
16 de agosto de 2018

Our amazing physical vessel

Our human body holds many secrets and symbolism.  No thing is by chance.  It is sacred geometry, numerology… and a sacred site. 😉  If you read nothing else, ponder or mediate on this and be shown.  I remember reading some time ago about a seven year spiritual process.  The words came and went.  Yet, I came back to this 11 months ago as I learned in seven years, every cell in our body regenerates.  Then Spirit was walking me through how every cell, organ, system (nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, muscular, reproductive, etc.), bone, hormone, etc. is touched and affected by this process. 
Several years ago I’d never imagine the process many of us have been in.  Oh this journey can become morethan one ever thought.  For me it’s been the past several years yet for others, decades.  And, not all will experience in this way at this time.
So I did wonder when my seven years started (and would end), lol, as some of the body work transformation can be intense/altering/slow one way down (and this is for a reason).  And while it may be neat and clean cut for some… this process may be more complex/longer than the seven years; one may have several seven year cycles – an ongoing process that can take a lifetime/lifetimes.  Really we don’t get caught up in time – we do though allow it to serve us.  I will also say, it does get easier – the first conscious pass though may start as, what the…??  and turn into whoo/wowziers.  Yet understanding and peace can also be found.
So I will share… yet also say, I might not have all of this right… as this is, cutting edge.  Yet not necessarily new as there have been many forerunners in this area.  It is taking our body into quantum physics and medicine.  I do feel this will one day be understood in a scientific way and able to be shown/measured… that it will be normal… and, replace (or simply there will be no need for) our medical and mental health systems.  Yes, this may take several lifetimes.  Yet also a phase that is growing now – more understanding/support/care for those as they go through this/a natural process.
So lets take a step back for a moment.  Many of us have been spiritual for a while (knowing/believing/connecting-using-sharing our gifts).  We came into this world this way yet may take a detour (yet not) and, forgot much.  Many of us had a 3D life, then awakened… and in time started ascending/embodying/etc.  Stages of seeking, connecting, practicing, serving, being.  For many of us… moreremembrance comes.
Possible ways may have included, we worked with our chakra’s, then our column of light, the Merkabah and torus energy.  We survived our dark nights, released fears, elevated our victim mentality (that one might not have even known was in their cellular memory)… and, how many phoenix or hero’s journeys can one have in a life…?  Yes, please laugh as we do need to keep this light.  All of this does serve a purpose.  And for many, at some point the body starts to respond differently and at first, it can be strange – alarming.
Once one becomes connected to their/the natural rhyme… and can I say that it may take years to get one back to this state of being… our cells start pulling in/responding to photonic light.  Our body and dna is a conductor of electricity and sensitive and in tune to electromagnetic waves.  And we know about waves!  It’s why we felt the highs and lows – again and again; Ascend/descend.  They prepare us and serve.
Our environment, thoughts, choices, etc. also affect if and how this process unfolds.  It’s why the body purges/clears again and again – in order to make way for the light to enter and do what it needs to do, naturally.  So many words could be used:  a light body… a plasma or rainbow body.  It’s like if one is happy in 3D, this isn’t even needed.
I’ve tagged 12 past posts as for me this has been a process indeed… and just now starting to add up some of the clues given in the past.  While I am able to feel/channel/receive messages which is an amazing gift, this has been one of many side projects/themes.  The Universe knows I like a challenge, lol, so what fun would it be to just understand like that.  Too easy – so I gather together now as the shorter messages and many steps over years have come.  I do remember asking years ago to be a bit more psychic… haha, I still am not.  And what fun would that be as much of this is to be a surprise and in awe and wonder.
The physical body part has been a surprise to me these past several years, as I’ve lived it, and not taught in any medical school that I know of.  Our body is changing based on our needs/plan and New Earth… yet, one may not realize/welcome this.  This is a cosmic realignment, tune up… and evolution.
In the past (often as I’ve stumbled into), I’ve written on insomnia, being hot/coldspine upgradesorgansplasma and sacred geometry.  All just pieces of a very complex subject matter that is (happening in) one.
Many experience a kundalini/chi/life force that awakens at the base of the spine.  It may or may not be about sexual energy/twin flames.  Coiled snakes can be a sign and ha, our medical system sign.  Visions/messages/dreams may start like never before.  And, the physical sensations can run the spectrum!  Heat, inflammation, aching/pain as our tissues/body release.  One may find they need to do less, rest and wonder if something is wrong with them.  One may feel heavy/slower and just when you thought this was all about being light.  Well… you are and it is. 
We are slowly going from carbon based to crystalline silicone and awakening/using all of our dna – no junk!  And going from two strand to three (yet I will be honest, I don’t know how to explain this part yet).
And a few additional words on a plasma body.  A wise friend shared with me that 99% of the galaxy is plasma – wow!  As above, so below.  And this wiki post may offer additional clues.  Often I see or feel a certain type of plasma clouds in the sky or am reminded in meditation.  One’s body may feel like the ocean in meditation.
Plasma comes from the sun/prominence/coronal cloud and is made up of protons and electrons.  Protons in the human body play a significant role because the tendency for an atom to either lose, gain or share electrons is dependent upon the charge of the nucleus; the chemical reactivity of an atom is dependent upon the number of electrons and protons. This ties into solar wind and the charts I often mention:  planetary K, electron flux’s, gamma, even star bursts, Schumann resonances and sound, light and Hz.  Maybe even… HUman Photosynthesis.  We are changing matter here, literally.
This process also works in detail on our mind – creating new and advanced pathwaysand one may even experience a natural dmt release.  Heart – opening, expanding, flowing and, gut – oh to digest, absorb and relay feelings and vibrations to our body.
We have many bodies yet one physical body/vessel.  In our aura/electromagnetic field, there are layers:  astral, emotional, mental, casual, etheric, universal, etc. – word choice may vary yet, you get it.
And this picture (below) is close to a vision/process I was understanding.  Labyrinth like.  As one moves out of a healing/process/upgrade/shift/experience… we move into yet another.  And as one comes to an end of a cycle/process, it may feel awesome… or like a collapse/death.  Yet trust that then, a rebirth.  This follows Mother Nature – look at plants, animals and seasons.
There is a ripple affect/effect, too, so trust that what is done now affects the whole.
I’ll also share that when my journey started, I remember reading often on purity… and fasting.  That purity was needed and fasting would help.  Fasting may assist, yes… yet this may also be a belief.  Trust your body – just listen.  At times our bodies will crave for a reason salt, etc.  Water though does seem to be important.  Our organs need it – to stay fluid/flowing.  And… we are pure, right here and now.  Even smokers, drinkers and junk food eaters, etc. are spiritual beings and have amazing spiritual experiences just as pure as anyone else.  Rest and nourishment needs will though significantly change in this journey.
Our vibration… and joy is very important.  And honoring this amazing and sacred process.  To unblock dis ease… any stagnant energy.  Like, why do many of us carry the gene or possibility to get this or that… yet some do and some don’t?  While it may be chosen, random… if one’s body/vibe is out of alignment, much can go awry.  We clear our/the field, again and again.  So old wounds may surface.  These can be past-life like or this life – mental, emotional or literally physical.
Ahhh  (a breath).  Also so important.  Okay… one last note.  Some time ago I started feeling energy move in the body.  Like an energy burp/bubble, shift in the heart or chest area… and more recently larger movements.  A comparison, being 8 months pregnant and the baby kicks.  It’s different/more than just our normal lightbody energy/meridians.  For me in the past it’s signified a change or that something was getting ready to happen in my reality – usually the bigger wow/reveal moments.  Energy precedes and the soul reminds.  They last just a few seconds yet can cause one to pause.  And often the ones that feel like a heart firework are then confirmed by a starburst.  We can be this connected to all.  And, there are times one needs to be still.  Completely relaxed, get flat, muscles relaxed – like zero gravity.
While there are also several other topics that spin off and weave into this… this is more than enough for now.  The process, understanding and adventure continues.  Thanks for reading and much LOVE!
(( ❤ ))

