
12 de octubre de 2019

Energy For Change Is Powerful

Mike Quinsey Message, October 11, 2019 

The build-up for change is growing, and as we see the greater picture we can tell you that major changes loom large. The impetus has been growing for some time now and more delays are being minimized. The energy for change is now so powerful that it cannot be held back much longer, as many countries are in a state of confusion and the people are getting stronger in their demands. The old ways are no longer being accepted so expect changes that reflect the path the new energies are leading you. The New Age must establish itself soon and allow advancement that will lift people up to a new level that reflects their needs. The energy streamers are in place and as conditions arise that will become the bedrock for the future, people will come to the fore ready to lead the way. There is such a bright future awaiting you all, and more souls are waking up to their greater potential that has come with the New Age.

Battles are taking place in several countries and some are where there is a self-appointed leader who has exercised dictatorial methods to hold power. However, the people are rising up and seeking change to ensure a fairer society, where all are considered equal and enjoy the fruits of their labour. Regrettably it inevitably leads to confrontation and violence and is a path that so many have already experienced. The people will win such battles as it is time for changes that are needed to carry them forward, so that they can receive the benefit of new ways of living that offer a more pleasurable and beneficial way of life. It is all being prepared and will be waiting the outcome of future changes that should make life more comfortable.

The period that you are in has been described as a point in your evolution when matters will reach an all-time low, but it will be the trigger for the commencement of programs for changes that will quickly lift you up. So do not despair at the negativity when this period of time arrives as it may be a blessing in disguise. Certainly the world is in a turmoil and with the climate changes and sea levels rising, that may bring major changes to the coastlines with inland flooding. It is all speculation yet history and experience suggest Humanity takes good note and prepares for the possible outcome. Be assured that your Space friends who follow your progress are fully aware of events taking place and are doing their best to influence those who are ina position to help you.

Common sense will play a major part in helping you to prepare for the worse scenario, although as long as action is not delayed you can offset the worst threats. That way there would be no need for panic as you would have taken steps to protect yourselves and your property. Clearly it will be inevitable that there will be some casualties, but to be forewarned enables actions to be taken that will keep them to a minimum. Understand that the physical changes are natural and Mother Earth will largely control what takes place. It is unfortunate that your leaders do not take a more serious view of what is coming, as time is of the essence and much can be done in anticipation and so avoid major catastrophes.

Understand that you all took an incarnation at this time being fully aware of what was coming. Indeed some of you were greatly anxious to be on Earth for such a momentous time. Therefore many souls are awakening in this period, to their undertaking to take part in preparing people for what is to come. They are equipped to do good work with a great deal of experience behind them, and many are amongst the young people that have the vision to see what is coming and how to deal with it.

Be assured that the President Elect is waiting for his role in holding office until new elections can be held. It can be seen as the beginning of a new era when the old will no longer hold sway, and with the growing awareness and understanding of the importance of the coming period the “New Ages” will come into prominence. You will be surprised as to how quickly the new ideas will materialise and a new pathway created, that covers all that is good and necessary to bring the long awaited beneficial changes into being. These events are not that far away from coming into being, and come they will because the future has already been ordained.

Each of you can help things to manifest sooner rather than later by staying positive, particularly during the current period of much confusion and negativity. Be a beacon of Light and you will connect with others of a similar vibration and together make a formidable force for good. Never waver from your beliefs and know that you will be helping light the way for others that are searching for the path to completion. Obviously there are souls with all different degrees of spiritual advancement, and with the awakening that is taking place each one seeks a greater understanding. Many sense that something powerful is occurring, but only the enlightened ones have sufficient knowledge to appreciate what is taking place.

In view of the amount of Light that is being sent to the Earth it is not surprising that more and more souls are awakening and as soon as they do help is immediately on hand to guide them on their journey. That is the beauty of the spiritual system inasmuch that every soul is helped to evolve and keep to the spiritual pathways. If you need help simply ask for it and if your request is granted providing it is not contrary to your life plan. Karma should not be an issue amongst those of you who are well along the path, and in this New Age you are being helped extensively to a point that exceeds levels maintained in the last Age.

You are all spiritual beings having a human experience and when your life terminates you return to the higher levels that you may well describe as being for a relaxing period to allow you to recover. After reviewing your life it may at least in part enable you to decide what your next experience should be always with your spiritual evolution in mind. It is a joyful time to once again meet family and friends who have gone before you, and even meet those souls who are out of the body during the sleep period of their human body. Such levels are only open to those of a similar vibration so you are assured of a happy and pleasant experience.

The wonders of human experience are limitless and the higher your vibration the greater are the opportunities to seek further experience by travelling the Universe. Some such evolved souls spend their lives on board a Spaceship but since they are for example likely to be in enormous craft of several miles in diameter, there is no feeling of being restricted as it is very similar to being in a small town. You will no doubt understand that such opportunities give you greater experiences than being on Earth.

