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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas


Catalan Protest On Spain-France Highway Reforms Despite Police Intervention

 Spain and France remained at a standstill despite attempts to clear a blockade by Catalan activists. Police arrested dozens, including a truck driver who tried to force his way through.
Trucks are seen on the highway between France and Spain following a highway blockade by Catalan activists (picture-alliance/AP Photo/B. Edme)
Police carried out an operation to break up a protest by Catalan pro-independence activists on Tuesday, but the highway blockade reformed just hours later.
French, Spanish and Catalan police intervened to clear the protest at a border point on the AP-7 highway, which blocked traffic and caused major delays for over 24 hours.
French police arrested 18 protesters after using tear gas against the activists, reported the El Pais newspaper.
The Catalan police, the Mossos d’Esquadra, said they’d arrested a man for attempting to run over people when he tried to force through the blockade with his truck.
Hours after the police operation to clear protesters, the Catalan Traffic Service said that protesters were once again blocking the AP-7 highway.
Pro-indpendence Catalan protesters occupy a highway crossing between Spain and France (picture-alliance/dpa/Maxppp/M. Clementz)
Pro-independence activists occupied the highway at a crossing between Spain and France
Protesters decry ‘unsolved political conflict’ with Spain
The Democratic Tsunami, a Catalan civic group, claimed responsibility for the disruption. The group wrote on Twitter that both Catalonia and the Basque Country, another region with a separatist movement, “are living in an unsolved political conflict with the Spanish state.”
The secretive group began organizing protests after the Spanish Supreme Court sentenced nine Catalan secessionist leaders to jail last month for their role in the illegal independence referendum in 2017.
The group previously organized an occupation at Barcelona’s airport and coordinates its actions using a mobile phone app.

Messaging apps mobilize Catalan protesters

The northeastern region of Catalonia, and its capital Barcelona, is one of the wealthiest regions of Spain, accounting for almost 20% of Spain’s economy.
The highway protests have come on the heels of Spain’s general election on Sunday, which saw acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’ Socialists win the biggest share of seats but fall short of a majority. On Tuesday, the Socialists announced a coalition deal with the leftist Unidas Podemos.
The far-right Vox party saw its support surge in the election, jumping up to become the third-largest party in parliament, after running on a platform of taking a harsher stance against Catalan secessionists.


More than 40 French senators say there is "repression" against the leaders of the "procès"

The president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont (c) made a statement to the press at the gates of the prison in Neumünster, Germany.  (EFE)© EFE  The president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont (c) made a statement to the press at the gates of the prison in Neumünster, Germany. (EFE)

A group of  41 French senators from different parties  of left and right have denounced  "the repression"  against the  leaders of the Catalan independence process  and called in a statement that France and the EU to intervene to "restore the conditions of dialogue." The Spanish ambassador to France, Fernando Carderera, said Monday in a statement that "deplores and rejects" the manifesto signed by legislators, "which  demonstrates a complete ignorance of the situation in Spain  by a minority group of French senators". He added that "efforts are being made at all levels" in response to that statement.
François Calvet, one of the promoters of the initiative and representative of the department of Pyrenees - Orientales (Catalonia North called), told Efe that  the manifesto seeks to  France  and other European governments to intervene  "so that there is a mediation" because the situation current "does not benefit anyone." "Europe's role is to try to find solutions, not sit with folded arms" because " there is a power surge that can more than not end badly , " said the senator from the Conservative Party Republicans.
He insisted that  they want to "have a discussion between the central state and Catalonia " and that "dialogue does not lead to judicial level , " referring to the proceedings before the Spanish Supreme Court. In the statement, published on the blog of Senator André Gattolin, a member of the Republic in March  (the party  of French President  Emmanuel Macron ), the signatories ask that "France and the countries of the European Union intervene to restore the conditions of dialogue to find political solutions to a political problem. "
The 41 signatories (the French Senate has 348 members) are also demanding "respect for freedoms and fundamental rights in Catalonia, of course not interfere in the political problems of a neighboring country without taking sides on the issue of independence Catalonia ". Denounce also "repression victims of the legitimate elected representatives, political representatives of the Catalan imprisoned or forced into exile for their views on the exercise of the mandate given them by the voters." 
Calvet justified the term "repression" to describe the treatment of those responsible tried before the Supreme in Madrid, which  he called "political prisoners",  because "we believe that you can not stop people for their convictions."

