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20 de septiembre de 2017

NATO wants to claw its teeth in Crimea

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By  Svobodnaya Pressa ,

The US media Defense News recently published that between 2018 and 2024, Romania's Ministry of Defense plans to acquire four corvettes worth $ 1.93 billion abroad.
The Bulgarian authorities, meanwhile, announced plans to purchase two corvettes for a total amount of 503 million dollars. The aforementioned costs may prove unsustainable for both countries, taking into account their budget, writes Russian columnist Sergei Ischenko in his article for the newspaper  Svobodnaya Pressa .
© AP Photo / Kevin Hagen

For example, Romania's military budget in 2017 amounted to only 3.6 billion euros. 

To allocate so large a sum to the defense, the Romanian authorities have to make considerable scrap in other areas, says Ischenko.

In this context, it is interesting to try to understand the cause why in Bucharest have decided to implement new cuts.
"When both countries, which previously acquired their ships exclusively in second-hand markets, make the almost simultaneous decision to increase their combat capabilities in the Black Sea, it is logical to assume that the need for this step was recommended by someone. someone is so powerful that it is best not to contradict him, "says Ischenko.
To find this 'hidden counselor', it is necessary to understand his motives. In this regard, the author of the article proposes to recall the initiative related to the creation by the NATO countries of a flotilla united in the Black Sea. 
For the first time, this idea resonated in January 2016, precisely in Bucharest, recalls the columnist.
At that time, numerous military experts agreed that the talks about a united flotilla had been used to pressure Moscow and, in practice, had proved to be unfeasible.
The Montreux Convention on the crossing of the Straits considerably limits the presence of flotillas from countries that have no outlet to the Black Sea.

Currently frigates Regele Ferdinand (F221) and Regina Maria (F222) are the main combat elements of the Romanian Navy. These ships pose no threat to Russia's Black Sea Fleet, as they are British ex-dragons who were withdrawn from service in the United Kingdom because they were obsolete.
The Bulgarian Navy does not look great today. Suffice it to mention its frigate BGS Verni - a ship of Belgian origin that previously had the name Wielingen and that was launched in March of 1976.
So what is left for NATO allies to be able to fulfill their plan related to the creation of a united flotilla? The Turkish fleet?
"Yes, the Turkish fleet is large and modernized, but the political tricks of Ottoman President Recep Tayyip Erdogan do not allow his loyalty to his NATO allies in the face of a hypothetical conflict with Russia," says Ischenko.
The journalist believes that the enemies of Russia are trying to draw up a long-term plan. As long as it is sufficient to reorganize the Navy of countries willing to everything, such as Bulgaria and Romania.
"I suppose this is how their simultaneous decision to buy a number of corvettes was born, and these ships could then become the very basis for the [NATO] united flotilla in the Black Sea." During crises, destroyers of the United States Sixth Fleet will support these ships. "
In addition, Íschenko does not exclude the possibility that  the naval base  that the American military are now raising in the Ukrainian locality of Ochákovo serves for the operational deployment of ships near the Crimean peninsula.
Although no data are provided on the ships that Sofia and Bucharest want to acquire, the author suggests that these are French Gowind-class corvettes. During his last trip to Bulgaria, the French president, Emmanuel Macron, praised precisely these ships.
France uses furtive technology in the production of Gowind class corvettes. The displacement of these ships - of more than 106 meters in length and more than 12 meters of sleeve - reaches 2,200 tons.
In addition, each Gowind carries very powerful artillery, as well as anti-submarine weapons and anti-aircraft defense systems. These ships can also house a helicopter. 
Its key feature is the fact that the Gowind have Exocet anti-ship missiles, whose range is around 180 kilometers.