Knowing what the future holds for you should give you heart and strength to withstand any negativity around you, particularly as you know it can only last for a relatively short period before major changes take place, that will carry you into a period of peace and beauty that knows no end.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

The build-up for change is growing, and as we see the greater picture we can tell you that major changes loom large. The impetus has been growing for some time now and more delays are being minimized. The energy for change is now so powerful that it cannot be held back much longer, as many countries are in a state of confusion and the people are getting stronger in their demands. The old ways are no longer being accepted so expect changes that reflect the path the new energies are leading you. The New Age must establish itself soon and allow advancement that will lift people up to a new level that reflects their needs. The energy streamers are in place and as conditions arise that will become the bedrock for the future, people will come to the fore ready to lead the way. There is such a bright future awaiting you all, and more souls are waking up to their greater potential that has come with the New Age.

Battles are taking place in several countries and some are where there is a self-appointed leader who has exercised dictatorial methods to hold power. However, the people are rising up and seeking change to ensure a fairer society, where all are considered equal and enjoy the fruits of their labour. Regrettably it inevitably leads to confrontation and violence and is a path that so many have already experienced. The people will win such battles as it is time for changes that are needed to carry them forward, so that they can receive the benefit of new ways of living that offer a more pleasurable and beneficial way of life. It is all being prepared and will be waiting the outcome of future changes that should make life more comfortable.

The period that you are in has been described as a point in your evolution when matters will reach an all-time low, but it will be the trigger for the commencement of programs for changes that will quickly lift you up. So do not despair at the negativity when this period of time arrives as it may be a blessing in disguise. Certainly the world is in a turmoil and with the climate changes and sea levels rising, that may bring major changes to the coastlines with inland flooding. It is all speculation yet history and experience suggest Humanity takes good note and prepares for the possible outcome. Be assured that your Space friends who follow your progress are fully aware of events taking place and are doing their best to influence those who are ina position to help you.

Common sense will play a major part in helping you to prepare for the worse scenario, although as long as action is not delayed you can offset the worst threats. That way there would be no need for panic as you would have taken steps to protect yourselves and your property. Clearly it will be inevitable that there will be some casualties, but to be forewarned enables actions to be taken that will keep them to a minimum. Understand that the physical changes are natural and Mother Earth will largely control what takes place. It is unfortunate that your leaders do not take a more serious view of what is coming, as time is of the essence and much can be done in anticipation and so avoid major catastrophes.

Understand that you all took an incarnation at this time being fully aware of what was coming. Indeed some of you were greatly anxious to be on Earth for such a momentous time. Therefore many souls are awakening in this period, to their undertaking to take part in preparing people for what is to come. They are equipped to do good work with a great deal of experience behind them, and many are amongst the young people that have the vision to see what is coming and how to deal with it.

Be assured that the President Elect is waiting for his role in holding office until new elections can be held. It can be seen as the beginning of a new era when the old will no longer hold sway, and with the growing awareness and understanding of the importance of the coming period the “New Ages” will come into prominence. You will be surprised as to how quickly the new ideas will materialise and a new pathway created, that covers all that is good and necessary to bring the long awaited beneficial changes into being. These events are not that far away from coming into being, and come they will because the future has already been ordained.

Each of you can help things to manifest sooner rather than later by staying positive, particularly during the current period of much confusion and negativity. Be a beacon of Light and you will connect with others of a similar vibration and together make a formidable force for good. Never waver from your beliefs and know that you will be helping light the way for others that are searching for the path to completion. Obviously there are souls with all different degrees of spiritual advancement, and with the awakening that is taking place each one seeks a greater understanding. Many sense that something powerful is occurring, but only the enlightened ones have sufficient knowledge to appreciate what is taking place.

In view of the amount of Light that is being sent to the Earth it is not surprising that more and more souls are awakening and as soon as they do help is immediately on hand to guide them on their journey. That is the beauty of the spiritual system inasmuch that every soul is helped to evolve and keep to the spiritual pathways. If you need help simply ask for it and if your request is granted providing it is not contrary to your life plan. Karma should not be an issue amongst those of you who are well along the path, and in this New Age you are being helped extensively to a point that exceeds levels maintained in the last Age.

You are all spiritual beings having a human experience and when your life terminates you return to the higher levels that you may well describe as being for a relaxing period to allow you to recover. After reviewing your life it may at least in part enable you to decide what your next experience should be always with your spiritual evolution in mind. It is a joyful time to once again meet family and friends who have gone before you, and even meet those souls who are out of the body during the sleep period of their human body. Such levels are only open to those of a similar vibration so you are assured of a happy and pleasant experience.

The wonders of human experience are limitless and the higher your vibration the greater are the opportunities to seek further experience by travelling the Universe. Some such evolved souls spend their lives on board a Spaceship but since they are for example likely to be in enormous craft of several miles in diameter, there is no feeling of being restricted as it is very similar to being in a small town. You will no doubt understand that such opportunities give you greater experiences than being on Earth.

Knowing what the future holds for you should give you heart and strength to withstand any negativity around you, particularly as you know it can only last for a relatively short period before major changes take place, that will carry you into a period of peace and beauty that knows no end.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

© misteri 1963 All rights reserved.This publication may be freely reproduced on condition that it respects its integrity and mentions the author as a source of it and that this URL be included and the Copyright notice

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