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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Catalonia INDEPENDENCE. Mostrar todas las entradas


The Spanish market is increasingly residual for trade in goods Catalan.

that statement saying that "trade of Catalan products is divided into three equal parts (33%) among the community, the rest of Spain and the world" far behind.

C-intereg  just published the numbers of the first 9 months of last year and shows that this is no longer true ...

In the first three quarters (9 months) results indicate that: 
-own Catalunya:  26,1%  (23,2%) 
-Spain:  26.2%  (28.7%) 
-World:  47.7%  ( 48.1)

(Parenthetically overall results 2016)

As you can see, the foreign market is practically the same, but not the  own and the  one with Spain . 
Clearly Catalunya sells less in Spanish territory because there is a boycott and because simply the Catalan businessman is eliminating that market. The proof is finding complicity in Catalunya itself (up nearly 3 points). In other words, it becomes evident that the Catalans buy more products from home.

Making History: 
In the periodo1995-2001 Spain accounted for 39% of Catalan trade. 
2002-2009 dropped to 36%. 
2010-2013: 32% 
2014: 30% 
2015: 29% 
2016: 28% 
9 months 2017: 26.2%

The Catalans do things , and one of them is trying to convert residual trade with Spain, a favorable market to catalanofobia ... 
and the beginning of the " How to " boycott began with the famous cava 2004. That vile campaign did change the mentality of the Catalan businessman, they realized there was a residue of hatred. Representing 27% of foreign trade in the period 1995-2001 we have passed 48% in 2016 ...

Finally, it is demonstrated that the Catalans buy our products more and more.And our businessmen looking more and more Western democratic-minded customers.



The Catalan Republic and its government

Tuesday, January 9, 2018 The government of the Catalan Republic Here elMó my article today. 

I do not bother talking about it because I bring the Spanish version. The conclusion is that the government should recognize the outcome of the elections on 21 December last year and act accordingly, ensuring that the elected candidates can exercise their right to stand for election, take possession of their certificates of deputies and form a government according to these results. Yes, I know there are many voices and claims at stake, including judicial. We are not to waste time. The State must guarantee these rights, which support the quotation of the famous 9.2 of the Constitution: It is up to public authorities to promote conditions for freedom and equality of individuals and groups to which they belong are real and effective; remove obstacles that prevent or hinder their fulfillment and facilitate the participation of all citizens in political, economic, cultural and social life. The main obstacle is the state should remove himself in his riotous action, it is something that only he falls.

Spanish version.

The Catalan Republic and its government

Catalonia is the grave of the remains of the Spanish Empire, wanting to survive, he claims to be a democratic state of law in democracies normal relations with its European environment. However, it is incapable of behaving as such but as a bunch of incompetent and criminals. Their misdeeds can be far - reaching, as the looting of the bank of pensions (that itself will be legacy for subsequent government), or direct and immediate, as the disaster of the AP6.But in both cases, the factors are the same: thievery and ineptitude. As always in these cases, at the time of the disaster, the minister was in the bulls, in football or in a spa, doing the only thing they can do: nothing. And of course, the result is the same.  

Here will not resigned anyone, it ruined and harmful management. On the contrary, the worse it is, and immoral higher you responsible. That is to prove the point M President Rajoy accused of collecting bonuses in B and who, as the responsible for the disaster of the AP6, has never been past his mind to resign. When you touch Catalonia, Spain is not a state of law, but not only to become a state waste, but to also dress tyranny. Corrupt and useless that plunder in Spain become arbitrary despots when they look up.

From October 27, 2017, Catalonia is an independent Republic by majority will of its legitimate parliament. A riotous and illegal state intervention created an exceptional situation in fact the president of the Catalan government in exile, the vice president in jail, the ousted government, Parliament closed, all pending turn an election 21 last December, they had to clarify the future of Catalonia. The result of this was a new triumph of the legitimate government of the Generalitat and repetition of the parliamentary majority absolute independence :

What expects the government to recognize this result, reinstate the exiled and imprisoned in office, the parliamentary majority in his and allow Parliament to continue its work was suspended following the coup Block 155 ( PP, PSOE, C's)? Obviously that judges, moved by the prosecution, which fulfills orders of government, do the dirty work, prevent elected representatives occupy the positions for which they have been elected and provide a legal guise to pure arbitrariness and tyranny a government of criminals who usurps the institutions of Catalonia and boycotting its functioning as a democratic state of law, which he is not.

