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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Sanity. Mostrar todas las entradas




The HEART is connected to our souls.  

He has the ability to guide us towards the desire of our souls.  The more we are prepared to live through our HEARTS and activate the potential for manifestation in ourselves, the more we will experience their passion, expansion, and true mission.  It is our gateway to place ourselves where we belong in the world, and thus attract the people we need to support our unique journey ... what we call our "soul family".

Performing the following exercise will help us in its expansion.

Let's move our breath towards our physical body, let's take three deep breaths, let's focus on the HEART, when we get there let's formulate our most fervent desires (what we want, what we want to manifest for our lives, and how we want it to be realized)… Let's be specific.

If the ego mind is creating doubts, simply bring our consciousness to the HEART and breathe.  We will begin to feel the truth and the calm again.  Let's not worry about the details of how this will play out.  Let's not try to think of what to do next;  it will not give us the correct answers.  The mind does not have the answers to take this journey.  By connecting with our HEART we will get the answers we need.

Let's stay connected with the power of our intention with our HEART during this process;  let's hold in our HEART and consciously breathe as we map what we want to manifest.

Let's not limit what we are going to get.  Let us fully open the key to abundance.

This practice will help restructure our lives in a positive way, bringing changes where necessary, expanding relationships and experiences in our lives that resonate with the truth of where we should go.

It will also support ... the true needs of the Self.

It is us feeding ourselves, with the spiritual food of the Being.

The only things that will disappear will be the people and things that are no longer really vibrating in tune and that are not based on any real authenticity to us.  We will become much more present and therefore more present to the people around us.




The purpose in our terrestrial incarnation is to follow the path of life and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, learning not to judge, to balance duality, as this creates unity and healing within us.

Symbols contain the energy of what they represent.  When we use different symbols, we are emitting a call to the energy field that surrounds us, which will send us the appropriate response.

Eight is the number related to the power of resurrection and regeneration, which symbolizes happiness.

The symbol reminds us that there is a plan for our soul, to find the way back to unity.  The symbol of infinity is an eight and it is the symbol of the eternal, but it is also the symbol of the fusion of duality and of everything that is polarized here on Earth.  This unity forms a complete whole, and recognizing its holistic nature brings us closer to our own unity, to our integrity and health.

The sign of infinity is also within us, in our own cells and in the basic structure of our genes.  It is in the double helix of the strands of our DNA, a continuous chain of figures of eight.

Our cells begin to vibrate and resonate with the information contained in the symbol and guide us towards a new, deeper and more conscious wisdom.  

The vibration of the infinity symbol has a frequency that stimulates unity and helps it develop.

The more we are in contact with this vibration, the more benefits it is to balance our internal polarities.  Lemniscate helps us reconcile duality and find harmony.  It can also be used to harmonize places or people.

The infinite nature of the infinity symbol can greatly benefit our personal, emotional, cognitive, physical and spiritual development.

The symbol of infinity, disperses pain and also heals.

By visualizing it or drawing it as a symbol, we can use it anywhere on the body where balance and harmony are needed.  If we feel bad, we can write the word "health" in an infinity symbol and carry it with us.

We can draw it over and over again when we are stressed, and trace it with the index finger of your hand.

The more times you do, the greater the healing energy movements.

Another form of symbol healing is by energizing the water, placing the symbol under the glass water bottle or moving the water in symbol form with a spoon.  By doing this movement repeatedly, we will feel as if we are pushing or throwing the energy out.


important issues regarding the upcoming Covid-19 vaccine. The "promising vaccine" for the vast majority of people is in fact a prohibited genetic manipulation! IT WILL CHANGE YOUR DNA!


A warning letter from German naturopath Anette Lillinger to all of her patients inquiring about the upcoming coronavirus vaccine:

"For all my patients:
I would like to urgently draw your attention to important questions concerning a forthcoming Covid-19 vaccination:

Due to the new mode of action of the future coronavirus vaccine, such cure successes will no longer be possible in the future. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called latest generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the patient's genetic material and thus change the individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation - something that has been banned , even considered criminal so far.

This intervention can be compared to that of genetically manipulated foods, which is also very controversial.

Even if the media and politicians currently trivialize the issue and even call without thinking about a new type of vaccination in order to return to normalcy, such vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morals and ethics and also in terms genetic damage which, unlike damage caused by previous vaccinations, will now be irreversible and irreparable.

Dear patients, after such an unprecedented vaccination against mRNA, you will no longer be able to cure the symptoms of vaccination in a complementary manner.

You will have to live with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured simply by eliminating toxins from the human body, just as you cannot cure a person with a genetic defect such as Down's syndrome or 21, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner's syndrome, genetics heart disease, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc.), because the genetic defect is once and for all present!

Clearly, this means: if you develop a symptom of vaccination after a vaccination with mRNA, neither I nor any other therapist can help you in a causal way, because the damage caused by the vaccination will be genetically irreversible.

In my opinion, these new vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never been committed in such a broad form in history.

As Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an experienced doctor, said yesterday:
In reality, this "promising vaccine" for the vast majority of people is in fact prohibited genetic manipulation!"


