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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Corruption in Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas


C's encourages Nazis and drug dealers to turn out stellate and yellow ribbons.

C's took a video under the #sondetodos campaign where you see people pulling polished yellow ribbons ...

But the reality is quite another, those who cut ties and stellate are armed, carry knives. They are gangs operating at night with their faces covered. They are Nazis, drug traffickers, cocaine, purria, Jerna, tabarnícolas, Spanish ...

Since the dirty Arrimadas and Falangist Rivera took the video, no day in which there is no dispute, that fringe of fascist dare even private property.

In  this link  you can see what kind of riffraff is. 
And in  this one , as a Catalan Berga plant will face a Franco (Jaime Vizern) measuring a foot more than him. Proof that this rabble only have guts when they go in droves. They are like chickens Arrimadas and Rivera.

Clearly the españolista side wants kills, ultras attack with impunity (up to mossos look away). 
I am personally in favor of confrontation, we must awaken the Catalan people. 
All e sto night reminds us of the c broken ristales, Albert Rivera and Arrimadas make Joseph Goebbels.

You see, we are in pre-war, and soon burst the real conflict. But do not be intimidated.



In Asturias they charge more retirees having quoted the same

Any law of Catalan origin from Madrid believe that affects the whole state is sent to the political Constitutional Court to be lying. But in Spain there are many singularities enjoying the blessing of successive governments and the media.

The major exceptions are found in the fiscal privileges of the Basque Country and Navarra.

But the beast we have in the IVA. 
Catalunya absorbs 25% of foreign tourists and can not touch a penny of VAT to spend those guirirs. 
Someone will say, normal, have to go all the common box. 
Well, no. 

In the case of the Basque provinces are those that raise the VAT. Are Diputaciones the entering all taxes, including income tax, the Company or VAT, and then bring the state called "quota", which is determined by a Joint Committee composed of twelve members, one for each Provincial Council, three Basque Government and six of the State Administration. 
Yes sir, the Spanish state treats them as equal ...

The same goes for the Hacienda Tributaria de Navarra.

And the Canary Islands have VAT as such, its name is the IGIC. Rates are lower than the Spanish VAT and is shared as follows 
58% councils and municipalities. 
42% autonomous community.

And, although it seems cachondeo in Ceuta and Melilla have the IPSI.

At this point we can see that there is one for each Spanish income tax, nor the same VAT should be able to add that, at least, we all enjoy the same pensions. 

And I do not mean that they have contributed some more than others but, having contributed the same, there retirees who charge more than others.

Retirees are Asturias, dear homeland ...

The miners have special treatment. And I do not know what is harder, work at sea or mine? 
Or you are making beds ...?

And the terrible thing is that in Asturias  there are miners who retired at age 44 ...

Say Asturias is a "pensioner 's paradise" and the good people who live there do not give a damn  how it pays for all this, even if it is deficient ...

30% of that community are pensioners,  almost like an earthly Valhalla ...

Well, you see, everything is constitutional and Catalan in Spain there are between autonomous communities, 6 singularities: 
Basque Country 


REGIONAL DATA INDEX COMPETITIVENESS - The EU notes Andalusia as the most corrupt autonomy of Spain

The last three presidents of the Junta de Andalucía, Chaves, Griñan and Susana Diaz

Regional Competitiveness Index EU puts Andalusia and La Rioja as the regions with highest and least corrupt country
ALGECIRAS. - eres, hank, Malaya, Astapa, Training, Competitive Bay ... are just some of the biggest corruption case that dot the Andalusian geography, to which we must add other more provincial or local levels that make the community according to the European Union, in the region of Spain with the highest incidence of corruption.
This emerges from the Regional Competitiveness Index, a study carried out every three years the European Commission, which evaluates three major categories that determine economic dynamism to and the institutional quality of the regions of the 28 member states of the European Union.
The newspaper El Mundo, two years ago amounted to more than 1,000 defendants and 6,000 million allegedly defrauded throughout the community, with a backlog of cases affecting mostly PSOE regional level, and PP and IU, more local levels.

The report includes several indexes, although perhaps the most interesting there been the level of corruption, where the community who chairs the candidate to lead the national PSOE, is the worst takes note. The indicator dedicated to corruption assesses its impact in the field of public services and combines data from two research projects: Quality of Government, a report by the University of Gothenburg and Worldwide Governance Indicators, an initiative linked to the World Bank.
According to the report, the region with less corruption is La Rioja, receiving a score of 0.13 and therefore is above the EU average. The top five is completed Cantabria, Extremadura, Murcia and the Basque Country, followed closely by Madrid, Navarra, Castilla y Leon and Asturias. At the other extreme we encounter the communities in which the impact of corruption is larger. The worst takes note Andalusia, followed by Galicia, the Canary Islands, Valencia and Castilla-La Mancha. It also highlights worse receiving qualifying Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Asturias.

