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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Messages Galactic Federation. Mostrar todas las entradas

19 de diciembre de 2019

Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Powerful DatesDec 14 – 20th from Alcyone Pleiades

Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Powerful DatesDec 14 – 20th

from Alcyone Pleiades
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Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe. I have received a very important message from The Council of Manifestation, in which we are being advised that in the next few days Starting from today December 14 – the 20th, we have an influx of energies that are going to assist us in many ways.
During this time you may experience bizarre encounters with beings that you have never seen before, however as we are advised in the channeling these beings aren’t actually present on earth, but are projecting themselves into our realities to help prepare us for monumental changes coming our way.
You may experience sensations of levitation. Time fluctuations where time will either speed up, stand still or slow down significantly for you. You may find yourselves feeling really tired one moment and supercharged the next. Lots of activity in your crown and third eye. Many downloads. Bizarre dreams which you just do not understand. Message that may be too complex for you to comprehend. Sudden increase in appetite or sudden lack of appetite. Mood fluctuations, but mostly of the positive nature, etc.,
All of these are very important sensations because what is happening as I’ve been explained is we are getting a glimpse of the 5th, 6th and 7th dimension. Our bodies are being upgraded and adjusted so that we can withstand more energies of higher frequencies. That is the reason that we keep having short intervals of such energies because our bodies cannot withstand such high vibrations all the time, at least not yet.
As souls we can travel to other dimensions in our Merkaba’s but in our earth human bodies we cannot yet, spend a long time in much higher vibrations than where we presently are. With each portal and influx of light we are able to hold more and more such frequencies and be able to vibrate on them a lot more and for longer periods of times.
What is also VERY important about this message is that, you may find yourself all of a sudden receiving information that makes no sense to you, such as say formulas, very complex words, thoughts, symbols, light language, which may not make any sense at all, and what our galactic counterparts are asking, is for us to not try to make too much sense of it, but simply allow this information to come through us and ground it into the human planetary consciousness, so that others who are presently working on various projects who need this information can receive it. In the next few days we will act as transmitters of information akin to a satellite, but in our energy fields this information will be transcribed into energy that those who need this information can understand.
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I spoke about this many times before that our energy field of influence is 18 miles in every direction, in this channeling however, we are being advised that for the next several days our energy influence will be multiplied by 2, which means we will be transmitting energy and information within a radius of 324 miles! We are also asked to reduce our exposure to various negative influences for the next few days as much as possible so that we can transmit all of this information into the human consciousness matrix as clearly as possible.
On a personal level this will be a time of tremendous upliftment, as we are transmitting this information, we are also going to be like magnets attracting to us situations that we wish! And many things that we wanted to improve in our lives will begin to magically fall into place!
For the next few days you will become akin to an Ascended Master, be able to help not only those around you, but manifest what you want into your reality. Hence, we are being advised once again to visualize what we want to experience as clearly as we can! So please take this time of opportunity to create the best experience for yourself and others going forward.
Now having said this here is the channeling that I have received from the Council of Manifestation.
Gradual improvement of the three dimensional consciousness is gathering the momentum in order to allow the procession of the planetary alignments in your skies in the days, weeks and months to come. The tree dimensional platforms are being prepared to withstand and allow the influx of light and, fifth, sixth and seven dimensional frequency waves of love, purification and benevolence.
The intricately designed vehicles of time and space are being prepared in order to enjoy the new vibratory systems being reinforced and mirrored into your three dimensional reality through the Alcyone in the Pleiades, and onto your very own sun and the planetary system.
And so and thus, in the days to come you shall find yourselves feeling in awe of all that you are experiencing, you shall find yourselves feeling suspended in the air with a sensation of time and space dissonance, where your vehicles of time and space shall experience intermittent heights and lows disrupting your day to day activities. Your energy levels shall fluctuate to varying degree of comfort. And so, It is of uttermost importance to allow your vehicles of time and space that which you call your bodies, to rest, allow your bodies to rest and provide your physical vessels of time and space the nourishment, care and benevolent, adherence to the time and space continuum, by utilizing all at your disposal to assure nourishment, peace and balance within.
