
17 de octubre de 2019

Time Bubbles…

The Time-Gates were created to occupy a space which holds all possibility. As the Time Gates open this 11;11 and time flows equally in all directions, everything that you have held on to emotionally, physically and mentally is now given a declaration of release.  The opening of these Time-Gates herald a deep healing for all of humanity. The walls in your heart, in your life, in your thinking – have served you well. They have sequestered you kept you looking at the same thoughts over and over again, never refreshing what you once dreamt.  always bringing the heavy arduous dark past into the very new now. Time was birthed to keep worlds dimensionally safe, until they were ready to expand in consciousness.  As the constructs of holographic universes and self-imposed invisible walls are freed one is able to move forward without time restraints.It is time to heal.  It is time to release the pain in your heart.  It is time to let go.  It is time to forgive.  It is time to love, deeper, and fuller, than you ever thought possible.  By moving your awareness into a malleable future, you will find that time will take you into a probable future. This is done by lifting up your thoughts and energies. 
Time entrances and exits are inching their way towards all of the ancient and modern artifacts of Power.  When a time door is opened, it affects the molecular spin of the entire also affects the memory.  Even though you are moving as fast as you can in your mind and body, your actions will appear to be cartoon like. The molecular spin of life has slowed down to look at itself, Revealing where there are rips and tears in the time- flow.  Time as you know it is under construction. As the sands of time slide through the portals of all that is sacred, seen, and unseen, humanity’s hope is revealed as it is seen in a full spectrum of possibility.  As Time begins her journey back towards herself, her place of preference, she asks you to not give up on what lives in your heart. The Universe has placed within you a seed that cannot die, that cannot be sown into another’s pocket.  The Universe has placed in you a time mark that asks to be viewed under the microscopic eye of your true heart.
The unknowable becomes seen in the Halls of Time. That which has been emptied, now becomes full.  There is nothing to let go of, you are simply free to explore all that you are. A realm shift awakens from a long slumber to escort you into the next cornerstone where time and space meet, embrace and finally become one again. The prophecy you seek to know bends the rules of physics. It is living and pliable awaiting your instructs. In your awakened state all livingness will respond to you, thus the need for future knowledge is short and to the point. In the hologram of earth when you see the future you change it! When you have a need see it fulfilled, know that the universe shifts in accordance with your personal beliefs.
The Quantum Awakening has been Serving the Global Light Community since 1986. This newsletter is Spirit Driven and has been in circulation since 1986. It reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers. One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward. This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit. Any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniqueness. » Source

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