for the Deep State as (God Bless you ALL those Thinking Americans who voted for change) Trump was elected by the WILL of the people to Drain the Swamp. But will he?

The social drive of Asia now wanting its own territorial freedom to emerge will be accommodated. Board games are yet to be played out. London is the most accomplished Chess Player bar none, and its US Alliance is strong with the City itself being key to all of Washington's capital dependency based positions. As new reemerging and re-tasking for all new profile players, the Anglo American Alliance will become more convoluted and strategically intense than ever. Mutually dependent. Let us do Good!

Repositioning now is key. Also conceding old strategies.

Change is unstoppable. As will be the future homogeneous integration of the vast Russian territories integrating with East or West, and with the new found emerging expansion of each empowered new thinking Being, with so many nations soon to be freed from failed religious dominance. Religions will not stand up to the scrutiny coming. Societies all will go into focused conflict with the old Vatican and Rothschild's Zionist control of monetary systems. Their claws will be broken free, by each nation and culture seeking their own destiny. A cooperative of nations will find their own new level. Free Spirits of course will want a say in the destiny of their own nations and cultural changes. Not least the abominable cult of circumcising children. Future societies will look back in abhorrence as such blood cult, perverse practices.

The key question now, is how post a GCR (Global Currency Reset), we best help seek a new Global plateau of emerging nations and the new Thought Patterns towards a better World Order. One focused to protect our home planet for all? One uplifting humanity and spiritual values. Freeing minds.

With the incoming hard reality of Eurasia, try as it will, Washington's Military Industrial Cabal and its NWO Agencies, will simply be excluded. Not allowing its presumptuous Hegemony control of Global affairs, manipulating trade and monetary policies. Self Interest will be surpassed by Collective needs and Free Will. We need to rethink the ambiance of collective interest, not self. A marriage of minds.

The American people soon need to coexist with emerging nations, in planned cooperation - not Colonization. Seismic changes for America.

Better planned nations are emerging, each now free in their own lands. As Britain had to learn with the Commonwealth, wealth had to be shared for Common, Collective good. Or all relationships will be lost. Feudal autocracies ended. So will Washington's Cabal corruption.

With new emergent unstoppable forces, as much for America also, after over a century of Fiscal dominance of the enslaved manipulative Zionist Fed and US Treasury mind games, the American people's own self interest as a nation, can and must now emerge free of these parasitical families.

America and the West needs to be Zionist monetary free, and to form its own national and domestic money policies with its own currency, one serving the people, not as Zionist enslaved Sheeple. The US Treasury and Fed must be sequestrated and run by Americans, for Americans, and no more Global Zionist filters.

Just the Zionist c2% of the US population must no longer control 100% of the nations money or wealth. This Oligopoly chain must be broken. It’s visibly obsequious and offensive. Zionism is a truly feral ideology falsely compromising good Jews. Zionists, like Rothschild's, are assimilated Khazars, not Jews! End this buying of Seats in both Houses, and this so undemocratic Oath of Loyalty for the Bought Rothschild's Pariah State of Israel. Good Jews can, as always, live in peace with neighbours in the Middle East, by a policy of Education, Technology sharing, Scientific cross shared benefits, Mutual Heath Care, and an end to seizing and occupying land, for expansion at the cost of long established true entitled nationals. Good Jews, who are respected by Muslim cultures, live themselves under a needless subjugated threat, as a result of the consequences of actions by these Khazar invaders. Israel in its present form will never be accepted. Even Netanyahu's wife is on trial for Fraud and Corruption as he manipulates all resources to avoid his own.

Many Jews in Israel are not happy with this Mossad tyranny regime. Rightly so. The MSM needs to stop lying about these Despots.

America and its Allies need to be free of ugly Usurping parasite forces bleeding the nations dry. Each nation must evolve to where wealth earned is not sequestrated by the hidden claws of lock down Zionist Treasury policies, or votes bought with Jewish money and sworn Oaths of Allegiance to Rothschild's Terrorist State of Israel. No more.

Both American Houses must have Allegiance only to America and freedom of mind for Humanity, freedom and acts of good conscience. One to serve the needs of its nation with humility. One where values matter and enable true Kinetic humane value growth. Thinking energy, bonding and harmonious to all.

Our development must become as Cosmic Beings, all as one to nurture nature. It’s the coming of a time to start to think now the type of Global society we want. A vision of Humanity, Compassion, kindness to animal welfare, ecological processing, compassionate society values, and protection of all of Earth's resources balanced in harmony. Time to come of age.

Just look at the far sighted quotes and creations of True Leaders of their time.

