
29 de diciembre de 2018

Psychic self - No. 3 -

Psychic self - No. 3

Lisa Renee 
Translation: Anita Manasse
In the psychological and spiritual levels one has to deal with thoughts, feelings, emotions and negative energies of others. The world of 3D basically institutionalized behavior negative ego and lower self-consciousness as it penetrates into all aspects of our society.
If you are not strong in the energy field, in your perception and personal power to prevent these energies, they can be absorbed into your subconscious, drain your energy and leave you feeling heavy.
Negative elementary forms of thought or forms of dis-associated thinking stick to your aura, producing dark spots that cause energy drain and psychological imbalance. As a disease is contagious to the human body, negative thoughts are contagious for mental body. The mental body is a part of your energy field generated in a private plane, the whole substance that is their "thoughts". We have a mental plane basically separated into two main areas, with lower areas for basic operation and as we achieve mastery over our creations, an area of ​​a higher mental plane to access higher expressions of thoughts.The mind is the builder of form,
When words are spoken or think thoughts, it projects out a 'way of thinking'. You can simply stay in your field, float around randomly, or may be directed to or about someone else. Every time watching television, a movie or a book you read thoughts generate forms. There are no neutral thoughts, they are charged either positively or negatively. Many forms of thoughts are so undiscerning as the corresponding matter, some are loving and others can be nasty or violent.When you live or work in close proximity with other people, you are subject not only to forms of thoughts that you generate but of those with whom they come into contact.
As no parasites in the physical body, the etheric body will also loading garbage or stickers. As you take a shower every day to cleanse your physical body, you should also develop self-perception and make an effort to clean up and release your etheric body as well. Otherwise all this mud low vibration, such how are you forms of negative thinking and other energy waste, can create blockages in areas of the etheric body, the work of energy grids, chakras and meridians, preventing them receive strength vital and eventually affect the physical body to not function healthily.
So, what can be done to prevent this? It is important to be aware of the ways of thinking that you are generating, about themselves, other people, the kind of entertainment they watch and read. They try to clean their field all forms of thought that are not their own and visualize a barrier to negative thoughts forms can not penetrate his field.
The Shield 12 D and technique Platina Red is a good daily practice to clean and protect your field. Working with their teams personal developmental support for balancing energy and release their field is also excellent. I have come to be aware of a dispensing work light truss, called the removal program matrix, called the "Fear Core", which works to release and remove implanted and patterns of trauma emotional response. This has definitely improved the emotional charge and a neutral association remodeled many key emotional issues in my life and that of my clients.
The advantage of cleaning your field of dark thoughts is that no longer attracts more and make this problem, which brings us to the next issue of entities. When you come near to weaken physically, psychologically or spiritually, this leaves them open to psychic attacks the lower astral plane (most commonly) and possibly other planetary or dimensional sources. In cases where power is severely reduced, it can form the possession of entities and spiritual adhesions.Moreover, obsessive thoughts, addictions, deep inner turmoil and imbalances of personality disorders can result in attracting lower energies and entities.
The earthbound spirits (disembodied) are attracted to those who resonate with lower, such as addiction, anger, emotional states, etc. what they have failed through their own incarnations in which they lived on the planet. Interestingly karmic residues and waste can not be released outside of a physical form, therefore the tendency of lost souls is to find the energy field of a human body to which to adhere. Often these are people who are fighting addictions or addictive tendencies, only to have these urges, cravings and subconscious messages to be handled through the adhesion of an entity or other negative energetic influences. These symptoms are reduced sharply when the adhesion of the entity is removed. However, if the person continues letting himself be tempted by unhealthy habits, life imbalance or does not assume responsibility for clarifying conflicts, entities will be re-adhere to the point "damaged" in the energy field, until it has been cleaned emotionally and resolved completely.
I like attracts like, and if the field you are full of forms of dark thoughts, it may attract small dark entities who come to enjoy the space you provide. They also adhere at a time when resistance is low, such as during illness, stress or distress.
Most entities that adhere to us are not bad, they are just lost souls or small parts of a fractured soul. Sometimes we will be accompanied by people who have transcended, but are not sure where they are - especially if carried very physical lives without much spirituality, or if you are still having cords attached to them. Spirits who died with addictions are also hovering near living addicts trying to satisfy their desires. The variety of entities in the etheric is wide and varied.
The first thing to decide is whether these entities want to be with you or not. Even though they are draining their energy and produce them physical problems, some people are not ready to let them go. They may be familiar and feel comfortable at a certain level against the sense of ego structure and fear arise against the thought of releasing old patterns of behavior attached by entities. It is best to remember that they only stay if you allow it, and they all have their proper time and space to come back to and already should have gone. If you want them to go, they have to be firm. Keep in mind some health-related problems,
With practice you can see these energy forms such as entities, as you can regularly scan your field with his inner vision. If you have trouble viewing them, it is very effective and powerful learning muscle testing, asking for guidance and spiritual help. Cultivating their own higher sensory perception is something unique and individual to you. Some people are more Clari-audientes, clair-sentient and clairvoyants end.With practice and intention to bring up their intuitive gifts, they appear quickly. The challenge is to learn to trust your intuition and guidance, when it is revealed to you. This is what takes longer, the build confidence and trust in the messages and discern whether the orientation is given by the ego or the higher self. Its intention to remove any of these items while displaying the irradiating light through the field grid between work and out of their chakras inward Earth, will help immensely. When they finished, they created a protective bubble around sealed around and through your aura, before venturing out into the world.
By allowing more light to his field and run a spiritual house cleaning, it will help them in their spiritual growth, inner peace and connection.However, after you become more competent when your field is clean, you will feel the constant pressure of the forms of negative thoughts that come to them from other people around them.Ways of thinking can create waste spaces, environments and places that can make energy a sensitive person feels very uncomfortable. This can also give the impression of psychic attack, because they feel pressurized by the density of its substance.
However, learning dialing limits to maintain his personal power and understanding the energy dynamics that you share with people and things, make it incredibly easy as they progress.
The next thing we will discuss are the cords that attach between you and others, the etheric energy cordoned between our relationships with people, places and things.
Until then, have a week with a gentle flow aligning itself with the divine will and with the light of your unique path.
Blessings and love my family!
Lisa Renee

© misteri1963 this publication can be reproduced freely provided it respects its integrity and mentions the author, the translator and the URL as the source thereof and the copyright notice

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