Deuda Nacional de los Estados Unidos Ahora Equivalente a la Cantidad de Dinero que Falta del Tesoro

Por Isaac Davis  Fuente:  Waking Times 
En marzo de 2018, la deuda nacional de Estados Unidos superó los 21 billones de dólares, y ahora la deuda promedio para un contribuyente individualse estima en $ 161,022 para 2019. Esto significa que cada contribuyente estadounidense le debe una casa al gobierno, cuando se considera que el precio medio de la casa es de alrededor de $ 200,000.
Así es, incluso su feliz y burbujeante contribuyente de un año de edad, quien es demasiado nuevo en el planeta como para tener una idea de lo que esto significa, le debe una casa a alguien más cuando tenga edad suficiente para conseguir un trabajo.
En la actualidad, a pesar de que  el gobierno está recaudando altos impuestos individuales a la renta, la deuda continúa aumentando, al igual que los impuestos, tarifas, permisos, regulaciones y extorsión de ciudadanos patrocinada por el gobierno. Esto no es un buen augurio para el estadounidense promedio.
"Con la deuda por contribuyente tan alta como está, si el gobierno sigue aumentando los impuestos a los de ingresos medios y superiores, será cada vez más difícil para muchas de estas personas preservar su nivel de vida. Esto dará como resultado una reducción de la riqueza que abarcará todo el espectro de ingresos, excluyendo quizás a los súper ricos ". [ Fuente ]
Sorprendentemente, al mismo tiempo que la deuda alcanzaba los 21 billones de dólares, otros se daban cuenta de que la cantidad públicamente disponible de dólares de contribuyentes no contabilizados, perdidos o robados ahora también es de 21 billones de dólares. La mayor parte de esto parece haber desaparecido del Pentágono.