For the influx of energies is arriving in order to allow you to experience the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional reality for a brief moment in time, which shall open a small window of opportunity for those of you who wish to perfect their interdimensionality skills. For what we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds, is that you shall have a window of opportunity to play in the sandbox of your prowess, and experience the freedom that the interdimensionality allows you to experience.
And so, and thus, you shall experience magnificent encounters that shall leave you baffled as to how it is possible for you to experience such sensations, such visions, such quests. Indeed, the energies that are to arrive on your planet in the next few of your earthly days, we shall say from your December of 14th to your December of the 20th shall allow you to completely tune into you higher selves and to completely tune into the Central Galactic Sun frequencies that are en route to your planet as we speak.
And so, and thus, we ask you to take this time and envision for yourselves the future that you wish to experience, and employ all vibratory senses at your disposal to manifest said frequencies and materialize them in to your reality through connective intuitiveness that indeed you shall experience in the days to come.
For all of you are being given an opportunity to glimpse exactly that which you are to experience. The endeavors that you shall manifest for yourselves shall be fruitful, and the encounters with the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional beings shall leave you speechless.
Though, please understand and note that such beings of time and space are a projection from various worlds in which they dwell, and are not physically presently located on your planet, for indeed at this very moment in time, that is not to be. For only a few select groups of that which you call “Aliens” are capable to physically be present in your reality, by materializing dense bodies which vibrate on your frequencies.
The 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensional beings, are a projection into your world through various mechanisms that exist in the very core of your planet. And so and thus, the communication with said beings will be very vivid, and indeed you shall be communicating with them, but let us then say that it will be akin to a “skype” call, if you will. For indeed they are not in your world, and are merely able to connect with you in said window of time and space in order to bring tremendously important and powerful messages, information, frequencies, technologies, healing modalities, theatrical performances, manifestation abilities, and so on and so forth into your world, in order to help you prepare for that which is to come.
For indeed much is to unfold in your world, and much more information is necessary in order to allow the age of Aquarius, and the transformation for your whole populace to move from the three dimensional thinking patterns into the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions and beyond.
And so and thus, with the influx of beautiful momentum of the creator, with the influx of said energetic upliftments we ask you to listen carefully to your inner voice and allow various encounters to occur. Be mindful of that which you speak, think and allow into your divine magnificent space. For indeed during the “portal” if you will, that you are to experience over the next several days, you are to fully and completely allow the communication to take place.
Mind not that which you do not comprehend, simply allow the information to flow into and through you in order to be recorded onto your earthly planes of existence, and from said allowance, much transformation shall take place. For all of you shall act as beacons of light, antennas and transmitters, if you will, and beacons of light, which shall transmit into the subconscious minds of the beholders the information that is necessary in order to assist them in their tasks of divine unfolding.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that you shall act akin to the satellites in your world, and allow much, and very important frequencies of light, benevolence and might to be transmitted to all on your planet who shall then utilize said encodings for the betterment of your world. And so, if you find yourselves not comprehending the images and/or frequencies that you are receiving, mind not, and continue about your day until you feel resonance with that which you are experiencing, for then it shall mean that the message is meant for you, in all other times, the messages are simply that, messages, energies and informational decrees that must be grounded into your know reality in order to allow much transformation to take place.
Please understand that without your cooperation, the ascension for the whole of your planet cannot occur, for the information that is flowing freely into your know realities, is not currently able to reach many who are still unreceptive to said energies, and it is only through grounding said energies through your very vehicles of time and space that such information shall then be really understandable and comprehensible to those who indeed are dearly in need of said information.
What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is that you shall act as messengers, without fully comprehending that you are delivering messages to those who need them. And so, you shall begin to influence at least 18 miles of space around you, as you previously have, times two, in order to deliver said message to those who need them.
And in the days to come, much shall begin to transform and change in your world, and in your personal realities. For the encounters that you shall experience, shall improve your lives trifold, shall improve and bring though into your realities that which you wish to experience. And when such moment occurs and it will, you shall breathe with relief, pat yourselves on the back and applaud yourselves for all that you have accomplished thus far.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

