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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta FAMILY ROTHSCHILD ILLUMINATI. Mostrar todas las entradas


Baron David De Rothschild Indictment: Rothschild Bank Under Criminal Investigation


(Waking Times Media) Last year, Baron David de Rothschild was indicted by the French government after he was accused of fraud in a scheme that allegedly embezzled large sums of money from British pensioners.
It has taken many years to bring this case against Rothschild and his company the Rothschild Financial Services Group, which trapped hundreds of pensioners in a bogus loan scheme between the years of 2005 and 2008.
One by one the pensioners lost their money and pressed charges against the notorious banker, beginning a case that would take many years to get even an indictment.
In June, Paris-based liaison judge Javier Gómez Bermudez ruled that Rothschild must face a trial for his crimes, and ordered local police to seek him out in his various mansions that are spread throughout the country.
It is a good step in the right direction. The courts are now in agreement with us that there is enough evidence to interrogate Baron Rothschild. The first thing they will have to do is find him. Once they have done that they can begin to question him. It is a real breakthrough moment for everyone involved,” lawyer Antonio Flores of Lawbird told the Olive Press after the ruling.
“In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a loan aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law,” he added.
While news of a single Rothschild being indicted is certainly noteworthy, a particularly important announcement was made this Friday.
The French government announced that it has launched an investigation into the entire Swiss branch of the Rothschild’s banking empire.
According to Bloomberg,
The Swiss unit of Edmond de Rothschild said it’s the subject of a French probe regarding a former business relationship managed by a former employee.
“Edmond de Rothschild (Suisse) SA is actively participating in the criminal investigation under way,” the Geneva-based bank said in an e-mailed statement on Friday. “The bank denies all the allegations that have been made against it.”
Edmond de Rothschild, a private banking and asset management firm established in Paris in 1953, oversees about 150 billion euros ($164 billion) and is led today by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild and his wife Ariane. The Swiss unit traces its roots to the acquisition of Banque Privee in Geneva in 1965.
The company has no further comment at this time, according to the statement. Officials in Geneva weren’t immediately available to respond to a telephone call from Bloomberg News on Friday.
The Rothschild empire has been instrumental in helping move the global elite’s wealth from traditional tax havens like the Bahamas, Switzerland and the British Virgin Islands to the U.S.
Last month, the Free Thought Project reported on the above the law tax haven established inside the United States by the Rothschilds.
After opening a trust company in Reno, Nev., Rothschild & Co. began ushering the massive fortunes of the world’s most wealthy individuals out of typical tax havens, and into the Rothschild run U.S. trusts, which are exempt from the international reporting requirements.
The Rothschild banking dynasty is a family line that has been accused of pulling the political strings of many different governments through their control of various economic systems throughout the world.
Historically, there is ample evidence to show that the family has used insider trading to bilk money from both private and public funds.
During the Battle of Waterloo in the Napoleonic wars, Nathan Rothschild was responsible for one of the oldest cases of “insider trading,” which led to the Rothschild family robbing a whole nation blind. In 1815 when the battle of Waterloo took place, there were no quick methods of communication like we have today so messengers were used for communication in times of war. The Rothschild’s took advantage of this by having spies on the frontlines of the battle who would return information to the family faster than the messengers used by the military.
When the British won the warNathan Rothschild, was of course, the first to know, and he immediately went to the stock exchange and started selling stocks while putting out the rumor that the French had won the war. This created a panic on the floor of the stock exchange and investors all over England began frantically selling their stocks.
With the price of all stocks plummeting Rothschild was able to buy out the whole English market for a fraction of its cost. When word returned that the English had actually been victorious, the value of the market soared, and overnight Nathan Rothschild expanded his family’s wealth, and cemented their position as one of the richest families in the world.


A NEW CURRENCY (backed by gold) and the global financial system INVOLVING 209 NATIONS IS HAPPENING AT THIS TIME.

 Resultat d'imatges dollars
The old and corrupt system that creates fiat "money" and theft of people through fraudulent schemes (mortgages and various taxes) have been identified and are being detained.

The new Treasury Reserve Notes (TRN) backed by gold will be filtered into the banking system this week and all the old dollars (useless cents trust FRN Federal Reserve) will eventually be eliminated.


They were able to obtain a pass a few years ago, but decided to fight us until the end.


"Global collateral accounts" are ready to launch the "third world" first to eliminate poverty.

This will involve thousands of millions of dollars for the poor who need it most.

China has punished 1,537,000 party members since 2012 in a couple massive effort to rid the country of Kabbalists.

Some were executed.

There was never any need for wars poverty ... ... ... diseases debt and foreclosures.



Everything has been paid in advance for generations, but has been stolen by stealing paper and deceptive schemes.

