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Climate change.

We call the water cycle. And what I am saying now is that this planet has a cycle, and breathe. 

This cycle is a water cycle; and to make use temperature. Freshen the ocean; renews plants and animals. Here's how it works Earth, but humans on this planet are so new and recent, who have never seen But the planet is cooling, you begin to experience a water cycle   are experiencing it again. Water where there was none , and where there was water and there shall be none That's right Kryon & Feluthi Rangolin Tek Tak

Posted by Everth THENANSHED, 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of Free Planets. Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, the author receives credit and the URL is included in and Copyright Notice


Earth's Magnetic North Pole Is Moving So Fast That Scientists Just Changed Its Location

The magnetic north pole – that point which guides our compasses and GPS systems – has never been static.
But now, the north has moved so fast that scientists have been forced to update their model of the planet’s magnetic field a year earlier than expected.
“Due to unplanned variations in the Arctic region, scientists have released a new model to more accurately represent the change of the magnetic field,” the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information said in a press releaseMonday.
The change is crucial in order to pinpoint the precise location of the pole, ensuring that navigational systems (including mobile phone map-based apps), government organizations, airliners, and others can continue to work with accuracy.
Since 1831, the northern magnetic pole has shifted from Canada’s Arctic regions toward Russia in a relatively smooth manner.
The World Magnetic Model, funded by the U.S. and U.K. militaries, is tasked with tracking the positions of the Earth’s three magnetic poles. Normally, the model only requires an update every five years.
However, in recent years the pole’s drift has quickened its pace, moving in the direction of Russia at unprecedented speed, throwing off GPS systems and placing pilots and maritime navigators at risk – or forcing them to rely on old-school compass-based navigation.
Cierran Beggan, a geophysicist at the British Geological Survey, told The Guardian:
“We know from old ships’ logs that in the past 400 years, the north magnetic pole has hung around northern Canada. Until the 1900s, it moved perhaps tens of kilometers, back and forth.
But in the past 50 years it started to move north, and in the past 30 years it started to accelerate away … It went from moving at about five to 10km [ six miles] a year to 50 or 60km a year today. It’s now moving rapidly towards Siberia.”
The drift is the result of processes deep in the center of the planet, where the liquid outer core comprised of iron and nickel spins and flows like water, serving as a conductor for Earth’s magnetic field.
The recent change in the flow of the fluid is believed to be similar to the formation of a jet stream in the atmosphere, leading to changes in the planet’s magnetic field.
“The north magnetic pole has been caught up in this jet and it’s pushing it rapidly across to Siberia,” Beggan added.
This has caused the World Magnetic Model to lose accuracy at an increasingly higher pace, according to scientists.
“The error is increasing all the time,”Arnaud Chulliat, a geomagnetist at the University of Colorado Boulder and NOAA, told Nature.
However, these changes are all part and parcel of the natural behavior of the Earth and have not been caused by human activity. Rock samples reveal that the Earth’s magnetic field has been in perpetual motion for millions of years.
Migratory animals such as birds, butterflies, and whales use the magnetic field for directions.
If anything, the latest shift in the earth’s magnetic north pole is a learning opportunity for us humans, who only discovered the pole in 1831.


There may be more Earth-like planets than grains of sand on all our beaches

New research contends that the Milky Way alone is flush with billions of potentially habitable planets -- and that's just one sliver of the universe.
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The potential number of Earth-like planets has suddenly exploded. Niels Bohr Institute / University of Copenhagen
The fascinating question of whether we are alone in the universe basically comes down to some intricate mathematical calculations.
A new study combines exoplanet data from the KeplerSpace Telescope with a new version of a 250-year-old method for determining orbital periods and positions of planets. The research calculates that in our galaxy alone, there could be billions of planets hosting liquid water, habitable conditions and perhaps even life.
"We decided to use this method to calculate the potential planetary positions in 151 planetary systems, where the Kepler satellite had found between three and six planets...But we only made calculations for planets where there is a good chance that you can see them with the Kepler satellite," Steffen Kjær Jacobsen, co-author of the study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society journal, said Wednesday in a statement.
The team predicted a total of 228 planets in the 151 planetary systems and then made a priority list with 77 planets in 40 planetary systems that are likely the easiest to observe with Kepler.
"We have encouraged other researchers to look for these. If they are found, it is an indication that the theory stands up," said Jacobsen, a graduate student at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.
Digging deeper into the data, the researchers looked at how many planets were likely to be in the habitable zone where conditions to support liquid water and life might exist. They found an average of one to three planets in the habitable zone in each planetary system. Extrapolate those calculations further, and you arrive at the conclusion that if the math holds, there may be billions of habitable planets in the Milky Way, which is itself just one of billions of galaxies.

