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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Curiosities. Mostrar todas las entradas




Water has memory and vibration, so drinking energized water, charged with radiation from crystals, will undoubtedly cause a positive transformation in our physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

By drinking energized water with crystals for a sustained time, at least 3 weeks, you will begin to feel harmony in your body, you will experience fewer situations that affect your health and you will stay in an increasingly prolonged state of vibrational healing.

How to prepare crystal energized water


* A properly washed glass and if you want, previously energized.

* A glass container, which can be a jug or a bottle, filled with drinking water.


* In the jug or glass bottle with water, put the glass of choice and cover it.

* Let the water charge overnight. It is advisable to place the container in a place where it can get both sunlight and moonlight.

* It is recommended to drink the water throughout the day for 21 consecutive days, you can pray a prayer of transmutation, healing, love or gratitude, or simply say the healing words of Ho'oponopono: «Sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you «(Say it 3 times in a row, when drinking your glass of water)

* Every time the pitcher or bottle of water is emptied, repeat the same procedure

Benefits of drinking crystal energized water

* Its vibration balances both cerebral hemispheres.

* Strengthens the immune system.

* Raises the level of consciousness and helps define the mission of life, providing objectivity both materially and spiritually.

* Exerts a beneficial protective influence.

* Its vibration is related to the energy of liberation, transmutation and healing of physical and energetic imbalances.

* Provides, on a mental level, valuable help when making decisions and determinations.

* Strengthens self-esteem and helps to face one's own limits and fears.

* It can be applied on the body of a patient who is being treated with Reiki or another technique of laying on of hands. It can also be used in bathrooms for children, the elderly and the infirm. It even benefits animals and plants.

* Combat both physical and mental stress, providing clarity by comprehensively balancing the mind, body and feelings.

* It is an excellent healing tool to regain vitality after illness and / or surgery.

* It contributes to undo the energy knots that may be in the auric network.

* Brings peace, stability and tranquility to the mind.

* It helps a lot in cases of dependency and addictions (gambling, smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism and more)

* Taken as if it were an elixir, it helps to renew the body's energy, since internally its properties are integrated at the cellular level.

* It is very effective in releasing feelings of guilt.

Don't forget to drink the energized water daily, to take full advantage of its healing qualities.

Crystals : 


It will help you keep your mood in order, fight depression, irritability and doubtful moods . Combat processes of sentimental pain, failures, sadness, attachments, grief. On a physical level, it helps you release fat, toxins, and hormonal imbalances. It is also recommended for people suffering from insomnia or headaches.

Quartz crystal

It will help you to see clearly the truths of life. Quartz crystal water detoxifies your body and mind from toxic people, places, and energies . It is excellent cleansing and digestive, it decongests the whole organism at a vibrational level. The quartz crystal helps to cleanse the stomach, colon and intestines of the waste that a poor diet leaves behind. Its vibration will keep you sentimentally clear, without doubts and ready to make decisions.


It will help you balance hormonal imbalances, throat problems, vocal cords, thyroid, parathyroid and tonsils . Turquoise will give you a vibrational level of peace, connection, serenity and will connect you with good communication and creativity. It is an excellent elixir for people who silence their feelings and seek a way to drain them.

Citrine quartz

It will help you balance your power center, which is chakra number 3.  It is excellent for insecure people, who are very reluctant to make decisions and are anxious. 

On a physical level it cleanses and relaxes the digestive system. One of the benefits of drinking citrine quartz energized water is that you will feel more cheerful, optimistic, and confident. If you have low spirits and low self-esteem, citrine quartz will help you a lot to lift them up.

Pink quartz

Excellent for everything that has to do with love matters and also to help you sleep better, as well as to facilitate meditation .

The information you receive is up to you.

The dissemination and circulation of this message are highly recommended.

You have Free Will, so use it, and most importantly, listen to what your heart tells you, because he has the Truth.

The time has come to radiate on a larger scale, these new Energies, carriers of Joy!

