
5 de septiembre de 2020


"Good evening, Citizens of Earth. This is Soltec speaking once again.I greet you in the Great Light. As Commander of the great Phoenix Mother Ship, that monitors all scientific situations for this Northern Hemisphere, I have been invited to speak with you at an early opportunity whenever the door would be opened for me to do so.

As you know, we have monitored the planet for many civilizations. We have scanned our records and perused every detail to gather material that might prove of interest to Humanity concerning their destiny and the destiny of the Planet. I have personally monitored the West coastlines for many years, as has my father (Monka)before me. Now it would appear that soon the time could come when these labors will prove to be not only vital in all of our undertakings, but important in the saving of many lives.

We have organized our forces to such an extent that within one minute of time, or sixty seconds in your time scheme, we can evacuate two-thirds of the Western Coast should that prove necessary. We have organized our communication system providing for a message to be transmitted to each craft simultaneously. Each Commander and lesser leader is totally prepared to do exactly what they are supposed to do in their assigned area. Therefore we do feel fully prepared and ready for whatever takes place.We are not able to give you details and descriptions of what will take place, or exactly when
and where.

We must confine ourselves to more general expression because so many variables are present. Even if we did know these things, which we do not, it is doubtful that we would be permitted to spread such facts to the population.

However, there is a certain sequence of
events that can be scientifically and philosophically projected with reasonable success and accuracy.

For example: It is evident that volcanic action will eventually erupt on the Earth's crust. We have scientifically determined action within subterranean levels. An unrest within the bowels of Earth has indicated to us that many volcanoes will erupt and disturb many areas. This first action will probably come in the Mediterranean area and along the western coastline of America and into Hawaii and that area of the Pacific. There is very little we could do to prevent this action, but we can lessen the depth of the destruction once the eruption has begun.

We do have scientific means of deploying such things as will reach within the heart of these eruptions and cool them down. We would be very busy and active in this service. A reaction throughout the planet to these outer disturbances would follow very shortly in the wake of these occurrences. This reaction is similar to the domino effect.

For one occurrence activates and produces another within subterranean levels of Earth. Therefore, it appears that these eruptions would activate earthquakes along the Western Seaboard through the faultlines

The possibility is great that some of these earthquake maneuvers will be of great magnitude.At such a time we would urge the children of Light to withdraw from the shores in those places, and to penetrate inland as far as their circumstances permit. During those Western disturbances we would further anticipate a series of tidal waves coming to the southern portion of the Atlantic Seaboard which would create much chaos and destruction in the Bermuda area, the Caribbean and the coastline of Florida.

As Commander of one of the key monitoring spacecraft that patrols the entire Northern Hemisphere for the Ashtar Command, it is my duty to keep in closest contact with all incoming data and the newest information. This possible future sequence has been our
conclusion as many of us have sat together in the Higher Councils and looked upon the problems of Terra presently in the making.In the Eastern Sector, the disturbances below the surface of the ocean would move northward up the Atlantic coast with pockets of heavy storms for both England and the American seaboard.

At such a time urge we would urge those of Light along these areas also to withdraw inward away from the water and the lash of winds upon them from these vast storms that will be precipitated by the tidal waves that come first.

As I have patrolled in my Mother Ship, the Phoenix, observing the land from the North to the South on both of the coastlines - North in Canada and South into the coast of South America, it has been a great trial to me to realize that these things might be set into motion upon Earth.  It is our desire to send words of helpful warning to all occupying all of the coastlines that theses possible actions of these great bodies of water could be severe; they would lash upon the lands with no respect of persons or property.

On behalf of the Interplanetary Alliance within the Solar System, I am Commander Soltec, of Spacecraft Phoenix, monitoring your world for the Ashtar Command, in the Authority of Jesus the Christ, Our Beloved Commander, and the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Solar System."

Cochie Mue Ramasasa

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