8 de diciembre de 2019

A Saul mensaje: * para despertar es saber quién eres

Como una gran parte de la humanidad - los que son conscientes de que están en un camino espiritual que conduce a su despertar - espera con expectación para el despertar a suceder, mucho se está produciendo en todo el mundo que está muy inquietante para todo el mundo casi, y muy doloroso para los que están que viven en zonas de guerra o en áreas en las que el planeta mismo o el clima está causando daños y alteraciones a gran escala. Todo esto es en preparación para el despertar, porque mucha negatividad - resentimiento, el odio, la amargura, la ira y el juicio negativo - que la humanidad ha sido aferrarse a, tiene que ser visto, reconocido, y lanzado con el fin de que se despierte.
Esos sentimientos y opiniones muy arraigadas definitivamente afectan no sólo a aquellos que viven en áreas donde son endémicas, la intensificación de ellos, sino también las personas en todo el mundo, y el planeta mismo. Por lo tanto, es esencial que todos abran sus corazones, aún más plenamente de lo que ya lo han hecho, para permitir que el amor fluya a través de ti mucho más libremente a los que están viviendo en el miedo y por lo tanto el cierre fuera de sus vidas. Su intención de compartir y extender su amor a todos en la Tierra, a pesar de las aparentes diferencias entre usted - ya sea de raza, color u origen étnico, las creencias religiosas o políticas, o cualquier otra diferencia - es lo más eficaz que puede hacer a ayudar en el proceso de despertar.
Su despertar es inevitable, porque es la voluntad de Dios. Y, debido a que es la voluntad de Dios, también es tu voluntad, porque tú y él son uno, siempre, eternamente, en un estado infinito de alegría! Nunca ha dejado ese estado, pero la gran mayoría de los seres humanos centrar su atención en la miríada de distracciones con las que parece que la ilusión, el estado de sueño / pesadilla que está presentando continuamente. Es un ambiente muy ruidoso y molestar, y mientras usted se centra su atención allí es prácticamente imposible para que usted sea consciente de o acceso al campo de Amor en el que su existencia eterna está siempre jugando en la felicidad suprema. Algunos de ustedes han tenido momentos cuando experimentó muy brevemente que el Amor, cuando en realidad se sentía ella, y poderosamente cambiado su percepción de la vida de forma permanente. Temer entonces cayó,
Eres todo, todo ser sensible en la Tierra, el amor encarnado en la forma. El amor es el flujo infinito y eterno de energía que es la fuerza de la vida dentro de esas formas. Es decir, es el amor que se expresa a través de todos y cada formulario. Mientras que en la forma se olvida de su memoria de su naturaleza divina, y las trayectorias de vida que ha establecido cada uno individualmente por sí mismos, y que se está siguiendo en cada momento, se han diseñado específicamente para que, antes de encarnar, para llevar de nuevo a la memoria de lo que realmente son, es decir, uno con la Fuente, Madre / Padre / Dios, el amor. Y, por supuesto, no hay nada que no sea esto!
Para despertar es saber quién eres, y en saber quién eres gran alegría surge debido a que eres instantáneamente consciente de que estás eternamente viva en este estado maravilloso que no hay palabras y ningún poeta nunca pueden expresar. Es un estado que tiene que ser experimentado por cada uno de ustedes individualmente, y como se plantea en su conciencia Al instante sabe que usted es uno, que no hay separación, que no es sólo el Amor, Dios, fuente sin fin, limitación, o los límites de cualquier tipo que sea.
La vida como un ser humano es como vivir en un laberinto o un laberinto del que no parece haber ninguna salida excepto a través de la muerte! Y esto es muy preocupante, exasperante, aterradora, y deprimente, por lo que las personas buscan distracción a través de una variedad de pasatiempos, actividades deportivas, y de fácil acceso que no son actividades como ver películas, o sin rumbo escanear los mensajes de medios sociales con la esperanza de encontrar un emocionante drama en el que se compromete. Cualquier cosa para evitar estar a solas con ellos mismos, porque la mayoría de la gente tiene un sentido profundamente arraigado de indignidad, de no ser lo suficientemente bueno o no tan bueno como. un miembro de la familia, un amigo, o alguien de la nota pública. Estar a solas con uno mismo de uno, consciente de uno mismo es muy incómodo porque entonces los jueces del ego y condena la auto para todos sus defectos y deficiencias percibidas.