*** © misteri1963 this publication can be freely reproduced on condition of respecting its integrity and mentioning the author, as a source, include this URL and the copyright notice


False spiritual beliefs that you should banish from your life

spiritual beliefs
In all areas of life we ​​find news that are taken for certain.
It is phrases that are repeated by word of mouth and that was just giving them some consideration but have no real basis.
The same happens in the  world espiritua l.
It is easy to end up assuming certain claims that have no basis, therefore it is essential to reflect on everything we hear and read forge own opinions.
Here are some examples of false  spiritual beliefs  that perhaps being a drag on your life without you even realizing you were:

Just visualize something to happen

One of the exercises that often propose coach for personal growth and also collected many books on personal success is that for something to happen, you need  to visualize hard .
Imagine doing something and experience it with full definition puts us on the path to achieve it.
It is true that visualize reaching a goal can give us strength and energy to fight for it, but you need to act.
Confine itself to visualize something we will not get it.

Karma is to blame for everything

Some people, when they suffer a setback or something negative happens, run search their past something wrong they have done and that has brought them this  bad karma  now suffering.
Life has its good things but also bad things and we will all live both sides of the coin. Not everything that happens has to be a consequence of a bad or good karma.

You can create an impenetrable dome protection

Seek protection from the spirits that protect us, like those of the dead who protect us or  guardian angels  is a good thing.
But we can not believe that these beings are going to build us an impenetrable barrier.
This protection is helpful, most can not go through life as  the Fool of the Tarot , which are not watching your step and getting closer to the precipice.

Negativity attracts all my problems

Just as bad karma is not responsible for everything bad that happens to us, it is not negativity. And this is one of the most repeated spiritual beliefs.
It is fashionable to say that when someone does things go wrong blame is yours because  it "has a negative attitude"
Although there are people whose attitude is the cause of your problems, we will all go through bad times by very positive that is our attitude.
Yes, this positivity will help us cope better.

Spirituality is reflected in the external appearance

What a mistake so common! We have in our minds the idea of what  a spiritual person .
Overall we thought it must have a somewhat hippy look, escape the prevailing fashions and to "external flaunting" their beliefs.
Just as the habit does not make the monk, appearance does a spiritual person, whose wealth is inside regardless of their external image.

Sacrifice enriches the spirit

Some people do things for others thinking that sacrifice for others will enrich your spirit.
Is not this a selfish attitude?
You're really not doing anything for love or selflessly, but  hoping for a reward .
Sacrifice, when it really is not perceived as such.
A mother does not feel that is sacrificed when you stop doing things to take care of your baby and this child, when he grows up and becomes an adult, you should not feel like a sacrifice care for her elderly mother if she really wants.
Certainly well known oneself is one of the keys to achieve a spiritual life  rich and full
Published by EVERTH THENANSHED, 1st Official of the Galactic Federation of free planets.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved.You can copy and distribute this article as long as you do not modify it in any way, the content remains complete, the author is given credit and the URL is included in and the Copyright Notice


sacred bow: an intentional way to end the year and start the new year


We are entering the final month of the year, and may be a party full of crazy shopping a month for many people.
Or it may be a simpler and conscious to close the year and prepare for the coming year period.
I would like to invite you to a one-month process called Sacred Arc: an intentional way to end the year and start the new year.
What is this process? That's how I imagine the Sacred Arch:
  1. Review  : Spend the first week reviewing his year so far, noting their accomplishments and major events, taking notes on what you have learned and what has struggled, seeing where he has dropped the ball and where it could grow.
  2. Let Go  : Think about what you would like to stop moving forward, what you've been keeping you're not serving. This is a release of luggage and struggles. Spend a few days practicing letting go, so we can be clear for the new year.
  3. Set intentions for next year  : What amorous intentions and resolved you would like to set  for next  year? What would you like to create? Who would you be? How do you want to practice? This is to take an overview of the next year and set some general intentions (and keep themwithout attachment).
  4. Create a plan  : Now let's make a monthly, weekly and daily plan. You not have to be incredibly detailed, simply create a structure so that we can move flexibly to our intentions, so we can remember the intentions, so that we can continue to control them. So we can focus, as if this could be the last year of our lives.
That is the process. It is a process of review and abandonment, so that we can learn from last year but did not hold fast to what no longer serves us. It is a process of looking forward, carefully, and create a plan to be intentional about how we spend the next year of our lives.