In this situation of arbitrariness, despotism, undue court interference, illegal de facto and sabotage Spanish Catalan institutions reign supreme legal uncertainty and trampling the rights of citizens. anto is so even Arrimadas believes he can become president of the Generalitat, the polls have not given, bypassing the exile and imprisonment of his opponents. The only drawback for Spanish plans to annihilate abuse and force the Catalan independence movement is that it has won the elections that the Spaniards called on conditions irritating inequality in their favor and against the Catalans. 

Toca therefore the legitimate president and vice president of the Generalitat compose the government was illegally deposed on October 27 and replaced by popular will on December 21. How you plan to organize politically and judicially this restitution block 155 is a matter that he should undertake and hopefully do it with something more effectively than shown in traffic management but less than has in looting the exchequer . Elected candidates, Puigdemont, Junqueras, etc., must take up their positions, along with the rest of the legitimate government of the Generalitat on 17 January without more traps or delay.

Criminal proceedings opened by a complacent judges with the tyranny of the PP in order to mount a case against the general policy independence should be filed. The conflict must be resolved in the only area that was raised by the Catalan side, the political negotiation and agreement and that has deviated markedly by the Franco character of the rulers and judges seconded that. While the Spanish government finds a way out of the dictatorial hole that has gotten with the help of the PSOE irresponsible and C's, the Catalans do well in looking at all the possibilities that lead to the restoration of the legitimate Government. And implement to better ensure the independence and security of the Catalan Republic.

Including a measure of resistance to tyranny consistent in not accepting the humiliating and illegal conditions dictated by the yoke of governors and judges under 155. The absolute majority of the Parliament might refuse to become abusive and illegal conditions and practice what known as the "withdrawal to Aventino" independence deputies would meet elsewhere, even outside Spanish territory, legitimate parliament of Catalonia, and would leave the Arrimadas lady, Mr. Iceta and Mr. Albiol reduced to what they are: a Spanish television talk show. Ramon Cotarelo


Leaders Say Czechoslovakia's Peaceful Split Could Be Model

Leaders Say Czechoslovakia's Peaceful Split Could Be Model

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — The prime ministers of Slovakia and the Czech Republic say the peaceful split of Czechoslovakia could be an example for other nations, including Spain as it struggles with the restive Catalonia region.
Robert Fico of Slovakia and Andrej Babis of the Czech Republic spoke at a joint news conference in the Slovak capital of Bratislava on Friday to mark the 25th anniversary of the 2003 breakup that shaped their two countries.
Babis says Czechoslovakia's dissolution could be "an example to follow for anyone in the world, in Europe." He cited "what has been happening in Spain, in Catalonia," as a possibility.
He said relations between the neighboring countries that once formed Czechoslovakia are "excellent." Fico echoed the sentiment.
Fico said: "It can be an example for many countries that are seeking independence today."


The Spanish media deserve a lawsuit for harboring and normalize españolismo fascist attitudes in Catalonia

Of course I do not know what to expect is a pamphlet as ABC loosing that "Arrimadas expected to join by the separatists no prisoners and fugitives." What, Spanish, and going to wake up?

What, Spanish, do not realize that while they tell you who blame everything have to come from behind to rob you , and you outraged by a yellow ribbon? You can not be so naive.

A Catalunya you have already lost. It takes more or less take us , but we're out of Spain.

I do not see what 's left? You surrender to fascism without?