Sin embargo, todos somos seres divinos perfectos! Usted fue creado perfecto, porque lo que Dios crea sólo puede ser perfecto, y que el estado nunca cambia!
Sin embargo, debido en su mayor parte se identifica con sus cuerpos, que la edad, se enferman y mueren, la idea de que son perfectos no sólo no resonar con usted, no puede resonar con usted, porque la muerte - que por cuerpos es inevitable - es lo que más temen. Y, por supuesto, sus egos poderosamente le animan a identificarse con sus cuerpos y, por lo tanto, con ellos. Sus egos prosperan en su sentido de separación, ya que luego a su vez a ellos para pedir consejo y orientación, y lo que le ofrecen es siempre negativo crítico de sus cuerpos y sus sentidos, y parece ser cierto porque usted está encontrando siempre la culpa con sus cuerpos, y por tanto, parece que esta afirmación es válida culpa! En cierto modo es válida porque sus cuerpos son vehículos de limitación, que fueron elegidos por usted para proporcionar la experiencia de limitación. pero no son sus cuerpos! Ustedes son seres inmensos, mucho más vasto que el universo en el que sus cuerpos están experimentando a sí mismos como pequeñas e insignificantes formas limitadas de tiempo en la carne.
Sin embargo, mientras se encuentra en su forma, sus cuerpos le proporcionan las experiencias que ha elegido para colocar en su caminos de la vida humana antes de encarnar, experiencias que ha elegido para las lecciones con las que se presentarían. Y esas lecciones siempre se producen precisamente en el momento correcto, aunque con frecuencia no se reconocen como lecciones, e incluso pueden ser vistos como calamidades o catástrofes, ya que no están alineados con sus deseos egoicas.
Como la mayoría de ustedes conocen muy bien, la meditación es altamente recomendado por todas las grandes religiones, por los maestros espirituales en todas partes, y también por aquellos en los reinos espirituales que os hablan (como éste) a través de mensajes canalizados. La razón de esto se debe a que se establece en un estado relajado en el que sus egos son relativamente tranquila, casi pacífica, lo que le permite escuchar y escuchar la orientación que sus apoyo espiritual del equipo le ofrece cuando se piden a ellos para pedir consejo. Algunos de ustedes se refieren a la orientación como 'intuición', pero lo que usted elige llamarle tiene ninguna importancia, lo importante es que se escucha por ello, oye, y hacer uso de su ayuda en su vida diaria.
La meditación también ha sido probado científicamente - en las últimas décadas - a ser de gran valor para ayudar a mantener sus cuerpos sanos ya que se disuelve niveles excesivos de estrés y fortalece el sistema inmunológico. Así que, como sigo recordando en los mensajes que les ofrezco, es necesario hacer una práctica de meditación una parte esencial de su día. ¡todos los días! Es tan fácil de encontrar a sí mismos superados con masiva 'para hacer listas,' y luego sus egos sugieren que la falta de su práctica sólo por esta vez está bien, y que de todos modos se puede compensar por ello mañana. Obviamente descuidar a meditar de vez en cuando no le harán daño, pero se debilitará su práctica y hacer que sea menos eficaz.
Se lo recomiendo, porque la meditación es la clave para mantener su paz a medida que avanza sobre sus vidas diarias, y una de las mejores maneras de practicar es a ustedes mismos Settle en silencio, en el que no se verá afectado por otros o por dispositivos de medios sociales, y luego optar por ir dentro, a ese santuario interior santa que todos ustedes tienen en su interior. Mientras se relaja en ese espacio sagrado establecer la intención de abrir sus corazones totalmente para que el Amor puede entrar a abrazarlos. Siempre está con usted, porque usted y que son uno, y cuando invite a que en ella te abrazará, intensificando su sentido de la paz. Por lo tanto, es una excelente manera de empezar el día. Y mientras usted está en un estado de meditación cualquier duda que pueda tener acerca de su existencia como eternos niños, queridos, y perfecta de Dios ablande. Estas dudas son un aspecto de ser humano, de estar limitado,
Con muchísimo amor, Saul