We were robbed and poisoned by greedy and evil Satanists for hundreds of years.


Hillary Clinton clone has failed (is only one double)

Forget North Korea.

The Intelligence Unit 124 is a complex Kim.

North Korea and South Korea will meet (once the elite leaves).

high-energy weapons based in space used to start fires in California.

The bark of trees are impervious to these selective weapons.

California's government was behind this.

Black SUVs were seen throwing fire on houses to help things.

Some of the residents were full.

Air Force is on alert and ready to shoot down the bad guys who try to escape their fate.

HENRY KISSINGER has 1,600 YEARS (DRACO REPTILIAN) (Now you know why VIEJO has been so for many years and is still "alive").
 Resultat d'imatges of reptiliansResultat d'imatges of reptiliansResultat d'imatges Kissinger
Both are treated by the galactic alongside Rosthchild.

secured and ready to "98 senators and 348 congressmen" arrests.

1/3 Congress are clones. All clones will go out soon.

To see that hide the municipalities ... go to your accounts CAFR and see the schedule 40 and 80.

That's where HIDE YOUR MONEY

Many of them do not even need to charge property taxes. (NOT ue anyway according to our republic and its Cosntitucion originates assumed).

The constitution of our Republic and the Constitution of the United States of America is not the same.

You had no rights under the constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation.

VATICAN ... JESUIT (and Rosthchild Bankers) ... Nazis (Bush, al) ... the British Queen ... K hazars and pedophiles are being attacked.

They are behind the false flags ... fire ... earthquakes ... hurricanes, floods ....

The IRS channels money to the British Queen and the Federal Reserve (illuminati) (And they said that extorted money from their paychecks went to the treasury of our nation to pay our bills, taxes, etc. NO !.
 Resultat d'imatges IRS Official website for the Illuminati With information on our members, history, beliefs, operations, and info for Citizens, Businesses and Governments.
THIS ENDING AND THE IRS be abolished (A collector illegal bills for the Crown, the Vatican and the Jesuits).


It ends poverty worldwide.
Jesuits and their bankers Rosthchild will be exposed as pedophiles and reptiles Draco.
Secret programs and relationships with extrterrestres be made public and explained.

Perpetrators of 'JFK' ... '911'y' Wars' (for-profit) will be identified at all levels.
Massive arrests are carried out secretly everywhere.

Big Pharma ... Government ... Education ... Medicine Law ... ... ... Religion and Science, but the public is wiser. (Not reported by the media controlled MSM) false news.

BILL CLINTON died of AIDS (2016). Current 'News' Bill Clinton is showing images using clones.
HILLARY CLINTON (2016) is also dead ... but the clique continues to issue news about it (the book of Hillary plans to run again for 'president', etc.) using less soul clones made from DNA to trick people using false noticas .
 Resultat d'imatges clinton
George Soros and his sons are dead (2017) ... however, continued issuing elite "news" about their donations to this foundation and that, and being behind several organizations, etc.) using clones made less than his soul DNA to trick people using false news.
The scam of America is ending.

So be it.

Intel (Real News) "General Intel" 10/31/17

Without evidence, but are made voices

Source: Roberto Allusson


Rothschild: Donald Trump is Threatening to Destroy the New World Order

Lord Rothschild has warned that President Donald Trump threatens to destroy the New World Order and “must be stopped at all costs.”

Rothschild family-owned magazine, The Economist, branded Trump a “present danger” to the “New World Order” and admitted that the globalist elitists that formed it are “spinning in their graves.”

“Perhaps the greatest danger at present is the incumbency of an American president who despises international norms, who disparages free trade and who continually flirts with abandoning America’s essential role in maintaining the global legal order,” writes The Economist.

Infowars.comreports: Despite listing off legitimate threats like jihadism and terrorism, Communist Chinese expansion, and North Korean hostility, an article published by The Economist names Trump as the biggest threat to the “liberal” New World Order.

“Perhaps the greatest danger at present is the incumbency of an American president who despises international norms, who disparages free trade and who continually flirts with abandoning America’s essential role in maintaining the global legal order,” writes The Economist.

The globalist outlet refers to a book titled “The Internationalists,” to explain the origins of the “liberal international order” as a move to “make the waging of aggressive war illegal,” which is why it must be “defended like never before.”

“The rules-based international order that emerged from the wreckage of the second world war was a huge improvement on any preceding era,” states the article.

“Yet liberal internationalism is now under attack from many sides. Donald Trump’s America First doctrine explicitly repudiates it.”

The Economist describes how the Trump administration views the world stage, citing a piece written by two of Trump’s advisors in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.

“The world is not a ‘global community’ but an arena where nations, non-governmental actors and businesses engage and compete for advantage,” H.R. McMaster and Gary Cohn wrote. 

