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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Economy. Spain. Mostrar todas las entradas


Catalonia, a land of talent, a job opportunity for Catalan and foreign, but not for the Spanish ..

We have this month seen investments of Microsoft, Facebook, Enerkem, Suez, digital Lidl, Moodle, Chartboost, Amazon, King, Satellogic, WeWork, IGG, PepsiCo, Hawkers and Scopely in Catalonia, not casual, has several reasons.

We begin with the most frivolous: Barcelona is a city where you live and eat well, its temperature is ideal and no beach ...
Without forgetting that more and more intercontinental connections from El Prat.
But the bottom line is talent. And talent is at home. And when talent is missing, it is easier to convince someone to come to Barcelona Helsinki than elsewhere in the world ...

Companies know that.
Multinationals are both given the BOE, why not settle in Madrid. Its market is global, where they plan to move to find better environment in general.

Let's continue with other factors.
One must not forget is the 22 @. I never get tired to recognize my laugh when 20 years ago it occurred to Mayor Clos. It seemed a joke then ...
For that node, cluster, is crucial too.

It is the importance of the ecosystem. Companies seeking developers artificial intelligence, working with data, engineers, etc. Barcelona is a knowledge that is already highly developed by universities and research centers. Three of the five largest universities in the peninsula are in Catalunya. In addition there are many companies and startups that use data science and that attracts others. 
An ecosystem that already exists.

Not forgetting that Catalonia has one of the largest supercomputing centers in Europe; Photonics is the ICFO; medical centers first level; artificial intelligence Catalunya is one of the leading places in the field. 
ALBA synchrotron ...
They are very important "little things" small country but. Like the fact that there are two schools of business of the most important in the world, an issue that also surprises the outside.

Catalunya is an anomaly but unfortunately does not have the legal instruments to promote it as other small countries, since the Constitutional tumbaría any ad hoc law.

And above all this potential question is: Can Employ CATALUNYA SPANISH.
Answer: NO.

The only communities that could send talent to Catalonia are the Basque Country and Madrid. But in the first live well in the world of tax havens and the second they prefer to work for companies in the Ibex 35 or for three powerful governments enjoyed by locals.

That is, Catalunya is growing faster than Spain with local and foreign workers. People who speak languages ​​and considers that rents for city like Barcelona are low compared with anywhere in the world. But, for someone of the plateau it is very difficult to come to work in Catalonia, that time is over when emigration had no training. 

We must be realistic, vocational training and universities in Spain play in a lower league Catalunya.

Then there is the language handicap and how expensive it is to live in Catalonia for Spanish. Nobody will leave Sevilla to win 1,500 euros per month, only those who already live in the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona can.
That is, do not come because they are not prepared and because Barcelona is expensive.

Therefore, for the first time in the history grows Catalunya Catalan and foreign talent, really it seems made knowingly Catalan within that frame of mind. Catalonia is creating jobs for Catalan and foreign, not for Spain.
It is building a more advanced and modern society (just need to see what young people vote in Spain ...).

Clearly, in a few years we will see some differences in GDP increasingly differentiated between Spain and Catalonia.
Who would say that excellence is the best way to create country?
Catalunya reminds the Barça de Guardiola.

The stone..


Not once appealed to the dialogue - The King endorses the speech of the PP that feeds the Tension and Confrontation

King Felipe VI accuses the Catalan government of trying to "break the unity of Spain"

The head of state has assured that it is a situation of "extreme gravity" to which the "legitimate powers of the State" must respond. 

"We are living very serious moments for our democratic life and, in these circumstances, I want to address the Spaniards.

We have all seen the movements of the Generalitat to illegally proclaim independence, "King Felipe VI began his message to the Spaniards.

The head of state has said that the Catalan government has systematically "violated" the rules, "proving an inadmissible disloyalty to the powers of the state, which it represents in Catalonia."

"They have undermined harmony and coexistence in Catalan society," he said.

"These authorities have been placed outside the law and democracy, have tried to break the unity of Spain and national sovereignty.