La revista Forbes publicó un artículo sobre esto en diciembre de 2017, señalando cómo año tras año los informes financieros anuales del departamento de defensa incluyen sumas insanas de dinero que no se contabilizan en forma de ajustes sin fundamento. Es decir, informes defectuosos, algo que haría que una persona común y corriente entre en la cárcel por evasión de impuestos.
"... los datos utilizados para preparar los estados financieros de fin de año no eran confiables y carecían de una pista de auditoría adecuada". El informe indica que solo 170 transacciones representaron $ 2.1 billones en ajustes no soportados a fin de año. No se proporciona información sobre estas 170 transacciones. Además, según el informe, el Ejército eliminó muchos miles de transacciones con ajustes infundados. No hay explicación sobre por qué fueron removidos ni su magnitud ". [ Fuente ]
El ex congresista estadounidense Ron Paul publicó recientemente sobre el fenómeno del dinero perdido, señalando que la mayor parte de esta astronómica cantidad de dinero es el resultado de un gasto militar fuera de control.
"¿Saben cuánto gastó el Pentágono entre 1998 y 2015 que está" no contabilizado "? 
$ 21,000,000,000,000 
¿A dónde fue? 
Nadie sabe ... es "no contado". ~ Ron Paul
Al ver esta situación en términos simples, hay un criminal en la cuadra, uno que todos conocen pero que tiene miedo de enfrentar, que les roba a todos en el vecindario una y otra vez. Y ha llegado al punto en que el criminal es libre de actuar con impunidad, robando cantidades cada vez mayores a sus vecinos.
No hay nadie que pueda ayudar. La policía no hará nada porque el delincuente les paga. El criminal está bien armado porque no sigue las mismas leyes de armas que los vecinos tienen que cumplir. Él hace alarde de sus armas con frecuencia y amenaza a cualquiera que lo mire mal.
No hay nada que los vecinos puedan hacer al respecto, y el criminal lo sabe y se vuelve más y más descarado a medida que pasa el tiempo. Y el delincuente vive una vida de lujo y tranquilidad, mientras que los vecinos tienen que trabajar más y más para recuperarse de sus pérdidas cada vez mayores.


El vecindario se ha convertido en una especie de territorio de caza feudal para el criminal, y el futuro del vecino se ve cada vez más sombrío con cada año que pasa. Se han convertido, en efecto, en trabajadores esclavos del criminal, y la situación no promete mejorar en el corto plazo.
Mientras que los vecinos son personas honestas, buenas y trabajadoras, la desesperación se hunde lentamente y con el tiempo la situación se volverá volátil y muy peligrosa.

Pensamientos finales

En otras noticias, recientemente se le ha otorgado al IRS el poder de retener pasaportes de ciudadanos que adeudan impuestos atrasados ​​por un monto de $ 50,000 o más. Esto podría ser unas 362,000 personas, según la revista Time, que enfrentan la posibilidad de encarcelamiento interno por hacer algo que hace el gobierno, pero en una pequeña fracción del alcance.
"El Departamento de Estado dice que a los infractores que no resuelvan sus problemas impositivos antes de solicitar un pasaporte se les demorará  o negará su solicitud . Mientras tanto, las personas con pagos de impuestos en mora que ya hayan solicitado un nuevo pasaporte estadounidense no recibirán un nuevo pasaporte hasta que hayan resuelto sus problemas impositivos con el IRS ". [ Fuente ]
Esto es algo que no parece estar registrado en la mente del público, y mientras los estadounidenses estén más interesados ​​en dejarse dividir y conquistar por los medios, solo podemos esperar que el crimen de la deuda nacional se exacerbe

U.S. National Debt Now Equivalent to the Amount of Money Missing from the Treasury