“We bring to this forum unmatched military, political, economic, cultural and moral strength. Rather than deny this elemental nature of international affairs, we embrace it.”

The Economist then makes the strange assertion that, despite being directly responsible for numerous wars and destabilizing coup attempts around the world, the New World Order is “better than any of the alternatives.”

“Of course there are still plenty of wars,” it states. “In some ways the New World Order, which has helped make international wars so much less imaginable, has inadvertently made possible more ‘intranational’ wars.”

“Fragile and fractious countries that would previously have feared being conquered by more powerful neighbours can now fall prey to civil wars or brutal insurgencies without bad actors fearing loss of the national territory they seek to control. 

Non-state groups, such as Islamic State (a misnomer), can take and hold, at least for a while, territory from dysfunctional governments. Well-meaning but ill-conceived wars to change odious regimes have sometimes gone badly wrong.”

the rothschild owned economist says trump is the biggest threat to the new world order
© Press The Rothschild-owned Economist says Trump is the biggest threat to the New World Order

The magazine concludes by saying that the NWO architects of the past “must be spinning in their graves” considering how far Trump has already come and that he must be removed from office to preserve the New World Order.




Lord Rothschild buy gold, sell shares and will drop to banks and businesses in the next crisis

"Jacob Rothschild predicts slowdown in the stock markets and the rising price of gold and precious metals. 

Sells 10% of its entire 55% market exposure with bags. Although falling bags of fiat money, controlling silver production control the price of gold and the currencies of all countries based on gold. "

Jacob de Rothschild says the stock market crash based on fiat money.

Lord Rothschild  buy gold and sell shares .

Strategists "Rit Capital Partners" Jacob de Rothschild, Francesco Goedhuis and Ron Tabbouche.
"Ron Tabbouche, which is  responsible  for combining thematic investing with individual values, and private investment diversification measures".

It is  preparing  a reboot of the global economy for 2018: 

fiat currencies will give way to trade precious metals. 

They will organize a strategy of rising metal prices to absorb the dollar and the euro. China will burn the yuan and the renminbi will step based on gold. 

The Bank of England has withdrawn the tsunami thanks to the scheduled Brexit but his own will, and has gotten rid of euros and dollars have been to Ireland and back to the Fed.

A gradual divestment scheduled corporations and shareholders in bags to protect financial stability is possible ?:  NO. 

Which announced an inevitable crack, a financial tsunami of all listed companies, ultimately a slaughter for the world's economies without exception countries. 

Corporations based in capital stock exchange be broken in one fell swoop, only those who have assets that follow and precious metals will go on, and they know with which they themselves can create a fever gold buying accelerate kill themselves by moving paper money to gold. 

As the Lord Jacob Rothschild himself says, they have been able to escape so far, but no one knows when it will happen.

However, the combined synergies Illuminatis point to a numerology. 11. 2018 is a month, viz.

Dollar accounting achieve genuine debt camouflaging thanks to falls. Electronic Federal Reserve notes will be lost in the amalgam of protectionist blocking coins.
Jacob Rothschild  predicts slowdown  in equity markets based on fiat currencies and the rising price of gold and precious metals. 
Although falling fiat money bags,  controlling silver production control the price of gold and the currencies of all countries based on gold.
Control the trading of currencies based on gold it means dominate the world economy to record the value through gold coins in global exports and imports.
If you decide to double one day the value of gold in its price, they would double the value of exports, and if the next week decided to reduce the price of gold in half halved the value of imports, creating an absolute imbalance in the balance of payments of countries. 
It is knowledge that governments know, forcing all countries in the world which already control over their economies, to continue obeying their slogans because they know that if they do not can knock down their economies in a few weeks through contributions , hitherto through fiduciary bags and now it will be through the price of precious metals such as silver and gold.  
Precious metals are typically the  gold  (Au), the silver  (Ag), platinum (Pt), rhodium (Rh) and palladium (Pd). 
In some cases also typically include ruthenium (Ru), osmium (Os) and iridium (Ir). And new rare earth hyperconductive and new materials have been added to this list,  coltan and graphene .

