
29 de diciembre de 2018

Psychic self - No.5

Lisa Renee 
Translation: Anita Manasse
The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the exploration of the issue of restitution Karmic. It is Ascension cycle has a lot of energy looking for balance and release, much of which comes from ancestral lineage and experiences of other lives. How does it feel psychically attacked by Karma? We will discuss more about karma and its effect for us, especially now!
Many of the things that happen to people in their lives, they may assume that they are attacks or bad luck, they are in fact cycles of karma returning to be balanced. The basic law of karma states that what you sow is what you reap what one emits is what comes back. This is the universal law of cause and effect. The interesting thing about Karma is that spans many lives. For a long time on Earth and due to lapses shorter life and lack of conscience of mankind, karma has a tendency to continue for many future lives. This is what compounded the problem, as future beings themselves were unconscious regarding this dragged karma, and unwillingly they added more.
Incarnates many see themselves as 'victims' or whatever happened in their lives, thinking they had done nothing to deserve bad luck or problems. In fact many of these events are simply lessons of life to achieve and gain more self-mastery, self-realization and soul growth. Often the energies of karma are administered impersonally, since it is directly related to the ways in which natural laws behave in that dimension, and in the energy field of consciousness of the human being (as embodied), each containing souled game instructions and agreements that life and the karmic influence of other lives. By virtue of the simple mechanical operation of the dimensional laws, the human being is subject to those laws and connected with that energy as soon as the body comes into physical manifestation at that level. That means the soul contracts planned karmic incarnation and aspired to resolve and transcend the karmic group instruction in your life, as to various evolutionary purposes.
Para describir unos pocos de los diferentes niveles y capas de karma, a nivel personal es lo que ustedes mismos han puesto en movimiento con su propia conciencia. A nivel grupas tiene muchas capas dentro de las cuales eligen nacer como un grupo con raza, genética, afiliación religiosa y así sigue. A nivel nacional tiene que ver con lo poblacional y el país en el que nacen y experimentan sus influencias en su vida. A nivel planetario, es la escuela especial llamada Tierra, en la cual se proveen muchas lecciones y experiencias. Ustedes tienen que ver con el karma planetario en la fase de la historia o línea temporal en la que nacen. Se puede decir que todas estas capas de karma son personales para ustedes, dado que el alma elige estos factores antes de iniciar cualquier encarnación.
Ahora que alcanzamos el final de un ciclo de creación, el tiempo de la “Ascensión”, la “impugnación” del karma se ha detenido, dado que la tierra se encuentra en su viaje de regreso elevándose su vibración. Todas las especies que acompañan a la Tierra en la transición a través de la ‘Ascensión’ – incluyendo a toda la humanidad – tienen que limpiar todos los asuntos kármicos prominentes  y sin terminar. Esto significa que cualquier efecto kármico nuevo generado en esta vida tiene que ser limpiado y equilibrado en esta vida – no se lo puede acarrear para adelante, y también tiene que ser limpiado ahora todo karma ancestral que quedó sin terminar.
¿Somos nosotros responsables por los delitos de nuestros ancestros? Sí, todos nosotros lo somos. Nosotros genéticamente somos la suma total de nuestros ancestros. Nosotros llevamos en nuestras células no solamente sus atributos físicos, sino sus memorias celulares, genéticas y el karma que tiene que ser liberado y llevado al equilibrio. La gran noticia es que tenemos muchas dispensaciones para limpiar el karma y sus enredos por medio de la Ley de Gracia, las fuerzas de la gracia divina de Dios. Eligiendo experimentar esta gracia con respecto a la causa y efecto kármica, es poderosamente transformador y liberador para el buscador sincero.
Muchos humanos están ahora también elevando su vibración dentro de sus campos energéticos personales simultáneamente con la Tierra. Esto no les da solamente un nuevo interés intelectual en asuntos espirituales, sino que también los despertará frente a nuevas comprensiones y nuevas formas de ver al mundo. La era entrante es equilibradora de energías dentro de todas las estructuras, a fin de poner los fundamentos para los nuevos paradigmas de la realidad humana.
A medida que los humanos aumentan la vibración, la habilidad de comenzar a conectarse con nuevos anchos de banda vibratorios, que pueden servir para exponer información y memorias, pensamientos y sentimientos de las que anteriormente no estaban conscientes, se está haciendo disponible. Esto puede comenzar con el recuerdo de vidas anteriores, o sensaciones de dolor, pánico o amor provenientes de estas memorias ancestrales. Si ustedes no están conscientes de dónde vienen estas emociones o sensaciones, ustedes podrán percibir que las mismas son externas a ustedes y si estos sentimientos o pensamientos no les son familiares, ustedes podrán pensar que alguien otro se los está enviando.