About the content and gene manipulation of vaccines :

Dr. Carrie Madej:

Dr. Andrew Kaufman:

The transhumanism ideology behind the agenda - TechnoCalypse documentary :
... and here for a deeper dive into the thinking behind this (art video collage/ symbolic journey):

Documentary about Bill Gates by Corbett report:

Thank you for sharing. This is important information for everyone to see


CDC — Fail!

22h ·

“Two of the three C.D.C. laboratories in Atlanta that created the coronavirus test kits violated their own manufacturing standards, resulting in the agency sending tests that did not work to nearly all of the 100 state and local public health labs, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

Early on, the F.D.A., which oversees laboratory tests, sent Dr. Timothy Stenzel, chief of in vitro diagnostics and radiological health, to the C.D.C. labs to assess the problem, several officials said. He found an astonishing lack of expertise in commercial manufacturing and learned that nobody was in charge of the entire process, they said.

Problems ranged from researchers entering and exiting the coronavirus laboratories without changing their coats, to test ingredients being assembled in the same room where researchers were working on positive coronavirus samples, officials said. Those practices made the tests sent to public health labs unusable because they were contaminated with the coronavirus, and produced some inconclusive results.

In a statement on Saturday, a spokeswoman for the F.D.A., Stephanie Caccomo, said, “C.D.C. did not manufacture its test consistent with its own protocol.”

The F.D.A. confirmed its conclusions late this week after several media outlets requested public disclosure of its inquiry, which assuredly is part of a larger federal investigation into the C.D.C. lab irregularities by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Forced to suspend the launch of a nationwide detection program for the coronavirus for a month, the C.D.C. lost credibility as the nation’s leading public health agency and the country lost ground in ways that continue to haunt grieving families, the sick and the worried well from one state to the next.”…/cdc-coronavirus-lab-contamination…
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Corona Immunity does not exist. Humans are made of billons of Bacteria and Viruses and we all are evolving - the world is evolving.

There is no vaccine or cure for Coronavirus or the common cold which kills more to date than this Coronavirus.

Once you get the virus it stays with you forever and the symptoms can appear whenever you drop your Corona Chakra connection. You are not immune to the virus once you have survived it and you will still be contagious.. People who have been cleared of the virus still appear positive on the tests. In China you need to have symptoms as well as appear positive on the test to be listed as an active patient. In the USA you just need to have an active immune system to be listed as an active patient.

Basically we are moving into a new age with new energies 5G/5D whatever and new bugs, which we can either adapt to or adapt with. The virus will not magically disappear and we will disappear before it does. Adaption is part of Nature's cycle and the prevention to stay at home will give the planet a period of rest and allow humans to re-adjust to what is actually necessary - to what they actually need and to connect with nature.

The Galactic Federation Council says that the Coronavirus onslaught will abate by July and the virus will be EXPOSED by year end. The virus is not a punishment but just a re-adjustment or necessary adaptation as the planet moves into the new golden age.


***©misteri1963 this publication may be freely reproduced provided that its integrity is respected and the author is acknowledged. As a source, please include this URL and the copyright notice ***


