
4 de octubre de 2017

Concern in We can for the "null ability" of the king to understand Spain

By  The Communist ,

We can not conceal his concern following Felipe VI's message to the crisis in Catalonia, since he believes that the King has lost the opportunity to be part of the solution and has demonstrated a "null ability" to understand Spain by addressing only a part of the Spaniards and join their destiny to the PP.
This is highlighted by Efe sources of the direction of We can in assessing the discourse in which Felipe VI has emphasized the "disloyalty" of the independence authorities and the "responsibility of the legitimate powers of the State" to "ensure constitutional order."
"The message of Felipe VI has left us worried and surprised. There are many Spaniards who feel that the violence of these days has to stop and Felipe VI has not shown a single concern for the wounded on Sunday, "say the same sources.
From We can emphasize that Felipe VI "has lost the opportunity to be part of the solution, has shown null ability to understand Spain and has only addressed a part of the Spaniards."
They also criticize that the King has taken three days to pronounce and that he has not said "nothing different" to what the PP has said.
"It unites its destiny to the PP", they emphasize to Efe from the party of Pablo Iglesias, that considers that the King "has not represented to all the Spaniards, has committed with the PP, but not with the democracy, nor with Spain, nor with Catalonia. "
"That's why we say 'not in our name', emphasize the sources consulted repeating the same sentence that Iglesias wrote on Twitter after concluding the speech of Felipe VI.

Pablo Iglesias to the "not voted king": "Not in our name"

From We can emphasize that Felipe VI "has lost the opportunity to be part of the solution, has shown null ability to understand Spain and has only addressed a part of the Spaniards." 
They also criticize that the King has taken three days to pronounce and that he has not said "nothing different" to what the PP has said.
We have criticized today the message that King Philip VI has pointed out the "unacceptable disloyalty" of the Catalan authorities and has responded: "Not in our name."
"As president of a parliamentary group representing more than 5 million Spaniards, I say to the unpopulated King: not in our name," Iglesias wrote on Twitter.
With their criticisms have coincided the rest of leaders of We, among them its spokesman in the Congress, Irene Montero, who indicated in the same social network: 
"The King has not represented the millions of people who want dialogue. It commits itself to the PP, but not to Spain or to democracy. "

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