A Saul Message:*@To awaken is to know who You are

As a large part of humanity – those who are aware that they are on a spiritual path leading to their awakening – waits expectantly for the awakening to happen, much is occurring worldwide that is very unsettling for nearly everyone, and very painful for those who are living in war zones or in areas in which the planet herself or the weather is causing damage and disruption on a large scale. This is all in preparation for the awakening, because much negativity – resentment, hatred, bitterness, anger, and negative judgment – that humanity has been clinging to, has to be seen, acknowledged, and released in order for you to awaken.
Those strongly held feelings and opinions most definitely affect not only those who live in areas where they are endemic, intensifying them, but also people all across the world, and the planet herself. Therefore it is essential that you all open your hearts, even more fully than you already have done, to allow Love to flow through you far more freely to those who are living in fear and thereby shutting It out of their lives. Your intent to share and extend your Love to all on Earth, regardless of the apparent differences between you – whether of race, color, or ethnicity, of religious or political beliefs, or any other differences – is the most effective thing you can do to assist in the awakening process.
Your awakening is inevitable, because it is God’s Will. And, because it is God’s Will, it is also your will, because You and He are One, always, eternally, in an infinite state of joy! You have never left that state, but the vast majority of humans focus their attention on the myriad distractions with which it seems that the illusion, the dream/nightmare state is continuously presenting you. It is a very noisy and disturbing environment, and while you focus your attention there it is practically impossible for you to be aware of or access the field of Love in which your eternal existence is forever playing out in supreme happiness. Some of you have had moments when you very briefly experienced that Love, when you actually felt It, and It mightily changed your perception of life permanently. Fear then fell away, leaving you in a state of peace and acceptance, knowing that you are indeed beautiful sentient immortal beings, infinitely and eternally loved by God.
You are all, every sentient being on Earth, Love incarnate in form. Love is the infinite and eternal flow of energy that is the life force within those forms. That is, You are the Love that expresses Itself through each and every form. While in form your memory of your divine nature is forgotten, and the life paths that you have each individually established for yourselves, and which you are following in every moment, were specifically designed for you, before you incarnated, to lead you back to remembrance of who you truly are, namely One with Source, Mother/Father/God, LOVE. And, of course, there is nothing other than This!
To awaken is to know who You are, and in knowing who You are great joy arises because You are then instantly aware that you are eternally alive in this wondrous state that no words and no poet can ever express. It is a state that has to be experienced by each of you individually, and as it arises in your awareness You instantly know that You are One, that there is no separation, that there is only Love, God, Source without end, limitation, or boundaries of any kind whatever.
Life as a human is rather like living in a maze or a labyrinth from which there appears to be no exit except through death! And this is very disturbing, exasperating, frightening, and depressing, so people seek distraction through a variety of hobbies, sporting activities, and easily accessed non-activities such as watching movies, or aimlessly scanning social media posts in the hope of finding an exciting drama in which to engage. Anything to avoid being alone with themselves, because most people have a deeply ingrained sense of unworthiness, of not being good enough, or not as good as . . . a family member, a friend, or someone of public note. Being alone with one’s self, aware of one’s self is very uncomfortable because then the ego judges and condemns the self for all its perceived failings and inadequacies.
However, you are ALL perfect divine beings! You were created perfect, because what God creates can only be perfect, and that state never changes!
Nevertheless, because for the most part you identify with your bodies, which age, get sick, and die, the idea that you are perfect not only fails to resonate with you, it cannot resonate with you, because death – which for bodies is inevitable – is what you fear the most. And of course your egos powerfully encourage you to identify with your bodies and, therefore, with them. Your egos thrive on your sense of separation because you then turn to them for advice and guidance, and what they offer you is always negatively judgmental of your bodies and their senses, and appears to be true because you are forever finding fault with your bodies, and it therefore seems that that fault finding is valid! In a way it is valid because your bodies are vehicles of limitation, they were chosen by you to provide the experience of limitation . . . but you are not your bodies! You are immense beings, far vaster than the universe in which your bodies are experiencing themselves as small and insignificant time limited forms in flesh.
However, while you are in form, your bodies provide you with the experiences you chose to place on your human life paths before you incarnated, experiences that you chose for the lessons with which they would present you. And those lessons always occur at precisely the right moment, although frequently they are not recognized as lessons, and may even be seen as calamities or catastrophes because they are not aligned with your egoic desires.
As most of you are very well aware, meditation is highly recommended by all the major religions, by spiritual teachers everywhere, and also by those in the spiritual realms who speak to you (like this one) through channeled messages. The reason for this is because it establishes you in a relaxed state in which your egos are relatively quiet, almost peaceful, thus allowing you to listen to and hear the guidance that your spiritual support team offers you when you call on them for advice. Some of you refer to that guidance as ‘intuition,’ but what you choose to call it is totally unimportant, what is important is that you listen for it, hear it, and avail of its help in your daily lives.
Meditation has also been scientifically proven – in the last few decades – to be of great value in helping to keep your bodies healthy as it dissolves excessive levels of stress, and strengthens your immune systems. So, as I keep reminding you in the messages that I offer you, you need to make a meditative practice an essential part of your day . . . every day! It is so easy to find yourselves overcome with massive ‘to do lists,’ and then your egos suggest that missing your practice just this once is OK, and that anyhow you can make up for it tomorrow. Obviously neglecting to meditate occasionally will not harm you, but it will weaken your practice and make it less effective.
I recommend it, because meditation is the key to maintaining your peace as you go about your daily lives, and one of the best ways to practice is to settle yourselves quietly, where you will not be disturbed by others or by social media devices, and then choose to go within, to that holy inner sanctuary that you all have within you. While you relax in that holy space set the intent to open your hearts fully so that Love may enter to embrace you. It is always with you, because You and It are One, and when you invite It in It will embrace you, intensifying your sense of peace. Therefore, it is an excellent way to start your day. And while you are in a meditative state any doubts you may have about your existence as eternal, beloved, and perfect children of God will soften. These doubts are an aspect of being human, of being limited, of being less than, and they are invalid, but your egos do not want you to let go of them, because, when you do, they lose their power over you, as you find yourselves increasingly at peace, and increasingly aware of the truth that you are indeed a perfect and beloved child of God.
With so very much love, Saul.

6 de diciembre de 2019

Mike Quinsey message, spiritual awakening and ascension

Mike Quinsey message, December 6, 2019 
 Dear, I can not emphasize enough the need to focus on their future and give their visions of him all his energy, to the extent that it would be uselesscontinue living in the past. Now you are in the New Age and leave behind the old, because it has served you well with your purpose. Those of you who have awakened continuedo so and the ultimate goal isexperience the Ascension. Today, you are gradually rising, and some of you have noticed that your consciousness is expanding. It is giving them help to understand the changes that are taking place that will allow themeventually become Galactic Beings. It is largely his interpretation of events which is so important if you continue in a direction upward,  and why cling to the old understanding will delay its evolution. Previously we have asked to think big, as humanity itself will help influence the outcome and their experiences will shape accordingly.

