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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Pedogate. Mostrar todas las entradas

21 de septiembre de 2018

(Video) 60 minutos sobre la red de pedófilos del gobernador del Reino Unido

Publicado el 17 de marzo de 2017 TODOS LOS DERECHOS LEGALES SON DEBER DE TERCEROS; DIFUSIÓN DE VÍDEO CON FINES EDUCATIVOS. 60 minutos sobre el caso de abuso infantil de alto nivel. Grip of Evil de Caballero pedófilo satánico Preston James, Ph.D el 4 de diciembre de 2016 : Este artículo está basado en informes de investigación policial ... testimonios personales documentados de policías y mujeres enfurecidos. La historia en sí tiene una gran credibilidad; y los hechos presentados aquí han sido corroborados por cientos de investigadores y privados en los Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido y otras naciones.

Australian 60 Minutes publicó una historia que 60 Minutes (America) nunca se atrevería a tocar. En los Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, la Red de pedófilos controla a los políticos pedófilos de alto rango, los medios de comunicación mayoritarios, el FBI, la CIA y los principales encargados de hacer cumplir la ley. Aquellos editores de los principales medios de comunicación y funcionarios electos o designados que no forman parte o no están comprometidos se dan cuenta de que tratar de exponerlo da como resultado una pérdida inmediata de su trabajo, su jubilación, y estarán en la lista negra y tal vez incluso tienen sus vidas amenazadas. Esto ha hecho que sea casi imposible sacarle la verdad al pueblo sobre la presencia y penetración de esta red mundial de pedófilos satánicos.

A pesar de todas estas fuertes fuerzas de represión en el pasado, no solo fue el escándalo de pedófilos Franklin Credit Union de la CIA expuesto por el Washington Times, sino que el escándalo de los buscadores fue expuesto por US News and World Report. Y, a pesar de esas declaraciones altamente públicas, los principales medios de comunicación no pudieron promover esas historias importantes; y las historias se extinguieron, sin acciones correctivas por parte de la LE federal, que ahora sabemos que es muy sucia, porque sus propios líderes están completamente comprometidos por esta red de pedófilos

(Video) 60 Minutes on the UK Gov. Pedophile Ring Network

Published on Mar 17, 2017


60 Minutes on the case of High Level Child Abuses. 

Satanic Pedophile Cabal’s Iron Grip of Evil
By Preston James, Ph.D on December 4, 2016

Note: This article is based on police investigatory reports… personal documented tes-timony of enraged policemen and women. The story itself has major credibility; and the facts presented here have been corroborated by hundreds of investigators, and private in the USA, UK and other nations.

Australian 60 Minutes published a story that 60 Minutes (America) would never dare touch. In America and the UK, the Pedophile Network controls high ranking Pedophile politicians, the Major Mass Media, FBI, the CIA and top Law Enforcement.

Those editors of the major mass media and elected or appointed officials that are not part of it or compromised by it realize that to try and expose it results in an im-mediate loss of their job, their retirement, and they will be blacklisted and perhaps even have their lives threatened.

This has made it almost impossible to get the truth out to the populace about the presence and penetration of this world-wide Satanic Pedophile Network.

Notwithstanding all these strong suppres-sion forces in the past, not only was the CIA’s Franklin Credit Union pedophile scandal exposed by the Washington Times, but the finders scandal was expo-sed by US News and World Report. 

And, despite those highly public exposu-res, the Major Mass Media failed to pro-mote those important stories; and the sto-ries died out, with no corrective actions by federal LE, which we now know is dirty to the core, because its own leaders are fully compromised by this Pedophile Network

18 de abril de 2018

CIA Director Pompeo Oversees Capture Of UN Pedophile Who Leaked Video Of Hillary Clinton Killing Child