By Isaac Davis  | Source: Waking Times
In March of 2018, the U.S. national debt topped $21 trillion dollars, and now the average debt liability for an individual taxpayer is projected to be $161,022 by 2019. This means that every American taxpayer pretty much owes the government a house, when you consider that the median house price is around $200,000.
That’s right, even your happy, bubbly one-year-old future taxpayer, who is too new to the planet to have any idea what any of this means, will owe someone else a house by the time she’s old enough to get a job.
At present, even though the government is collecting record high individual income taxes, the debt continues to rise, as do taxes, fees, permits, regulations, and government sponsored extortion of citizens. This doesn’t bode well for the average American.
“With the debt per taxpayer as high as it is, if the government continues to raise taxes on middle income earners and above, it will become increasingly difficult for many of these individuals to preserve their standard of living. This will result in a reduction of wealth that spans the entire income spectrum, excluding perhaps the super-rich.” [Source]
Remarkably, at the same time the debt hit $21 trillion, others were noticing that the publicly available number of unaccounted for, or lost or stolen, taxpayer dollars is also now at $21 trillion. Most of this seems to have gone missing from the Pentagon.


Forbes magazine published an article on this in December of 2017, noting how year after year the defense department’s annual financial reports include insane sums of money that goes unaccounted for in the form of unsubstantiated adjustments. That is, faulty reporting, something which would land an ordinary person in jail for tax evasion.
“ used to prepare the year-­end financial statements were unreliable and lacked an adequate audit trail. The report indicates that just 170 transactions accounted for $2.1 trillion in year—end unsupported adjustments.  No information is given about these 170 transactions.  In addition many thousands of transactions with unsubstantiated adjustments  were, according to the report, removed by the Army. There is no explanation concerning why they were removed nor their magnitude.” [Source]
Former U.S. Congressman Ron Paul recently posted about the missing money phenomenon, noting that most of this astronomical amount of money is the result of out of control military spending.
“Do you know how much the Pentagon spent between 1998 and 2015 that is “unaccounted for”?
Where did it go?
No one knows…it’s “unaccounted for”.” ~Ron Paul
Looking at this situation in layman’s terms, there’s a criminal on the block, one that everyone knows but is afraid to confront, who steals from everyone in the neighborhood again and again. And it’s gotten to the point where the criminal is free to act with impunity, stealing ever greater amounts from his neighbors.
There is no one who can help. The police won’t do anything because they are paid off by the criminal. The criminal is well-armed because he doesn’t follow the same gun laws that the neighbors have to adhere to. He regularly flaunts his weapons and threatens anyone who looks at him wrong.
There is nothing the neighbors can do about it, and the criminal knows this and becomes more and more brazen as time goes by. And the criminal lives a life of luxury and ease, while the neighbors have to work harder and harder to recover from their ever-increasing losses.


The neighborhood has become a sort of feudal preying ground for the criminal, and the neighbor’s futures look more and more bleak with each passing year. They have become, in effect, slave workers for the criminal, and the situation holds no promise of improving any time soon.
While the neighbors are all honest, good, hard-working people, desperation is slowly sinking in and in time the situation will become volatile and very dangerous.

Final Thoughts

In other news, the IRS has recently been granted the power to withhold passports from citizens who owe back taxes in the amount of $50,000 or more. This could be some 362,000 people, according to Time magazine, who face the prospect of internal imprisonment for doing something the government itself does, but at a tiny fraction of the scope.
“The State Department says that violators who do not resolve their tax issues before applying for a passport will have their application delayed or denied. Meanwhile, people with seriously delinquent tax payments who have already applied for a new U.S. passport will not have a new passport issued to them until they have resolved their tax issues with the IRS.” [Source]
This is something that doesn’t seem to register on the public mind, and as long as Americans are more interested in allowing themselves to be divided and conquered by the media, we can only expect for the national debt crime to exacerbate.

Archangel Raphael: I Bring You Healing, Joy, Love and Peace

by EraOfLight
aa raphael eraoflight
Open your heart and let me come in and I will bring that which heals you