© misteri1963 this publication may be reproduced freely provided respecting its integrity and mention the author / a, 


Tambourine country: Lopetegui and Maximo Huerta ... Spain is an invented that is not respected country itself, note that it is not a nation, is walking firmly and inexorably toward extinction ..

I have repeated hundreds of times that Spain is an invented that is not respected country itself, note that it is not a nation ...

On the one hand we have the real head of state, a Florentine such that it is able to burst her world to Spain days before it starts. 
Real Madrid of all the Spaniards by the grace of God, we Birla coach the Spanish national team and for the benefit of Florentino, the federation dismisses 2,000,000 missing so out clause ...

On the other side of the Gulf of Maximo Huerta ... The pupil of Ana Rosa Quintana has received the boomerang which has led programs like the queen of the sicav effect ... 
They have fed into the sewers, the digital garbage and tertulianos slag believing that Jabberwocky settle for just devour the reputation of Catalan separatists ... that does not mean that a guy without any preparation, and a fraudster past, believed to be Minister. Tonto in the morning and then all day ...

They could really change the roles and no one would notice the difference: Maximum Lopetegui coach and Minister ...

It is what it is, is the deep Spain with black, black, black ... future  
step by step, detail by detail, Spain is walking firmly and inexorable way towards extinction.


The PP financed with money black web Losantos

The B box party served to buy shares of 'Digital Freedom' 
Federico Jimenez Losantos | Digital freedom | esRadio | Popular Party | Luis Barcenas | PP | 
Thu, May 24, 2018 

Federico Jimenez Losantos admitted in September 2013 . Then, the controversial journalist and acknowledged in his esRadio program that could have potential investments by Luis Barcenas to 'Digital Freedom'. 

In 2014, the Popular Party itself extesorero the evidence presented before the court,Judge Pablo Ruz sent some documents proving the purchase of shares of 'Digital Freedom' funds Box B party. 

And on Thursday, the judgment of the Gürtel case has proved definitively that, among many other issues, money black Popular Party 1,270 shares of 'Digital Freedom' worth 139,700 euros were acquired. 
Although these facts are being tried in another piece, the truth is that the court and the court tested the box B:

"In 2005, also of the same 'Box B', subtracted 149,600 euros, of which, according to his wife [the Barcenas], Rosalia Iglesias, allocated 149,000 euros to pay a property acquired by marriage. This time, the seizure of funds 'Box B', took place by purchasing shares of Libertad Digital, SA, so that Luis Barcenas, according to his own wife, gave this extracted from said housing the € 149,600, of which ordered the 29/10/2004 to acquire 1,360 shares of that company, which put the name of Rosalia Iglesias. Bought the shares in his name, then sells this, the 15/03/2005, Francisco Yáñez, for 149,600 euros, not re-enter the PP, but the marriage stays with them entering them,


Farina to the Gürtel: Rajoy was always there

This result Farina image to the Gürtel: Rajoy was always there

This artigo Tamen is available at:  Galego
The spectacular success of the series  Fariña  is allowing us to relive some crucial years in the recent history of Galicia and then Alianza Popular Popular Party. Its impact on public opinion remains to be seen.
Half of the Galicians a Wednesday sat before the TV saw as a whole president of the Xunta Gerardo Fernandez Albor, who incidentally has just turned 100 years between tributes Rajoy and Feijoo, met in the 80s in Portugal bonnets smuggling escaped justice and pactaba with them returning to Galicia in return for impunity.
The next week they heard how drug money was diverted to "take Rajoy of the Provincial de Pontevedra" apparently because he did not like what was happening with the capos. Yes, in the series itself make it clear that Fraga was with them and that he had told the prime minister today to marry, learn Galician and go to Madrid.
So that Rajoy knew that his party was financed with money from Terito, Oubiña, Miñanco and company; he did not agree, but I knew as would years later with the Gürtel he looked away and continued his political career.
Farina also recalls the scandalous connection with the narcos popular mayors as Nené or lawyers as Paul Barral Vioque and of course party funding, first with the snuff punt and then everything came to the estuaries.
"The Xunta is purchased" is said factly in the series. And all without anesthesia. Nacho Carter's book, uncharacteristically kidnapped following a complaint from another popular former mayor, Bea Gondar also collects unexplained friendship between today Galician president, Nunez Feijoo and another historic capos, Marcial Dorado.
Asked the other day by the political and social consequences of the series, Feijóo over the thorny issue of saying that one thing is fiction and reality another shook. An argument that is not going anywhere because in this case it seems that the reality was even worse than fiction.
Amid the collapse of the PP by corruption, the state crisis in Catalonia and scandals like Cifuentes, is now viewers are watching or reminiscing as the party that today still governs in Madrid and Santiago was born, he grew and developed first on the back of smuggling and drug trafficking and then through the illegal financing of the Gürtel.
It seems unlikely that all this has no consequences but who also thinks there are too anesthetized.
This artigo Tamen is available at:  Galego