Why this is important

Many of us neglect the fact of looking back, we just we get caught up in the minutiae of daily life, the activity of projects and events in the drama of family affairs in development. We do not balance, we think of where we've been and we use that experience to continue to grow.
This is a conscious process that takes a week to reflect. That's a valuable way to spend our time regularly.
Letting go is something that very few of us do with intent, and the result is that we continue carrying luggage, pain and patterns that no longer serve us, who are getting in the way. Let these float away into the atmosphere, so we can be free to move to a new space without clinging to everything that came before.
And finally, set intentions and create a structure to carry out those intentions differs from the usual goals or New Year in some important ways:
  1. Setting goals and resolutions are more fixed on an outcome, with intentional approach is how it is carried out throughout the day as practiced at all times, how it presents itself to its commitments and the people you care about deeply.
  2. Resolutions do not usually have a very solid structure to ensure that they continue beyond a couple of weeks. The objectives are often lost in this structure as well. Planning our week will focus on establishing the structure so that we do not abandon our intentions.
  3. Our intentions will focus more on the meaning and purpose in us who care deeply that at some fixed result. That changes everything.
I think this will be a fantastic process. It is not necessarily easy. But nothing significant is ever.

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, full credit is given to author and included this URL https: // and copyright notice


Fluoride Action Network | Take 10 grams of tamarind a day, keep fluorosis away

HYDERABAD: In what could be good news for lakhs of fluoride-affected people in the country, National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) here has found that consumption of 10 grams of boiled tamarind a day can help prevent skeletal fluorosis and dental fluorosis. There are about 230 fluoride-affected districts in 22 states where lakhs of people suffer from the crippling diseases.
Lab experiments at the NIN on eight groups of mice have showed positive results of the consumption of tamarind. The exact results with details will soon be published in a reputed journal. The experiments were conducted on eight groups of Vistar rats.
“Consumption of the 10 gms of boiled tamarind per day results in excretion of fluorosis from the body. In South India, tamarind is a key ingredient of sambar or dal. However, lately people are substituting expensive tamarind with tomatoes. People should not give up intake of tamarind in one form or another to fight fluorosis,” NIN’s senior deputy director Arjun Khandare of the Food and Drug Toxicology Centre told TOI.
In fluoride-hit villages in the country, skeletal fluorosis is cause of extreme physical deformity. The fluoride which enters the body system when ground water is consumed, or used for cooking, results in dental fluorosis as well. Though the only solution would be to provide clean drinking water, there is a mechanism to to remove fluoride content from water. However, over the years scientists at the NIN have been working on how consumption of tamarind prevents fluorosis. In the latest experiments on rats, scientists tried to completely understand how exactly tamarind works in flushing out the fluoride content from the body.
A few years ago, students of a hostel were served boiled tamarind as part of their meals after the scientists were certain of the positive effects of tamarind. The government had also decided to supply tamarind to all the hostels in the fluoride-affected villages in Andhra Pradesh.
A ‘national programme for prevention and control of fluorosis’ (NPPCF) has been taken up by the Union ministry of health and family welfare. Initially 100 districts were identified to take up surveillance, diagnostic services and health management there. This was extended to a total of 230 districts across the country because it was realized that the problem was hug


💠💠What cease Reefsnations❓❓

"The reincarnations cease when the individual has developed a love for all without distinction ... 
When already known place in the other 's place and understand the reason that impels him to act as acting ...
When he feels he has nothing to forgive because whatever you would have done is simply natural reaction of a lower plane of evolution ... 
that guy has nothing to learn and not have to return to this plane ... 
the goal is love ... Those who they have been enemies in one life, often born mother and child or sibling in the next to achieve love ... 
nature always seeks to unite through Love ... and reform Cure for Love "... 

Conny Mendez - I 
share with love 

Herguz Marco

Copyright © misteri1963 All rights reserved. You can copy and distribute this article provided you do not modify in any way the content remains complete, full credit is given to author and included this URL https: //misteri1963.blogspot. com and copyright notice


Findings to be moved: what dogs feel before you die? This is a compiled with experiences of owners and veterinarians answer this question

