, pub-5827770858464401, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Misteri1963 : sacred bow: an intentional way to end the year and start the new year



sacred bow: an intentional way to end the year and start the new year


We are entering the final month of the year, and may be a party full of crazy shopping a month for many people.
Or it may be a simpler and conscious to close the year and prepare for the coming year period.
I would like to invite you to a one-month process called Sacred Arc: an intentional way to end the year and start the new year.
What is this process? That's how I imagine the Sacred Arch:
  1. Review  : Spend the first week reviewing his year so far, noting their accomplishments and major events, taking notes on what you have learned and what has struggled, seeing where he has dropped the ball and where it could grow.
  2. Let Go  : Think about what you would like to stop moving forward, what you've been keeping you're not serving. This is a release of luggage and struggles. Spend a few days practicing letting go, so we can be clear for the new year.
  3. Set intentions for next year  : What amorous intentions and resolved you would like to set  for next  year? What would you like to create? Who would you be? How do you want to practice? This is to take an overview of the next year and set some general intentions (and keep themwithout attachment).
  4. Create a plan  : Now let's make a monthly, weekly and daily plan. You not have to be incredibly detailed, simply create a structure so that we can move flexibly to our intentions, so we can remember the intentions, so that we can continue to control them. So we can focus, as if this could be the last year of our lives.
That is the process. It is a process of review and abandonment, so that we can learn from last year but did not hold fast to what no longer serves us. It is a process of looking forward, carefully, and create a plan to be intentional about how we spend the next year of our lives.

Why this is important

Many of us neglect the fact of looking back, we just we get caught up in the minutiae of daily life, the activity of projects and events in the drama of family affairs in development. We do not balance, we think of where we've been and we use that experience to continue to grow.
This is a conscious process that takes a week to reflect. That's a valuable way to spend our time regularly.
Letting go is something that very few of us do with intent, and the result is that we continue carrying luggage, pain and patterns that no longer serve us, who are getting in the way. Let these float away into the atmosphere, so we can be free to move to a new space without clinging to everything that came before.
And finally, set intentions and create a structure to carry out those intentions differs from the usual goals or New Year in some important ways:
  1. Setting goals and resolutions are more fixed on an outcome, with intentional approach is how it is carried out throughout the day as practiced at all times, how it presents itself to its commitments and the people you care about deeply.
  2. Resolutions do not usually have a very solid structure to ensure that they continue beyond a couple of weeks. The objectives are often lost in this structure as well. Planning our week will focus on establishing the structure so that we do not abandon our intentions.
  3. Our intentions will focus more on the meaning and purpose in us who care deeply that at some fixed result. That changes everything.
I think this will be a fantastic process. It is not necessarily easy. But nothing significant is ever.

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