
18 de diciembre de 2018

The secret head of world finance, Cardinal Pell removed, great changes come ...

17: 12: 2018

Last week, Cardinal George Pell was recognized by an Australian court guilty of sexual abuse and was later removed by Pope Francis because he was " old ". 
Https:// pell-top-councilor-pope-francesco-found-guilt-historical-sexual-crimes

This is great news in the secret world of finance, because Pell was the head of finance at the Vatican and was therefore a secret controller of most world government leaders, sources from the P2 and the CIA say. This is because when most of the rulers of the world come to power, they receive the visit of a Vatican Bank  official  who gives her a bank book with an astronomical number written in it (one billion dollars or more for large countries, less for the smaller countries). They are then told, " Welcome to the world of the rich", and is kindly reminded that if they refuse to accept the money they will be" removed ".

This is the choice  of silver or lead  that allowed the Vatican's P2 Masonic Lodge  , run by the Caesars' descendants, to secretly govern most of the world's governments. The  200 leaders who said last week that the fraudulent " CO2 cause global warming " agreement are all slaves to this system, the P2 and CIA sources agree.

So removing the head of this secret control system will have huge repercussions on finance and on world politics, depending on who is selected to replace it, and also depending on whether this secret system can continue or not. 

On this front, another huge news (still not fully confirmed because it comes only from a source of the royal family) is that a new head of the  Committee of 300 , the  secret government of the 13  leading blood families, will take power the year next one. This means that Queen Elizabeth will give the reins of the committee to a younger person (suggestion: not Charles and not William).

Keeping this warning in mind (ie, only one source), here are some excerpts from a statement by the new committee leader who will soon be named: " The 13 dominant lineages and I have enough of this world of servants accused of being curators. All sovereign heads of state and all their governments are dismissed  Ordo ab Chao  . " 

The source, on this point, also said," Sir Alexander Younger at MI6 has already been informed, together with the Queen in London and the emperor in Tokyo. 

The read statement also states that"The Habsburg dynasty and the spin-offs, most of the psychopathic criminals, must provide answers for the many centuries of genocide in reducing the population, whatever the cost. Murder is a crime against humanity and all other living things and ecosystems.  " 

The  Habsburgs , by the way, claim to be  descendants of the Caesars  and therefore are part of the family dynasty that  controls the Loggia P2, the Vatican and many so-called world leaders , claim sources of P2. 

The declaration also states that"the thirteen dominant bloodlines must pass to a larger army diplomacy to eliminate rotting - a bully is a bully, big or small - so we can live in peace and quiet and take back the past, present and above all the future that belongs to all of us.  " 

The source said that the Committee of the 300 supports the new  Quantum Financial System , which independent sources of the Pentagon have revealed to us for a long time that it is intended to replace the current 

system.This is the description given by the source of the new system:

"The quantum system - central bank based on recursive complexity - to replace the stochastic equilibrium or the manual regulation of speed - the acquisition of the hidden secret state - is a complex subject, but essentially requires quantum computation to analyze the state and the 'outcome of each individual national economy and symphony, then moderate the supply and demand for money, which will be all electronic ".

The source also says that  this system would be able to finance and plan a massive campaign to stop environmental destruction and end poverty . However, until we actually see such a system publicly announced, and until we see a huge campaign to save the earth, we must keep the pressure on the global elite constant. 

It is interesting to note, in this context, that the P2 Masons who worship the Black Suns are trying to stay in power by collecting a $  500 billion bond . A picture of it can be seen here: 
Five Hundred Dodecallion USD CFR Trilateral Commission - Mother Gold Guarantee Deposit Account Set

They want to cash it in to finance the flight from this planet, which they destroyed. Instead, they will face a postponed justice, according to Pentagon sources. 