The 7 confirmed exoplanets most likely to host life (pictures)

Should these calculations hold up -- and the researchers behind them encourage astronomers to check to see whether the planets they predict are actually there to help bolster their case -- it means that the chances of our planet being the universe's only potentially habitable rock that actually hosts life would be not one in a million, one in a billion or even one in a trillion -- but one in a sextillion. (In case this is your first time seeing that word, a sextillion is a one with 21 zeroes behind it.)
Actually, if the estimates of 40 billion Earth-sized planets in habitable zones of sun-like or red dwarf stars in the Milky Way and the estimate of the 100 billion to 200 billion galaxies in the universe are accurate -- and if the average galaxy has roughly the same number of Earth cousins as the Milky Way, then the chances that we are the only planet with life are more like one in 6 sextillion.
To offer a frame of reference for that number, consider the amount of sand on Earth's beaches.
Jason Marshall, aka "The Math Dude," has calculated that there are roughly 5 sextillion grains of sand on all our planet's beaches combined. So take every grain of sand on every beach on Earth and you can begin to be able to actually visualize how many planets we're talking about. Then you begin to wonder why we aren't overrun with aliens.
The apparent absence of aliens (depending who you ask) then is probably due to the whole problem of figuring out interstellar travel. To really understand the universe, you have to imagine a single beach containing all the sand from all our beaches, but then add the wrinkle that each grain of sand is separated from its nearest neighbor grain of sand on this beach by at least several trillions of miles.
While that's not a distance we can really comprehend, at least it's a number we've heard of. Maybe all this cosmic math isn't so boring after all. It's significant in its ability to quantify our comparative insignificance.

CES 2019


8 Science-Based Benefits of Cannabis-Based CBD Oil (The Government Won't Tell You About)

[Last updated 11th October, 2018]
CBD oil is a natural remedy derived from the cannabis plant.
As the source of both marijuana and hemp, any substance made from cannabis immediately raises concerns around its legality and safety.
However, certain components of the cannabis plant can be beneficial for health and healing, without getting you “high”.
CBD oil contains one of those powerful components. It’s become a hot topic among natural health circles who claim it can help with everything from chronic pain relief to cancer.
Here we breakdown what CBD oil is, its best uses, and what the early science can tell us about its reported benefits.

What is CBD Oil?

What is CBD Oil?
Also known as cannibidiol, CBD is 1 of over 100cannabinoid compounds found in the cannabis plant.
Cannabinoid compounds are substances that bind to receptors throughout the body and brain.
Once extracted from the plant, CBD is then diluted with a carrier oil, like coconut or olive oil. It can also be extracted from hemp, a form of cannabis used for industrial purposes.
cannibidiol cbd oil
Unlike marijuana, CBD oil does not contain THC, the mind-altering compound that gives you the feeling of being high. That means CBD oil does not get you “high” or alter your state of mind.
The use of cannabis for medicinal purposes is not a new concept either. In fact, cannabis has a long medical history dating as far back as 2900 B.C. in China (1).

How is CBD Oil Different from Hemp Seed Oil and Cannabis Oil?

It’s easy to confuse CBD from other cannabis-based oils, but there are significant differences.
  • Hemp Seed Oil: The seeds of industrial hemp are cold-pressed to create a nutty-like oil. Only small traces of cannabinoids, including CBD, are present. Hemp seed oil is high in monounsaturated fats and vitamin E. It’s used for cooking, skin-care products and bio-fuels.
  • Cannabis OilCannabis oil is typically made from marijuana with a high THC percentage. Therefore, it must be purchased in an area where marijuana is legal or can be obtained with a prescription. The amounts of compounds, including CBD and THC, will drastically vary from product to product. Commercially produced cannabis oils will have more controlled concentrations of CBD and THC for medical purposes.

Full Spectrum CBD vs. CBD Isolate

One more distinction you may see on CBD oil products is whether it’s full spectrum or isolate.
Full spectrum or whole plant CBD contains all other 100+ cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, including trace amounts (up to 0.3%) of THC, whereas CBD isolate contains 100% CBD.
While research is still limited, one study did find that the full spectrum form was a more effective anti-inflammatory than pure CBD, at least in mice (2).
Summary: Cannibidiol or CBD is a major compound found in the cannabis plant. It’s extracted from marijuana or hemp, then diluted in oil to create CBD oil. Unlike marijuana or cannabis oil, it does not contain THC, the psychoactive part of the plant that gives you the feeling of being high.

The Potential Health Benefits of CBD Oil

The Potential Health Benefits of CBD Oil
Advocates claim CBD oil can help with a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, acne and even cancer.
Because of cannabis’ long-time status as an illegal Schedule 1 drug, research on CBD oil is still in its infancy. Here’s what we know now.

