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Spilling retirees unions: "These mobilizations have no control"

Many manifestations of pensioners espontánemente indignation arise with the government. The unions say the protests will continue despite the improvement Rajoy announced.

Photo: Retired, in the center of Madrid, protesting decent pensions.  (EFE)

The  social protest movement  being carried out by  retirees  is unparalleled in the recent history of Spain. Their protests have even surpassed the 15-M in terms of  relevance and spread  throughout the Spanish geography. If they did not have enough strength in the street, now  it has also joined the feminist movement of the commission of 8-M, which portends a spring mobilizations. The intervention of the Prime Minister,  Mariano Rajoy , in the  debate on the future of pensions , held on Wednesday in Congress,  only served to piss off more retirees that threaten to keep taking the road all spring.

The level of mobilization of the biggest is such that it has even spilled over into unions. Many protests  arise spontaneously outside the unions, which are restricted to support and join forces. "It 's very difficult to mobilize people, but now are  looking forward to taking the street , " says  Mari Carmen Barrera , Secretary of Social Policy, Employment and Social Security of  UGT , "do not even have control, because it is so spontaneous that mobilizations constantly arise. "
This time, it 's not that unions have to 'warm up ' the streets, but simply respond to the  high demand for demonstrations  and rallies there. People ask us to move , want to show their  outrage at the government 's policies , " says Barrera. For example, protests erupted Thursday in Cantabria and Catalonia unions subsequently seconded.
On Saturday there are more than  a hundred demonstrations  in major cities across the country to demand "decent pensions, revaluation under the IPC and the defense of the public pension system." "The economy is growing at 3%, inflation exceeds 1.1% and pensions up only 0.25%" reports  CCOO .
We do not even have control over the protests, because they are so spontaneous demonstrations that arise constantly
Rajoy's promise to raise the minimum pension and the widow has not calmed things down. In any case,  the discomfort is even greater , since retirees were confident that the government give up backtrack and accept benefits to the CPI. "I predict a few  months many protests  on the street , " says Barrera, "and if good weather comes."

A dangerous strategy

Rajoy has decided  to use pensions as a 'bait ' for the opposition will approve the  General State Budget  (PGE). A choice that is in line with what the government has done this term (also used the salary of officials and the minimum wage for agreements) but that means  ignoring social dialogue .
Unions feel  slighted  by the government, more than a year that does not call the Bureau of Pensions to negotiate ago. The last meeting was in November, but at that time there was no negotiation on pensions simply the ministry informed the unions of the royal decree prepared to  raise pensions for widows . A royal decree has now paralyzed to pressure the opposition and approve their budgets. Neither the announcement of a reduction of income tax to the elderly is something new, as finance minister,  Cristobal Montoro , had  repeated on two occasionsAll this suggests the unions that the government is playing the trileros with offers that are only intended unlock the PGE.
For unions, negotiations on the future of pensions should be done in the Toledo Pact and the Bureau of Pensions. But Rajoy announced that  the two institutions would jump  to agree improved lower benefits in the budget negotiations. In fact, the president 's announcement surprised the unions, who did not have the slightest news, which has ignited tempers more.
Rajoy has decided to skip the Toledo Pact and social dialogue to negotiate an improvement of pensions in the budget
Rajoy did not give figures on the increase in minimum pensions and widows, preferring to leave the details for negotiation with its 'partners Budgets'. Moncloa has decided  to leave the social partners outside  of these negotiations, so they do not know what the rise will propose the Government nor whether there will be improved if budgets are not approved or who will finance the rise (PGE or  Social Security ).
This strategy could serve to draw Government accounts 2018, but will not be useful to calm the protests of retirees. The unions will continue with its strategy of mobilizations to  break the Executive or at least to recover their role in social dialogue. For this reason, they will not be satisfied with the announcement of Rajoy and demand 'most': recover the IPC,  repeal the 2013 reform  and ensure the purchasing power of all pensioners in a new pension law born of the agreement in the Covenant Toledo and the Board of Pensions. "We are in line to get our demands, but the government should have a little more consideration to what you are asking for the street", says Barrera.