Official Story of China Epidemic Falls Apart Completely

This is a big one.
How do experts tell the story of the origin of the China epidemic? The story is always important. The medical professionals need to make it sound credible.
If it has major flaws, it’s as if a stage magician screws up a trick in full view of the audience. As he’s sawing a woman in a box in half, everyone sees her sneaking out of the back of the box. Busted.
China Epidemic Army
That’s what’s happening in the case of the so-called China epidemic.
According to Chinese and international public health agencies, the epidemic started in Wuhan, in a hospital, with a single patient who had pneumonia. The doctors could find no cause. Soon, researchers discovered the never-before-seen coronavirus in the patient.
Really? Let’s break this down.
The doctors couldn’t find a cause for the patient’s pneumonia. That means they didn’t locate the usual bacteria or viruses said to be responsible for pneumonia. They were puzzled.
BUT as I’ve pointed out in past articles, the city of Wuhan is famous for clouds of foul pollution. The unprecedented combination of toxic compounds in the air constitutes a clear and present danger.
Last summer, there was a large protest in the city focusing on this very issue. When lots of people take to the streets in China, you know the issue is serious — because the brutal government doesn’t take kindly to public expressions of dissatisfaction.
SO… who cares if doctors in a Wuhan hospital couldn’t find familiar bacteria or viruses in a PNEUMONIA patient? LOOK AT THE AIR POLLUTION. You want a cause for lung problems? THERE IT IS.
In other words, why would this patient be a mystery in the first place? Why would researchers look for a virus no one had ever seen before? This whole origin-story is absurd. It vibrates with ripples of FAKE.
It’s as if emergency workers bring a person into a hospital after a car accident… and the doctors are puzzled because they can’t find a bacterial explanation for the person’s injuries.
There is more. Much more.
The medical professionals had to deal with the possibility that this “new” coronavirus wasn’t new at all. Suppose it had been in the world for decades or centuries, obviously causing people no harm? If so, that would sink their ship. They couldn’t have that.
They couldn’t admit — “Oops, sorry, everyone, we made a mistake. Finding this coronavirus in people all over the world means NOTHING because, you see, it’s been around for a long, long time, and it’s never caused problems. So when we said we’ve found people who have been ‘infected’, we really mean they have this harmless virus in them.” No, no, that would never do.
Instead, the pros would have to claim the coronavirus JUST EMERGED in humans for the very first time. A FEW MONTHS AGO, it crossed over from animals (bats, snakes) to humans.
And that’s exactly what they are saying.
Here is a statement from StatNews. It’s a bit complicated, but read it over, and then I’ll comment:
“Given what’s known about the pace at which viral genomes mutate, if nCoV [the coronavirus] had been circulating in humans since significantly before the first case was reported on Dec. 8, the 24 genomes [from, presumably, 24 different samples of the virus in 24 people] would differ more.
“Applying ballpark rates of viral evolution, Rambaut [one of the “experts”] estimates that the Adam (or Eve) virus from which all others are descended first appeared no earlier than Oct. 30, 2019, and no later than Nov. 29.”
My, my. That’s quite a precise peg: the coronavirus jumped from animals to humans, for the very first time, between October 30 and November 29, 2019. The experts can assure us that it never existed in humans until that one-month period. Absurd. No one can perform such an exact analysis.
Therefore, their whole story about the human origin of the coronavirus wobbles out of the range of credibility. By miles. Whether they’re just winging it, or fabricating it, or making gross errors in bolstering their tale…there is no reason to believe anything they say about when the coronavirus surfaced in humans.
The coronavirus could have existed for a long time in humans — causing no damage or harm whatsoever.
The entire “origin story” of the “coronavirus epidemic” is riddled with exaggerations and fabrications.
Finding traces of the virus in humans and then calling these people “infected” and “carriers” and “spreaders” and “epidemic cases” is ridiculous.
Claiming the virus has spread out from Wuhan across the world is typical nonsense. The virus could have ALREADY been present in MANY different places. It didn’t spread. It was THERE.
To cite a precedent, several years ago the Zika virus was called an ominous germ that was spreading around the world, causing women to give birth to babies with smaller heads and brain damage (microcephaly).
I then reported that, according to mainstream medical sources, ANY injury to a pregnant woman could cause microcephaly. No virus necessary. And it emerged that the Zika virus had actually been discovered in…1947. It had never been known to cause harm.
In yet another fake epidemic story — this one, also a coronavirus — the SARS “epidemic” of 2003 turned out to be a dud. The official death toll, when all was said and done? 800 people out of a population of 7 billion.
And in Canada, a World Health Organization microbiologist, Frank Plummer, confessed to the press that the number of SARS patients who actually had the coronavirus in their bodies was approaching ZERO.
In other words, these patients, who had nothing more than typical flu symptoms, couldn’t have SARS, because they didn’t have the virus that was supposed to be causing SARS.
“Excuse me, waiter, I ordered dinner and you brought me a bowl of stale soggy cereal.”
“No, sir. You must be mistaken. Can’t you see the dinner on the table in front of you? We’re the experts. Leave the facts to us.”
Sorry. No sale.
Some people, reading what I’ve laid out in this article, will say, “But what about all the people who are sick in this epidemic?” Take a step back. A so-called confirmed case of the coronavirus doesn’t necessarily refer to a person who is sick.
If “tests show” a person “has the virus,” he is counted as “a case.” He may have no symptoms at all. Or he may have very mild symptoms. Most so-called cases ARE mild — and, as I’ve explained in other articles, the diagnostic tests for the coronavirus do not prove a patient’s symptoms are CAUSED by the virus.
The causes can easily come from other sources. This fact applies to anyone with any degree of illness who is called “a case of the epidemic.”
Finally, keep in mind that people all over the planet have the symptoms that are now being labeled, “China epidemic”: ordinary flu symptoms — fever, weakness, cough, headache, and lung problems. These symptoms can and do come about from a whole catalog of various reasons, none of which need “the story of the coronavirus.”
It’s as easy as pie to claim, without evidence, that someone who has these symptoms, and “tests positive for the virus,” is a “confirmed epidemic case.”
This is exactly how some of the fake epidemics ARE synthetically put together and fabricated. Form a hypothetical “cluster” of people in different locales who all have typical flu-like symptoms.
Claim they are all suffering from the direct effects of a single virus. Deploy diagnostic tests to test for the presence of the virus that — if the tests work at all — merely establish that the virus is in some of these people’s bodies.
The tests say NOTHING about whether the virus is causing harm. But gloss over that vital fact. Skip ahead and say: WE HAVE A SPREADING GLOBAL EPIDEMIC ON OUR HANDS. QUARANTINES ARE NECESSARY. WHEN WE DELIVER A VACCINE, EVERYONE MUST TAKE IT.
Case unproven and therefore dismissed.
By Jon Rappoport, author of THE MATRIX REVEALED and a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years.