When we talk about how death is perceived, and even more, we wonder how it will be perceived by others, perhaps there isno better way to understand empathy,  cognitive art that allows us to reconnect with others . And why not? Even with animals.
If anyone knows of empathy for animals are veterinarians. Therefore, through their experiences sacrificing sick dogs we know  how they feel before dying dogs .
An example of this is in response to a vet gave her client when she asked what the hardest part of your job. The user tweeted response vet, to raise awareness about:
I asked my vet what was the hardest part of her job and told me that when he had to sacrifice an animal, 90% of the owners did not want to be in the room when injected. The last moments of the animal are often frantic and look around to find their owners. 
- jessi dietrich (@jessi_dietrich)  July 27, 2018
Following the success of this tuit, a veterinary hospital in South Africa  sought to raise awareness about what they feel the dogs before he died  and the importance of being at his side in the final moments. In his Facebook account  they replicated the publication of one of their veterinarians , who with his words seeks to prevent people  abandon their dogs when they are slaughtered .
According to this specialist, dogs "in every face looking to the beloved" and do not understand why his owner is not. Therefore, he insists:
Do not be a coward just because you think it's too difficult for you. Imagine what you feel when you leave them at their most vulnerable moment and people like me have to do everything possible each time to console them, make them be less frightened and try to explain why they just could not stay.
So, talking about empathy,  it seems that the owners have to face the painful situation of sacrificing our dog , but not only with the decision to do so, but coming to the end: not leaving him alone in his last moments.

Because dogs before dying, feel fear, uncertainty and unrest like us.

It may sound like an existential question to ask whether dogs understand they are going to die. But in truth,  empathy is the best tool to understand this process in them ; because if we ask whether  they understand  death in the sense  that reason it out , the answer is indisputable: it is known that dogs do not reason like us.
However, if you feel. And some of their cognitive instincts, like the feeling or intuition, are much stronger in them than in us - and that says a lot about their behavior -. Well they know such a thing as veterinarians  Jennifer Coates , who in his experience has been shown that dogs - and other animals  have a peculiar understanding of situations involving death , either own or someone else:
I once HEADQUARTERS the family dog ​​and placed an IV catheter through which he would administer the last injection of euthanasia solution. At this point, the family cat had stayed away. But just when I began to administer the injection, walked beside me, gently she lays down and put his paw on his friend's leg as if to say: "Do not worry, I'm here with you."

What is certain is that -and beautiful-  a dog, before dying, he feels an immense love .

A dog is able to foresee what will happen, and therefore wants to be with his own - his friend before leaving. The experiences of most of those who have accompanied your dog in this process this has been proven,  as some collected in the Quora website where some owners responded to the question of  why they feel the dogs before he died :
He was not in India when Bugs died [...] After the funeral [...] finally my brother asked mom: " Ma, what was he doing before he died Bugs?". Tears fell down her cheeks. In a voice of obvious pain, she said,  He stopped eating. I gave everything I would like, but nothing worked. I gestured toward the tree: I went out and sat there. When he saw me there, she gave a little bark playfully jumped and fell asleep. He never woke up , "he said.
That was the tree under which mom found 10 years ago.
Was he saying thank you, maybe? Or I love you? Or was it just a dance of joy? I really do not know.
- Jedidiah Benhur Margoschis Wisely, Inglés Instructor (2012-present)  Answered May 12, 2018
Honestly, it's different for each dog, just as it is different for everyone.
I've been there, at the end of three family dogs that died of disease. ...] None of my dogs tried to go and be alone when they were dying. Always they wanted to be with us (especially me). Layla was no different, so we spent the last night on the kitchen floor with her. I could not stand, but if he left the room, try crawl to follow.
With three dogs whose deaths witnessed, their bodies began to close, but continued to maintain the will to live and love they feel for their families. In the end, their bodies fail them and it seems they are no longer aware of anything. I never had a dog left alone to die, or that was easily or while sleeping. I was always heartbreaking, but I was glad they were surrounded by love when they were.
Alicia Bayer, BA Creative Writing in Inglés & Women's Studies, University of Kentucky (1992)  Answered February 23, 2017
This is a little hard for me! But I still try to answer what a dog feels before he died:
That's Tuffy, the tontito who blessed my life while he was alive, but left me desolate and depressed when he crossed!
He blessed us with their presence for about 12 years. He had developed an enlarged prostate that led to urinary tract infection (UTI). Because of this medical condition could not urinate, and subjected to a lot of medical procedures over a period of time, but his condition deteriorated, leading to multiple organ failure.
On his last day he wandered in every corner of our house frantically, in every corner where loved to hang out. It seemed as if he knew his time was up, and was trying to convey the same. In his final moments he was in my arms, bleeding a little from his mouth, gasping for his last breaths before we leave for eternity. He died in my arms and my life has not been the same since.
-M. Sachdev, Self Employed,  Answered May 4, 2018

Any doubt that dogs love, from beginning to end?

 © misteri 1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author and source thereof and include this URL and Copyright notice

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...