Words can not adequately express the wonderful period ahead, one of peace and happiness without interference and influence of the Dark, who eventually will move in a different direction to humanity. The upcoming changes are what you've been working for millennia of time and have proven yourself to spending the scoreboard. Once this is done, there is no way that we allow the Dark interfere with their progress. They are a nuisance from time to time, but unable to seriously delay final success as it enters the higher vibrations. We will support you all the way and, as always, we are available to deal with any intruders. They have stayed away to avoid any interference with the path chosen.

Do not forget that thoughts are energy and through them you attract more of the same, so be careful what you give your energy because it can return to haunt you You have a beautiful soul that is the essence of God and as you throw the lower energies, your light becomes stronger and stronger, and eventually back to being a fully enlightened being. You can not imagine the joy I feel for your success, knowing that soon we will be waving at the higher levels of vibration. Certainly there will be celebrations and old friends who have long forgotten once again will meet with you.

Many of you are Sirius and their families eagerly await the opportunity to meet them again. It does not mean that it has never known since falling to the lower dimensions, as occasionally the opportunity has arisen when it has been out of the body. However, as mentioned above, you can bring those memories when he returns to his sleeping body, but it's hard to remember once again awake.

Most souls while they sleep move out of the body, if only to float just above it, while others may move toward what has become Summerland. It is there after the death of the physical body that souls first review their activities of life and how life worked his plan. In their etheric bodies, souls come together and can have food and drink for free, and discuss the earthly problems encountered and the responses to them. Many problems have been solved in this way, although the actual visit to Summerland may be only vaguely remember when they return to their physical body.

Often you declare that sleep on a problem waiting to have the answer when you wake up, and often do. The most exciting and satisfying experience in Summerland is known to those who have overlooked, who almost certainly have changed his appearance through the power of thought, looking younger or free from any disability they have had while they were on Earth. It should be mentioned that normally happen at other levels once you've determined how and when they should take their place next experiences. Undoubtedly, you are now becoming more aware of what is the difference between life on Earth and your future life. Also you must realize that life is eternal and that in reality there is no death as we understand,

The value of having life after life means you have enough time to gain experience and prepare for the next. There is always a plan that, if successful, will move along its evolutionary path, and gradually your vibrations will rise and rise further as you move through the different levels of vibration. The benefit of being able to reincarnate is that you have endless opportunities to succeed and advance to a higher level of vibration. Once you have reached Ascension, there is no reason to return to the lower vibrations and will have no obligation to do so. All matter may seem solid and often very hard, but because the atoms vibrate at a very fast speed and give the impression of being solid.

Often, through their various lives, he has completed all his experiences and returned to the Deity before embarking on another journey into the unknown. It is God who sends you for the sole purpose of gaining experience and knowledge through you, so you can take it to the Trinity. You're just one soul among trillions that leave regularly to get more experience, so although the main reason is your evolution, also serve the Deity. It is a simplistic way of putting it, but it conveys the right impression to help you understand. You not get a more detailed description until it is in higher dimensions and can comprise a suitable explanation.

One of the greatest truths that you will ever is the purpose of life and where it leads, as you can conclude that one day all souls have returned to the Godhead from whence they came. In the past, souls have been sent again and again to experience, and every time I have returned to the Deity has grown because of it. Deity is a timeless experience where souls are in love and unlimited time stops, as they are more than happy and ecstatic to stay there forever in the pure love of the Supreme Creator.

There is no language that can be used to adequately describe the happiness and perfect happiness, but most humans have experienced the intensity of the energy of love, but that is nothing more than a pale reflection of the love of the Creator. Perhaps no word is able to describe such an overwhelming experience. Knowing what lies ahead should encourage him to see it as a great and exciting journey that never ends and filled with joy and happiness.

I leave you with love and blessings, and that the Light illumine your days and your way to the end. This message comes through my higher self , my Divine Being, and every soul has the same inner connection with God.

In love and light.

Mike Quinsey.   