I AM Archangel Raphael, Archangel of healing. I come to you today to not only bring you healing but to bring you joy, love, peace. For that is the state of being healed, is it not?  You don’t need to feel totally healed to feel these things though, beloveds. Just open your heart and let me come in and I will bring that which heals you.
But we do it as partners, for when you extend your hand, when you extend your heart, I have the invitation, I have the permission to come to you. And I do it with such joy, with such gladness, with such celebration! And when you extend the invitation and call to me, I am there immediately. You just need to feel me and if you do not feel me, that is quite alright, for I am there regardless.
And when I bring my healing to you, you, in turn, bring it to all those connected to you, to the animals, to the plants, to your loved ones, to those you don’t even know. That is the power that you have.
Perhaps you feel you are going backwards, you believe, (to) stages that you thought you had resolved, that you thought you had overcome. It is the time that we are in, that you are in beloveds and we are in it with you. You have volunteered to be the ones at the head of the line, to be the wayshowers, to be the innovators. And so you experience that which is on the deepest levels so others will experience it in an easier fashion.
You are commended and you loved for this. Do not give up hope. Do not forget who you are and yes, I am just a call away. We are all just a call away. You are loved beyond measure.
I AM Archangel Raphael, healer, bringer of the healing vibration of God. Farewell.
» Source » Channel: Lee Degani

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.

Zimbabwe: China trama nueva moneda internacional

China trama nueva moneda internacional para Zimbabwe? COLOGNE - En lo que parece ser un movimiento político cuidadosamente calculado para cristalizar la influencia de China en África y Harare, Pekín planea conspirar para ayudar al gobierno del presidente Robert Mugabe a liberar una nueva moneda internacional de Zimbabue, respaldada por sus reservas de oro incalculables, informó Spotlight Zimbabwe . En 2014, este periodista escribió un informe en el que la idea de una moneda respaldada por oro se debatió por primera vez en privado, entre Mugabe y el líder libio caído Muammar Gaddafi, en las líneas laterales de la inauguración del líder sudafricano Jacob Zuma, en Pretoria en 2009.

Gaddafi quería una moneda de oro común para todo el continente africano, mientras que Mugabe había propuesto que era mejor para los estados miembros de la Unión Africana (UA) presentar el oro estándar individualmente, antes de anunciar una moneda común en una etapa posterior para tirar Jugadores financieros internacionales en la confusión.

Aunque no se ha dado un plazo para la emisión del dinero secreto, que se espera que eventualmente reemplace al Banco de la Reserva de Zimbabwe (RBZ), las Notas de Bonos que entren en circulación este mes y estén a la par del dólar estadounidense, la información disponible sugiere que los respetados ancianos del partido de China han estado discutiendo silenciosamente el tema con el partido de Mugabe durante décadas y también quieren proporcionar garantías utilizando el poder económico de su país para la emisión monetaria a cambio de aproximadamente el 50% de los derechos soberanos de explotación minera del país.

Los ancianos chinos generalmente tienen una gran influencia sobre las decisiones y los nombramientos del gobierno mucho después de que renuncien oficialmente al poder. Son una confederación muy elitista, privilegiada y mimada al jubilarse.Un informe de la BBC indica que se les garantiza guardaespaldas, viviendas especiales, secretarias y conductores, así como acceso a documentos e información restringida. Zimbabwe adoptó el dólar estadounidense y el rand sudafricano en 2009 después de que la inflación estratosférica causó estragos en la economía, lo que hizo que la moneda local no tuviera valor. El jefe del banco central, John Mangudya, dijo que la medida aliviará la actual escasez de efectivo, y que como gobierno: "Anticipamos que a fines de año habrá en el mercado $ 75 millones (en bonos)".

Según el sitio web Dinar Chronicles, que informa sobre las monedas mundiales, en su reciente publicación destacada en Zimbabue, el 23 de septiembre de 2016, se especula que Rusia también está lista para respaldar la moneda internacional de Zimbabwe, y que el desarrollo verá a Harare convertirse en una importante jugador económico y político en el continente en los próximos años, cuando la moneda finalmente se introduce.Moscú ya ha invertido miles de millones de dólares en un proyecto minero de platino en Darwendale, que se convertirá en el más grande de Zimbabwe una vez completado. La sed de Rusia por el recurso se ha relacionado con su creciente industria de armamentos y armas, y el país ya se está preparando para adquirir algunos camiones militares, helicópteros y otros artículos de consumo para el ejército. A continuación se muestra un extracto de la publicación Dinar Chronicles:

Zimbabwe Truths - Una población de 13,000,000 habitantes - Nación fluyente de habla inglesa con un sistema educativo muy desarrollado gracias al dominio británico durante 130 años. - Fuerzas militares domésticas pequeñas pero efectivas para mantener el orden. - Liderazgo estable del gobierno desde 1980. - Muy bajo costo operativo. - No se deben deudas soberanas de ningún tipo - 100% balance limpio. - Relación antigua con familias soberanas de todo el mundo, específicamente familias soberanas chinas. - La deuda de bonos / divisas de Zimbabue 2008-09 se reclamó y será conciliada por el Soberano chino (Ancianos) con sus incalculables reservas de oro.