1. CBD Oil May Relieve Chronic Pain

CBD Oil May Relieve Chronic Pain
Early research has shown promising results for the use of CBD oil in relieving chronic pain.
Many studies have found that CBD can reduce joint inflammation and other inflammatory pain in rats, without side effects. This may point to potential relief from arthritis in humans (3).
In fact, one of the first trials of Sativex, a medicine that contains both CBD and THC, reported significant improvement in pain and sleep quality in 58 rheumatoid arthritis patients (4).
The same medicine showed a notable reduction in pain and muscle spasms in a small group of people with Multiple Sclerosis.
Analyzing several trials and studies, a 2017 report concluded that adults treated with cannabis or cannabinoids, like CBD, are likely to experience a significant reduction in chronic pain symptoms (5).
The same report found a notable decrease in opioid use in pain patients taking medical cannabis.

2. CBD Oil Reduces Anxiety and Depression

Fascinating Science-Based Benefits of Cannabis-Based CBD Oil
There is some indication that CBD oil could help treat anxiety and depression.
This is thought to be caused by CBD’s ability to activate the brain receptors for serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates mood, as well as appetite and sleep.
In various animal studies, CBD has shown notable anti-anxiety and antidepressant-like effects (678).
Unfortunately, the limited research done on humans has only looked at very small populations.
One study examined CBD’s effect on anxiety brought on by public speaking. With a group of 60 people, they found that CBD showed anti-anxiety effects, but only in specific doses. Too much or too little didn’t seem to work (9).
A case study on a child with post-traumatic stress disorder found that CBD oil helped safely reduce her anxiety and improve her sleep (10).
On the other hand, a 2017 analysis of six case reports and seven trials, covering 201 subjects, found no evidence of CBD’s effect on major depressive and bipolar disorders. However, they did see some positive effects for those with social anxiety disorder (11).
There are some other dietary components thought to influence depression here.

3. CBD Oil Alleviates Cancer Symptoms and May Have Anti-Tumor Effects

CBD Oil Alleviates Cancer Symptoms and May Have Anti-Tumor Effects
Both the American Cancer Society and theNational Cancer Institute recognize CBD oil’s potential in slowing and reducing the spread of cancer cells.
While they emphasize that CBD is not a cure, plenty of research shows it can be highly beneficial in inhibiting the progression of many types of cancer, including breast, lung, prostate and colon cancer (12).
CBD is also effective in lowering cancer-related pain, as well as nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.

4. Reduces Seizures in Epilepsy

Much of the research on CBD has looked at its seizure-reducing effects on two rare forms of childhood-onset epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome.
In fact, the FDA just approved the first prescription cannabis drug, called Epidiolex, for these two forms of epilepsy (13).

5. Displays Antipsychotic Properties

Other research has focused on CBD’s antipsychotic properties and its role in patients with schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease (1415).

6. Helps Treat Substance Abuse

Interestingly, CBD actually counteracts the psychoactive properties of THC, meaning it may help those addicted to marijuana.
In similar studies, it’s been shown to help with addiction to other substances like tobacco, alcohol and even heroin (161718).

7. Lowers Risk of Diabetes & Heart Disease

Some scientists also believe that CBD could have the potential to help treat type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
It did appear to lower the incidence of diabetes in mice (19).

8. Improves Skin Health

Aside from its inner workings, CBD may even help reduce acne.
In fact, it may be more effective than vitamin C and E in improving skin conditions (20).
Summary: Early research has found that CBD oil has the potential to reduce chronic pain, anxiety, depression and acne, and may help those overcoming addiction. Its anti-inflammatory properties may also play a role in lowering the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It has even shown anti-tumor effects and could be effective in inhibiting the progression of cancer and its related symptoms.

Is CBD Oil Safe?

Is CBD Oil Safe?
CBD oil is generally safe, and even chronic use at high doses has shown to be well tolerated by humans (21).
However, you may experience some mild side effects, including:
  • Tiredness
  • Dry mouth
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea (this may be due to the carrier oil used)
  • Changes in appetite and/or weight (22).
There may also be potential interaction with other medicines. Be sure to discuss with your doctor the use of CBD oil alongside any prescription medications.

Most CBD Oil is Not Regulated

Keep in mind that CBD oil is not yet approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
This means any product containing CBD is not regulated, and you could end up purchasing an oil that is mislabeled or of bad quality.
In fact, a recent study analyzed 84 CBD oil products sold online and found that nearly 70% contained either more or less CBD than the label indicated.
Traces of THC (the compound that makes you “high”) were also detected in over 20% of the products, some enough to produce intoxication, especially in children (23).
Summary: CBD oil, even in high doses, is safe, though you may experience mild side effects like tiredness, lightheadedness and changes in appetite or weight. Since CBD is not approved by the FDA, products on the market may be mislabeled or of bad quality.

Is CBD Oil Legal?