We have them because we are getting build our Republic and that bothers the fascist apparatus that has rotted Spain

Let's do exactly what you have in political hostages Estremera and Soto del Real want us to do: the Catalan Republic
We will people who are nobody. And if you plan to put us in jail millions of people and you can go riding democratic camps. Call them camps, Spaniards are so drugged by the press that certainly buy that story
Spain will sit, sooner or later, in the dock of the European Court of Human Rights. And the ABC will say is they are giving lectures

Die spanischen Medien verdienen eine Klage für die Beherbergung und normalisieren españolismo faschistische Haltungen in Katalonien

Von Natürlich weiß ich nicht , was zu erwarten ist ein Pamphlet als ABC ist zu verlieren , dass „Arrimadas von den Separatisten keine Gefangenen und Flüchtlinge beizutreten erwartet hatte.

Was, Spanisch und nach oben gehen zu wecken?

Was, Spanisch, nicht erkennen , dass , während sie sagen Sie , die alles von hinten zu berauben kommen Schuld haben Sie , und Sie durch ein gelbes Band empört?

Sie können nicht so naiv sein. Ein Catalunya haben Sie schon verloren.

Es dauert mehr oder weniger nehmen uns , aber wir sind aus Spanien. Ich sehe nicht , was ist links? Sie übergeben den Faschismus ohne?

Ja, wir haben politisch Gefangene. Das blockiert uns nicht. Wir haben sie, weil wir unsere Republik bekommen bauen und das stört den faschistischen Apparat, Spanien verrottet hat
Lassen Sie sich genau das tun, was man in politischen Geiseln Estremera und Soto del Real hat uns zu tun: die katalanische Republik
Wir werden Menschen, die niemand sind. Und wenn Sie planen, uns Millionen von Menschen im Gefängnis zu bringen und Sie können demokratische Lager reiten. Nennen sie Lager, Spanier sind so von der Presse unter Drogen gesetzt, die sicherlich die Geschichte kaufen

Spanien sitzen wird, früher oder später, im Dock des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte. Und das ABC wird sagen, wird sie Vorträge geben


INDRA is the Spanish multinational company that will count the votes in the upcoming elections on 21 December. 
This company is salpicadisima of corruption cases and complaints handling international elections in several countries. 
In addition Indra financed the campaign PP € 700,000 illegally in 2011, as the Civil Guard tried to Lezo operation. 
Are we clear that what the government seeks the independence movement sweeping through electoral fraud? 

This must be denounced loud !! Pass it to your friends ... 

Posted by Misteri1963, autonomous non-profit corporation


Interesting foreign witnesses over Catalonia: independence, freedom, economy, customs ...

Diego de Saavedra Fajardo (1584 - 1648),writer and diplomatic channels. Fools of Europe.  / posthumo dialogue by don Diego Saavedra Fajardo. 1748. 

- "... no province enjoyed greater assets nor was happier freedom than Catalonia, because it was the owner of herself, governed by her own forts, styles and customs ... (The king) did not impose taxes nor forced her to Attendance-if any, they were donations, granted by graceful freedom, not by constraint. If they were sent by commissioners, they represented the authority of ambassadors. Their orders (from the king) were not mandates, but propositions. (...) In her He did not represent the majesty of the king, but that of the count, and even in many things one could doubt whether he was a citizen of Barcelona ... "

Pierre de Marca ,  historian and French archbishop, (1594-1662). He was sent by King Louis XIV of France during the French administration of the Principality of Catalonia of the Reapers' War. In 1656 he was entrusted with the mission of delimiting the new border that arose from the Treaty of the Pyrenees to the Ceret Conference.

- "  Catalans, one and the other, rich and poor, young and old, dream of independence and absolute freedom with a government that is their own." 

Count of Espenan. Report of August 10, 1640.

- "The Catalans want to liberate themselves from the monarchy of Spain and make their country a Republic of which Barcelona is the head " ... the people who are trying to make it happen to you is extremely public et riche et la diputation possède December immense treasures depuis longues Anee "   Nicolas de Fer(French)  (1646-1720) was one of the biggest producers of maps of the seventeenth century.   1706


 -  "The Catalans are working, strong and spiritual,  loving independence  and suffer domination of its neighbors" 

- "The Catalans are trabajadores, y fuertes spiritual  lovers of independence  and bear with con domination of its neighbors." 

Louis Le Gendre  (1655-1733), historian, canon of Notre-Dame de Paris. 

