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DESPIERTA EUROPA - quien mueve los hilos el mundo se encuentran en Israel, EE.UU. y Alemania.

- EUROPA DESPIERTA - Estás controlada, no te das cuenta, te has sometido a las voluntades de EE.UU., el ordenas y tú callas.

ALEMANIA gobiernas Europa a tus antojos, entonces, porqué te sometes a las órdenes. de Washington?.
Resultat d'imatges de alemanya mapa europa
FRANCIA: habéis perdido la iniciativa e influencia por el poder financiero , sois vasallos de Alemania?
Resultat d'imatges de francia

PUEBLOS DE EUROPA estáis controlados por medios electrónicos, (targeta de crédito, préstamos, hipotecas, cuentas bancarias, DNI, ...) todo lo que tenga que ver con los registros te tienen controlado.
Resultat d'imatges de unión europea
¿Que puedes hacer para cambiarlo?

No pagues con targeta de crédito,
No pagues los impuestos.
Retira tus bienes financieros de los bancos.
Exigue a las empresas como y en que modalidad prefieres pagar.
Compra solo lo necesario.
No hagas caso de la publicidad (es engañosa por naturaleza)

Bienes naturales como es la luz y el agua son gratuitos, porque permites que pasen a manos privadas pagando por ello?, usa las energías renovables.

Los políticos están a las órdenes de una minoría llamada élite, ella sobrevive gracias a los impuestos que pagas. No esperes nada de ellos, pídeles explicaciones, exige respuestas convincentes, permiten la inmigración de personas, es una forma de dominarte, con ello las empresas te controlan con el miedo a perder tu trabajo, creando conflictos de convivencia para bajar salarios y empobrecerte mientras ellos se hacen más y más ricos.

Sal a la calle, ten en cuenta que quien mueve los hilos el mundo se encuentran en Israel, EE.UU. y Alemania.




With the independence of Catalunya what will be done with the Spanish debt held by the Bank of Spain and the European Central?

A few days ago an enraged González Pons threatened the representative of Estonia because that country will be the next who will preside over the EU for six months (July to December). And it frightened saying that the CATEXIT be worse than the BREXIT.

And not without reason ...

First, because the United Kingdom will not leave anyone destitute and second because the English do not belong to the Eurozone ...

There are 320 million people in the euro zone , of which about 7.5 million are Catalans. A irrisorio 2.2% . But ours.

The European Central Bank came up with saving the euro countries by buying debt, a whole arsenal of more than 1.2 trillion euros:

The European Central Bank with contributions from their states, ergo inhabitants, has 1,254,212,000,000 in sovereign debt. Papelitos by one day should charge (though I doubt it ...)

When Spanish politicians release that that "independent Catalunya will be expelled from the EU and the euro" always think that the European body could be the case (hopefully), but the euro see it very complicated because even depends on Catalunya having that currency or not. 
I remind you that  Andorra, Vatican City, Monaco and San Marino also use the euro even though they are not members of the European Union, although this permit. 
And Montenegro, Kosovo and San Martin do so without formal agreement. 
Then  there are plenty of countries  with currencies linked to the euro and fluctuation ± ... 
Catalunya could create a currency peg to the euro and cohabited with this.

But in any case, 
If the EU and the Eurozone treats us as a state and throw us out of the euro, please return what is ours. 
Since 2013, Spain has collaborated with some 1,000 million to the ECB , part of that money has come from taxes Catalans.

And you will wonder how can a bank with a market capitalization of around 11,000 million euros has bought debt worth 1,254,000 million euros if they are 100 times more ...? 
Because you have to crank the machine to make money, because they have invented money ... have turned the Monopoly  true ... 
Obviously this has made depreciate the euro and that money has lost value. 
Sure many of you believe that devaluation of the currency has not noticed ... 
In the world of the economy everything has a price and the host will come ... and who have own currency will survive better ...

Well, all this to say that Catalonia, the Catalan people will be holder of 2.2% of the sovereign debt of eurozone countries, Some 25,000 million euros. 
Said  clar i català,  if we throw the euro should give us 25,000 million. Accustomed to give the handle, it is not much that amount, but Catalunya is a very important bill. 
The chances that we give, NO, but it can serve to negotiate other economic issues.

Eurozone may say that "Spain without Catalonia" is the successor of all property and rights. Ok, since it is also the debts ... A perfect case would be that the interests of Catalonia.