4 de diciembre de 2019

Total Reset From the Programming

The biggest hoax every created is the illusion of time and death. Because of the fall out of grace with the sinking of the continents, the ancient Motherland of Lemuria and Atlantis and with it the ancient wisdom of the 1st light, a cataclysmic dis-aster within the human as well as the planetary body, caused you to fall into deep amnesia.
It is now time to release yourself from this mind controle programming. You have come so far and a global awakening is taking place and yet most of you.. if you are honest with self… are still caught in this fake programming. It is time for the children of earth to rise again and claim their eternity, their divine sovereignty as eternal beings of love and re-connecting with their original divine source blueprint of the 1st light of Lemuria, which was the very light, that created this planet and all life upon it and gave birth to the first Lemuria in the time of Hyperborea.
My guides made me laugh out loud as I was contemplating what I have said since my early teens…. “I am going to get at least 150 years old”. My guides then promptly interrupted me and said… why not 300 years old… they said in fact you can be as old, as you choose to be, you can even create a new body, if that is what you choose. You are eternal and that is your true nature… all else is an illusion.
The questions should rather be do I choose love over fear, do I choose to transcend all the limitations, that has been programmed into my being of linear time, decay and death. You, and here I refer to your soul, might want to leave your current vessel (physcial body) for certain reasons, when you have fulfilled your mission here, but that is a whole other story.
As many of you already know, you have been held hostage in the karmic wheel of suffering for the last 30.000+ years, which is an ancient programming of the piscean age. Yes every thought, every action has a cause and effect in the web of life, as everything is inter-connected. Thus the urgency to choose love, choose what honors the whole, as everything is inter-connected. However you are not bound to die, death as well as time is an illusion. Life is NOT linear, creations births itself again and again thru circles within circles, in a spiral dance of love, making love to itself (replicating itself) in myriad of ways and never gets tired of this wondrous magic of creating new ways of experiencing itself thru evolving and creating new worlds, new life in every possible form and way.
And you are that. You are Creation itself. It is impregnated within your original divine blueprint dna, the undistorted light, the 1st light of Source. However forces, that did not honor this light, that however was created from this light, made choices for their own agenda, that did not honor the universal light and law of ONE. They created distortions in the dna and implanted in the collective mind what you name the Gregorian calender, a time device, that has aimed to hold you bondage in linear time and separate you from the sacred breath of creation and the universal heart beat and your very soul´s essence. It created the distorted programming of going from A to B with no way of deviating, a destined path of suffering leading to an inevitable death. A death sentence, that no one could escape, not even the ancient yogis, they could “merely” prolong their life.
This programming has also caused your cells as well as the toroidal field around you to spin in a forward clockwise movement, which is the very reason that you decay and die… it literally gives this information to your cells. The naturel spin of creation is a counter clockwise spin, it is the magnetics and molecular nature of the creation itself to spin in this way. The Arcturians already introduced us to this wisdom thru an activation last year, called the Cell-repolarisation, where they reversed this programming and the spinning in the cells. This will be part of this reset and activation, that the Arcturians will offer on the 12:12 gateway.
I am most delighted to announce with an overspilling heart of joy, that the Arcturians will offer a total reset from this programming and death sentence into 0-point and activate what they name the freedom codes. I have been told, that they will be launching what they call the freedom codes series, so I pressume there will be more coming as we advance in our light frequency, collectively as well as individually to receive this high powered photonic light encodings. I will facilitate this activation together with the Arcturians and other conglomerates of light on the 12:12 Portal, December the 12th, which is a monumental window of unprecedented potential for the light codes to be ushered in and received. Lemuria is rising, goddess is rising, the new Dawn is here. You are the rising of the new Dawn. Already 188 revolutionaries of love are signed up and still 11 days to go for the 12:12 freedom portal.
Here is the link to sign up and learn more:
~ Grace Solari and the Arcturians

26 de agosto de 2019

Messages of the moment of Horus: what we want in life


08-26-19: There is an oncoming new way for all of us to go through what we've been seeing as the way to be confounded and malnourished and not in a frame of mind that is good for what we want in life. I know that many of you have gotten past that way of seeing life. When the results come about it is a good thing to share the reality of one's own passion and creativity for what it is that we see as the ideal way to live life in the way that makes us not only happy but stronger in the energy that creates what we want, rather than what makes us feel less than capable of bringing about the best that we can bring into our lives. As we each see this and live it, we are being occupied in ways that are irresistable and have the power to bring us the truth in the open for what we want in our lives.
Yes, I went through that process in several lifetimes here on earth, and after I returned to the destiny I had already accomplished I knew that I could share with anyone who cared to listen what I had learned from my lifetimes on this planet earth. It is now in your power of Love to live what you see to be the epitome of what you desire and know that you can create for the direct accomplishment of creative ability in Love, Peace and Joy for living in this lifetime of creation for all of life. I am Horus once more, and I welcome you back to where you desire to create for a world of perfection in the living in Love that is first and foremost in the creation of perfection

24 de agosto de 2019

DNA ACTIVATION OF HUMAN DIVINO.ACTIVACIÓN CRISTALINO the improved human DNA. (Part 1, there are two parts go together ACTIVATION READ THEM 2)

Crystalline DNA is the key to changing the dimensional levels of density, of negativity, because it creates bridges between realities, expressions of form, Galaxies, it is truly Unique and Divine.

We focus on ourselves and take a breath, we catch the air through the nose and without retaining it we release it through the mouth. For maximum effect, we align our toroidal fields with our Ascension column.

We connect to the Gaia New Earth Networks and the Emerging Solar Networks. We join our Higher expressions and use our Divine DNA. It exists internally, we reactivate our cells and Energy Fields.

I fully accept the Divine Ascension Codes.

I accept the harmonics, sounds, Cosmic Rays of Evolution and Amplifications of the Light of the Source, in my cells and Energy Fields.