Related image- " The Catalans, jealous of their freedoms, had just revolted. The King of Spain had imposed the winter quarters of their troops, taxes and new laws, all of them contrary to their old laws, according to which  this province was governed as a free state for a long time, the Catalans had ambassadors in the same court of their King, and did not obey their orders if these were not in accordance with the Uses and Customs of their Country. "
Nouvelle histoire de France depuis Pharamond jusqu'à ce jour (Musier, Paris, 1699)

Voltaire (François Marie Arouet),  France, 1694-1778.Writer and philosopher, father of the French encyclopedia. 
In his extensive work, he wrote a book about King Sun titled  Le Siècle of Louis XIV,  in which he refers to the War of Succession and the struggle of the Catalans for their liberties.

Voltaire (François Marie Arouet),   France, 1694-1778.Writer and philosopher,"Catalonia is one of the most fertile countries in the world and the most well-situated. Regated by beautiful rivers, streams and fountains, as well as the old and new Castile are private, it produces everything essential for to the needs of the man and everything that can eagernize his desires: trees, grains, fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Barcelona is one of the most beautiful ports in Europe, and the country provides everything necessary for the construction of boats. Their mountains are full of marble, jasper and rock crystal quarries, and there are also many precious stones. Iron, tin, lead, alum, iron mines Sulphates are abundant; the eastern coast produces coral. Catalonia, in short, can dispense with the entire Universe and its neighbors can not do without it. 
The abundance and delights have not crowded the inhabitants of Catalonia, but these have always been warriors and the mountain peasants have been fierce, above all; However, in spite of their value and  their extreme love for freedom , they have been subjugated at all times: the Romans, the vases, the vandals, the Saracens dominated them. " 

Le Siècle of Louis XIV, 1751

Voltaire . Voltaire's complete works; Chap. XXIV, page 183:

- "La Catalogne is one of the most fertile terrain lands, and you will be happily placed. There is a beautiful rosette of beautiful rivers, ruisseaux and fountains, that Vieille et la nouvelle Castille is in the store, which is produced by all who This is the necessity for the kisses of the human being, but whoever can flatter their dyes, in trees, in blés, in fruits, in vegetables of fresh spices. Barcelona is one of the beautiful ports of Europe, and you pay close to all The construction of the ships, whose mountains are replete with marble, jasper, rooftop carpets, where you can find the best of precious stones. The mines are made of marble, of lead, of alun, of vitriol, And it is not enough: the eastern coast produced by the coral. Catalonia, at last, could pass from the whole universe, and you will come to passer from them. "

Francisco Sebastián Manuel Mariano Nipho and Cagigal (Alcañiz ,  Aragon , 1719 -  Madrid , 1803),  Aragonese journalist .  

- " It is not doubt that Catalonia pays taxes, even outside the laws of proportion, more than any other province [...] The industry and application of the Catalans is one of the biggest arguments that can be made to others provinces of Spain, to accuse their negligence. "  

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord Paris ,  France ,  2 February  of  1754  -  17 May  of 1838 ) was a French prelate and diplomat, Duc de Talleyrand-Périgord, prince of  Benevento . 

- "Catalonia is the least Spanish in all the provinces of Spain".

The Principality of CataloniaOsterreichisches Staastarchiv.Vienna. Spania Varia, 80. Italian author document. Trieste. 1765.
Mercado del Born. Barcelona.Eighteenth century ...
 -  "The Catalans happen to be a laborious nation, full of courage, honor and love for freedom , have often, as an example of the Dutch, have  the idea of ​​becoming  independent. We see today evidence of their industry drowned by taxes they crush it and the rudeness and hardness with which they are governed (by Spain)
Regarding his courage, they gave evidence that provoked him during the entire War of the Spanish Succession. The inhabitants of Barcelona are still faithful to the memory of Emperor Carles (of Austria), who conserves  in their cellars and caverns  illuminated portraits around them. When Catalans can forget a bit the oppression under which they moan, they are glad in nature.Catalonia is a nation with a lot of genius and very industrious.A foreigner who did not know any other point in Spain, if he entered Barcelona, ​​and judged by this city all the inhabitants of this vast kingdom, would create the most laborious people in the world. After the reduction and subtlety of the Principality of Catalonia,  

