
29 de diciembre de 2018

The Creator Writings, LEARNERS


This can be difficult to understand: even when you feel, you're in the worst place, where you can be, you're learning. What you gain in experience, depends entirely on you. You can stay exactly where you are, deflect responsibility and regret the fact that nothing changes, or you can set a goal, look at the situation and ask:  ¿ how I can change this ?

 Creating the universe, you have the ability, knowledge and, yes, the right to go in the direction you want. ¿ Where do you want to go today  With successive waves of intense energy coming into your Earth plane, people who come to you for help, can increase.

The feeling of being overwhelmed, can make it difficult to balance, while this new energy, rage around you. It is important to find and keep its center. Such moments are not sent to test your courage or demolerte.
These are moments of intense learning, great strides forward, and another sign that really, you're on the right track. A simple change in conscious thought, makes all the difference between light and darkness. Find your light, dear, and continues to rise the wave to her.
Breathe deeply and relax, this wave is over. Now you have time to rest, reassess and regroup, it's time to take stock of what you must let go then. 

Watch your limits; 
¿ The flexible you consider ?
¿ Change according to the person you're dating ?

Listen to your personal dialogue: 
¿ You scold constantly, or you build in a way that benefits all your being ?

Take time to feel. ¿ Fill your emotions, or let flow when they arrive, knowing that liberation will bring great relief to you ? 
Take care of your being, is and will become extremely significant, as you progress. As always, they know that they are loved, supported, and loved.

As you continue enjoying your rest period, do not forget, the activities that you find enjoyable, to nourish mind, body and soul. 

It can be a quiet book reading, exploring nature, or sharing feelings and experiences with friends. These are important steps to recharge your batteries, so that when the next wave comes.

¿ Are you ready to accept change, with a light heart, happy and open?
There is big difference between being like a child, and being childish.Learn and know the difference, to show others how to embrace joy. 

Now, before the next part of global change, it happens you are asked, you reconsider how you would like your life. 

¿ Would you like to be surrounded, those who try to keep you exactly where you are, for your goals and reasons, or you prefer to be embraced by those who have the same vibrational level ?

These questions may seem very simple, but in reality, we must think deeply about them. 

Everything, absolutely everything, starts moving at a huge pace and the way you browse these changes will be determined by you and those around you.

 Remember that healing and development, have been, are and will be, effects on your world. 

Think passion, and choose wisely.
Your future is within your reach. 

This has already been said, but it bears repeating: you are the only one who has been, and are much needed in your earthly plane. 

Whatever you choose to do healing, shines for the entire planet.

You may feel very lonely, isolated and friendless during this process, but I can assure you that this is not the case.
There are a multitude of other people who feel the same, they do the same and live their lives the same way. 

The time will come when they will meet and the big change will occur. Everything you've worked, will bear fruit. It will be a great moment, ~ Creator.

Posted by Jennifer Farley

© misteri1963 this publication can be reproduced freely provided it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the URL as the source thereof and the copyright notice

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