World's Largest English Language News Service with Over 500 Articles Updated Daily
"The News You Need Today…For The World You’ll Live In Tomorrow."
April 18, 2018
CIA Director Pompeo Oversees Capture Of UN Pedophile Who Leaked Video Of Hillary Clinton Killing Child
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An absolutely stunning new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that during the past fortnight, CIA Director Mike Pompeo was personally dispatched by President Donald Trump to the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal to hold a secret meeting with the Supreme Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRKKim Jong-un—but with Pompeo’s duel-mission to this Asian nation, also, seeing him personally oversee the capture of top United Nations adviser Peter John Dalglish—who, in desperation just prior to his being apprehended, released to the “dark web” what is described as a “snuff film” showing Hillary Clinton and her top aid Huma Abedin torturing and murdering a child.[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, this past Sunday (15 April), the SVR contacted their CIA counterparts to provide them with satellite tracking and signals intelligence information showing that both CIA Director Pompeo and North Korean leader Kim Jung-un had traveled to Nepal during this past fortnight—to which the Americans responded to by stating that as Nepal hadlongstanding good relations with the United States, and, equally, longstanding good relations with North Korea too, its international neutrality provided the most obvious choice of meeting places for the upcoming summit between President Trump and Kim Jung-un—and that both the US and North Korea were making a “trial run” in preparation for.
When SVR officials asked their CIA counterparts as to why Director Pompeo was personally overseeing an operation being conducted by the Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police(CIB) to capture the international fugitive Peter John Dalglish, while at the same time he was meeting with the North Korean leader, however, this report continues, the Americans abruptly ended their “conversation” with SVR officials—but, within 3 hours, then saw SVR DirectorSergey Naryshkin receive a personal call from Director Pompeo—and wherein Pompeo toldNaryshkin that President Trump had ordered an immediate halt to any further sanctions ofRussia in exchange for allowing the Americans to handle this “extremely delicate issue” on their own—that Moscow agreed to—and was then followed by the US admitting that Pompeohad, indeed, met with Kim Jung-un—but whose place of meeting was said to be North Korea, not Nepal where it had actually occurred.
As to the “extreme delicate issue” being dealt with by President Trump and Director Pompeo, this report details, was the capture of one of the most secretive wanted fugitives in the world named Peter John Dalglish—who is described as a Canadian humanitarian, topUnited Nations advisor, and founder of the Street Kids International charity organization—which, within a few weeks of President Trump’s stunning election victory over Hillary Clintonsuddenly revoked its Canadian charitable registration on 15 December 2016—withDalglish then appearing in Nepal three days later on 18 December 2016.
With SVR intelligence “assets” maintaining continuous “observations” of Peter John Dalglish since his late December-2016 arrival in Nepal, this report notes, no actions against him by the Americans had been observed, other than the CIA constantly monitoring him too—but that changed a few weeks ago, in late March, when a CIA advance team arrived in Nepal for purposes, at that time, unknown.
International pedophile fugitive Peter John Dalglish (left) with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (right)
Upon the CIA advance team arriving in Nepal, this report says, SVR intelligence analysts recorded a “significant increase” in “dark web” communications emanating from the home of Peter John Dalglish—that culminated, during the first week of April, when he released to the “dark web” a video file code named “Frazzledrip”—that contains a scene of Hillary Clintonand her top aide Huma Abedintaking the facial skin off a young girl child and wearing it over their own faces to terrify the girl—with Clinton and Abedin then killing the child and drinking her blood. [WARNINGThis link does not contain the actual “Frazzledrip” video file—but whose instructions to access SHOULD NOT be followed as it is against US Federal law to do so.]
To why Peter John Dalglish had posted these inhuman demonic videos of Hillary Clinton to the “dark web”, this report concludes, was in an effort to blackmail the “Deep State” in order stop his being captured by CIA forces loyal to President Trump —but whose efforts did not succeed as elite Nepal police forces, while being overseen by Director Pompeosuccessfully captured him, while at the same time rescuing the two girl children he had imprisoned in his home—and with the first “ripple effect” of this capture being the Deep State” pawn US Senate Leader Mitch McConnell stunningly just reversing himself and giving Trump the “green light” to fire Special Counsel Robert Muller—and that, no doubt, will soon turn into a “tsunami” engulfing, and ultimately destroying, the “Deep State” forever—and whose evidence of this being true can be seen in the rabid and psychotic fear now being displayed on an hourly basis by the “Deep State” aligned US mainstream propaganda media establishment whose attacks on Trump have become so unhinged, they now border on the insane.
President Donald Trump
April 18, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been alongstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us,that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

24 de marzo de 2018

Los pedófilos del Congreso financiados por los contribuyentes estadounidenses desde el inicio de la CIA

Los pedófilos del Congreso financiados por los contribuyentes estadounidenses desde la creación de la CIA 

Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery ; Autor, Veintidós rostros , artículos de Byington Before It's News sobre el Anillo de explotación infantil Cabal / Vaticano: 

La mayoría de las más de 18,000 acusaciones 

En el caso de las élites globales, presentadas este año en tribunales federales, se basaron en una red internacional de satélites de explotación y pedofilia infantil utilizada para chantajear a los miembros del Congreso. 

Desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, ese anillo fue dicho organizado por la CIA en cooperación con las SS de Deep State corriendo dólares de los contribuyentes estadounidenses a través de la Monarquía británica y el Vaticano.

De acuerdo con la biografía de Jenny Hill Twenty Two Faces, el 21 de junio de 1965 Summer Solstice y cuando tenía seis años, fue torturada y fue testigo de otro niño asesinado en una ceremonia de sacrificio humano satánicoEse rito fue supervisado por un "Dr. Verde. Green fue llevado a los EE. UU. Desde la Alemania nazi después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial para dirigir el Programa de Control Mental de la CIA, MKULTRA. Ver:

A principios de 1965 y antes de la experiencia de Hill, el Congreso afirmó que ya había cerrado estos experimentos humanos MKULTRA dirigidos a niños. Las investigaciones del Congreso finalmente condujeron a las Audiencias de 1977 y 1995, ambas cubiertas y sin ninguna acción.Videos de sobrevivientes de MKULTRA en las audiencias de 1995 atestiguan que Green (que otros sobrevivientes afirmaron que era Joseph Mengele), dirigió este MKULTRA Mind Control de la CIA: la terapeuta Valerie Wolf:

Sobreviviente Christina Nicola 

Sobreviviente Claudia Mullen 

Sobrevivientes Claudia Mullen, Cammie Lewis, Brice Taylor, Susan Benson, Chuck Davenport, Kathleen Sullivan, Anon:

Hill y Byington en Dr. Phil Show

ABC Channel 4 Judy Byington, Jenny Hill, Dr. Whatcott

Al igual que mis sitios , y CARTS UTube Channel, la Cabal se ha encargado de que algunos de los enlaces anteriores no funcionen en ciertos motores de búsqueda. Hace que uno se pregunte qué, por qué y quién estaba tratando de ocultar las cosas. Muchas gracias a los White Hats y a los muchos otros patriotas desconocidos por enfrentar finalmente esta horrenda explotación de niños. Ve, Trump, gooooooooooooooo !!

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...