Mucho de lo que la gente que actualmente se está despertando espiritualmente siente, no es en realidad un ataque psíquico del exterior, sino liberación kármica e integración desde el interior. Es aquí donde la capacidad de trabajar con el péndulo o el testeo muscular puede ayudarles a precisar de dónde vienen estos impulsos y sentimientos y cuál es la mejor forma de manejarlos.
Así que, ¿cuál es la mejor forma de manejar el karma ancestral? La mayor parte del tiempo la mejor elección es la de ir simplemente con la corriente, rendirse y dejar que se libere a través de ustedes. Es importante de encontrar una percepción desapegada que les permita observar estos eventos tanto como sea posible, sin juicio o involucrarse personalmente demasiado. Muchas de las veces ustedes no tienen que vivir a través de cada detalle o procesarlo conscientemente. Ustedes actúan como el conducto viviente para liberar y equilibrar esas energías contenidas en su linaje ancestral. Muchos de nosotros en esta época de cambio hacia la ascensión nos hemos hecho cargo de esto como un contrato del alma y hemos encarnado con la fuerte intención de servir para este propósito en la evolución de la humanidad.
It may be that some of these energies require more time than others to break free, and you will find again the cyclically as they move towards bandwidths awareness higher vibration. People and circumstances come back to you to be integrated into the octaves higher frequency or for resolution of the conflict and be healed. Cutting techniques cords as described in the previous message, may be especially helpful in these circumstances. The advance through the levels of consciousness means that you are integrating more specific aspects exist in different timelines and dimensional spaces, to become even a larger set of creation. You may feel sensations nontime (gaps) or handling time, retreating further back in time or an acceleration towards the future tense. The experiences of dreams during the hours of rest at this stage of our evolution, can be rather intense since our being or guide uses the subconscious and astral states to free and clean a lot of garbage accumulated over lifetimes.
It seems overwhelming as it seems like a lot of work to do, but we are sharing this task greatly with anyone and anything on the planet. You are physically related and energy with hundreds of thousands of other human sitting in different vibration bandwidths that are currently helping to balance and release this karma too. Only it turns out that many of them are unaware that they are doing, through their existence and life itself. With your conscious awareness, you are also in a position to enlist the help of their ancestors through karmic release. When they have finished releasing their karma,
In addition there is a small group of fellow humans and to be known as "mapmakers" those who have been involved intimately with the planetary evolution and have been working hard in recent years to stay ahead of the vibrating increase in human and to release and heal the really serious karma, so that mankind has a certain route map to follow as they ascend. Sometimes I refer to my family of light workers as the system of "cosmic filtration", which is not dissimilar to its literal interpretation.
There may be other, more direct karma, returning from things they have done consciously or unconsciously in this life or in the immediate past or parallel lives. No matter what you may not remember the event, or does not return in the same form in which it was shipped. The laws of karma are balanced energetically and seek to always be resolved and reconciled.
Karma is not a person or god figure sitting judging them.It is an impersonal energy force flowing and must be balanced before it can move forward. What flows in one direction also will flow in the other direction before equilibration. For example, the unconscious karma can be compensated in the unconscious (can be remembered in a dream) and may not be deployed on the physical plane.Once karma has been released, let it go with love and forgiveness and it need not be repeated. You will also experience a feeling of being more 'light' in the heart and vibration and will be able to move upwards in the width of bands once the old karma and patterns and are not holding.
The word "karma" has been associated with an event that is considered negative or bad, the idea is that you have to suffer because a soul lesson has not been learned.Transcending suffering by invoking the law of grace and surrender to his spiritual connection and receiving support is a huge step forward to connect with divine state of peace and serenity. Entails the acceptance of the divine will and wisdom come into your life, making life experience that much more enjoyable. I really want to offer another perspective which facilitates the tendency of the ego to customize and overwhelm the emotional body, to understand more about the purpose of the challenges in life and their relationship with the karmic energy.
Until next week, stay balanced between horizontal and vertical worlds.
Lisa Renee

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