Is CBD Oil Legal?
Yes, CBD oil is legal in all 50 states of the U.S., Canada, and all of Europe (except for Slovakia).
Those in Australia can only obtain CBD oil via prescription.
However, the legality of your CBD product depends on its source and where you live.
If the CBD is derived from the hemp plant, which contains no more than 0.3% THC, it’s legal across the board. On the other hand, if it comes from marijuana, which can contain as much as 30% THC, it’s illegal in most states without a prescription.
Each state has its own laws, which are constantly in flux. Some have specific restrictions on the plant’s THC levels or its medical purpose. This is a good resource to find updated CBD laws by state.
Summary: CBD oil is legal throughout the U.S., Canada, and Europe (except for Slovakia), as long as its extracted from the hemp (not marijuana) plant, which contains less than 0.3% THC.

Where Is CBD Oil Sold and How Do You Use It?

Where Is CBD Oil Sold and How Do You Use It?
Finding and purchasing CBD oil is easy if you live in an area where it’s legal.
The majority of CBD products can be found online and shipped to all 50 states and 40 countries.
When choosing your CBD oil online be sure to carefully look over customer reviews and the company’s background. Stay clear of any product that claims to be a cure-all.
You can also find CBD oil products at specialty retail spots like natural health stores and smoke shops, as well as medical cannabis dispensaries.

How Do You Use CBD Oil?

CBD is available in a number of different forms.
You can ingest it orally through capsules, syrups and teas, or add a drop of the oil to a smoothie, tea or baked goods.
You can also place a drop of CBD oil or an alcohol-based tincture directly on your tongue. This allows your body to absorb the CBD faster.
To address pain or skin issues, like acne, eczemaor psoriasis, applying CBD oil topically with a lotion or cream is best. You can even find CBD-containing body washes, shampoos and conditioners.
CBD can also be inhaled through an e-cigarette, vape pen or vaporizer. Vaporizing keeps the oil pure, preventing any harmful by-products, and can enter your bloodstream quickly.
Little is known about proper dosing, but it will depend on the individual and the ailment. There are sites that offer CBD dosage calendars, to give you a good idea of where to start.
Summary: Several CBD oils and CBD-based products, including capsules and topical creams, can be purchased online or at health food stores, smoke shops or cannabis dispensaries.

Should You Try CBD Oil?

A potent compound extracted from the cannabis (marijuana or hemp) plant, CBD already has plenty of stigma around it.
However, it does not contain THC, the substance in marijuana that gets you “high.” Because of this, CBD oil is legal and can be easily bought online or at specialty stores in the U.S., Canada and most of Europe.
Its various potential health benefits are impressive. Early research has found that CBD oil can help reduce chronic pain, anxiety, depression and even aid those struggling with substance abuse.
CBD also has shown anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects, meaning it could be effective in lowering the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer.
And it can do all of this with few side effects.
However, because of marijuana’s long-time status as an illegal drug, research—especially on humans—is still in its infancy. It’s also important to note that studies focusing purely on CBD are lacking even more so.
That said, many claim to have found significant relief with the use of CBD oil, especially when other medications haven’t worked.
Overall, CBD oil is safe. And while it may not get you “high,” it could offer some much-needed pain relief—which is just as good, right?
About Stephanie Garr (Certified Nutrition Consultant


Equinoxes and Solstices

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Dear Ones, this weekend is the Fall Equinox and as with all Equinoxes and Solstices, we are celebrating these powerful energies here in Telos.

We invite you to celebrate the energies as well by taking a moment for yourself to this weekend...

You are stepping more and more into a higher dimensional reality and the Equinox energies will give you great support for your journey.

Part of this journey is to release old energies and allow higher vibrational energies to enter your being.

This integration point is very important, as it determines the trajectory of your reality.

Resting, going into nature, experiencing joy, love, laughter, meditation, connecting with crystals and so forth is very helpful for your integration.

Your I AM presence and Higher Self is holding the space for your spiritual evolution and you can rest in the knowing that all is in Divine Order...  
We champion your victory in the Light!

Welcome Home!

We send you all so much love...

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos - and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure - always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos."


Thank You, Adama! :-) 