Okay, once talked about the debt the ECB's turn to the  Bank of Spain ...
all Spaniards and Catalans are all holders of 18.7% of Spanish debt. You see, if we add to that percentage 16.2% which is the ECB, it is that public money owns almost 35% of sovereign debt of the Kingdom of Spain ...

Okey, if the Bank of Spain has about 200,000 million pieces of paper with Spanish debt that means about 35,000 million for our citizens of Catalonia. 
So of course, the Catalans, like the Spanish, are -and owners beneficiaries- public debt of Spain.

So, if there is division of property and debts should be deducted that amount from the total amount.

The hubbub and negotiations are so complicated, especially if Spain will never recognize us as a state, that the most normal thing is that Spain will stick with its debt and be rescued by the EU ... 
Let 's be honest, the European Central Bank has stuck with that debt never to collect it .At the end of the day only they had to give the maker notes and sink the profitability of savings European retirees.

When a few weeks ago was the US Government, the real reason was to seek buyers exclusively Catalan debt to pay money FLA. The Government has long since not name this "a part of the Spanish debt" ...

Catalunya has made the decision to let the world see that it is solvent and meets, to pay the FLA to Spanish state, albeit a result of the plundering of 16,000 million euros per year.

I guess not need to be reminded that the FLA also have given the Catalans, therefore we should deduct a percentage between 16 and 20% of that amount ... 
That someone would comment to Junqueras-

I repeat, the Catalan priority will be to tackle this order, to debts with international investors, with banking resident  and, thirdly, the FLA. 

No one has caught us by the gonads, rather the opposite

Euro depreciation related to the article has not yet come. 
When the money supply is increased it can be, summing up a lot and bad, with or without equivalent. 
The ECB, to date, has generated currency linked to different instruments or securities. Fiat currency backed trust securities and conversely, to put it in some way. 
The devaluation will arrive in 2021 or 2022, I do not remember now, maturing huge amounts of titles. Then those pieces of paper are left without equivalent and, sadder still, without repayment because politicians and citizens are getting used to the open bar and is not going to remove this addiction in a few years. 
If you do not change dramatically, the coming years will be to make the biggest problem,possibly crushing whatever is in its path every little lack of control, and finely explode. 

Inflation is the worst enemy of the poor and / or more with less financial literacy. 
It is what has this increasingly social democratic Europe. Even if you begin to notice the damage will the usual ones that blame the evil capitalism even though they are two opposing positions (not to say that the same are now clamoring to ignore the deficit and asking for more open bar ). 

I long ago that I am protected against what might happen. Everyone should do the same, although the savings are only one thousand eurillos.Nobody knows what can happen, but historically these imbalances last until the house of cards collapses. Maybe this time it's different, no idea.and finely explode. Inflation is the worst enemy of the poor and / or more with less financial literacy. It is what has this increasingly social democratic Europe. Even if you begin to notice the damage will the usual ones that blame the evil capitalism even though they are two opposing positions (not to say that the same are now clamoring to ignore the deficit and asking for more open bar ).


El Parlament insta el Govern a plantejar als ciutadans la relació amb Europa després del referèndum

La cambra aposta per defensar la justícia social i el dret a l'autodeterminació i anima a impulsar un nou projecte europeu que permeti combatre l'augment de la xenofòbia i l'extrema dreta

Bandera de la Unió Europea PUBLIC DOMAIN PICTURES

El Parlament ha instat el Govern a "obrir un gran debat nacional i democràtic" sobre el model de relacions exteriors, un debat que s'hauria d'impulsar a partir de la celebració d'un referèndum vinculant i de la realització del procés constituent. Així s'especifica en la moció que s'ha aprovat aquest dijous a la tarda amb els vots de JxSí, CSQP i la CUP, que han transaccionat conjuntament el text, i amb els vots en contra de Cs, PSC i PPC. El text de la moció demana que aquest model es decideixi a través d'institucions i procediments democràtics participatius i que, en concret, inclogui una visió sobre Europa i la relació amb la UE que els catalans "lliurement" vulguin tenir-hi. El text també aposta perquè el Govern defensi la justícia social i el dret a l'autodeterminació en el marc de la Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans, amb els vots de favor de JxSí, CSQP i la CUP, i anima a impulsar un nou projecte europeu que també permeti combatre l'augment de la xenofòbia i l'extrema dreta, amb el vot en contra del PPC.
El ple ha aprovat una moció sobre la Unió Europea i insta el Govern a afirmar que la celebració d'un referèndum vinculant i la realització del procés constituent "hauran de permetre obrir un gran debat nacional i democràtic sobre el model de relacions exteriors, que es decidirà a través d'institucions i procediments democràtics participatius". "Aquest model inclourà, en particular, una visió sobre Europa i la relació amb la UE, que el poble català lliurement vulgui tenir-hi, des de l'exercici del seu dret a decidir i en benefici de les seves sobiranies socials i nacionals", diu el darrer punt de la moció.

