
8 de diciembre de 2018

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Zadkiel - His search for truth and fulfillment

Channeled through Natalie Glasson - December 7, 2018 - Original source:Sacred School of Omna

Greeting and angelic, I am Archangel Zadkiel, I'm the supervisor and representative Archangel of the Violet Flame of Transmutation and 7th Ray of Light. With my feminine side, Archangel Amethyst, we are at the forefront of the ascension, supporting new energy, changes and transformations taking place now waiting to manifest on Earth.I, Archangel Zadkiel, I want to create with you today an internal change and transformation manifested through internal reflection, realization and observation. The purpose of the ascension energies downloading.
on Earth it is to awaken the inner evolution, with a greater sense of self and truth. To create within you an ascension and internal activation, I, Archangel Zadkiel, I want to talk to you about two issues; Compliance and verdad.Cumplimiento Many Ascended Masters and Archangels support you talk about access to your internal compliance and fulfillment in your reality física.Muchos say that compliance is your divine right and that is created from within rather than outside sources. What does this really mean for you? I, Archangel Zadkiel, I wish to share with you my own perspective.

Compliance is energy, feeling, emotion and experience of being united, connected and exist in harmony with the Creator. The Creator is expressed through you and you are an extension of the Creator, therefore, compliance is a deep connection of the unit with its being and its truth.

Your thoughts can cloud your compliance perspective, like the influence of the outside world, especially the material world. Have a blurred vision of who you are as a physical being, spiritual being and expression of the Creator can cause desires and needs that are not aligned with your truth emerge. These desires, for example, need a new mobile phone, try to look good, the desperation to attain enlightenment, can make their thoughts mingle and obsession to try to fulfill their desires to manifest. When this happens, you really lose touch with the essence and even the experience of realization. I, Archangel Zadkiel, I wish to clarify that the desire for material objects or experiences is not a bad thing, or attempt to access lighting,both can provide satisfaction if they are aligned with your true self and your truth interior.En truth, your soul gets the experience of satisfaction of all forms of earthly and spiritual experiences, not really experience that awakens your inner satisfaction but if the experience is about who you really are. Therefore, you may experience a deeper connection and greater closeness to the Creator through physical and spiritual experiences.

The key to access and experience the fulfillment is to understand that compliance occurs when your connection with you and therefore Creador.Por is improved and access to know your truth is essential. It is also useful to realize the difference between compliance and what you want.Compliance is to be connected to your truth and the Creator, for this to take power and to make you feel empowered as an expression of truth. Want, it is the result of an idea created from your experiences, perceptions and beliefs pasadas.Es an idea that seems to solve problems, however, distracts you from your relationship with yourself.

It can be difficult to distinguish between desire and satisfaction, as the desire for something can often lead to experience the realización.Si may begin to question their wishes and desires, then you will get a deeper understanding and, most importantly, improve your relationship with the Creator and with you thereof.If arises a wish or desire, especially if life -changing impact or if your reality greatly, ask yourself the following questions: 
is this desire or desire born of an expectation, a need of something or a feeling of lack of something? 
What needs to be healed or recognized in me and how it can be healed energy? 
What is the fulfillment I'm looking through desire or desire? 
How do I feel about the desire and desire now?

Through this process, you will understand your inner truth, who you are and your relationship with yourself.It may be that when you're in tune with yourself, your truth you connect to the same experiences as you considered as a wish or desire in the prior art. The difference is that when you aligned yourself, experience or situation you attract or create born from complete, full and complete, and therefore creates a greater and abundant fulfillment. A wish or desire often comes from a place of lack, which needs healing or feeling indigno.Recuerda, I, Archangel Zadkiel, I'm talking especially experiences that impact your reality instead of small desires and wishes, despite these they can also direct you to where healing is needed. True

Recognize your inner truth, be sincere and honest with yourself and with others, realize the power of your love and care for yourself and others in a respectful and loving way helps you develop your relationship with yourself.When you increase your relationship with yourself, to understand their inner energies, thoughts and emotions naturally you become aware of your intuition and inner guidance. His energy inner satisfaction arises and creates experiences of satisfaction (connection with oneself and the Creator) that further strengthen the sense of life that is fulfilling. Therefore, compliance life is not to get what you want and want, but it is to live in the truth of the Creator and as the truth of the Creator. In other words, it is to live in the truth of who you are and as the truth of who you are.

I, Archangel Zadkiel, I encourage you to concentrate on gaining a deeper understanding of what it means to you and your life be a loving truth and true expression of loving yourself. A loving truly is a peaceful expression of the Creator, while a true and loving expression of yourself is be honest with yourself and others from a space of love within your ser.Tómese time to recognize all areas, circumstances or experiences in your life where you say or do things to please others, but do not want to have to. Or when they do not say or do things because emotions can cause you or others. Maybe you distracted internal confusion or miedo.Comience bring the truth to his conscience, is not necessary in their actions or internal principio.Conciencia voice, observation and contemplation then is the key to recognizing patterns and distractions within your being that you are your own creation. Change often must take place within your being, it changes your perception and your reactions to yourself and your life.

The presence of the embodiment and the truth naturally exists within its being and is waiting, ready to be activated and scanned. All you seek is within ti.Cuando you recognize the presence of truth and satisfaction within your being, your whole reality and even the people around you harmonize with your expression of who you are. This is the ultimate experience. A note of compliance is important to realize that there is no single experience, purpose or situation you will create a fulfillment for you. Spiritual growth is a continuous process of awakening and, therefore, continuous compliance activations and experiences that expand their understanding of compliance. In loving support and peace, Archangel Zadkiel. 

Angels crista l

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