Plasma Eruptions and Light Code Disbursals Have Begun

dna light activations eraoflight
3rd Density Collective Consciousness – All Hell Breaks Loose. Alternate Realities Available. 5D Consciousness (and above) is the Opposite (as always)
I prefer not to write this stuff, yet it’s important to assist those collectives finding themselves “challenged” with their own Consciousness/physical reality. I will explain, paint a “picture”, so all can read/see, and then CHOOSE: HOW to experience all… from inside… as Shifting your Energy/Consciousness, shifts your overall vibration, therefore your body’s transmission, therefore your physical experience…
This is not to create fear, it’s quite the opposite. It’s to create awareness, which can resolve the fear, through Intentional Conscious Expansion, which give you the power to then shift your own consciousness/act from a different space inside, therefore shifting the vibration of the reality and experience, by applying a different mindset to the reality, one that doesn’t hold judgment/fear/lack and emanate from the survival mode/root chakra area of Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakra area of the body (hips/legs/feet too).
Conscious Awareness returns each’s power. Judgement/fear is a dis-empowered state. These are opposites. One allows you to act from your higher vision/you, the other is you acting/beliefs, from your lower dimensional/ego aspect. Choose.
The 3rd Density was a reality, a frequency bandwidth, created out of a level of (un)consciousness. If your body is in 3D, it’s going to be pure hell. If you are holding onto anything, beliefs, things, people… this is fear/attachment and lack. Root chakra-based… heart closed/mind closed. No/little deep inner-connection on a Soul Level. Fear/control/judgment rule these realities that increase “collapse mode”.
As the constructs for 3D timelines continue an accelerating process of dissolving/dismantling/deconstruction phase (template), the realities built on these go too. Judgement is an ego game of “blame/outside’s fault/I’m a victim” and complete disempowerment. This is a huge energy that all hold prior to physical body ascension can occur. It’s up to each to SEE this energy and choose not to play that lack game/program out anymore.
The human ego LOVES to judge and be a victim to outside being the fault. This is pure separation and it perpetuates the old until all the judgement goes. The conscious being OBSERVES the judgment and the mentalities stemming from this and comes to realize the game involved, which is “I’m not taking responsibility for my own Energy and owning my own reality. Instead I’m going to blame and gossip and point the finger at that/them, because if I don’t, I actually look at myself and realize it’s my lack of power/connection”. Judgement carries the stories on and re-inforces the “belief”. Pre-judging is each creating an opinion on all and bringing forth these “pre-judgments” based upon something not of the current vibrational experience (presence), because of some program still playing inside that individual/collective.
Judgement is PURE VICTIM mentalities/energy that loves to make everything “someone else’s” fault. Example: “I’m broke, they charge too much.” or “I’m not capable/they did this to me”. It’s an EXCUSE not to stand in your power and take responsibility for your own Energy/REALity as LOVE, abundant, infinite and Sovereign. There’s always a dualistic blame/fault/victim/perpetrator…. which perpetuates the 3rd/4th Density Experience…. which will become heavy, create chaos and take each to a “breaking point”. When instead, observing the judgment means we see it, yet it’s not our reality anymore.
I awoke to observing many Collectives, Cosmic Energies and “what’s to come” for 3D/4D realities maintaining a level of unconscious programming still. I share for each to understand, that shifting/expanding our consciousness, completely shifts this as “reality”…. to an alternate/very different one.
So, here we go: (3D/4D Consciousness). I’m making all as direct as possible. No fluffy stuff.
  • Harshness is “coming” (vibrational response) to all holding judgment/ego lack games still
  • Harshness means that those timelines/templates have collapsed and the experience is to clear the energy still held within.
  • Harshness is a word to describe a vibrational experience relative to unconsciousness
  • Harshness doesn’t “have to occur”, if each will CHOOSE to shift vibrationally/expand
  • This applies to still trying to make reality conform to old limited lack-based beliefs
  • Holding onto old ways
  • Allowing “Lack” to rule, therefore transmitting out for “lack” to be returned
  • Judgement is an Ego-Projection reflected back for each to observe/clear/see
  • Hearts closed/minds closed… which means the only reality available has to be as strong or stronger to get the heart/mind open finally/again. This can be soft/beautiful or harsh/rough. Our energy/level of consciousness dictates this.
  • Not self-accountable for own Energy (leaving from presence to “go off” and get caught up in something “outside”).
  • There is a “caged animal syndrome” (my phrase) that occurs, when the human ego aspect gets boxed in or realities are collapsing/control no longer works. This will increase for those deeply unconscious and trying anything to avoid opening their hearts and standing in their power as LOVE.
  • “Forced Change” is how the human ego experiences up-shifting and heart opening, because there is so much refusal/resistance energy held. Technically, on a Quantum Scale, it’s Energy relative and of a greater “force” to break those old constructs down and “break/dissolve” that energy…. yet the human aspect cannot understand this, because of the dis-empowered state of consciousness it lives in. This is going to increase as 3D templates go.