- Chinese Sovereign (Elders) también están garantizando una nueva emisión internacional de bonos / moneda de Zimbabwe a cambio del 50% de todos los derechos soberanos sobre minería. 
- Reservas inusualmente abundantes de recursos naturales enterrados, que incluyen: oro, plata, cobre, paladio, litio, magnesio, carbón, mineral de cromo, amianto, níquel, mineral de hierro, diamantes, piedras preciosas, vanadio, estaño, metales del grupo del platino y todos los elementos de tierras raras. 
- Docenas de socios de inversión internacional destacados por potencias económicas y militares fuertes como China, Rusia, Alemania, Suiza y Sudáfrica. 
- Nueva sede internacional de la Unión Africana con el sector empresarial de más rápido crecimiento en toda África.
- Las grandes altitudes proporcionan una vegetación exuberante, pero las tierras bajas también tienen un suelo fértil debido a los acuíferos subterráneos únicos que hacen de Zimbabwe el líder agrícola de África. ---- Entonces, como todo lo anterior es un hecho irrefutable, ¿cómo puede la nueva emisión de bonos soberanos de Zimbabwe respaldada por oro chino y el ejército ruso no estar en el territorio de cuatro dígitos? Zimbabwe per capita, una de las naciones más ricas del mundo, sino la más rica. Sería razonable entonces que su nuevo bono / moneda simplemente reflejaría la verdad de su nación.

Ambas embajadas, China y Rusia, no pudieron contactarse ayer. Sin embargo, un funcionario de Zanu PF cercano al ex gobernador de la RBZ, Gideon Gono, dijo que el tema de la moneda respaldada por China no es nuevo y que esta podría ser la razón por la cual Zimbabwe ha retrasado la introducción de su propia moneda local. Fuente: Bulawayo24

Zimbabwe: China Plotting New International Currency

China plotting new International currency for Zimbabwe?

COLOGNE– In what appears to be a carefully calculated political move set to crystallize China's influence in Africa and Harare, Beijing is reportedly plotting to help President Robert Mugabe's administration to unleash a new International Zimbabwe currency, backed by it's incalculable gold reserves, Spotlight Zimbabwe reported.

In 2014 this reporter, wrote a report in which the idea for a gold-backed currency was first discussed in private, between Mugabe and fallen Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, on the side-lines of the inauguration of South African leader Jacob Zuma, in Pretoria in 2009.

Gaddafi wanted a common gold currency for the whole African continent, while Mugabe had proposed that it was better for the African Union (AU) member states to introduce the gold standard money individually, before announcing one common currency at a later stage so as to throw International financial players into confusion.

Although no time frame has been given for the issuance of the secret money, which is expected to eventually replace the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), Bond Notes coming into circulation this month and pegged at par with the US dollar, information at hand suggests that China's respected party elders, have been silently discussing the matter with Mugabe's party for decades, and want to also provide collateral using their country's economic might for the currency issue in exchange for about 50% of the country's sovereign mining rights.

Chinese elders usually retain great influence over decisions and government appointments long after they officially step down from power. They are a very elite confederacy, privileged and pampered at retirement. A BBC report states that, they are guaranteed bodyguards, special housing, secretaries and drivers, as well as access to restricted documents and information.

Zimbabwe adopted the US dollar and South African rand in 2009 after stratospheric inflation wreaked havoc to the economy, rendering the local currency worthless.

Central bank chief, John Mangudya, has said the move will ease current cash shortages, and that as government: "We anticipate by the end of the year $75m (in bond notes) will be in the market."

According to the website Dinar Chronicles, which reports on global currencies, in its recent featured post on Zimbabwe, on September 23 2016, there is speculation that Russia is also ready to support the International Zimbabwe currency, and that the development will see Harare becoming an important economic and political player on the continent in the years to come, when the currency is finally introduced.

Moscow has already invested billions of dollars into a platinum mining project in Darwendale, which is set to become Zimbabwe's biggest upon completion. Russia's thirst for the resource has been linked to her growing weapons and arms industry, with the country already lining up to acquire some military trucks, helicopters and other consumables for the army.