The specter of "Krach" market

Henri Wilno 

south wind fall on Wall Street and global stock markets earlier this week. Began in the United States, the decline has spread quickly to European and Asian markets. At the time of writing, the situation is still uncertain but it seems, however, that a true Krach is still the order of the day. These developments are, however, the sign of the uncertainty gnaws world capitalism, despite limited growth recovery in the United States and Europe.

Beyond the shocks of the stock market influences in effect on the functioning of capitalism, the perpetuation of a phenomenon that does not match the waste of investment in new technologies: the weakness of productivity gains. The latter raises many questions, but there is no doubt and it is a sign of lack of effectiveness of capital. Lack of effective risk means the return on invested capital. Hence the continuing offensive against wages and work intensification, which limits the markets but has allowed a limited recovery of the profit rate in recent years, also supported by tax giveaways.

The decline in the US stock market was triggered after the publication on Friday, February 2, statistics on US wages, showing an increase of 2.9% in one year, the fastest pace since 2009. These increases salary They threaten to come to gouge the profits of listed companies and could lead to price increases. Now, when prices rise, the Federal Reserve (central bank) US raises traditionally their interest rates: such a rise was scheduled, but has spread the fear that was faster than expected. A stock market speculators like stagnant wages, low taxes, low interest rates and easy credit have begun to fear that this combination of stars is a little questioning.

Fundamentally, it is vital for capitalism keep wage increases below productivity gains. The mini-krach this week is certainly not herald a collapse but it is significant of what the system is today: a race without limits gain at the expense of and salaried as well as and stops and retired, whose assignments must be cut to finance tax reforms for rich people, among whom are Trump and Macron. 416 L'Anticapitaliste Hebdo Translation: Faustino Eguberri for wind south Source:


Baron David De Rothschild Indictment: Rothschild Bank Under Criminal Investigation


(Waking Times Media) Last year, Baron David de Rothschild was indicted by the French government after he was accused of fraud in a scheme that allegedly embezzled large sums of money from British pensioners.
It has taken many years to bring this case against Rothschild and his company the Rothschild Financial Services Group, which trapped hundreds of pensioners in a bogus loan scheme between the years of 2005 and 2008.
One by one the pensioners lost their money and pressed charges against the notorious banker, beginning a case that would take many years to get even an indictment.
In June, Paris-based liaison judge Javier Gómez Bermudez ruled that Rothschild must face a trial for his crimes, and ordered local police to seek him out in his various mansions that are spread throughout the country.
It is a good step in the right direction. The courts are now in agreement with us that there is enough evidence to interrogate Baron Rothschild. The first thing they will have to do is find him. Once they have done that they can begin to question him. It is a real breakthrough moment for everyone involved,” lawyer Antonio Flores of Lawbird told the Olive Press after the ruling.
“In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a loan aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law,” he added.
While news of a single Rothschild being indicted is certainly noteworthy, a particularly important announcement was made this Friday.
The French government announced that it has launched an investigation into the entire Swiss branch of the Rothschild’s banking empire.
According to Bloomberg,
The Swiss unit of Edmond de Rothschild said it’s the subject of a French probe regarding a former business relationship managed by a former employee.
“Edmond de Rothschild (Suisse) SA is actively participating in the criminal investigation under way,” the Geneva-based bank said in an e-mailed statement on Friday. “The bank denies all the allegations that have been made against it.”
Edmond de Rothschild, a private banking and asset management firm established in Paris in 1953, oversees about 150 billion euros ($164 billion) and is led today by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild and his wife Ariane. The Swiss unit traces its roots to the acquisition of Banque Privee in Geneva in 1965.
The company has no further comment at this time, according to the statement. Officials in Geneva weren’t immediately available to respond to a telephone call from Bloomberg News on Friday.
The Rothschild empire has been instrumental in helping move the global elite’s wealth from traditional tax havens like the Bahamas, Switzerland and the British Virgin Islands to the U.S.
Last month, the Free Thought Project reported on the above the law tax haven established inside the United States by the Rothschilds.
After opening a trust company in Reno, Nev., Rothschild & Co. began ushering the massive fortunes of the world’s most wealthy individuals out of typical tax havens, and into the Rothschild run U.S. trusts, which are exempt from the international reporting requirements.
The Rothschild banking dynasty is a family line that has been accused of pulling the political strings of many different governments through their control of various economic systems throughout the world.
Historically, there is ample evidence to show that the family has used insider trading to bilk money from both private and public funds.
During the Battle of Waterloo in the Napoleonic wars, Nathan Rothschild was responsible for one of the oldest cases of “insider trading,” which led to the Rothschild family robbing a whole nation blind. In 1815 when the battle of Waterloo took place, there were no quick methods of communication like we have today so messengers were used for communication in times of war. The Rothschild’s took advantage of this by having spies on the frontlines of the battle who would return information to the family faster than the messengers used by the military.
When the British won the warNathan Rothschild, was of course, the first to know, and he immediately went to the stock exchange and started selling stocks while putting out the rumor that the French had won the war. This created a panic on the floor of the stock exchange and investors all over England began frantically selling their stocks.
With the price of all stocks plummeting Rothschild was able to buy out the whole English market for a fraction of its cost. When word returned that the English had actually been victorious, the value of the market soared, and overnight Nathan Rothschild expanded his family’s wealth, and cemented their position as one of the richest families in the world.