The invaluable National Health Service created by Lloyd George

The numerous cryptic quotes of Churchill

Not least, those of JFK.

Where are such Leaders now? We all need to be rethinking the meaning and values of our nations. Values of being a Good Human Being. What are the values of a good life?

Re-task the GCR only after thinking out what type of new society do we want? What type of relationships do we want with our neighbours, our Allies? What values do we want to establish as the building blocks of the new society, ones free of Dogma, and which can be now be tutored to all our children, educating, caring and establishing new concepts of the values and purposes of Good Citizenship, Community values and new Community Planning? A new Society fit for purpose.

The GCR must be used to underpin thinking out a better way forward with emergent Alliances. How can we not afford a few Trillions to tackle Global poverty and famine, when we can squander and in debt nations wasting tens of Trillions on wars and Agencies. Vast Contractors Mercenary armies are devastating nations, and bankrupting America. Unethical, unprincipled and unacceptable. No thinking Leaders can condone this any longer.

Cease viewing Mercenary rented killers as Heroes. Nations are being emotionally stunted by false propaganda. Evil rules Fools! Only shame will come from this. 990+ Hegemony bases. Why?

Both Empires, the Anglo American conglomerate of Agency and Corporate Global interests, need a total reset. First thinking out a model of ideals which merit the excellence both nations are capable of. A caring, sharing series of partnership values, beneficial to all. Wealth of Soul becoming Ethereal achievements, not Corporate controls and Enslavement. Why release the GCR only to be sequestrated by the same Temple Money Changers who have corrupted nations and enhanced corruption to a fine art for over 6,000 years?

Clearly, unless power overrules them, they will not change. A Blood Cult like this has 6,000 years of committed indoctrination, one committed to to Coveting EVERYTHING!!!

Yet each is born a blank slate human being, then shaped by Cult domination as their indoctrination takes over. No less also with Islam. Blood Cults. Each, ruthless in pursuit of false wealth. Each Covet! It all starts to go wrong there. False values. The convenience of false Gods. We take innocent children and turn them into this. Man made, wrongly tracked creations.

Society goes wrong, when those selected to Lead are simply not fit.

Look at the cross Political spectrum. Corruption, incompetence and maleficent species as a collective. Across Asia ever more Presidents, Prime and Finance Ministers are being jailed for corruption. Truly, what an ugly mess. Sex trafficking across Asia runs unchecked, truly vile! China deals with corruption with a bullet. America needs to!

Soros sits impervious to Law, funding, meddling and seeking to indoctrinate nations, as well as funding Migrant Chains swamping the EU. His funding of the illegal Usurper Soetoro, to cripple America's emergence for 8 years, and now seeking to further destabilize this emergent nation under the undemocratic Pariah Deep State cross infecting all Agencies and State powers. Soros is a truly vile, Nazi collaborating War Criminal who should long since have been brought before The Hague to stand trial for his crimes, dispossessed of everything and incarcerated for life readied for what next awaits this despicable life force. His protection is his bought Political sycophants. Sad. In what society can this happen?

The entire Western concept of Democracy has been left totally bereft of the Values which once formed them. The West has lost its way and purpose.

Will President Trump be able to achieve the re-tracking and recovery of America, with good values? It affects all of us.

What can or will you do to help fight for Justice? What values will we pass on to our children to help shape their world? What can you do to help change ours? Doing nothing begets nothing. Inspiration can change each nation. Everyone is born mentally empowered with Free Will. Use yours, to Free others!

Evolution is a thinking process, what kind of better World Order do we want for our next societies? Sharing ideals as One Human Kind?

One World of Nations is a step. Your voices carry. Human consciousness begins evolution. Yours. It’s our journey, now chose direction. How we treat and deal those we meet on our path of life. Our consciousness of being, a better Human Being.

So, the key and innovative rethinking needed outside the box, to restore America as a True Industrial Empire, but one focused on Trade and Wealth creation. Offload the waste baggage of Free Loaders and yesterday ideas. Why fund more failures?


1. Disband the now defunct NATO. They would not stop a Russian invasion across Europe. At best they can hold the line for 24 hours. We then have to go to tactical nukes anyway, so what’s the point? None!

Fat budget Bases, who ran away and allowed genocide in Kosovo. The EU does not pay its way. NATO is a Turkey gobbling up wasted Trillions. Spend those funds instead on Education, Welfare where justified, future thinking R&D, and building Global Trade Missions. Build Alliances NOT Enemies!!!

2. Close hundreds of US bases which serve no real purpose. They would all be wiped out within a few hours anyway. Idiot thinking! Those bases ONLY justify more Pentagon and Agency Fat Cat budgets. Afghanistan was for what? America is losing it. Trillions wasted feeding 4 squares Contractors and pointless Squaddies. Build AMERICA!!! Rebuild America! Build Trade Alliances.