A més, demana el Govern que en les seves relacions comunitàries expressi una vocació europeista del país però a l'hora una "opinió crítica" pel que fa a "l'escassa eficàcia" de la UE per "salvaguardar i reforçar" els drets socials i democràtics de la ciutadania. Aquest punt ha rebut el vot en contra del PPC i l'abstenció de Cs. 

En aquest context, el text també insta el Govern a defensar a la UE i en fòrums internacionals "la necessitat d'un nou projecte europeu que corregeixi els dèficits democràtics i socials" i que alhora permeti fer front "de manera més decidida i amb fermesa" a la xenofòbia i l'extrema dreta. Aquest punt ha rebut només el vot en contra del PPC. 

Finalment la moció també reclama que el Govern contribueixi a construir un àmbit de cooperació i solidaritat a la regió euromediterrània, tant per vetllar pels drets humans com els ol·lectius dels pobles i nacions sense estat. En aquest context també demana fer del Mediterrani un mar de "trobada dels pobles i no una tomba per als que fugen de les desigualtat si els conflictes", que s'ha aprovat amb els vots a favor de JxSí, CSQP i CUP. 


Catalunya brings more than France to the EU. and would maintain the presence of Spain in the EU.

Catalunya brings more than France to the EU.

And there are still undocumented Madrid who say that we would throw the EU ... 
No such luck ... 

In proportion, between 2007 and 2011, have contributed Catalunya (0.69% GDP) more than any EU country . 
In absolute numbers Catalunya brings more than, say, Finland. 

According to the methodology, Catalunya could be "collaborating" with about 2,000,000,000 per year, that is,  Catalunya would maintain the presence of Spain in the EU. 
A lot of money when you consider that we are not state and that we are not even respect the language.

Although the title of the post could also be that "Spain also pillaged the EU ..."
16 billion of the Catalans (20-odd billion if you count the Catalan Countries as a whole) plus 2,300,000.

The table does not appear Madrid since by its capital and headquarters effect, it is an impossible financial haven of computing.

Fiscal balances of the Ministry of Finance on 2012 and delivered on 21 July were controversial. The government criticized the calculations led by economist Angel de la Fuente to reduced significantly the fiscal deficit of Catalonia regarding data from a year earlier, figures that by then downplayed the detriment of the Generalitat in relation to data compiled by the Ministry of Economy. 

However, although Hacienda make a calculation in which only applies one of two possible methods or ignore income from tourism and exports to reduce the negative balance of Catalunya, the results are equally strong and reflect a deficit State prosecutor with 6,203 million in 2012. 
What has not transpired so much is that the Spanish fiscal balances also calculate the fiscal balance of the communities with the European Union. And as the whole state received more than 2,349 contributed millions, Catalunya suffered a deficit of 859 million. 

These data imply that  the EU membership cost 114 euros each Catalan  in 2012. By contrast, every Spanish citizen perceived average 50 euros from Brussels. In relative terms, the negative fiscal balance of Catalunya with the Community institutions equivalent to 0.42% of GDP, an amount less than that , also as recorded in another report Hacienda- ministry contribute Netherlands (0, 61% of GDP), Sweden (0.52%), Germany (0.51%), Denmark (0.5%) and theUK (0.46%), but higher than in France (0.4%) and Italy (0.35%). In fact, Catalunya brings even more than Finland in absolute terms, with a negative balance of 678 million. 

Some of the arguments against independence based on the premise that Catalonia would remain outside the EU and therefore would not receive aid for agriculture. The truth, however, is that only entered for this item 340.7 million in 2012, well below the contributions made by the Catalans in the EU and aid received by farmers in Castilla y León (905 million) , Castilla-La Mancha (1,023,000) and Andalusia (1,942,000). On the other hand, he saw Catalunya 529 million cohesion funds and regional development, 164 million for job creation and social inclusion and 46 million in other transfers. On the contrary, it contributed 1,893 million in the EU from participation it has in some taxes and fees paid in Catalunya.