I accept that you fully amplify my State of Consciousness of Ascended Christ, through all densities, all negativities and Dimensional Expressions of Being.

We take a breath, we take the air through the nose and without holding it we release it through the mouth.

We feel the Connection with the Alignment of the Source of the Universe, Galaxy, Central Sun and Gaia, Mother Earth, Pachamama.

I call the Highest Quality Human Divine DNA, which is fully activated in me.

I invoke in me, the Highest Quality of the Crystalline Human DNA.

I am asking for the return to the structures of my cells, of my Christic DNA, purified through all timelines, densities and dimensional expressions.

I ask that it be activated and reconnected Etherically, reconfigure and recreate in all the Fields of my Body and my Energy.

I visualize the reconfiguration of DNA, in my Ascension Column, as a Giant Spiral Structure.

I notice how the 12 strands of DNA are activated.

13 Chapter of the Consciousness of Christ, the 14th Chapter of the Source, the 144 Chains of DNA and at any complementary level in my path.

Dear DNA, Illuminate, Illuminate, Illuminate, and rewrite my form and Energy Fields in Sacred Geometric Patterns, thus reflecting my highest Divine Being.

I fully claim, to my Highest Expression and accept my Universal Christ Self and the complete Activation of the highest level of Crystal DNA.

I call for the complete activation in my DNA of the Rainbow Codes of the Body of Light, for the opening with my Divine Presence, of the Crystalline Bridges of the Ascension.

I command and appeal to all the Graces and Forces of the pure Consciousness of the Source, so that they can express themselves as a palpable reality, thus awakening all my Consciousness, so that it resonates with the first lines of the pure and true Christ Ascension.

I invoke Mother Earth and Archangel Uriel, the Fire of God and the Light of God, the Archangel of Divine Wisdom in the North and the Regent of the Elements of the Earth.

Provide Me with Gratitude, Light and Love, project in my Being, my Energies and my thoughts, the deep Magma of Mother Earth of Yellow, Purple and Orange color.

I ask for your help, to bring the Energy of the Creative Magma through my feet, to my Root Chakra, Coccygeal Plexus, to my second Sexual and Sacral Chakra and to the Creation Plexus.

I invoke the Divine Creative Source and Arcangel Jofiel. The Beauty of God, the Archangel of Creative Power and Enlightenment, the Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge, along with the Archangel Uriel.

I reach and project Gratitude, Light and Love, High in the Heavens and invoke the Golden Light of the Source of Energy, so that this Golden Light, goes down through my Brain Chakras, continues down, through my Heart Chakra I added love to my heart, continue to my Sacral Plexus, Creative Center, just above the Pelvic bone.

I invoke the Archangel Zafiel, the Guardian of the Orange Flame of Creation, the Angel of Ecstasy and Compassion, to bring the Creative Energy of the Orange Flame to my Sacred Plexus, with the intention of creating the 24 Strands of a Perfected DNA .

For the celebration of Existence, I call the Star children, the Guardians of the 24 Perfect Filaments of Human DNA, with the intention of manifesting the 24 strands of DNA in my Sacral Plexus, in the second Sexual Creative Chakra and in each cell of my body.

By placing the 24 DNA strands, in every cell of my body, I perfect my body, bones, blood, lymphatic system, nerves, organs, hormones, glands, proteins, telomeres, organelles, carbohydrates, arteries, veins, immune system, tissue adipose, cell membranes, mitochondria and all other cells of my body at the Quantum level, so that the perfection of the Original Human is manifested.

I reinforce the 24 wires in 12 double helix, I connect 2 wires in each one, like a rotated, connected, perfected, spiral and double-stranded DNA, with the perfected telomeres at the ends, acting as small antennas, transmitting the Perfection from the Quantum Field and from the Source of Energy, in each and every cell of my body, to rejuvenate and revitalize my body, to a Perfect State of health and Wellbeing.

I braid these 12 double helices, on the 24-strand DNA strand, in every cell of my body, I become Strong, Invincible, Indestructible and Impenetrable, for all toxic, petrochemical, nanobots, radiation and all forms of Low Energy Negative vibration.

My 12 Double Propellers connect me to the Quantum Energetic, of all other Celestial Realms.

Now I am connected and integrated to all my Divine Interdimensional Beings of the Multiverse.

I am now an Enlightened Being of Light and Love. Done this (x3), Sealing is (x3), That's right, So be it, It Will Be. From my Divine Presence of God "I Am Who I Am" (x3). This Activation is necessary to do it once a day.

Do this Activation once a day.
Source: The sister of light Estrella Yepes talavera, Stellar Star Cmandte.

Sincerely: To all the Fleet and commands, Commander Ným.
Om Rá Anhk Rá sharing wisdom Shankar Nehru Sethi

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