How they act different financial families in this scenario:

To explain somehow Oxford Club is the club of Zionist mainly families. According to his page says:
They have already anticipated, despite central banks control does not seem to announce measures to protect them. 
It is that they will leave their fate to their own banks and corporations  in participating from their participation fees and credits its shareholders only to  burn the paper . 
A role that have merged themselves with equity derivatives that have been unpayable and private fortunes ruined countries and low step. 
If you have succeeded in slowing the crack and government funding has been only with the permission of capital increases their corporations to finance and bidding a state economy based mainly on the sale of debt handing off the value of states through privatization.
When the crack and corporations arrive not have the means to maintain the fabric of their businesses, we see the opposite effect, nationalizing all, forcing states to seize bankrupt companies to maintain services, supplies and supply, which ruin be notorious and states have no capacity to generate more debt. 
This will generate the international approach of a single world government with the excuse that this formula will allow the maintenance of the status, with great nuance that everything will be in the hands of large associated and non-state corporations, so that new world government will be corporate, ie they are the big Zionist families who control the world economy which put a president and government that no longer even come from politics and unmanned members but directly may choose members from corporations without going through the polls and dissolving the constitutions of the states by a single Corporate Constitution after martial law, and only two religions, Catholic Evangelist probably for the West and Islam for the rest.
If they were for humanity, they had already articulated internal mechanisms. 
It is a reality that can not even announce any measures, because at the same time to do so sensitive to any news intrusive bags react with the collapse. Or perhaps so have planned ?,  the announcement of drastic measures and replace the trustee paper  electronic currency based on gold .
The announcement made before or after the crack through the media and on behalf of governments will be to begin to implement electronic currencies. 
And as with the change of national currency of each country to exchange euro indicated in the EU going to change their banking offices with electronic money they will announce exactly the same. 
But in this case a black market will be created  resistant to change their notes and coins metal electronic currency plus when most people do not know these modern things.
-The Rothschild  spent decades accumulating gold in the  Bank of Settlements  and transferring gold reserves of many central banks to their wineries, and  buying all the world 'sgold mines in Africa, Asia and North America and South America,  soon  the largest gold mines found in  Venezuela.
JP Morgan and Rockefeller-  the buying and accumulating the  world 's largest reserves of silver  to manage the price of gold and other precious metals.
Goldman Sach  has chosen  Don Casturo and Anthony Kim  for war precious metals.
(19 minutes)  GFMS  leader on the gold market, said that 2017 was the year of the largest gold production. 
Zenith year gold production  now begin to fall production.
That is why all the Ashkenazim companies from  Glencore Nat Rothschild , until his father Jacob and Rit Capital Partners PLC, and Eduardo Elsztain in Argentina  are  buying all the gold mines  around the world and precious metals like  silver. 
In the case of gold mines and surely Argentine  Venezuela and Brazil, will go to the new tax haven constituted by Elsztain in Las Malvinas  for the British empire Rothschild to handle the crown of England.
As will phases:
Zenit gold production will lead to increase in price by limiting supply and increased demand at higher prices.
-the control of the mines by Ashkenazi achieved that can control the price of precious metals, stopping or increasing global production, according to the state of contributions. The bags will continue as after 1929 but with electronic money and precious metals.
-The change of trend in production of precious metals. Cutting production of silver in Peru -third mundial- producer, they are causing increasing their contribution. 
Silver, a metal that so far the US have held their value will shoot their price, it is a start to rise also gold and other precious metals. 
To Donald Trump he has expressed its intention to release in the market price of silver. 
The reasons are that the US is a major producer and holder of reserves of silver but not gold and hopes that with the rising price of silver could wear the dollar. 
Even  Trump is the one who trusts in the fiat dollar, perhaps this delay or change something on the agenda . 
JP Morgan in the US just bought the largest reserves of US Silver. The reason is to contain the rising price so no one else can buy such quantities and then drop them into the precious metals market and knock down the price of silver and thus of all precious metals like gold.
One thing is clear rising silver prices skyrocket the price of gold to unknown values ​​so far, and then maintain the value of silver having no greater accumulated reserves that the US and JP Morgan are the only ones who could change its price down if comenzasen to sell en masse. With this holding silver at any time and may directly increase or decrease the price of gold. Is the value of world currencies based on gold, affecting all world economies.
'But the rising price of silver will have an adverse effect because it is not worth what quote, and this will cause the progressive increase in the price of gold.

What would in many countries especially in large cities when the financial tsunami, crack version bags, happen if governments have not taken measures to crack alternative ?.

Unlike the crash of 1929 there will be shortages of food, gasoline and services. 
In the 29 people were more autonomous now energetically, or not so much electricity was used in every household, dependency was lower because many were still coal, wood and kerosene lamps especially in the countryside and villages, and washed by hand , cooked with wood and heated with firewood. 
All households own food or buy in markets neighboring orchards orchards were provided, and almost always had a supply in horse-drawn carriages with gasoline that did not require the vast majority; not all was New York or Paris, more people are supplied directly outside the distribution chains that exist today.
Banks close their doors and ATMs. 
For the fiduciary role will not be worth more than the black market and can not officially issued currency.
Workers in companies that are not ready for the gold coin standard will have no way to pay their employees, so that employees will no longer go to work causing the collapse, food shortages, and lack of gasoline to transport goods and people to their places of work or supplies.
In consecuense 
the armies of all countries impose martial law . Rationing and other consequences.

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