The Government's deficit estimates 

Similarly, fiscal balances the Minister of Economy, Andreu Mas-Colell, far from those of Montoro. The Government made public that, according to their scales, Catalunya had made between 2007 and 2011 some 1,355 million a year more than those who had received, a figure equivalent to 0.69% of GDP. If this is true, would exceed all contributors states of Europe, because in that period Netherlands had contributed 0.6% of GDP and Germany 0.42%. Spain, in turn, was a net recipient of an annual amount equivalent to 0.21% of GDP. 

Moreover, the foundation of the  European Free Alliance  -party in which integrates ERC- went further. In 2014 he published a report that Catalunya is paying and less receives European community. Using data from 2011,  it would have contributed some 2,000 million in the EU, of which only 181 million would have gone different ways and background. 

The botiflers columnists laugh when Artur Mas speaks of Catalunya could be like Denmark. Let 's do it backwards, just remove the Danish country, their budgets, between 8 and 10% of GDP ... 

is what I calculate the budget for 2015 is about 180 billion euros. If you had stolen the 8% of GDP would have to subtract 27 billion euros. (6 times its budget on military ...).

if the Danish dejarian them?

Poland PM: Europe, Rise From Your Knees, Reject New World Order

May 27, 2017Poland’s Prime Minister Szydło hit back with strong words in response to European Union threats to force her country to accept migrants.

Poland’s conservative prime minister Beata Szydło hit back with strong words on Wednesday in response to European Union threats to force her country to accept migrants or face massive fines.
‘’Poland will not submit to any blackmail on the part of the European Union’’, Szydło stated during a parliamentary debate, adding that her nation would not endorse “globalism” or adhere to the ideals of the New World Order.
According to Szydlo, the ‘’madness of the Brussels elites’’ must be resisted at all costs. The fate of Europe’s children is at stake.
Referencing the radical Islamic terrorist attack which killed 22, mainly children, and injured dozens more at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester this week, the Christian prime minister said she had the courage to call out the EU’s political elites on their ‘’folly’’.
Two Polish citizens were among those killed in Monday night’s attack in Manchester.
‘’Where are you going, Europe? Get up off your knees. Get out of your lethargy. Otherwise you will be crying every day for your children’’, she warned, stating that Poland has no intention of accepting Brussels-imposed migrants.
Szydło also accused liberals in Poland of supporting globalist EU migrant policy, and in doing so ‘’going hand in hand with those who point a gun at Europe, at us all.’’ View image on Twitter

View image on Twitter

Poland has watched as neighboring Germany has been swamped by millions of recent migrants, and Prime Minister Szydlo is determined to avoid the problems that the ideology of multiculturalism has caused in Germany and other parts of Europe.
Mariusz Blaszczak, the interior minister, stuck by the Prime Minister’s position on Wednesday despite the European Union threatening legal action and heavy financial penalties against Poland for refusing to toe the immigrant line.
Stating that accepting migrants would “certainly be worse for Poland” than facing EU punishment, Blaszczak told state radio that the “security of Poland and of the Poles” was at stake, drawing a link between mass migration and terror attacks in Europe.
The EU has warned Poland that they have until June to open their borders and start accepting refugees – or face harsh financial sanctions.
Dimitris Avramopoulos, the Brussels-based European Commissioner for migration said: “I call on Poland and Hungary who have not relocated a single person … to start doing so right now.
If no action is taken by them before the next report in June, the Commission will not hesitate to make use of its powers under the treaties and to open infringement procedures.”
But Prime Minister Beata Szydło is remaining defiant in the face of Brussels. She believes financial punishment is better than losing national identity and subjecting her people to the problems of massive migration.
She told a press conference that Poland will not be bullied by the European Union into accepting the cult of multiculturalism, pointing out there had been no formal agreement to compulsory quotas.
The Prime Minister also said that Europeans of all nationalities are now critical of the European Union’s compulsory mass migration program.
A critical attitude towards the mechanism of migrant relocation is becoming increasingly widespread in the European Union,” she said, according to a translation by state broadcaster Poland Radio.
Poland cannot accept refugees.

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