3. Cease funding armed Mercenary Killers who Murder for Cabal Profit. If a Military incursion merits action, do it honorably with Regular US and UK Forces. Cease creating wars to create Profits for Fat Cat Contractors and Agency opportunism. Iran is FULL of CIA Business Negotiators cutting fat deals outside of American oversight. As they are in most nations. CIA is also an acronym for 'Criminals in Action' which is more befitting. What a two faced shamble.

4. The UN. Is there a more pointless, corrupt and time wasting bunch of incompetent Numpties? It’s rotten from the top down. Special interests thrive and waste bottomless Expense accounts. They achieve what? Trillions wasted. A vast, pointless bloated autocracy.

From the City of London powers out to Washington, let’s have a Military which is fit for purpose, focused on resolution not Regime change revolution, as body bags for Zio Cabal avarice.

Before the GCR hits, it really is time now to ask, is any of it worth the body bags and vast needless Military budgets? 50,000 Washington / Agency reports a year. What the F for? No one reads them. Chaos rules Fools!

End Imperialism and Political chicanery. Are any of them fit for purpose?

canauzzie at Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Republished by © misteri1963

29 de enero de 2018

Catalonia and Venezuela between the jaws of NATO

There are two enormously important and interrelated news that explain many of the twists and contragiros has had the relationship of our country with Venezuela and notice you, readers, what ?, surprise to some Spanish state's relationship with Catalonia.
The news is mediated and interrelated by other "independent" news, which are hung on the media without further comment:
-the statement by the Secretary General of NATO on Catalonia that occurred -The quick meeting (prepared above), "exchange of Chromos" between the Chief Donald Trump and President yesterday  Kisling, Mariano Rajoy, who had right place beginning of the Catalan crisis
-The double news of the expulsion of the Spanish ambassador to Venezuela for continued interference in the affairs of the country, with "balanced" and planned retaliation of the Kingdom of Spain (supposedly the expulsion of the ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Madrid) . All this means at least freezing of relations unless new order of Trump.
Besides, the media reports, in small print, the ferocious increase in defense spending in Spain under control and pressure NATO and the economic crisis.
' Of course, successive speeches of King also serve asa connecting link. The last Davos i , between the platitudes and the specific reference to Catalonia and breaking the rule of law.
The state of emergency the state of war
Simultaneously, the two stories explain many things, for example, the appointment by Mariano Rajoy Cospedal as defense minister, this threat of military intervention in Catalonia, with operational support, intelligence and armed by NATO, if not "cope" police forces; warning that Catalonia and the rest of the state to be placed in a state of rebellion or claim a Constituent Assembly will continue to suffer, or suffer in the future, the application of Article 155.
All for under a state of siege or war, ie a state "exception-state of war" open (Article 155 + Cospedal + Soraya Sanz de Santamaria), with the elimination of the Catalan Parliament and all its institutions, imprisonment of those who have opposed these measures, including the Vice President of the Catalan Parliament, and several directors and senior managers;Now we know that the coercion fierce and almost irresistible on the President of Parliament, several parliamentarians, the presidents of two civil organizations Omnium Cultural and Assembly of Catalonia: Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sánchez, respectively; and forced exile of President of the Generalitat and any of the Consellers. Of course, several hundred people are being monitored directly or computationally.
All will be replaced by the Rajoy (Supreme President in two geographical areas) itself, under the direction, in the case of Catalonia, its virreina the vice president, and, if popular overflowing, the Chief Policy assembled, the Defense Minister.
Indeed, at the right time, or a day or one day earlier, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, said at a news conference following:
"The Catalan question is an internal matter to be resolved within the constitutional framework of Spain , " said an official source from NATO, which has been worth also that "Spain is a committed ally who makes significant contributions to our security shared " ii .
Simultaneously the complementary news appears in the media. Nicolas Maduro elected constitutional president and Venezuela ordered the expulsion of the Spanish ambassador continued his Government interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela iii .
A naive-for lack of information, error, or fear I warn you: we are at war within the "global war" in a phase of it, and in the field of interventions and subordination of the empire. The horizon, with the rise of fascism in the US, Europe and Spain, is very black for the people.
Antonio Maira is a political analyst and Commander of the Navy

20 de septiembre de 2017

NATO wants to claw its teeth in Crimea

Related Image

By  Svobodnaya Pressa ,

The US media Defense News recently published that between 2018 and 2024, Romania's Ministry of Defense plans to acquire four corvettes worth $ 1.93 billion abroad.
The Bulgarian authorities, meanwhile, announced plans to purchase two corvettes for a total amount of 503 million dollars. The aforementioned costs may prove unsustainable for both countries, taking into account their budget, writes Russian columnist Sergei Ischenko in his article for the newspaper  Svobodnaya Pressa .
© AP Photo / Kevin Hagen

For example, Romania's military budget in 2017 amounted to only 3.6 billion euros. 