Destiny: The Mother, The Call., The Reset

angels holding earth eraoflightdotcomGreetings to You Lightholder! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).
The information expressed here is that of my perspective my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.


Today we begin by saying this; one of the most dreary things you can tell a person today is that they are here for a reason. There isn’t one person that at one point or another in their life hasn’t heard that or something similiar to. People don’t want to know or they all ready know they are here for a reason, but they want to know THE REASON. And that is not an easy one to figure out for anyone.
We have destiny and freewill, these too always interact, in every lifetime. From our understanding, only MAJOR events in one’s life are pre-destined. Everything else is up to you. At times, though it is rare, even these major events may change based on your actions.
This brings us to YOU, the star children, the old souls, and whatever term that is used to define this group of people who have CHOSEN this path.
Please notice how we said CHOSEN. YOU chose your destiny, but perhaps you have forgotten this. Or did destiny choose you? You decide this in a few moments.
Why are you referred to as a Starchild or as an Old Soul? For one, you come from the stars, so does everyone else. But, you have traveled the Universe a whole lot more than most people on Earth. You are an Old Soul, in terms of experience. You became an individualized soul millions of years before most people on Earth and some of you before Earth herself.
The plan was laid out, the Universe knew what had to change and the place was chosen where all this shall unfold. So an invitation was sent out, an echo heard in the stars. Who was willing to leave everything behind, including all memory of one’s previous lessons, one’s mastery, and descend upon the Earth.
This is when millions and millions of souls volunteered for this mission, and YOU the Old Soul were one of the millions. But volunteering was not enough, it was not entirely up to you if you get to take part in this or not. You had to be chosen by the Higher Councils, for this was a great endeavor, not for the fainthearted as the saying goes.
In simple terms we can say you have done it all, and this is why you were chosen. Not only to bring light to a world that was seemingly stuck in the abyss, but to PERMANENTLY lift this world out of darkness into the light, and with this act and mission lift up the entire galaxy and beyond to a higher vibration.
Here we are now, yes we can say nearing the completion of the mission. We know you will say but it doesn’t feel like I did anything to change anything. And we say your presence alone has caused this world to change. You have done great works, not only in this lifetime but in many lifetimes here on Earth. Also, the way this world is about to change in the next seven years alone, such enormous change has not occurred in the past one hundred years.
Once again it is YOU who will step forward, this time as leaders of the new world. This is the lightholder’s destiny. You cannot and will not escape this next wave of change, for not only does your soul seek to be of service, but also you chose and were chosen to accomplish what at one point was deemed impossible by the Galactic Community. In the very near future you will again be called, hear the echo, to step forward and give this world the final push it needs to uplift into the 5th Dimension.