According to the 41 senators, the situation of these politicians is "a real attack on democratic rights and freedoms." At the same time, they consider that  "the seriousness of this situation has been underestimated in France."  The text is the result of an initiative of Gattolin and four other senators, including François Calvet is, and arose from similar statements by mayors of the Eastern Pyrenees that had requested the release of prisoners.


direct letter to VOX, PP and C's on expression for the unity of Spain

Pablo Alvarez Fernandez 

When companies began closing not because you manifestasteis was worthless .

When male and female workers took to the streets to try to prevent the loss of labor rights do not l @ s apoyasteis because they were a privilegiad@s . 

When the women went to complain they were being murdered because you were not Feminazis thing that was. 

When l @ s students took to fighting education cuts do not You went the call because you brought education will not care . 

When they called out in defense of public health do not be solidarizasteis because these mobilizations were politicized.

Against bank fraud that resulted, among other things, thousands of evictions not go out to protest because you @ s you were not one @ s perroflautas. 

When people took the streets to denounce energy scam you do not be joined yourselves because, as you have never had many lights, do not be affected . 

And there you are now, you @ s that in your fucking life have supported any fair mobilization, mounted on a bus to express to you against l @ s who want to break Spain

What Spain, scoundrels? Spain have broken the thieves and corrupt @ s that you graze today. And there you will be as good borreg @ s, bleating slogans without seeing beyond a flag. 
No dais for more.

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets.

Copyright © misteri1963


Decathlon choose Barcelona instead of Madrid logistics center for southern Europe

Decathlon has chosen Barcelona to set up its new logistics center for southern Europe. The signing of sports equipment has reached an agreement with Logistics Activities Zone (ZAL) of the Port of Barcelona, ​​which will build a logistics ship turnkey 96,000 square meters, with an investment of 60 million euros, and the that the French company will create about 500 jobs.

The French group  already has a facility of 50,000 square meters in the ZAL , which will cease to occupy the new ship. The company will double its surface, but with the construction of a more modern and automated ship will triple the number of containers moving annually to 60,000 PUS. 

Decathlon new ship is the second largest logistics investment in recent years in Catalonia, following the opening of the logistics center of Amazon in Mas Blau in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat in 2018, in a ship of 210,000 square meters but on a plot smaller.

The new facilities will allow Decathlon ZAL also enhance its strategy of growth in online sales in Spain. Internet represented in 2017 only 5% of its turnover, but with growth rates of 35% per year expected to reach 20% of group sales in 2020. The location on the harbor, within walking distance of the city, it allows the group to enhance its services superfast delivery in the metropolitan area, with services like Click and collect, which allows to collect orders in store less than an hour, or delivery on the same day of internet shopping done before two p.m.


Banks have not paid a euro for its benefits since the outbreak of the crisis and that they have earned 84,000 million euros

This week is expected to banks included in the Ibex 35 announced that the benefits of 2018 amount to 17,000 million euros, which would mean an increase of 21%.

Banco Santander has a net profit of 7,810 million euros, which would be 18% more than recorded in 2017. 
That is, since 2008 has earned more than 70,000 million euros and  its fiscal balance by the companies has been negative 1,900 million, ie what is known as "a return" ... 
-Follow reading, below we will continue with Santander- 

And not just the Santander will present great benefits ...

In the case of BBVA, it is possible that the bank registered 5,172 million euros, which would mean an improvement of 46% compared to 3,519 million euros a year earlier.

As for CaixaBank, the market expects a net profit of 2,081 million euros compared to 1,684 million the Catalan organization recorded a year earlier, representing an improvement of 23.5%.

Sabadell, which also publishes its accounts on Friday, still affected by the problems of its British subsidiary. In fact the net profit for the whole year will fall by 56% to 346 from 801 million euros.

Bankia will also lower its profits by 3% to 791 million.