To allocate so large a sum to the defense, the Romanian authorities have to make considerable scrap in other areas, says Ischenko.

In this context, it is interesting to try to understand the cause why in Bucharest have decided to implement new cuts.
"When both countries, which previously acquired their ships exclusively in second-hand markets, make the almost simultaneous decision to increase their combat capabilities in the Black Sea, it is logical to assume that the need for this step was recommended by someone. someone is so powerful that it is best not to contradict him, "says Ischenko.
To find this 'hidden counselor', it is necessary to understand his motives. In this regard, the author of the article proposes to recall the initiative related to the creation by the NATO countries of a flotilla united in the Black Sea. 
For the first time, this idea resonated in January 2016, precisely in Bucharest, recalls the columnist.
At that time, numerous military experts agreed that the talks about a united flotilla had been used to pressure Moscow and, in practice, had proved to be unfeasible.
The Montreux Convention on the crossing of the Straits considerably limits the presence of flotillas from countries that have no outlet to the Black Sea.

Currently frigates Regele Ferdinand (F221) and Regina Maria (F222) are the main combat elements of the Romanian Navy. These ships pose no threat to Russia's Black Sea Fleet, as they are British ex-dragons who were withdrawn from service in the United Kingdom because they were obsolete.
The Bulgarian Navy does not look great today. Suffice it to mention its frigate BGS Verni - a ship of Belgian origin that previously had the name Wielingen and that was launched in March of 1976.
So what is left for NATO allies to be able to fulfill their plan related to the creation of a united flotilla? The Turkish fleet?
"Yes, the Turkish fleet is large and modernized, but the political tricks of Ottoman President Recep Tayyip Erdogan do not allow his loyalty to his NATO allies in the face of a hypothetical conflict with Russia," says Ischenko.
The journalist believes that the enemies of Russia are trying to draw up a long-term plan. As long as it is sufficient to reorganize the Navy of countries willing to everything, such as Bulgaria and Romania.
"I suppose this is how their simultaneous decision to buy a number of corvettes was born, and these ships could then become the very basis for the [NATO] united flotilla in the Black Sea." During crises, destroyers of the United States Sixth Fleet will support these ships. "
In addition, Íschenko does not exclude the possibility that  the naval base  that the American military are now raising in the Ukrainian locality of Ochákovo serves for the operational deployment of ships near the Crimean peninsula.
Although no data are provided on the ships that Sofia and Bucharest want to acquire, the author suggests that these are French Gowind-class corvettes. During his last trip to Bulgaria, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, praised precisely these ships.
France uses furtive technology in the production of Gowind class corvettes. The displacement of these ships - of more than 106 meters in length and more than 12 meters of sleeve - reaches 2,200 tons.
In addition, each Gowind carries very powerful artillery, as well as anti-submarine weapons and anti-aircraft defense systems. These ships can also house a helicopter. 
Its key feature is the fact that the Gowind have Exocet anti-ship missiles, whose range is around 180 kilometers.

16 de septiembre de 2017

NATO calls for a global response to the new North Korean missile

Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, called for a global response to another launch of a ballistic missile by North Korea. 

Resultat d'imatges North Korea
"The launch of a missile by North Korea is another blatant violation of UN resolutions, a greater threat to peace and international security requires a global response," he wrote in his Twitter account. 

South Korean President threatens North Korea with total destruction. North Korea's Committee for Peace in Asia and Pacific calls destroy US and Japan.

Resultat d'imatges South Korea


28 de junio de 2017

Moscow: if the entire NATO attacks us, all the Alliance will be cremated

Bulava launch of a missile (file)

Moscow launches a 'warning' to the West

The launch of ballistic missile nuclear-capable Bulava, from the Russian strategic submarine Yuri Dolgoruky, proves that this project has been successfully developed. It is a weapon of great importance whose development is due to the efforts of its designers said the analyst.
According Baranets, the more successful releases are made, more often the Russian Navy will equip their vessels with this powerful weapon. He added that the scope of this intercontinental missile is about 8,000 to 10,000 kilometers.