11 de julio de 2017

Out of 20 G20 leaders 19 are fraud endorsing bankster slaves

July 10, 2017 Author: BenjaminFulford

Last weekend’s G20 meeting of so-called world leaders was very revealing because 19 out of 20 of them publicly endorsed the fraud based global warming scam known as the Paris accords. This happened despite the fact carbon-based global warming is being proved both legally and scientifically to be a fraud.
Michael Mann, the author of the global warming “hockey stick” graph that is used by the UN endorsed IPCC is facing a jail sentence after refusing a judge’s request to show how he got the data to back his claims the world is rapidly warming. Meanwhile, another scientific study showed that almost all the warming recorded in recent years is the result of the temperature data being raised after it was measured.
By ignoring facts and pushing the Rothschild backed global warming fraud, both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin proved they were Rothschild lackeys. The only leader who has publicly renounced the global warming fraud is US President Donald Trump and that is why Khazarian mafia controlled media portray him as isolated.
However, things are changing at a deeper level, according to CIA, Pentagon and other sources. The military and intelligence apparatuses of Russia, the United States and China are all cooperating despite any hostile posturing by these countries’ respective politicians, the sources say.
This may be why Pope Francis felt the need to call up a journalist last week to issue the following statement:
“I am afraid there are very dangerous alliances between powers who have a distorted view of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, Russia and Assad in the war in Syria.”
Remember it was Pope Francis who handed Trump a 260 page document endorsing the climate change fraud when they met in May.
The other thing to note is that the G20 is calling for world governance centered on the IMF. Please recall that the head of the IMF is not selected by the people of the planet but rather by the same Khazarian bloodline group that selects the head of the UN, the World Bank etc. Remember, the IMF and its backers have been erecting gates to the temple of Baal otherwise known as Satan, at their meetings.
Note that the “very dangerous alliance” the Pope is referring to includes Russia, China, the US, North Korea and Syria. These countries are all moving away from bloodline control even though Russia still has a Rothschild figurehead president. Actual Russian sources this writer has contacted, though, all agree it is the Russian Orthodox Church and not Putin that runs Russia.
Pope Francis probably means well but he is deluded if he thinks a P2 Freemason selected person like Marco Di Mauro is going to be anointed the leader of a bloodline controlled world government.
In any case, Francis is being roiled by yet another Vatican scandal, in this case a drug fueled gay orgy that was busted by the police after neighbours complained about the noise. This could lead to yet another Cardinal being fired, CIA sources say.
The Pope should be concentrating more of his efforts on fighting the very real threat of Satanists who were, until recently, on the brink of taking over the world. Yet another former Satanist has come forward with testimony about large scale human sacrifice and other atrocities carried out by these people. This nine minute clip makes for very disturbing listening but it is definitely a call to action.
Action is, of course, being taken. The latest was Germany’s announcement last week that it broke up a pedophile ring that involved 87,000 people. You can be sure many of the people doing child sacrifices were scooped up in that bust.
In the US as well the final clean-up of the Khazarians continues. In the latest, former President Barack Obama’s attorney general Loretta Lynch has been giving detailed testimony about the crimes of her former Clinton/Bush bosses, CIA and other sources say. As a result Barack Obama sought political asylum in Indonesia last week but was denied it, according to White Dragon Society Sources in Indonesia. CIA sources in Europe confirm this and say Obama is going to have to go back to the US in order to be debriefed on who really controlled his presidency. Recall that when Obama was first elected he kept saying “thank you Satan” in reverse speech.
Speaking about Obama, the 40 second video clip below shows clearly how different his personal chemistry with Russia’s Vladimir Putin was from Trump and Putin’s chemistry.
Pentagon sources say the change in chemistry reflects a Trump regime campaign to seduce Russia into joining it in an alliance against Chinese and Khazarian control.
“In a smack down of the cabal and the deep state, political novice Trump was ‘honored’ to meet with elder statesman Putin where Putin’s plan to make Russia great again with symphony of church and state will no doubt be the blueprint for Trump to make America great again,” the Pentagon sources say.
“Trump emerges as defender of Western civilization from Judaic [Satanic] destruction, and he is ably assisted by Putin and the Pope to form a super-Christian bloc to contain China and holocaust the global Jewish mafia,” one Pentagon source says.
The WDS makes it clear there is to be no collective punishment and the only people who are being targeted are the ones who have been engaged in mass murder through biological weapons, nuclear terror, human sacrifice, illegal war etc.
However, it is clear the Trump administration represents a generalized backlash against Khazarian control that could spiral out of control into an attack on Jews in general. On his trip to Poland Trump refused visit the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto monument. In his speech in Poland when Trump mentioned threats from inside and from the South and the East he was referring to Saudi Arabia, Israel and its 5th column in the USA, the Pentagon sources say.
Also, the Neocons H.R, McMaster and Jared Kushner were blocked from attending the meeting between Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with their counterparts Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. At the meeting the US pushed for a restoration of US/Russian ties to counter China, according to the Pentagon. The Americans also proposed a Russian/US “cyber security unit aimed to prevent Israeli, Chinese hacking, e-hijacking, and other cyber-attacks,” the sources say.
Russian sources, for their part, continue to say they are wary of the sudden US friendliness because of the long history of US aggression against Russia. The Russians say they are against forming opposing blocs and prefer a world where everybody is friendly.
Nonetheless, recent Chinese aggressive moves against India clearly seem to have backfired against China.
“Russia is very concerned about Chinese aggression in the South China Sea and the Indian subcontinent, which is why the Vietnamese Prime Minister was invited to the G20,” the Pentagon sources say. The US navy for its part sent a message with joint naval exercises with Japan and India recently.
The Chinese now appear to have backed off following a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of the G20.
Another interesting thing to note about the G20 is that Saudi King “Salman and warrior prince Mohammed Bin Salma were declared persona non grata at the G20 for being a proxy for Israel,” the Pentagon sources say. They say Qatar is on the winning side in its dispute with Saudi Arabia and that deposed crown prince Nayef may still be reinstated.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, for his part, was offering bribes in exchange for protection at the G20, according to Japanese right wing sources close to the Emperor. Abe’s party suffered a crushing defeat at recent Tokyo municipal elections and is likely to be forced to hold elections this year where it will be routed from national politics, the sources say.
What is undeniable is that there is a major split at the top of the Japanese power structure. This is reflected in opinion polls in Japan’s newspapers where the right wing national Sankei newspaper shows support for Abe at 86% while the left-leaning Asahi Newspaper shows his support at 14%. The centrist regional Tokyo Shinbum Newspaper shows his support at only 5%. The following link is in Japanese but the percentage signs show the incredible gaps in newspaper opinion polls.
Japanese right wing sources say the nationalist Tanaka faction is gearing up for regime change in Japan and that this will result in the removal of Korean proxies who have been sub-contracting the rule of Japan for the Khazarians since the end of World War II.
The fact that Abe was setting up a massive chemical and biological warfare research center disguised as the Kake Gakuin Veterinary College has exposed him and his regime as genocidal war criminals. Several right wing sources have called to inform this writer that Abe was not expected to live more than three months.
Meanwhile as the warmongers are removed from power around the world, signs of a construction boom are emerging. WDS sources in Indonesia say the Indonesian government is planning to build a new capital to replace the overcrowded and sinking city of Jakarta.
The Japanese underworld, for its part, is looking forward to a bonanza as the Chinese government prepares to move many capital functions to a new city 150 kilometers from Beijing. A Japanese underworld boss says Japanese companies are getting lucrative contracts for the waste disposal and other environmental work on the new capital because the Chinese want Japan’s know how on how to create clean mega-cities. Sh#t happens and somebody’s got to clean it up.
Once Khazarian rule ends in Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Ukraine, the world will be ready to enter a new golden age.

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