Below is an extract of the Dinar Chronicles posting:

Zimbabwe Truths

– A population of 13,000,000
– Fluent English speaking nation with a very well developed educational system thanks to British rule for 130 years.
– Small, but effective domestic military to maintain order.
– Stable government leadership since 1980.
– Very low operational overhead.
– No sovereign debts owed of any kind
– 100% clean balance sheet.
– Ancient relationship with sovereign families around the world, specifically Chinese Sovereign Families.
– 2008-09 Zimbabwe bond/currency debt was claimed and will be reconciled by the Chinese Sovereign (Elders) with their incalculable gold reserves.
– Chinese Sovereign (Elders) are also collateralizing a new Zimbabwe international bond/currency issue in exchange for 50% of all sovereign mining rights.
– Unusually abundant reserves of in-ground natural resources, that include: gold, silver, copper, palladium, lithium, magnesium, coal, chromium ore, asbestos, nickel, iron ore, diamonds, precious gemstones, vanadium, tin, platinum group metals and all rare earth elements.
– Dozens of international investment partners highlighted by strong economic and military powers such as China, Russia, Germany, Switzerland and South Africa.
– New international headquarters of the African Union with the fastest growing business sector in all of Africa.
– High altitudes provides lush vegetation, but the low lands have also fertile soil because of unique underground aquifers that make Zimbabwe the agricultural leader of Africa.


So because all this above is irrefutable fact, how can newly issued Zimbabwe sovereign bond/currency backed by Chinese gold and the Russian military not be in the four digit territory?

Zimbabwe per capita one of, if not the, wealthiest nations in the world. It would stand to reason then that their new bond/currency would simply reflect their nation's truth.

Both the Chinese and Russian Embassies were not reachable for comment yesterday. However a Zanu PF official close to former RBZ governor, Gideon Gono, said the issue of the Chinese backed currency is not new and that this could be the reason Zimbabwe has delayed introducing her own home-made currency.

Source: Bulawayo24

Actualización de energía: Cambios en la línea de tiempo / Tormentas geomagnéticas / Síntomas de ascensión posterior al eclipse continúan

Tomado por Cody Tritter el 6 de mayo de 2016 @ Calgary
Bendiciones Amados,
Se produjo un cambio de línea de tiempo dentro de Eclipse Gateway. Los cambios en la línea de tiempo están llenos de efectos de Mandela y acontecimientos psíquicos. Pueden aparecer en cualquier momento, pero generalmente ocurren con una mayor intensidad de vibración.
Para mí, como la mayoría sabe, siempre tengo ocurrencias psíquicas, pero durante los cambios de línea de tiempo y las vibraciones de alta energía, el campo cuántico se eleva y mi conexión se vuelve más fuerte.
Durante la última semana he tenido todo tipo de experiencias psíquicas teniendo lugar con espíritus a mi alrededor. Sí, los veo. Muchos son espíritus animales que aparecen rápidamente y luego desaparecen junto con las formas humanas.
Se produjo un efecto de Mandela con Charlotte Rae, del programa de televisión Facts Of Life, en transición esta semana. Esta ha sido la tercera vez que ha fallecido y recuerdo. Recuerde, los efectos de Mandela aumentan durante los tiempos de alta frecuencia. Podrá aumentar su propia frecuencia recordando estas otras líneas de tiempo cuando las celebridades fallecieron. Si no recuerda que ella falleció en el pasado, intente conservar esta memoria para el futuro.
Una pequeña tormenta geomagnética con aumento del viento solar ha comenzado hoy. Veremos a dónde nos lleva esto en los días venideros. Publicaré con cualquier síntoma que ocurra si esta tormenta aumenta.
Todavía estamos en el Portal de Eclipse por una semana más y todavía tenemos síntomas de Ascensión. El sueño todavía ha sido difícil y el calor corporal todavía está aquí, como he hablado en mi artículo reciente. Muchos se sienten fuera de sus cuerpos y entre mundos.
La energía hoy está levantada y calma hasta ahora. Se elevó / dichoso ayer por el último Eclipse de la temporada y continúa hoy. Ayer fue un día muy centrado para completar cosas y hacer cosas que se habían pospuesto. La energía de hoy siente lo mismo.
Recuerde quedarse en el momento de AHORA y no en el pasado ni en el futuro. Aquí es donde todas las OTRAS ocurrencias DIMENSIONALES tienen lugar. Así es como se ve / siente / notó la energía permaneciendo solo en el momento presente.

Energy Update: Timeline Shifts / Geomagnetic Storms / Post Eclipse Ascension Symptoms Continue

Taken by Cody Tritter on May 6, 2016 @ Calgary

Blessings Beloveds,

A Timeline Shift occurred within the Eclipse Gateway. Timeline shifts are full of Mandela effects and psychic happenings. They can come at any time, but usually occur with increased vibrational intensity.

For me, as most know, I always have psychic occurrences taking place, but during timeline shifts and times of high energy vibrations, the quantum field is uplifted and my connection becomes stronger.