The Mother

Earth, no word to describe her love for her children, her power and will, her yearning to return to her rightful place in the stars.
Let us be blunt for a moment, she has been as you say to hell and back, which is still an understatement, in her four billion years journey. She has had the best and the worst of times, and now, she is reborn. She is releasing her old 3d matrix body and birthing her original blue print vessel, that contains all and only natural components.
Through all of this, she never loses hope, but is also filled with joy, perhaps now more than ever before because now her children are also awakening and becoming aware of their true identity and aware of the connection they have with their Mother, her love, her body, and of her service to humanity and the Universe.
It is in these times that we need her just as much as she needs us. For our light, love, support and assistance in restoring her into the original pristine state she once was in.
We will mention a few things we can do in our daily lives to contribute towards the healing of Mother Earth and ourselves.
Reducing toxicity should be our number one priority, for healing ourselves and Earth. Focus on natural organic sustainable practices. How can we reduce waste? What items are reusable? What can we recycle? How can we reduce air pollution?
Walk, bike or take the bus to work at least twice week. Buy more whole fruits and vegetables instead of packaged or processed foods. Make homemade, non-toxic cleaning products to reduce the toxins in your environment and bodies. Go ahead and try a vegan diet, see how you feel after a few weeks. Use a refillable water bottle(avoid plastic bottles, use glass instead). Turn of your tv, phone, computer, and go for a long walk. Meditate and send light to Earth. Dance on Mother Earth’s body.
There is much we can do to contribute to the healing of our world and our selves. It is all a matter of choice. It is time to give an end to carelessness and live from the heart.

The Call

Do you believe in angels? Do you believe in extraterrestrials? There is probably a hand full of people reading this piece right now that would answer no to those two questions.
When you became aware of yourself as a separate entity and begun your journey here on Earth, two angels were assigned to you by heaven. They were your guides, your helpers, they watched over you from the day you were born until the day you passed. And they returned with you in every incarnation.
Unfortunately very few souls were aware of this, even though there were many signs and signals in your daily lives of this, most would see things as a simple coincidence.
Today we do not only speak of YOUR specific guides that were assigned to you, but we speak of the Heaven Collective, the entire Angelic Realm. They always were, are, and will be ready to assist you at your request. And that is the key, YOU have to be the one to request assistance and invite them in your reality for them to respond.
This is perhaps the main issue. Many do not BELIEVE, and those that do, do so with skepticism, and this greatly effects the process of prayer, meditation, and even the simple doing of just ASKing for help.
There is no such thing as a coincidence. All one needs to do is pay attention and you will notice when your guides intervene. So, call upon them, see for yourself, but most importantly, BELIEVE.

The Reset

All is now unfolding at great speed. Change within you and change in the outer world is now occurring faster than ever before, the light is shining in the darkest areas and situations of the world. Today we say to you that the light is also shining on the Global Currency Reset, and all the gates are now open for this blessing to come forth.
Please understand that the challenges you have faced and sacrifices you have made in the past have paved the way to a favorable future that is to blossom into manifestation, so now the real excitement begins.
The turning of the key towards the open position has occurred. The Republic has been restored, it is all a matter of making the announcement public. NESARA is ready to be announced. The Global Currency Reset is ready to be released.
What you may see now in politics are just games being played by the New Powers That Be. We can say they are just “messing around” with the very few remaining Cabal minions. The two know that the light has triumphed, and we have long past the point of no return.
What we have been waiting to hear about and see for all these years is to be manifest for us all within a very short period of time, all is ready to go at moments notice.
Things will never be the same again on our beloved Earth. Great joy, abundance, and good fortune shall reign and are on your way.
There is a magnificent celebration coming, and YOU will not miss it. So hold your light and feel the change, be ready for it is time for the miracles to unfold one after another.
As always, in every thought, word and action, let love be your intention. The brightest light shines from within. From heart to heart, I Am KejRaj.


BRICS countries mulling formation of single gold trade system More:

The regulator plans to take first steps towards formation of a single trade system with the People’s Republic of China in 2018

© Donat Sorokin/TASS
MOSCOW, November 24. /TASS/. BRICS countries are discussing the possibility of establishing a single gold trade system, First Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Central Bank Sergey Shvetsov said Friday.
"The traditional (trade) system based in London and partially in Swiss cities is becoming less relevant as new trade hubs are emerging, first of all in India, China and South Africa. We are discussing the possibility to establish a single (system of) gold trade both within BRICS and at the level of bilateral contacts," he said, adding that this system may serve as a basis for further creation of new benchmarks.
According to Shvetsov, the Bank of Russia has already signed a memorandum on development of bilateral gold trade with Chinese colleagues. The regulator plans to take first steps towards formation of a single trade system with the People’s Republic of China in 2018, he added.
"We assume that trade and clearing links should be established. The point is that gold buyers should decide on the place of purchase," the official said, adding that trade links would enable market participants to make deals on international exchanges via the central counterparty.


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