  • 3D = All HELL breaks loose on a collective/individual level (3D Version of Earth too). Closing your eyes, going deep inside, pulling away on an energetic level and shifting/tuning in to a higher state of consciousness can assist with shifting the actual experience, unless “you waited” too long, then the physical may play itself out, because of the amount of energy still held inside. (Unconscious programming/separation/dualistic energy).
  • 3D Energy has to fully clear. 4D is where all maintain “one foot in each reality” until all of this duality can clear on a physical level, for the (Light)Body to vibrate/Merkaba full activate (occurs over months/years), for Physical 5th Dimension to become HOME.
  • 5D/5th Density and above – Opposite realities from 3D. Flourishing, vibrant, abundant and alive, because the BEings here don’t operate from fear/lack-based programming anymore. This is called Transcendence…. and the whole physical reality is an alternate dimension and different frequency bandwidths only visible as each elevates their consciousness to see (then experience NEW Earth). First in dream/meditative state, to expand each’s consciousness, open hearts/minds and DNA/body template to re-write/build itself according to Quantum Geometrics (non-linear).
  • For Heaven to materialize, hell must dissolve inside. Hell was hidden for a long time. It started as an etheric thing, yet becomes a physical reality to held clear these energies/programs where they were housed in the physical body, often “undetected” for eons/years, masked by ignoring, pretending and suppression…. until no longer an option.
  • 3D/4D/5D (and way above) are accessed through each’s body….. Learning how to open access and clear this deep seated programming is an immense process for us all.
  • A complete re-education through higher consciousness practices and application is required. The whole body will go through a massive process to accomplish multi-dimensionality here.
  • The physical body “weights” (anchors) each in the lower dimensional realms of unconsciousness (amnesia/veiled). Each must get their body’s vibration high enough to “leave” the lower dimensions/frequency bandwidths “once and for all”.
  • Free-will (Choice). Human aspect “thinks” it has a choice or “thinks it doesn’t”, depending on the perspective/current dimensional experience. The only “choice” each has is within the present moment, fully connected or disconnected and dictated by which aspect/version is in charge/command. Human ego is unconscious, therefore technically the choice is unconscious too, which is not in full alignment on a SOUL LEVEL, therefore returning a distorted reality to experience (out of sync timeline/parallel). As a Higher Self (or in conjunction with our higher selves/aspects/Universe, depending on our own current vibration and “where” our higher aspects are “located” (within or out/up there), the decision is aligned on a Soul Level, therefore the reality created is fully aligned too. Any variance from this can create an alternative parallel to experience, splitting off from a fully aligned reality to experience something “necessary” to learn/dissolve separation/unconscious programming. One can step right back into the primary aligned timeline, if it’s still available or “have to wait” until another portal is opened for a different/similar opportUNITY to become available again. Sometimes it never will, as it wasn’t that important on a higher level/bigger picture kinda of thing. If it’s necessary for the bigger picture/highest dimensional existence, then it will. The human ego aspect won’t know which is which. Only the Soul Level Avatar/Higher Self can understand/see and intentionally activate/call this forth here. Free-will is misunderstood by the human ego aspect, as it thinks this is “control” and “what it wants”, when in essence it’s the opposite. It’s exercising vibrational choice and action (or conscious non-action) to shift a reality/timeline vibrationally and comes from a deep sacred respect, integrity, honor and love. The human ego aspect doesn’t have this capability. Each choosing which aspect/version is “in charge”, determines how all of this plays out. Control is removed when the linear/ego constructs “have to dissolve/collapse”, forgo the desperate ego, trying everything it can to “get out of” the current experience…
  • 5D Light BEings… This is a frequency bandwidth emanating from Sacred Love and Respect. Judgment does not come into play here. If it does, then it’s not 5D. It’s lack programming again and each has shifted “back” into a 3D/4D Level of Consciousness again.
  • The integration of the 12D template within us and Gaia is what “causes” these lower frequency bandwidths to collapse/dismantle/disengage…. WE are in a Vibrational reality where all now is being re-aligned to match this 12D Template (we are building continually from this). The “merging” of the 12D Axiotonal Lines are pivotal for this and all. For the lower dimensional realms of consciousness
Carrying “others” with your field… this is going to get “heavier”, meaning cutting those cords of attachment and “hanging on” will occur “faster”, because many were using each other to maintain/get through/get by… words don’t matter. The mentality/energy does. No more carrying others. Each has to stand on their own two feet (energetically), come into their own POWER and open their hearts fully… experiencing exactly what is necessary to assist with this.
The more Light held, the more others love to attach, be in that energy and live off of that…. it’s easy, abundant, magical and happy…. yet if all are not wide open and contributing, there are distortions/imbalances and you won’t be able to “carry others” anymore… It will “get too heavy” and weigh on you. Literally, your body will put on weight…. You will be carrying “heavy” with your body and your field, and your field can’t spin in the direction/at the speed it must in order for you to expand…. if you are the one relying on someone else’s field/energy/anything, then you may notice them pulling away, shutting doors and ending relationships, closing out realities/timelines… your human will be shocked, even go to judgment or blame, when in essence it was YOUR ENERGY… so observe yourself and what you are transmitting out.