For all of this and given the situation of extreme gravity, which requires the commitment of all, it is the responsibility of the legitimate powers of the State to ensure constitutional order, "he added.

In addition, Felipe VI has directed "to the set of the Spaniards" to transmit "a message of tranquility and of hope".

"They are difficult times but we will overcome them and we will go ahead", said the king, who has also had concrete words for Catalan citizens:

"They are not alone nor they will be, they have all the support of the rest of the Spaniards".

This is the first message of Philip VI to the nation outside the traditional Christmas speech. In addition, there is no record of a similar message from the Crown since the 23-F coup.

Concern in We can for the "null ability" of the king to understand Spain

By  The Communist ,

We can not conceal his concern following Felipe VI's message to the crisis in Catalonia, since he believes that the King has lost the opportunity to be part of the solution and has demonstrated a "null ability" to understand Spain by addressing only a part of the Spaniards and join their destiny to the PP.
This is highlighted by Efe sources of the direction of We can in assessing the discourse in which Felipe VI has emphasized the "disloyalty" of the independence authorities and the "responsibility of the legitimate powers of the State" to "ensure constitutional order."
"The message of Felipe VI has left us worried and surprised. There are many Spaniards who feel that the violence of these days has to stop and Felipe VI has not shown a single concern for the wounded on Sunday, "say the same sources.
From We can emphasize that Felipe VI "has lost the opportunity to be part of the solution, has shown null ability to understand Spain and has only addressed a part of the Spaniards."
They also criticize that the King has taken three days to pronounce and that he has not said "nothing different" to what the PP has said.
"It unites its destiny to the PP", they emphasize to Efe from the party of Pablo Iglesias, that considers that the King "has not represented to all the Spaniards, has committed with the PP, but not with the democracy, nor with Spain, nor with Catalonia. "
"That's why we say 'not in our name', emphasize the sources consulted repeating the same sentence that Iglesias wrote on Twitter after concluding the speech of Felipe VI.

Pablo Iglesias to the "not voted king": "Not in our name"

From We can emphasize that Felipe VI "has lost the opportunity to be part of the solution, has shown null ability to understand Spain and has only addressed a part of the Spaniards." 
They also criticize that the King has taken three days to pronounce and that he has not said "nothing different" to what the PP has said.
We have criticized today the message that King Philip VI has pointed out the "unacceptable disloyalty" of the Catalan authorities and has responded: "Not in our name."
"As president of a parliamentary group representing more than 5 million Spaniards, I say to the unpopulated King: not in our name," Iglesias wrote on Twitter.
With their criticisms have coincided the rest of leaders of We, among them its spokesman in the Congress, Irene Montero, who indicated in the same social network: 
"The King has not represented the millions of people who want dialogue. It commits itself to the PP, but not to Spain or to democracy. "

Juan Carlos Monedero on the speech of Felipe VI: "It is a useless King"

Juan Carlos Monedero on the speech of Felipe VI:
Reactions to the King's speech have not been expected and Twitter has been filled with messages from different political leaders. Here are some of them:

King Juan Carlos I won his legitimacy by stopping his 23F. Philip VI has forgotten that his mission is to reconcile. He is a useless King.

As president of a parliamentary group representing more than 5 million Spaniards, I say to the King not voted: not in our name

If anyone had any doubts, today it has been confirmed that King Philip VI is part of the problem

No solution. No mention of the wounded. No appeal to dialogue. Irresponsible and unworthy speech of a head of state  

A Head of State that nobody voted to support the PP without any fuss. End of the monarchy.

Juan Carlos Monedero on the speech of Felipe VI: "It is a useless King"
  • Title: Juan Carlos Monedero on the discourse of Felipe VI: "He is a useless King"
  • Posted by:  
  • Date:  4.10.17

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  • Title: Juan Carlos Monedero on the discourse of Felipe VI: "He is a useless King"
  • Posted by: Eco Republican

An unelected monarch denounces Catalan voters after they've been beaten up by Spanish police. This will definitely stop Catalan independence

Translated from  English  by  
An unelected monarch denounces Catalan voters after they have been beaten by Spanish police. This will definitely leave Catalan independence

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...