Drilling Down Into Flu Deceptions and Mind-Boggling Lies

Not every mainstream medical professional is trying to lie about the flu. Most of these people, as a result of their indoctrination, simply assume conventional wisdom is true. But as you move toward the top of the ladder—for example, public health agencies like the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)—there are definitely some first-class liars on board.
The information I’m about to spring on you—and I’ve posted this before—is in the category of: HOW CAN THAT BE TRUE? IF THAT WERE TRUE, THEN EVERYTHING I’VE BEEN TOLD AND EVERYTHING I’VE BELIEVED IS INCREDIBLY FALSE.
And that’s a problem for many people. They would rather hold on to a falsehood than shift allegiance to the truth, when the truth makes them view authority figures in a whole new light.
So…buckle up. Here we go.
The first issue is: how many people in the US die every year from the flu?
The CDC used to issue the same figure every year; 36,000. Then they modified that rote estimate, when it was finally challenged. They equivocated: “Flu seasons are unpredictable and can be severe. Over a period of 30 years, between 1976 and 2006, estimates of flu-associated deaths in the United States range from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people.”
In December of 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published a shocking report by Peter Doshi, which created tremors through the halls of the CDC.
Here is a quote from Doshi’s report, “Are US flu death figures more PR than science?” (BMJ 2005; 331:1412):
“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”
You see, the CDC created one overall category that combines both flu and pneumonia deaths. Why do they do this? Because they disingenuously assume that the pneumonia deaths are complications stemming from the flu.
This is an absurd assumption. Pneumonia has a number of causes.
But even worse, in all the flu and pneumonia deaths, only 18 revealed the presence of an influenza virus.
Therefore, the CDC could not say, with assurance, that more than 18 people died of influenza in 2001. Not 36,000 deaths. 18 deaths.
Doshi continued his assessment of published CDC flu-death statistics: “Between 1979 and 2001, [CDC] data show an average of 1348 [flu] deaths per year (range 257 to 3006).” These figures refer to flu separated out from pneumonia.
This death toll is obviously far lower than the parroted 36,000 figure.
However, when you add the sensible condition that lab tests have to actually find the flu virus in patients, the numbers of flu deaths would plummet even further.
In other words, it’s promotion, hype, and uncertainty.
“Well, uh, we’ve said that 36,000 people die from the flu every year in the US. But actually, it’s probably closer to 20. Who knows? However, we can’t admit that, because if we did, we’d be exposing our gigantic psyop. The whole campaign to scare people into getting a flu shot would have about the same effect as warning people to carry iron umbrellas, in case toasters fall out of upper-story windows…and, by the way, we’d be put in prison for fraud.”
[Note: Prior to Doshi publishing the above piece about flu deaths, I engaged in a series of emails with him about that issue, and independent researcher, Martin Maloney, made a major contribution to uncovering the CDC deception.]
The second big issue is: how many people diagnosed with the flu really have the flu?
Peter Doshi again, writing in the online BMJ (British Medical Journal), reveals another monstrosity.
As Doshi states, every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory samples are taken from flu patients in the US and tested in labs. Here is the kicker: only a small percentage of these samples show the presence of a flu virus.
This means: most of the people in America who are diagnosed by doctors with the flu have no flu virus in their bodies.
So they don’t have the flu.
Therefore, even if you assume the flu vaccine is useful and safe, it couldn’t possibly prevent all those “flu cases” that aren’t flu cases.
The vaccine couldn’t possibly work.
The vaccine isn’t designed to prevent fake flu, unless pigs can fly.
Here’s the exact quote from Doshi’s BMJ review, “Influenza: marketing vaccines by marketing disease” (BMJ 2013; 346:f3037):
“…even the ideal influenza vaccine, matched perfectly to circulating strains of wild influenza and capable of stopping all influenza viruses, can only deal with a small part of the ‘flu’ problem because most ‘flu’ appears to have nothing to do with influenza. Every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory specimens are tested across the US. Of those tested, on average 16% are found to be influenza positive.
“…It’s no wonder so many people feel that ‘flu shots’ don’t work: for most flus, they can’t.”
Because most diagnosed cases of the flu aren’t the flu.
So even if you’re a true believer in mainstream vaccine theory, you’re on the short end of the stick here. They’re conning your socks off.
Let me give you a gigantic example of this massive flu-case-counting deception. It involved a flu “epidemic” you might remember called Swine Flu.
In the late summer of 2009, the Swine Flu epidemic was hyped to the sky by the CDC. The Agency was calling for all Americans to take the Swine Flu vaccine.
The problem was, the CDC was concealing a scandal.
At the time, star CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, was working on a Swine Flu story. She discovered that the CDC had secretly stopped counting US cases of the illness—while, of course, continuing to warn Americans about its unchecked spread.
Understand that the CDC’s main job is counting cases and reporting the numbers.
What was the Agency up to?
Here is an excerpt from my 2014 interview with Sharyl Attkisson:
Rappoport: In 2009, you spearheaded coverage of the so-called Swine Flu pandemic. You discovered that, in the summer of 2009, the Centers for Disease Control, ignoring their federal mandate, [secretly] stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America. Yet they continued to stir up fear about the “pandemic,” without having any real measure of its impact. Wasn’t that another investigation of yours that was shut down? Wasn’t there more to find out?
Attkisson: The implications of the story were even worse than that. We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all! The interest in the story from one [CBS] executive was very enthusiastic. He said it was “the most original story” he’d seen on the whole Swine Flu epidemic. But others pushed to stop it [after it was published on the CBS News website] and, in the end, no [CBS television news] broadcast wanted to touch it. We aired numerous stories pumping up the idea of an epidemic, but not the one that would shed original, new light on all the hype. It [Attkisson’s article] was fair, accurate, legally approved and a heck of a story. With the CDC keeping the true Swine Flu stats secret, it meant that many in the public took and gave their children an experimental vaccine that may not have been necessary.
—end of interview excerpt—
It was routine for doctors all over America to send blood samples from patients they’d diagnosed with Swine Flu, or the “most likely” Swine Flu patients, to labs for testing. And overwhelmingly, those samples were coming back with the result: not Swine Flu, not any kind of flu.
That was the big secret. That’s what the CDC was hiding. That’s why they stopped reporting Swine Flu case numbers. That’s what Attkisson had discovered. That’s why she was shut down.
But it gets even worse.
Because about three weeks after Attkisson’s findings were published on the CBS News website, the CDC, obviously in a panic, decided to double down. If one lie is exposed, tell an even bigger one. A much bigger one.
Here, from a November 12, 2009, WebMD article is the CDC’s response: “Shockingly, 14 million to 34 million U.S. residents — the CDC’s best guess is 22 million — came down with H1N1 swine flu by Oct. 17 [2009].” (“22 million cases of Swine Flu in US,” by Daniel J. DeNoon).
Are your eyeballs popping? They should be.
In the summer of 2009, the CDC secretly stops counting Swine Flu cases in America, because the overwhelming percentage of lab tests from likely Swine Flu patients shows no sign of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu.
There is no Swine Flu epidemic.
Then, the CDC estimates there are 22 MILLION cases of Swine Flu in the US.
So…the premise that the CDC would never lie about important matters like, oh, a vaccine causing autism…you can lay that one to rest.
The CDC will lie about anything it wants to. It will boldly go where no person interested in real science will go.
It will completely ignore its mandate to care about human health, and it will get away with it—as long as people are willing to accept falsehoods instead of the truth, as long as people would rather cling to what authority figures tell them.
» Source » By Jon Rappoport


