
11 de marzo de 2017

Soros Gave The ACLU $35 Million To Train Anti-Government Protesters

Soros Gave The ACLU $35 Million To Train Anti-Government Protesters

Disobedient MediaThe American Civil Liberties Union is moving away from legal advocacy to organizing and training revolutionary protest groups called People Power. Soros’ Open Society Institute has given the ACLU over $35 million and millions more to other leftist organizations to file lawsuits against the policies of President Trump. This is part of Soros’ strategy to “reshape the American justice system” which includes funding leftist district attorneys in political races across the country. -GEG

Startling developments have revealed that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has moved beyond their original charter as a legal advocate for individual rights under the Constitution to actively taking a hand in training and organizing protest groups throughout the country. Their shift in focus came just over a month after reports emerged that George Soros was sinking tens of millions into the group through his affiliated organizations. Articles prominently featured by the ACLU announcing the shift towards actively organizing anti-government protests are authored by a former employee of Soros-funded groups. The startling shift indicates that the ACLU has decided to participate in Soros driven protest movements with the goal of subverting American democracy and driving regime change in the United States.

I. The ACLU Has Actively Begun To Assist In Protest Organization
The ACLU’s shift from their traditional mandate of legal advocacy appears to have occurred sometime in February 2017, with the announcement of People Power, a campaign consisting of what they described as “Resistance Training” to “take the fight against Donald Trump’s policies not just into the courts, but into the streets.” The training sessions are to be broadcast nationally via livestream. The shift appears to have been announced on February 24, 2017 in an article authored by the ACLU’s National Political Director, Faiz Shakir. Shakir apparently also runs the ACLU’s Reddit account, using it for an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Redditto announce the rollout of People Power. In the session, Mr. Shakir explained that the campaign would consist of more than 1,500 events, to organize a “volunteer army to fight back” in what he described as “the fight of our lives.” Announcements of the campaign are also being astroturfed to multiple left leaning subreddits in an attempt to garner support.

II. Faiz Shakir Is A Former Employee Of Soros-Controlled Organizations, People Power Was Launched After Major Funding From George Soros
Preliminary investigation has uncovered facts which call into question the incentives behind the ACLU’s decision to become involved with political protest. Faiz Shakir, the author of the ACLU’s announcement of People Power, spent seven years working at the Center for American Progress and was a founding member and editor-in-chief of The Center for American Progress (CAP) was a project spearheaded by John Podesta with heavy funding from George Soros. ThinkProgress was founded by the CAP to serve as its blog and news outlet, alongside David Brock’s propaganda outlet Media Matters. Brock has recently come under fire amid revelations that his new organization, Shareblue, has improper ties to the Chinese government, organizations in the City of London, Mexico, Israel and multiple Middle Eastern states. Shakir also served as a senior advisor to Senator Harry Reid and as a senior adviser and director of digital media for Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. His past associations with Soros-funded groups and prominent Democrat political figures raise questions about his apparent role spearheading the ACLU’s drive to become involved in training and equipping protestors.

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