Warp Speed and slowing all down to a halt: Quantum Jumping, Quantum Realities are at warp speed/the Speed of Light. Maneuvering and Mastering can only be done from WITHIN THE PRESENT MOMENT and functioning in Universal/Cosmic flow…. Zero Point Field is where all is CREATED FROM… if you are scattered, not present and separated off into other places, times, things… if you’ve attached to something outside or anything, when the geometrics/Light Codes for your current reality activate to change the structure of your reality, you won’t be aware of this and it will “appear” all is collapsing, because you are trying to “hold on” to something going… instead of embracing what’s newly/now available and ready to come forth, the moment your heart/mind are fully open and you are on-board with ALL OF YOU….
NEW EARTH IS QUANTUM…. multi-dimensionality is Quantum… there’s absolutely nothing linear here. We all have to learn how to function in non-linear states, from a Quantum State of Consciousness in order to Master the Physical here. This is through practice, applying much higher consciousness knowledge to your current reality, through the Light Encoded Teachings/Sharings available and created/shared to “make all easier” for those who VALUE this. It takes awhile to learn/understand how all works… as it’s all completely different than before. Your old ways won’t work…. and we all do have to choose NEW EARTH over Old Earth… at some point. The “sooner” we do this, the easier all is…. as all can align their entire reality on a Soul Level themselves…. instead of the “alternative” options that the ego aspect requires, due to refusal to open up to multi-dimensionality as a whole new “real existence” now.
3D = Ego Experience. Control. Narcissism. Fear. Judgment. Blame. No inner power/connection.
4D = Duality Experience/Transition phases while DNA repair/re-writing occurs. Higher Self becomes audible. “Other dimensions” (etheric realm) presents itself dependent on each’s awakening process (Battle of Armageddon between Heaven & Hell, Good and Evil, Dark & Light begins. Outside and inside until inside aligns fully, then outside can begin.
5D = Higher Self is birthed/takes over/moves inside (descends into your form/emerges from within)
6D & Higher begin after 5D Embodiment has occurred… everything is birthed from within
NEW EARTH is beyond the 3D/4D Mentalities/Limits and Judgments, where bliss, magic, pure JOY, Harmony and infinite everything exists. It comes forth from within you…. as you awaken to your highest aspects/versions and START TO LIVE THIS FULLY NOW.
Unity – Love – Consciousness is our NEW Way. Sharing, caring, respect, kindness, compassion, generosity… supporting, receiving as a vibrational response to each’s ENERGY, which is Quantum (non-linear)…. our entire reality is fully aligned with this. There is zero feeding the old, allowing the old to play out. We don’t “carry others” or tell them what to do. We allow all to decide their own reality to live out on whatever Earth they choose, whatever dimension/vibrational timeline. We don’t “criss-cross” like before. We see each’s purity, each’s abilities and each’s unconscious/conscious actions/energy CREATING REALITIES to occur and we honor this. We do have to separate all out, otherwise human ego aspects will impose and bring their karma/unconscious programs forth and dump them on our table/on our doorstep for us to “deal with”, which is an unconscious program on all’s part… where this is allowed to play out.
This is a multi-dimensional experience where an open heart means each is kind, each is contributing, each is sharing, each is holding their own/pulling their own wait and showing up fully….. there’s zero lack… as that’s an ENERGY and everyone has the ability to manage, master and shift their own energy. Only the human ego says it can’t. ♥
I love you… you won’t see me writing on this anymore (unless it’s mega important for collectives), as my focus is on those who are embracing, ready and not playing the lack/judgment/blame/victim games anymore. My focus, as are all that I unite with, is NEW EARTH and Unity and our amazing realities we already live. My focus is supporting those in return, who have decided what is important and VALUE all as LOVE. My focus is fulfilling much higher roles/purposes here and we work daily to accomplish for all of humanity here. Those who truly value themselves, each other and are ready to live the most amazing realities too, are not arguing, fighting, judging and letting lack mentalities “control” their choices, because they understand that lack breeds more lack. Gratitude, abundance, appreciation and re-prioritizing creates and activates the highest timelines through the exchange of Light Codes to awaken within one/their field, for integration, application and living our highest vibrational DREAMS and Heaven on Earth fully… because we can.
You won’t find us going small and catering to human lack programming…. because that’s Old Earth… which is “dead”. Literally… NEW EARTH IS VIBRANT, ALIVE, THRIVING and miraculous. Yet we all have to CHOOSE TO BE HERE… and all here… we have/did.
NEW EARTH is not experiencing 3D/4D (Density/Dimensional) Realities, because they are relative to our own Levels of Consciousness held/Embodied…..
See your OWN DIS-EMPOWERING JUDGMENTS…. and resolve these yourself. Clear this energy and open your heart fully. You can’t bring judgment to NEW Earth. You must leave it at the gates…. to enter/walk through. ♥
p.s. I have a saying.. If you are Judging then you are not Doing…. You can’t do both. Pick. ♥
p.p.s. This article is not a judgment. It’s a Light Encoded Activation/Clearing to assist collectives with transcending the suffering that judgment creates/perpetuates, a Cosmic Multi-Dimensional Energy Report directly speaking to an Unconscious 3D/4D Program/Energy (Clearing Process) for all holding this still. ♥