I'm naturally gay. That's one
nation  de beaucoup de genie et très industrieuse. A foreigner who pointed out Spain, if only in between Barcelona, ​​and who lives everywhere in the city, the inhabitants of it went to me, they croaked the genes of the most labored (...). 
Depuis la réduction of the Principality of Catalogne, lui il est plus the rest of her ombre ancienne  liberty ... "Maximilien Sébastien Foy , (1775 - 1825 ), major general of the First French Empire, statesman and writer.


General Maximilien Sébastien Foy
-  "Catalonia is less a province of Spain than a small state subject to the scepter of the Catholic monarchs. They have other customs, another language, a social organization different from that of Castile. (...)  Beyond the Peninsula no there is so much freedom and independence set  (...) (The Catalans) do not forgive (in the French) of having imposed, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, the king who humiliated his pride and destroyed his privileges. (...) "  A French observer of the time (1808) , quoted by Pierre Conard.

- "Catalans in general are enthusiastic supporters of independence. Their proud character makes them consider the king of Spain rather as a despot, whose ancestors have subdued them, that with a king, a father and a support; Even Catalans are considered as a particular, independent and enemy nation of the inhabitants of Castile and the other provinces of Spain. " Claude-François-Xavier, abbot Millot(1726-1785) Ecclesiastic, historian, member of the Académie Française


- "The Catalans are always willing and ready to free themselves from the yoke of Spain. A  
rebellious, brave, courageous people, very jealous of their freedoms.  They want French domination, less because of the desire to serve France than in hope that the French are guaranteed against the Spanish oppression ". (refers to the War of 9 years. 1694).

The rebellious and indecisive character of the Catalans, their hatred for the Castilians, who do not hate them less; the greed of the latter (the Castilians), their invectives against others, their intrigues, opposed to the success of such an important case, all multiplies the obstacles. "(Referring to the Cortes summoned by Philip V in 1702) Mémoires politiques et militaires to serve the history of  Louis XIV and  Louis XV (1777) Jacques-François Duggomier (1738-1794). French general, Commander of the army of the Pyrenees.  He wrote a memo southern Catalonia  in 1794



- "Catalan is brave, active, laborious, an enemy of Spain, has always loved Freedom, and when I see add that Equality, this Queen of Nations, will soon join those who fight for their principles"

Le Catalan is a brave, active, labored, ennemi de l'Espagne; il a toujours aimé la Liberté, and lorsqu'il lui verra adjoindre l'Egalité, this kingdom of nations, and will reunite to those who fight for their principles. " . 

José Cadalso and Vázquez de Andrade   (1741-1782), military and literate Spanish.

"I have just arrived in Barcelona: the little thing I have seen of her assures me to be true the report of Nuño, the judgment that I formed by his instruction of the genius of the Catalans and the utility of this Principality.  For a couple of similar provinces could the King of the Christians exchange (change) their two Americas. The benefit of the crown of the industry of these peoples is more profitable, than the poverty of so many millions of Indians  . If I were Lord of all Spain, and they needed me to choose the different peoples Of her, my servants would make the Catalans my butlers .. (...)  Some people call them the Dutch of Spain . "
"The Catalans are the most industrious towns in Spain. Manufactures, fishing, navigation, trade, seats, are ancestral things known in other provinces of the peninsula with respect to the Catalans. Not only are they useful in peace but in the
Spanish majority . 
 Morocco letters , published in the Madrid Courier  Henry Swinburne1743  -  1803 ),  writer ,  traveler and  English Spanish Travels through Spain in the years 1775 and 1776 ...  (London, 1779)


 - defined the Catalans as people of "violent spirit" with "passionate enthusiasm for freedom ", for which reason they  had starred in  "thegreatest number of insurrections that no other place in Europe . Swinburne, saw the War of Succession as the strongest struggle sustained by the Catalans  "to break their chains and become a free nation . "

  • Jean-François de Bourgoing,  Baron de Bourgoing  (1748-1811), nobleman, diplomat, writer and French translator.Ambassador of France to Spain.