Yes, Cannabis Can Cause Catastrophic Schizophrenia.

My brother is living proof.

Amelie Bridgewater

Hashish — Cannabis’ Lethal Strain

I was 14 years old at the time. My eldest brother 18, my middle brother 16.
We are surrounded by their friends at the kitchen table. They are red-eyed, and stupefied — their bodies polluted by too many grams of hash and other class A narcotics et al.
This military process — the weighing of drugs — takes place the morning after a house party we have hosted to what seems like the entire dysfunctional youth of our village. Mum and Dad were somewhere abroad, Dubai I think.
Unbeknownst to my parents, our house last night turned into a venue for what could only be described as a rave, drug fest and gang bang all in one.
The living room was transformed into a DJ shack — decks and speakers adorned the room, and stoned and drugged people limp, swaying in their drug-induced fugues. Depending on their drug of choice, some had the energy to raise arms in the air, lit lighters propping up the ceiling. Others lay comatose on the carpet, chairs, draped over sofa’s, saliva making its way out of the corner of mouths in accordance with the force of gravity.
In the kitchen, zombies were emptying cupboards, searching for fuel, desperate to fill their bellies in deranged substance-generated hysteria. The following morning, our kitchen was scant of any food — drugged hyenas had rinsed our cupboards dry.
Out in the garden people were having sex, the Wendy house had turned into a metaphorical whore’s den. I go upstairs and discover that the stairs to the loft are down — I could smell the hash emanating from downstairs in the kitchen.
As I ascend I am anxious as to what I will find. My two elder brothers have hauled their bed mattresses up to the loft — how I don’t know, but somehow they squeezed them through the tiny loft hatch where about 12 teenagers were polluting their bodies with all manner of class A drugs; Ketamine, Cocaine, MDMA, LSD and who knows what else. Bodies strewn across the muddy mattresses; some looking frankly, like corpses.
Bongs, spoons and straws litter the floor, and foil is everywhere, flickers of light bouncing off their shiny side and creating dimples of disco-ball type reflections on the apex of the loft. Faces droop with the paralysis of the drugs in their bodies — the lights are on, but not one soul is at home.
The pikeys from down the road are in our house. I don’t know why my brothers have permitted their entry into our personal space. We discover the next day that they have stolen all manner of our parents prized possessions, and no surprise, they have smashed all the windows in my brothers and mothers car and stolen the headunit stereo that my brother had saved up so long for.
I don’t feel sympathy for his loss, I think he is stupid and that he deserves it.
I hate the arrogance of how he dishes out instructions for cleaning up the house that is now scarred by the events of last night. Bongs, foil, spliffs, tobacco, baggies, cocaine, cocaine snorting devices; the chaos and filth of it all is contaminating my home and it fills me with deep unease and shame. The carpets, my parents furniture are pocked with cigarette stub marks — holes that can never be filled in. Permanent reminders of this night that I will never forget.
The place is trashed and our parents will be home within the next 24 hours. I wonder how my brother can be so confident that they won’t find out.
Back to the weighing.
We are weighing the drugs at the kitchen table, for my eldest brother — the big-time drug dealer, to sell. To pollute others bodies, to maim and ruin. There’s a conveyor belt arrangement, between him, me, my psychologically vulnerable middle brother, and a few other friends who are still completely fucked from last night.
Military precision.
In between bagging the drugs, my eldest brother smokes one spliff after another — the distinctive odour of hashish filling my lungs and inducing irritating giggles from friends round the table.
I look at my middle brother, and he is heavily dissociated. His eyes are vacant, devoid of life. Staring straight ahead, at nothing whatsoever.
Years after this day, I realise that this was the start of his spiral into schizophrenia. The fluctuations between his anxious and paranoid body movements, and his catatonic state were markers of the early manifestations of the psychotic disorder that would later rob him of his teens, twenties and well into his thirties.
It is my eldest brother I hate for this. He didn’t protect either of us, our big brother — the big shot drug dealer.
After this event, many nights a week for months on end, a dark voice would call our house and at the end of the phone the voice would tell me that he was going to come and rape my Mother and I. These people my brother owed money to, people that wanted his head. This was well after my brother had left our home and was living it up at University; his wild life funded by his drug dealing.
I have no doubt that my generation will yield a host of case studies that will prove the point and I pray that the substance becomes entirely illegal or we will lose so many more people to this chaotic drug — through overdose of harder drugs because they graduated from hashish; suicide, and through behaviour driven by the madness of schizophrenia that ends in foreshortened life.
In the meantime my only hope is that our mental healthcare systems can take this issue seriously, educate our children on the potential ramifications of Cannabis abuse — schizophrenia is a cruel cruel mental disorder that nobody deserves to suffer from..