Pentagon sources say, " In preparation for military tribunals in January 2019, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is letting him focus on the pain stage, while he continues to have the ear of US President Donald Trump as an elderly advisor. "

Those who still think this is all about talking and no action pays attention to the events that are already happening in the real world. The funeral of George Bush Sr., for example, offered someone the opportunity to serve senior members of the Bush / Clinton faction with legal notes, as can be seen in the videos at the following links: com / watch? v = waeqG6gi1yw & feature =

Sources of the CIA state that these legal notes were related to 9/11 and other crimes of this faction of the cabal. Also, in case you lost it, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York agreed to convene a grand jury to investigate the criminal destruction of the World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001. 
US Attorney Takes First Step to Prosecution Explosive Destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11
https: //www.ae911truth .org / news / 503-us-advocate-takes-before-step-to-pursue explosives-world-destruction-trade-center-on-9-11

We also saw testimony to  The US Government 's Congressional and Congressional Reform Commission  last week made it abundantly clear that the Clinton Foundation  is a giant criminal enterprise  that has exchanged government favors for bribes. While a conscious part of the public has known it for a long time, when it becomes a formal testimony to the history of Congress, you can be sure that legal action is not very far. 
The Clinton Foundation operated as a foreign agent 'early in its life' and 'throughout it's existence' and did not operate as a 501c3 charitable foundation

Pentagon sources are also stating that " the arrest of the Chief Huawei's Financial Officer is a warning sign for executives of Western companies like Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank who commit fraud or crimes and who can get notifications from Interpol and prison . " 
Then there is a raked up  trade in Israeli arms, drugs and sex traffickers  in Latin America, Africa and elsewhere. See the following links:,7340,L-5423075,00.html / 201812161070736912-us-sanctions-idf-general-south-sudan /

The leaders of  the Khazarian mafia  who are still clinging to power remain under intense attack. The besieged government of the slave president Rothschild, Emmanuel Macron, resorted last weekend to close the Paris metro network and plan a massive rain to hinder anti-government protests. However, protest leaders promised to return in January after a Christmas break. Pentagon sources add that "the days of Macron are counted, as the French generals accuse him of treason for having signed the UN pact on migration, Global Compact ". 
Top Generals Accus Globalist Macron of 'Treason' Over UN Migration Pact - Say It Gives People More Reason to "Revolt"
Https:// of-betrayal-over-a-migration-pact-say-from-give-people-more-reason-to- riot /

Moreover, we are now seeing reports that Fethullah Gülen, the probable head of  the Sabbatean mafia , will be extradited to Turkey. 
Putting Gülen on trial would reveal all sorts of dark secrets, including the probable evidence on  the Zionist plot for the beginning of World War III .

Even the  regime criminal in Saudi Arabia is under heavy attack. The US Senate passed a resolution condemning Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman to be guilty of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Thus, funding for the Saudi Arabian war against  Yemen  has been interrupted. Finally, the United States and Iran, through delegates, have forced Saudi Arabia to accept a ceasefire in Yemen and thus transfer de facto control of that country to the Iranian delegates. /yemen-saudi-arabia-senate-war_us_5c115e46e4b0ac53717b8c7a? -say-port-city-ceasefire-starts-on-tuesday-11037020

Furthermore, Russia has forced the rogue regime in Israel to stop its attacks on Syria threatening retaliation. 
Israeli Air Bases Subject to Retaliatory Attack: Russia and Syria

This means that the rogue state of Saudi Arabia will finally be forced to cease its perpetual war-mongering action. 

In addition, speaking of the warmongers, the Chinese have begun negotiations with the Pakistani Afghanistan to end the perpetual war in that region, as the United States have lost all credibility in those places. 
Pakistan, China, Afghanistan trilateral talks underway in Kabul

Another serious problem for the Khazarian mafia is that their habit of controlling at a distance and making crashing the airliners is exploding on their faces. A CIA source in Indonesia said the recent Lion Air incident "is about to turn into something big ... The owner of Lion Air, Mr. Rusdi Kirana, knows what really happened. He is very careful and measures his words. The Boeing company knows for certain that the JT610 flight has been remote-controlled. The spread of truth will put the air industry on its knees. The Zionist cabal can not allow the truth to come out. The good news is that the truth will be released and the Zionist cabal and its agents will be arrested  . " 
Investigators examine engine from Lion Air flight JT 610 at a port in Jakarta on Nov. 7.Photographer: Bay Ismoyo / AFP via Getty Images
Https:// -boeing-with-a-22-billion-jet-end-to-share

Finally, last week , Ireland has experienced what may have been the first shot fired by an  armed rebellion against the banks . A mob attacked armed bankers who had evicted a family from a home they had lived in for three generations. Eight vehicles were burned and the bank guards attacked with baseball bats were told never to return. 

see video on fb:

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