
6 de diciembre de 2018

End of the first part of the release

Dear Ground Crew:
This is a message I received on December 4 from Apollo. He is a galactic who is assisting in removing the dark forces from the planet. I receive regular messages from him.  This is the latest one: “The whole system is going to rock and be shaken to the core. You will begin to see what you have never thought possible. Those who wish death and destruction upon you, will find it happening to them. It is the natural reversal of a very dark cycle on the earth. Prepare for shock and change. Keep yourselves removed from the chaos and rest in knowing that the old way of living and merely surviving is nearly complete. Watch the old go. Hold your head high for much good is coming to you.”
How are you doing, ground crew? Do the energies feel strange? Does it feel like you are living between two worlds? Are you finding yourself becoming more Galactic? Are you gaining new talents and abilities? Are you feeling complete with the third dimensional experience? Do things feel surreal? Are you surprised with what you are learning? Are you letting yourself be distracted with the mainstream media? Are you releasing old patterns and programs? Are you full of expectations for a new world?
These could be just a few examples of the current experience on our beloved planet. These feelings point to the need to go inward, to trust oneself, and to be completely discerning with what you are seeing and hearing. There is a lot going on behind the scenes. The big media events are a distraction from what is really happening.
The truth is there between the squabbles and the scenes. There is a Divine Plan that is at work with every detail laid in place. The panoramic view is huge. The Creator is in charge. This is what we need to remember. We only get to see some pieces of this big picture. No one knows everything. We each get to do our part.
As we progress with your Ascension Process, we see increasing transparency. Some of it is ugly and disturbing. We can wonder how we could have lived this way for so long. Since the veils have been removed it is more obvious. The words horrific and disgusting come to mind. We ponder how they could have kept us from knowing, yet we continued to be in the matrix. It prevented us from knowing what we know now.
In this divine awakening we get to see it all. It is a part of our enlightenment. Here is a link to a long but important article that spells it out. I highly recommend it.
If you read the article about planetary liberation you will see that we are at the end of the first phase of our liberation. This is the phase of Loosening the grip of the dark forces by weakening and eliminating their power structures and technological controls, increasing awareness among the general population and preparing for the Event.
We have heard plenty about investigations upon investigations. Yet this is part of the process. Some of you might have heard that December 5 is when military tribunals are supposed to begin trying the 68,000 people who have been indicted for crimes against humanity. This information could likely be temporarily postponed and/or buried in the Bush funeral festivities. Q anon has been giving out some very interesting information. You might want to check him out on YouTube.
Apparently, behind the scenes a lot has been done to take away the financial controls of the cabal. If you recall, a few months ago all the spy satellites were taken out by the Galactic’s. There is political unrest globally. Technological advances that remove us from the cabal’s control are also being put into use. Stay vigilant. Humanity is waking up.
The Lightworkers are contributing immensely. By working with our own energies, raising our vibrations, and tapping into the power within, we are anchoring in the light and the templates for the event. We are also getting very close to having powerful crystalline bodies instead of our carbon-based bodies. This helps raise the vibration of the planet and the consciousness of all of life.
Miracle after miracle is coming our way. I find this to be so when I remind myself that Spirit has my back. If I find myself challenged, I say Spirit has my back. This works every time and shifts the energy from doubt, fear, lack and limitation. By doing this, we are in the fifth dimensional energies of manifestation. We are tuned in to the Power Plant

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