Pleiadian Medical Teams

Source: Galaxygirl
Hello friends, we are one of your Pleiadian Medical Teams that are uniquely assigned to you. We offer a variety of healing modalities and we visit you when you remember to request a visitation, an appointment. We are here to gently remind you that you have tremendous support and love made available to you and that you need not feel so isolated or alone. We are infusing the vibration of “home” within these words for so many of you have felt adrift, apart from this vibration in your current incarnation. We find that the word “home,” which we wish to transmute and elevate, can be tremendously cleansing, healing, uplifting. It can also be maligned when immersed within a challenging 3D plane of existence.
We are your Pleiadian Medical Team. We are sending you the energetic frequencies of showers of light over your crown. Showers of light is a powerful visualization and we encourage you to use it when you are showering for starting and/or ending your day. For the light codes coming into your frame in this now are much akin to a shower or sprinkling of light and these sprinkles of light have become a steady stream of light. The Schumann resonance appeared differently on your spectrographs for this reason. For the vibration of “home” is being coded into Nova Gaia. The vibration of home is being awakened within the star seeds. For you will be able to feel your way there to the higher plane of vibration in this way.
We are your Pleiadian Medical Team. Many of you have been having very strong ascension symptoms and are feeling quite flat out. We see some of you fighting these realignments, no, not purposefully, but simply because you have been programmed to resist, to be suspicious of change and of goods things. That “waiting for the other shoe to drop” feeling must be purged. You are purging it. We see many good things coming for the very near future of humanity, especially for our ascending ones, and we want you to know that it will not always be so harsh. But it has been harsh for some time and you are road weary. Rest.
We, your Pleiadian Medical Team assigned to you, wish for you to envision yourself cocooned within a light bubble that is shimmering and alive with the word “home” in it. We think this will help you not feel so isolated. Think of all of your higher dimensional blissful home experiences as right around you, as a thick warm blanket always there for a hug to encourage you ever onward. We wish to gently remind you that ‘ever onward’ is a concept that is part of the ascension process, that it is truly a never-ending cycle of experience, but to not be discouraged by this and to know that all is coming into fruition quite rapidly for you now. This bubble of light of “home” vibration will serve as a shock absorber for the turbulence. Remind yourselves of home, of the angels - and Pleiadian Medical teams! - that are ever nearby for your continued support and care. Self care is extremely important at this time and we see many of you are dehydrated and running on fumes. Please drink more water. Please seek out more dark greens. Smoothies, chlorella, liquid fasts, of course veganism will become the norm. Perhaps it is time to begin to experiment with this mindset more fully. Become fully aligned with the blessing of the plant life that surrounds and is available for your deep cellular nourishment. No matter where you are or what food is made available to you, you can always transmute it to a higher frequency as well, dear friends. You have that power, and we suggest that you use it.
We love you most fully, we are your Pleiadian Medical Team. Peace and rest to you, friends, and remember the vibration of home, of your higher dimensional realities, are surrounding you now. Be comforted.
~ galaxygirl