And Bankinter (data published last week) achieved a record $ 526.4 million profit in 2018, representing an increase of 6.3%.

You imagine  that these banks pay a 25% corporate tax as do SMEs. We would be talking about more than 4,000 million euros to the coffers of the Spanish State. 

Well , no, it's zero, and has for years been zero euros ... 

The six largest Spanish banks (Santander, BBVA, CaixaBank, Bankia, Sabadell and Bankinter) have not paid, overall,  not a single euro from corporation tax the onset of the economic crisis , despite winning 84,000 million in the meantime. This follows from the data entities themselves provided the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), as is required, between 2008 and 2017.

The tax bill that period, considered as a whole, has even been good for them, to generate a credit balance of 164 million euros in round numbers (counting all banks, not only the Ibex).

tax banks during the crisis

In other words, Hacienda, "the people", there has not only had a net income from the application of corporation tax to the benefits of the big banks, but had to return  money from all Spaniards.

This is due to the specific advantages enjoyed by the financial sector taxation and in addition to the deductions that can be applied other companies. Banks generate tax credits, which can be activated in the following years, by writedowns, for contributions to pension plans for their workers compensation or benefits with previous losses.

In the last ten years, the company has reaped more profits is by far the Santander (63.428 million euros), but its fiscal balance has been negative Companies 1,900 million. The bank presided Ana Botin leaves will not pay this tax since 2011, although it has never incurred losses, even in 2017, when it absorbed the Popular, a bank that was supposedly imminent bankruptcy.

On the contrary, the only one of the six major financial institutions with accumulated losses since 2008 is Bankia (16.755 million euros), due to the huge hole that I recorded in 2011 and 2012, coinciding with the passage of Rodrigo Rato for his presidency. While returning to the benefits paid by companies in the last five years, the fiscal balance of the decade followed resulting favorably 2,641 million.

Of large organizations that have made money since the outbreak of the economic crisis, only three have been unable to avoid paying the IRS throughout the period: BBVA (3.397 million euros), Sabadell (503) and Bankinter (787). CaixaBank has had a bill in your favor 583 million.

profits banks during the crisis
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Trump, Borrell: "They are crushing the most prosperous region of Europe

Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell EFEPhoto:   Efe 
Barcelona. Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The US president,   Donald   Trump  , is aware of what happens in Catalonia and has an opinion on the performance of the Spanish government. This follows the comment made by journalist   Fernando   Ó  denies   the program   Espejo   p  ublic of Antena 3   in the presence of   Paco  Marhuenda   and Elisa  Beni  . According Ó  denies  the US president criticized the Spanish Foreign Minister,   Josep Borrell  : "  You   are crushing the most prosperous region of Europe."
In the opinion   of Ónega  , "when Mr.   Trump   has this picture of what is happening in Catalonia it is that we are doing something very wrong."
The journalist   Fernando  Ónega  refuses to  collaborate usual Onda Cero and   Antena 3  , begins his commentary on the gathering stressing that what happens in Catalonia not only spoken in Europe,   but  also in the United States. And he cites the words of Minister President Borrell, the Spanish government minister belligerent against separatism.
Jordi Cuixart.  MC.
political prisoners
Lluís Bou

The US president,   Donald  Trump  , is aware of what happens in Catalonia and has an opinion on the performance of the Spanish government. This follows the comment made by journalist   Fernando  Ó  denies   the program   Espejo   p  ublic   of Antena 3   in the presence of   Paco   Marhuenda  and Elisa   Beni  . According Ó  denies  the US president criticized the Spanish Foreign Minister,  Josep Borrell  : "  You   are crushing the most prosperous region of Europe."
In the opinion   of Ónega  , "when Mr.   Trump  has this picture of what is happening in Catalonia it is that we are doing something very wrong."


507 people are talking about this
 Fernando   Ó  refuses to  collaborate usual Onda Cero and   Antena 3  , begins his commentary on the gathering stressing that what happens in Catalonia not only spoken in Europe,   but   also in the United States. And he cites the words of Minister President Borrell, the Spanish government minister belligerent against separatism

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