Final Eclipse and Unity in the Intensity

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
There is Unity in the intensity of this passage. The energies, and our Higher levels, are pushing for deep personal shifts to accommodate our true heart’s path and Ascension. If you allow it, choosing Unity and Love as your Primary focus and Primary timeline choice, the Source codes can activate, shed what does not serve, and migrate your consciousness to a brand new experience. It takes focus and trust to utilize this passage for the highest interests of all, and maintain calm in the cosmic storm.
Activation of Pure Source Codes
Source code activation is the experience of feeling, accepting and existing as Source Presence without the dense separation of Self-and-Source. We experience the mind of God as our own, the pure love of Source as our beingness. We begin to feel this unification consistently, right through our conscious awareness. It is pure, blissful and overwhelming. Many have written me in the last few months about this new experience of unification with Source, and the intensity of bliss, visions and sensations of Oneness. It does feel different, and is difficult to describe outside of quantum poetry. It is here, we are anchoring it into the collective, and it is activating the rainbow-crystalline lightbody.
We have lived in separation for so long that Oneness on this intimate level can feel surprising, even for Wayshowers anchoring this into the collective. Nothing else seems to matter as these activations occur, so we take care to integrate and light-ground as best we can. Mostly you will want to meditate, feel it, be with this profound peace, and expand this Divine Presence within.
Simultaneously, the bifurcation effect of both feeling and witnessing the division of timelines presents.
Relationships end, and partnerships dissolve to accommodate the new timeline choices. Often when we ask for change and highest alignments, it shows up in unexpected ways. Remember we are all one, and endings are temporary in the grand scheme of things. Trust the path. Judgment of the self or others is not needed for any part of this journey. The old energy of good-bad, right-wrong is on the hit list with these shifts, and thereby gets amplified to reveal the path of Unconditional Love as an alternative. Discern with the heart, let it guide you with grace to new alliances, projects, or creations which compliment your highest trajectory. Divine Neutrality is key as the veils thin.
Ultimately, this is a passage to choose your true heart’s path, and align with it wholeheartedly in thought, word, and action. Aligning with the New Earth timelines can feel complex in this energy, since so much shedding, releasing, clearing, and higher choices are presenting right here, right now.
If you feel confused or anxious about the changes or the unknown, keep it simple. Find the baseline truth of Love within your own heart, dismiss judgment of the self or the external, and express this in any unique, creative way. Write it out. Get in nature alone. Design and dream awake the New Earth projects. Meditate for balance and calm. Go direct; ask Source for full support of the highest dreams and creations of love you may manifest in this lifestream. Name them, claim your creation. Pay attention during the eclipse on Saturday. Honor it and claim your place on the higher trajectory if that is your desire.
Busy Visions and Gate Adjustments
Meditations and lucid dream/etheric realm activations are opening these crystalline Gateways of the Heart, and many are migrating their timelines to expand into next-level Lightbody. Brilliant (natural) DMT visions have been strong, showing crystalline stargates, crystalline bridges encoded in DNA shining brightly, and more royal crown visions morphing into crystalline temples. Lyrans have been predominant, some with stargates on their crowns, Masters have been making adjustments during the Unity Meditations, multiple cosmic grid systems have been shifting to open the New Earth gateways, and a Bridge guide handed me a Solar chart showing an X-12 flare. That last one is a code, probably not a physical Solar event (although we did have an X-9 last September after the eclipse Gateway.) I feel it has more to do with the new alignment of Solaris, which completes this month. The interdimensional Solar flashing activity has been consistent all year, along with the crystal-clear visions of New Earth.
The sensations of phasing out of density, which is the freeing experience of being multidimensional rather than physically here-or-there, and expansion of Lightbody is quite powerful during this eclipse sandwich passage. Solar eclipses tend to be stronger, and I AM fasting, clearing, preparing this week to be an open conduit for the highest light and experience. We tend to be sleepy anyway during these energies. I feel more balanced and calm when I prepare and go deep; follow your heart guidance accordingly.
Lightworkers in Service, Let us Unify
Kindwhile, the grounded task of assisting Gaia, HUmanity kingdoms and elementals presents. Keep it simple, as the energies may make us feel trancey, spacey, or sleepy. Even in the expanded states of embodiment, we manage to unify in service.
We welcome forth this Divine realignment and the revelation of the Christed organic timelines with ease and grace. Gateways are already open, let us unify for the Partial Solar eclipse with ceremony, prayer, mediation and our pure intent of Ascension. The eclipse peak is on Saturday, August 11 at 2:46am PDT.
We hold this unified focus on restoration of the organic Ascension timelines for all, supporting the Solar shifts, and stability for the collective during this Gateway. The energies may feel scattered for a while before they balance out. Hold the intention of Peace.
Meditation, hydration, integrate in water (natural lakes, streams, river water is best), move the body, connect with the SUN as the codes are very strong in this now, and get off-line often for the clearest experience.
Global Unity Meditations on SUNday
Join us in creating palpable shifts for all willing hearts on SUNday August 12th at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time. Breathe, center yourself and meditate in the stillness of Pure Source Consciousness for 33 minutes. Gratitude for inviting your friends, Tribes and loved ones to participate in this co-creation of peace.
Blessings to everyone for this unique passage. Gratitude, Love and Strength to all beings in Divine Service.
In Love, Light and Service,Sandra

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