U.S. Lawmakers To Vote On MORE Act To End Federal Cannabis Prohibition

Law and Marijuana
Marijuana and a gavel together. GETTY
More From Forbes
Washington, D.C. – The Executive Director of the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML) Erik Altieri, writes today that the United States will possibly experience Congress’ first vote to outright end federal marijuana prohibition. The House Judiciary Committee has posted a markup for bill HR 3884, the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act. The bill will potentially be subject to a vote occurring on Wednesday, November 20th, or shortly thereafter. 
The MORE Act, sponsored by Rep. Kamala D. Harris of California as S.2227, is bipartisan legislation that removes cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act, subsequently decriminalizing it at the federal level and enabling states to set their policies, according to NORML.
According to the text of HR3884, its purpose is to “decriminalize and de-schedule cannabis, to provide for reinvestment in certain persons adversely impacted by the War on Drugs, to provide for expungement of certain cannabis offenses, and for other purposes.”
The bill contains several significant reforms that anti-prohibition activists have dedicated their lives to enacting on the federal level. In addition to entirely removing cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule I narcotic in league with heroin, the bill would make several other impactful changes, as follows:
States are incentivized to move forward with expungement policies that will clear the criminal records of people who have low-level cannabis convictions. Individuals who are currently incarcerated for non-violent cannabis crimes may apply for re-sentencing.
If approved, the MORE Act allows the Small Business Administration to support entrepreneurs and businesses as they seek to gain a foothold in the emerging cannabis sector.
Additionally, the MORE Act has a provision to provide grants and funding to communities most detrimentally impacted by the failed “war on drugs.” Non-violent cannabis consumers whose livelihoods are affected by blights on their permanent records will have the chance at a clean slate. 
Moreover, it permits physicians who are affiliated with the Veterans Administration to recommend medical cannabis as a treatment for qualifying veterans who reside in legal states, as a treatment for PTSD, pain management and anxiety.
To help bring the MORE Act to fruition, fill out this form on NORML’s website.



Source: Dr. Edward F. Group ~ Wake Up World
Like any part of your body, the brain can become stressed and unwell. It can also stay healthy, sharp, and clear. Your brain is an incredible machine if you think about it. That 3-pound organ contains billions of cells with trillions of connections — creating your thoughts, impulses, memories, and movements. If you nurture your brain for mental clarity, you can keep a clear, active mind. Simple exercises can help. Certain herbs can pep up your brain, as well.
This article will show you how to create better concentration, clear your head, and stay on top of your game.
When your mind is clear, you can easily make decisions, and you feel sharp, alert, and aware of your surroundings.
When your mind isn’t clear, you might feel anxious, distracted, and unable to concentrate. Some people call this collection of symptoms brain fog.[1, 2]
We all experience declines in mental clarity, perhaps due to stress, diet, or lack of sleep. Temporary changes in your blood sugar, blood pressure, or hormones can affect your mental clarity. Daily stress and anxiety also affect your mental clarity. This is all the more reason to engage in these simple ideas.


Mental fogginess is something you can change. At any given time, a full 25 percent of your blood is in the brain at any one time. Oxygen in your blood feeds all the brain and nerve cells. Getting oxygen to your brain plays a key role in keeping your mind focused. So is clearing your mind of stray and anxious thoughts.
Whether you start meditating, do a cleanse, exercise more, or try mind-clearing herbs, you can create more focus, a happier mood, and better clarity.
Read on for several simple, practical ideas.



You are what you eat, and that’s also true for your mind. The wholesome nutrients — or lack thereof — in the foods you eat is one of the single greatest factors affecting your mental clarity.
Eat fruits, especially berries, as well as a variety of colorful vegetables for a clear mind. They can reduce age-related cognitive challenges at any stage of life![3, 4] Nuts and seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health.[4] It’s best to eliminate meat and eat a plant-based diet.
Eliminating trigger foods is just as crucial for mental clarity as feeding your body with healthy whole foods. Many people are sensitive to foods without even realizing it. Common triggers include gluten, lectins, animal foods, and nightshades. When you eat these foods, not only can they affect your digestion, but also your mind. If you can, go organic to eliminate the traces of pesticides on foods, or, at minimum, clean your veggies thoroughly before eating.


If your diet is unhealthy, you will not be able to experience the brightest, happiest state of mind. You can fix that. Engage your body’s self-healing by doing a body detox or cleanse. While there are hundreds of options, the basic concept involves eliminating all trigger foods and toxins for a period of time.
A week works well, followed by a slow reintroduction of foods. Adding various foods gradually enables you to identify how your body and mind react. If you find a drop in mental clarity, then seriously consider cutting that food out for good.
Cleansing is a great way to give up bad-habit foods, like sugar, caffeine, or excessive carbs. It’s a great way to kick-start healthy new habits. Your brain will thank you.
If you want to take it to the next level, try a juice or water fast. This involves eliminating all solid food and consuming only liquids for a period of time. Check with your healthcare provider before starting a fast, especially if you take any medications or have any health conditions. Fasting is an incredible tool for body healing.[6]