For the past week I have had all kinds of psychic experiences taking place with spirits all around me. Yes I see them. Many are animal spirits that appear quickly and then disappear along with human forms.

A Mandela effect has taken place with Charlotte Rae of the TV show Facts Of Life transitioning this week. This has been the 3rd time she has passed on that I remember. Remember, Mandela effects increase during times of high frequency. You will be able to increase your own frequency by remembering these other timelines when celebrities passed on. If you do not remember her passing on in the past, try to hold onto this memory for the future.

A small geomagnetic storm with increased solar wind has started today. We will see where this takes us in the days ahead. I will be posting with any symptoms that occur if this storm increases.

We are still in the Eclipse Portal for another week and we still have Ascension symptoms coming in. Sleep has still been difficult and body heat is still here as I talked about in my recent article. Many are feeling out of their bodies and between worlds.

The energy today is uplifted and calm so far. It became uplifted/blissful yesterday for the last Eclipse of the season and continues today. Yesterday was a very focused day of completing things and getting things done that had been put off. Todays energy feels the same.

Remember to STAY in the moment of NOW and not in the past or future. This is where all the OTHER DIMENSIONAL occurrences take place. This is how energy is seen/felt/noticed by staying in the present moment only.

Archangel Michael: You Have My Sword of Light

by EraOfLight
aa michael
It is with joy and pride that I am seeing you going fearlessly through all these missions with faith and trust in yourselves and in your guidance.

Greetings dearest ones! Greetings! I AM Mi-ka-el, I AM Archangel Michael, Archangel of love and truth, warrior of the peace and light, your family, your guardian, and protector, always.
I am here to remind you that I am always with you, that you and your loved ones are closely guarded by my legions of light and by myself personally, and that there is no time or space where you are left unattended or in any kind of danger.
I have promised you to sit by your side, to guide you and hold you safe while you are diving deeper and deeper into the darkest parts of the Earth plane to bring in the light, to expose manipulations and crimes of all sorts, and to finally uncover the truth for everyone who is willing to see and hear it. It is not always a straightforward job, it is not always easy to track your progress but have no doubt that your work is unfolding as planned and without any kind of delay.
Yes, there are astrological events and storms. Yes, there is more and more light that the Mother is sending down to infuse planet Earth. And all of those are meant to expose all that needs to be let go of, all that needs reconsidering and redirecting in your brave self and in everyone else, with no exceptions.
But you do not have to act on anything that is not of love, you do not have to project onto others or to take upon yourselves that which is not for you to bear and carry. You have my sword of light to cut through the cords and attachments that are meant to hold you back and drag you into any low vibrational space. You have my shield. Use it to protect yourselves from the unloving and fearful energies coming your way because they do not like your brilliance and determination to bring in light and hope into every corner on planet Earth. Use that inner wisdom and knowing to hold yourselves poised and peaceful, and then trust that you are given every opportunity to build more and more strength and power within yourselves so that you can fulfill your missions and purpose just as planned.
Yes, you have strategically placed some pieces of yourselves into the shadows. Yes, it is your soul that is calling you and urges you to go and retrieve them. These parts of self are not to be blamed or judged in any way, for they are gifts from yourselves to yourselves and are not by any means punishments for karmic debt and misdeeds.
There is so much wisdom and compassion waiting to be released as a result of these reunions. There is so much energy that it is being brought back into your being. That resultant positive energy is needed to assist you in enriching and helping you to more fully enjoy your ongoing and more conscious multidimensional journeys.
It is with joy and pride that I am seeing you going fearlessly through all these missions with faith and trust in yourselves and in your guidance.
Whenever your loved ones are being involved directly in the fight with the old and twisted paradigm of power over others, you need to trust and be reassured that they themselves have the same, if not even more, protection, guidance, and assistance as you do. So, you do not need to hold onto worries regarding their safety and wellbeing, instead, let them go to dissolve in a bubble of light.
Understand that your children, your grandchildren, these new generations of children brought on Earth at this time of marvelous changes, are extremely powerful beings of light that need only your loving arms and hearts and nothing more. Rest assured that they have their own beautiful plan, and yes, they are starting early with their task of implementation by already starting to place the pieces of the puzzles in their right places. Their paths and journeys are more ambitious and glorious than you can ever imagine. And yes, they do need your approval, your encouragement, and support in physical form, but they have their own strong guidance and assistance from the higher realms as well.
I am closing this message here, but know that you are loved and cherished always! Farewell.
» Source » Channel: Genoveva Coyle

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