Spilling retirees unions: "These mobilizations have no control"

Many manifestations of pensioners espontánemente indignation arise with the government. The unions say the protests will continue despite the improvement Rajoy announced.

Photo: Retired, in the center of Madrid, protesting decent pensions.  (EFE)

The  social protest movement  being carried out by  retirees  is unparalleled in the recent history of Spain. Their protests have even surpassed the 15-M in terms of  relevance and spread  throughout the Spanish geography. If they did not have enough strength in the street, now  it has also joined the feminist movement of the commission of 8-M, which portends a spring mobilizations. The intervention of the Prime Minister,  Mariano Rajoy , in the  debate on the future of pensions , held on Wednesday in Congress,  only served to piss off more retirees that threaten to keep taking the road all spring.

The level of mobilization of the biggest is such that it has even spilled over into unions. Many protests  arise spontaneously outside the unions, which are restricted to support and join forces. "It 's very difficult to mobilize people, but now are  looking forward to taking the street , " says  Mari Carmen Barrera , Secretary of Social Policy, Employment and Social Security of  UGT , "do not even have control, because it is so spontaneous that mobilizations constantly arise. "
This time, it 's not that unions have to 'warm up ' the streets, but simply respond to the  high demand for demonstrations  and rallies there. People ask us to move , want to show their  outrage at the government 's policies , " says Barrera. For example, protests erupted Thursday in Cantabria and Catalonia unions subsequently seconded.
On Saturday there are more than  a hundred demonstrations  in major cities across the country to demand "decent pensions, revaluation under the IPC and the defense of the public pension system." "The economy is growing at 3%, inflation exceeds 1.1% and pensions up only 0.25%" reports  CCOO .
We do not even have control over the protests, because they are so spontaneous demonstrations that arise constantly
Rajoy's promise to raise the minimum pension and the widow has not calmed things down. In any case,  the discomfort is even greater , since retirees were confident that the government give up backtrack and accept benefits to the CPI. "I predict a few  months many protests  on the street , " says Barrera, "and if good weather comes."

A dangerous strategy

Rajoy has decided  to use pensions as a 'bait ' for the opposition will approve the  General State Budget  (PGE). A choice that is in line with what the government has done this term (also used the salary of officials and the minimum wage for agreements) but that means  ignoring social dialogue .
Unions feel  slighted  by the government, more than a year that does not call the Bureau of Pensions to negotiate ago. The last meeting was in November, but at that time there was no negotiation on pensions simply the ministry informed the unions of the royal decree prepared to  raise pensions for widows . A royal decree has now paralyzed to pressure the opposition and approve their budgets. Neither the announcement of a reduction of income tax to the elderly is something new, as finance minister,  Cristobal Montoro , had  repeated on two occasionsAll this suggests the unions that the government is playing the trileros with offers that are only intended unlock the PGE.
For unions, negotiations on the future of pensions should be done in the Toledo Pact and the Bureau of Pensions. But Rajoy announced that  the two institutions would jump  to agree improved lower benefits in the budget negotiations. In fact, the president 's announcement surprised the unions, who did not have the slightest news, which has ignited tempers more.
Rajoy has decided to skip the Toledo Pact and social dialogue to negotiate an improvement of pensions in the budget
Rajoy did not give figures on the increase in minimum pensions and widows, preferring to leave the details for negotiation with its 'partners Budgets'. Moncloa has decided  to leave the social partners outside  of these negotiations, so they do not know what the rise will propose the Government nor whether there will be improved if budgets are not approved or who will finance the rise (PGE or  Social Security ).
This strategy could serve to draw Government accounts 2018, but will not be useful to calm the protests of retirees. The unions will continue with its strategy of mobilizations to  break the Executive or at least to recover their role in social dialogue. For this reason, they will not be satisfied with the announcement of Rajoy and demand 'most': recover the IPC,  repeal the 2013 reform  and ensure the purchasing power of all pensioners in a new pension law born of the agreement in the Covenant Toledo and the Board of Pensions. "We are in line to get our demands, but the government should have a little more consideration to what you are asking for the street", says Barrera.

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