
11 de octubre de 2019

The event is coming!

The event is coming! Pleiadians DIVIDE TIME!
Transmission of Pleiadian light forces 09 October 2019

The transmission begins ...

The Earth Alliance reports that at approximately 7 am Tuesday, the Light Councils, working here for the liberation of planet Earth, deployed a huge sub-mission of the "Masterpiece" operation to finalize the cleanup of any dark force hidden remnant inside the earth, on its surface, and in the energy field around the planet.

This special mission is designed to protect and strengthen the "VTXC" crystalline cosmic light grid of the new Earth.
Advanced beings of light have been reconnecting the entire grid around the Earth for a long time using a quantum geometric sequencing protocol called 'Pandora'.

Pandora is an advanced Pleiadian language of reality programming, which works similarly to human thought, but that manifests reality almost instantaneously and with much greater power.

All physically perceived reality (an energy matrix) is a holographic and geometric projection of the energy transduced in it.

The energy that reaches this matrix template of the New Earth is 40-hertz, 5th D, gamma light information that originates in the galactic nucleus in the constellation Sagittarius (the Central Sun).

Think of this new grid of light or holographic matrix 5th D as the new operating system of planet Earth.
The new Earth light matrix is ​​strong and fully functional now and is ready to receive the 4.5 billion stellar seeds of the earth in the coming months and the rest of humanity coming.

Keep in mind that you have personally played a great role in the formation of this new Earth light grid.
At this same time, the forces of light orchestrated a huge and positive change in the timeline in the magnetic field around the planet.

This was done to better calibrate the Earth's new vtxc grid of light. Many star seeds around the planet were aware today that something huge happened. In simple terms, the Pleiadian Light Forces divided the time between the old negative timeline and that of the new 5th.

This is the most important temporal division to date and is a clear demarcation between the old and the new, darkness and light.

The division between the worlds is growing enormously, dear ones, and it is becoming more impossible to descend and retreat in the ancient draco-negative time. We repeat: "This change of time is a positive change, gamma, 5th, orchestrated by benevolent forces of light."

After this change we received many reports of stellar seeds noticing the strange awareness of the memories being changed around and having the sensation of an erasure of perceived reality and a cleaning of certain ancient traumatic memories.

The dimming of the electromagnetic space in the Earth's Schumann resonance plots is a timeless gap between worlds where 3rd time has completely collapsed for several minutes to merge into 5thD temporality.

These brief changes in temporality are not 100% continuous even for the purpose of slowly stabilizing the new 5thD energy around the planet.

What is a timeline change and why is it shown in the energy around the planet?

A timeline change is a temporary state in which the universe returns to a quantum zero time and a zero state of matter.

The point of the dark matter detected in the energy of the cosmos (the black line in the Schumann graph) shows this "off" state.

Normally the level of human consciousness has no record of these timeline changes, however very conscious beings noticed that something changed and transformed, and that reality was restored.

If they looked closely at their reality after one of these restorations, they would see material things that never existed before, or things they remember that exist now never happened!

It can be a bit disconcerting to think about these things, but it is a very real phenomenon that millions of people have noticed.

This change in the timeline was "the drawing of a cosmic line in the heavens" between light and darkness, and a point of no return was marked in the fabric of time by benevolent forces of light.

When this division of the timeline was created in the early hours of Tuesday, the High Council issued an important final decree to the small number of dark forces remaining trying to still control this solar system and this world.

The decree says the following:

"We are the light that shines in the darkness. Therefore far and no more."

Global information from the Earth Alliance says that this cosmic level ultimatum was given to the dark forces that are making a weak and ultimate effort to control the Earth.

There is really an epic battle that takes place between angels and demons in the heavens at this time, about the future of the Earth.

As we said in our last broadcast, the light has already won, and everything will simply develop for a few more Earth months.

In addition, in a directive issued by the Councils of Light, the Pleiadian Delta Light Forces descended into Earth's airspace today on a great mission to completely remove all the final darkness of this kingdom.

As you will see in the coming days, weeks and months, all this will develop as the greatest cosmic drama in the universe.
All this is very real, dear ones, and very deep they know that something big is happening behind the scenes.

This happening is beginning to show itself in the global collective reality and if you look close enough, while witnessing and experiencing it, you will know that it is so.

There will be agitations in the matrix in the next hours and days, while the old matrix continues to yield.

It is expected to see global clashes and outbreaks of local wars between countries, power outages, growing global financial instability, intensified geopolitical situations and major planetary changes.

Be at peace and know that everything is fine and that things are as they should be.

A gigantic planetary shift in consciousness and a huge dimensional confrontation are in progress all around the planet, and as with all major changes, things are very chaotic.

Just wait a moment until the etheric dust settles.

Loved ones

All this is in preparation for the culmination of the event and the great solar flash, which all the signs point to that will occur in the spring of 2020.

A rare and huge celestial event will occur in the heavens at that time, pointing out that humanity is going to take an unprecedented evolutionary leap.

The main astrological signs point to this great time, when the ascension event will reach the cusp on Earth and all eyes will see a dazzling white light coming from the sky.

This same celestial event is responsible for all major evolutionary events that have occurred on this planet, throughout history and prehistory.

These main historical events include: the first coming of the Annunaki, the Great Flood, the sinking of Lemuria and Atlantis, the Ice Age and the extinction of prehistoric animal life, the end of the Stone Age, the disappearance of the Maya , and the rise and fall of every great civilization that has existed on planet Earth.

These great times all have one thing in common, a rare celestial alignment of planetary bodies and a super-intensified activity in the black hole in the galactic nucleus in SGR-A, the central sun.

We will bring you powerful information about these heavenly events in an upcoming broadcast.

The only major event that has not totally happened on this planet in human history or prehistory is the collective ascension of the human race to the 5th dimension, and the arrival of the long-awaited Golden Age.

The battle for the New Earth has already been won and soon the citizens of the Earth will take their place as galactic citizens in this cosmos and our great mission on Earth that began eons ago will be completed.

Thank you for coming to Earth right now, dear ones, and thanks for all the good things you do to help others have a better life.

That's what angels do, yes?

Keep on being the highest and greatest version of yourselves that you can, love yourself and everyone else with your whole being, and be impeccable in all your forms.

Stay tuned for wonderful things while the family of light breaks the old system of darkness as it always does, creating a totally new paradigm of light on Earth where all citizens of humanity will be free and live in peace forever.

Tell us if you felt this massive change!

More updates and information coming soon!


(Michael and the Pleiadians)

Special credit and recognition of the Earth Alliance, the Great White Brotherhood, the White Dragon Society, the Pleiadian codename: Cobra, the Guardians of the Earth and the Alliance of Sphere beings, David Wilcock, Corey Goode , Eceti Ranch.

Translation María Garay

With love <3
It is important to understand this information because it is partially supported by the ignorance of the people, who once dissipated, also alerts the public. People now wake up to carry out their legal duty.

THENANSHED 1st Officer of the Galactic Federation of free planets

© misteri 1963 All rights reserved.This publication may be freely reproduced on condition that it respects its integrity and mentions the author as a source of it and that this URL be included and the Copyright notice

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