Declutter your mind — and refresh your surroundings with a lovely scent — by using essential oils. Certain oils can improve your attention span and decrease stress. Add a few drops into a diffuser and allow it to work its mind-clearing magic. The best choices for mental clarity include the following:
This herb has a stimulating effect, which can impact brain wave activity and mood.[7]
Smelling peppermint oil can increase alertness and improve memory, two important facets of mental clarity.[8]
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) can increase alertness, boost mood, and even help problem-solving.[9, 10]


Sleep and mental clarity are closely linked. When you’re overly tired, your brain can’t work at full capacity.[11] Furthermore, not getting seven to nine hours per night is a cause of brain fog.[1]
When you sleep, your brain makes connections between neurons — sort of like clearing out cobwebs. Restorative sleep involves several cycles of REM (rapid eye movement), dreams, and other periods when your body and mind are healing and resting. If you have trouble falling asleep or you wake during the night, try our helpful suggestions for a good night’s rest.


Writing is a powerful tool to release the thoughts, worries, and distractions that clutter your mind. Some people call it a brain dump. Buy a journal that you love, or just find an old empty notebook, and get it all out. Try doing morning pages — the act of writing two to three full pages before starting your main daily activities.
Your writing does not have to be profound or even good. Just get the rambling, random thoughts from your brain onto the page! If it helps, you can also write a to-do list to get all those things you need to remember from your mind and onto a page. This clears your thoughts and allows you to stay focused on the task at hand.


Meditation is one of the most profound and proven ways to clear the restless mind and have a more positive attitude, improved concentration, and relaxation.[12] If you’ve never meditated before, we have some meditation tips for beginners.
Find a peaceful spot with quiet and peaceful stimuli, such as relaxing lighting or a diffuser full of essential oils. Sit or lie down comfortably. Set a timer for 10 minutes — though you can do more or less. During the meditation period, concentrate on your breath and try to allow the extraneous thoughts that come to just pass away like clouds. Don’t worry if you don’t have a clear mind during meditation.
It takes time and practice, but your body and mind will see a difference before long. The best part? The clearer mind often comes after the meditation and can last all day long.


Exercise, including light activity such as yoga, can also improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed.[13] Any physical activity has the added benefit of improving your sleep as well.[13]
Other than diet, exercise has the greatest impact on your health — and directly affects your mental clarity. Whether you go for long walks outdoors, engage in yoga, take a full-on boot camp, or lift weights in the gym, exercise pays dividends.


Herbal supplements can help reduce brain fog and decrease stress. Several of these herbs have a long history of traditional use. Some can interact with other medicines, so discuss with your healthcare provider if needed.
Bacopa monnieri, an Ayurvedic herb also known as Brahmi, is traditionally used to reduce stress. Scientists found that Bacopa also improves mood and your ability to think clearly.[14] The fresh leaves have a lemony, earthy smell. An organic Brahmi supplement or tea might help you reduce the clutter in your mind.
Ginseng is a powerful root that grows around the world, with several different varieties. In research studies, ginseng has helped people decrease stress and improve thinking.[15, 16] You can find multiple types of ginseng blended in teas and supplements. Make sure you look for organic ginseng without unnecessary fillers.
Traditional Chinese medicine has long used ginkgo leaf extract as a complementary supplement for the mind.[17] Gingko supports overall brain health and healthy circulation — which affects mental alertness.


When your body doesn’t have the right balance of vitamins and minerals, your mind might feel unclear.[18] Here are a few types of nutrients that may aid in decreasing fogginess and improving mental clarity.
Beneficial microbes living in your gut play a crucial role in your brain health.[19] Known as probiotics, these microbes play a clearly established role in your mental wellness.[19] Support a healthy gut flora for mental clarity with a superior formula like Floratrex™, which has 25 strains and 75 billion CFU (colony-forming units). Much of the body’s serotonin is produced in the intestinal tract and depends on a healthy gut biome.
There are multiple B vitamins, including folic acid or folate, biotin, B-6, and B-12. When you are not getting enough of the B vitamins, you could experience cognitive impairment, memory loss, and general grumpiness.[21] Vitamin B-12, in particular, is connected to brain health and focus. You can try a standalone B-12 or a supplement with a broad spectrum of B vitamins.[22]
Omega-3 fatty acids are molecules with a multitude of benefits. You can find plant-based omega-3 fatty acids such as flaxseed or algae oil.[23, 24] These important nutrients are connected to mental health and focus.[25] Make sure you eat organic, all-natural sources of omega-3.


Mental clarity means that you can think clearly, concentrate, and focus. If you lack mental clarity and your thoughts are running wild, the good news is that you can make simple changes to improve your cognitive function.
The single most important thing you can do is change your diet! Eliminate trigger foods that many people are sensitive to, like gluten, animal foods, and dairy. Add more antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables! Also, exercise is probably the second most important lifestyle factor in creating a clear mind.
Beyond that, you can spend time calming the mind in meditation, or journal to brain-dump your anxious and worrisome daily thoughts. Make sure you get enough of the right supplements, like B-12, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics, and try mind-clearing herbs like ginseng, Bacopa, and Ginkgo biloba.
These strategies will help reduce brain fog and improve attention.
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Originally published at Global Healing Center

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