"The West is watching closely the test program this weapon. It seems to me it's a kind of 'warning' to the West, a warning that says that Moscow keeps its navy and its army in operational status and Navy Russian Navy receives new weapons, "said the expert.
The nuclear submarine of the Russian Northern Fleet, Yuri Dolgoruky class -of 955 Borei-, held on June 26 a successful test of the Bulava intercontinental missile. 
The submersible missile launched from a position below the surface of the water, according to the plan of military training. The missile attacked targets in the polygon of Kura on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
 Installation of missiles in the Iskander-M tactical system
"Even if the entire NATO attacks us, all the Alliance will be cremated"

Deputy Prime Minister: "Sanctions only encourage us to show the Russian character"

First of all, the senior Russian official described as nonsense the existing sanctions do not take into account the national character of Russians.
"You can 'stop' to Russia  with sanctions . 
Only encourages us to demonstrate our national character. (...) 
The Russians forbid something is useless , "said Rogozin , citing the examples of the  revival of the national aviation industry  after the period of retreat and the creation of an entire  engine industry  after the cessation of supplies from  traditional partners .
Dmitri Rogozin, Russian Deputy Prime Minister
© Sputnik / Radoje Pantovic

Montenegro in NATO
Regarding the decision of Montenegro to  enter NATO , the Russian vice prime minister compared the situation with the Russian-Ukrainian case:
"In my opinion, it is the same as the case of Russia with Ukraine. (...) It is well known what are the Serbs or Montenegrins for Ukrainians to the Russians. 
It turns out that even a brother may antagonize against another brother, as happened in Kiev (...) 
We did not believe [in Russia] as possible this, but over the years  the accumulated hatred  that manifested itself in the Maidan, the  radicalism and  civil war in Donbas , "Rogozin assessed.
Thus, according to the official, the current Ukrainian elites used the pretext of the conflict, which they blame Russia to  remain in power  and justify the failures of his administration.
Serbia and the EU
It is important that the Balkan country "has good relations with the EU" but to have them is not necessary to be a member of the bloc, says the interlocutor of Sputnik.
"Why join the EU if the Europeans themselves  and flee from it ?" Asked Rogozin referring to the output of the United Kingdom of the European Union.
Also, if now emerge proposals  integrate all Balkan countries  'mass' as the Baltic, "it seems that things go wrong [in the EU] and who are interested in more people between" to solve their problems, he said.

However, in any case " Russia and Serbia will be close , " said the politician.
The S-400 for Turkey and French Mistral
Rogozin said Russia plans to supply anti - aircraft systems  S-400 to Turkey-a  country-member of NATO.
"Why not? Greece [also a member of the Alliance] already buy Russian anti-aircraft systems, and Turkey can too. In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe Russian planes until today make up the Air Force," he recalled deputy prime minister.
History with the Mistral helicopter carrier, described at the time as a great example of cooperation between Russia and NATO member, "was rather an act of friendship that crucial a necessity."

"We call these helicopter carriers to foster ties with France. We are not suited much for not being adapted to the low temperatures of our cold seas they are helicopter carrier type 'bikini'. 
And then refuse to supply them by some fears and restrictions, "said the official.
Upon return from France advanced payment he authorized reselling Russian ships to Egypt, who also sold the  batch of naval helicopters designed for Mistral. 
"We charge you in this business more than what we spend," he noted.
The Race of anti-aircraft systems between Russia and US
"Russia  promotes its anti - aircraft defense , yes. We know the case of Yugoslavia, what happens to a country that lacks defensive systems against airstrikes. We do not want the same to happen with us , " confirmed the politician.
Thus, Moscow invested "considerable resources" in the creation of anti-aircraft and missile defense multi-level, including the space, "but it does so on its own territory".

USA, in turn, deploys its missile defense systems abroad.
"Currently  there is a strategic balance . Any aggressor who invades Russia will be physically destroyed immediately. Even if the entire NATO attacks us, all the Alliance will be incinerated [of nuclear weapons] a guaranteed way without any missile defense to save them " Rogozin predicted.
With the deployment of missile infrastructure it seeks  to reduce the potential for response  Russian and, consequently, " limiting Russian sovereignty guaranteed by this strategic potential , " he continued.
Thus all countries hosting US infrastructure " will be the target  in the event of a conflict."
"Nobody is going to watch quietly as the missiles were pulled down [Russian] takeoff. First, destrozaríamos the missile bases, then, would launch attack response. There will point against capital and cities, only against these bases," he said.
In this regard, the use of  Russian modern weapons in Syria  against terrorists is a frank demonstration of "how exactly we intend to do  in case of need , " said Rogozin, highlighting the capabilities of attack from the bombers,  warships and submarine s.
"We frankly say to countries that decide to host the components of the missile defense system the US . Will lead our white But on their own , " he said.

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