- "The Catalans are the most industrious, active and laborious among Spaniards. They consider themselves a people.  They are always ready to revolt and, more than once, they have begun the project of constituting their country as a Republic.  For centuries Catalonia has become the cradle of arts and commerce in Spain, where they have suffered a degree of persecution that is not repeated in any other part of the kingdom .  "

"Noveau Voyage en Espagne, or Tableau d'aptitude actuel de la monarchie. Regnault. Paris, 1789".

Georges Auguste Couthon  (1755-1794). Deputy of the French Assembly and president of the National Convention 

- "One must look to make Catalonia a small  independent Republic  (...) inspired by the republican firmness and the genius of freedom,  which breaks the chains that oppress it and unite it in Spain."

Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur  (1757-1810), writer and French diplomat .

- "The Catalans are the most active and courageous among all Spaniards, their character, by their restless and independent nature, makes them ungodly in the face of yoke and oppression. The memory of their old freedom is still recorded in their hearts .  efforts were made in 1640 to escape the Spanish domination has made them lose all privileges (...) This province (Catalonia) feeds a part of Spain. " Encyclopédie des voyages , containing the historical, artistic, customs uses habitations ... Paris: Deroy,  1795-96

Alexandre Louis Joseph, Marquis de Laborde , ( 1773-1842) count of the Empire. Writer, traveler,  antiquarian  and  French politician Itinerary descriptive of Spain.Paris.1809.
Barcelona from the Desert de Sarrià Engraving published at the Voyage Pittoresque et Historique en Espagne by Alexandre de Laborde
"The Catalans are untiring and there is no obstacle to rebirth. The mobilité de leur génie l'ambition qui l'accompagne lead them all the parties of the universe and point of the point of port in Spain in the Indies in the Amé Tique espagnole where you are from Catalans where you meet them in France and Italy in England in Germany in all the colonies in all the ports of Europe. It is the brave courageous and the most dangerous are the most dangerous. the effrayer à la guerre retires no longer jamais et jamais enore ils n abandonant uneprise Ils sont avec les Aragonnais et les Galiciens les meilleurs soldais de l'Espagne Leur bravoure et le fermeté si sont développées si souvent that they are plus plus misses in doute depuis desIf they were fitted with extra plus, with the greatest energy and the best time spent on them and Elles started at the beginning of the seventeenth century, the efforts of the arms of France and the United States against Catalonia " 

- "Le Catalan to a national orgue who is interested in the voilà rien di lui Il ne fait point de cas dels altres Espanyols il en méprise même nue partie et sa haine est au de toute expression coutie le Castillan ... " 

-   states that the Catalans had  "a sense of  independence  that has remained  for a long  time, and finally  degenerated into a republican spirit , "  that each of them  " always sighs for achieving  freedom , independence , to which it always tries arrive (...). The Catalan has a national pride  , " by which  "maintains  in his heart  an  invincible  aversionagainst the nation  that subjugates them. "

Jean François Peyron.  Nouveau Voyage in Spain made in 1777 & 1778. Theophile Barrois, Paris / P. Elmsly, London. 1782.

- " It's not unusual to hear the Catalans saying that the king of Spain is not his sovereign, that there is no other title in Catalonia than that of the count of Barcelona. "

Gabriel Laffaille.   (1778-1838), colonel of engineers and French field marshal.

- "The spirit of independence, or if you want to revolt, of the Catalans was proverbial . The Spanish government was far from believing that desire was completely extinguished and it was careful to contain the ancient animosity of the Catalans against the Castilians: this animosity was not nothing compared to hatred against the French, hatred they had set aside from children and whose origin went back to the wars against Louis XIV, or perhaps even long before.
The Catalans always remember and still ignore the times in which, under their princes, they formed an independent state  that enjoyed great privileges and a representative government. This was the first cause of the long revolts that made them famous and in which Barcelona always appears at the top of everything. "  Mémoires sur la campagne du corps of O. armée des Pyrénées , 1826  .  Précis de Catalogne campagnes December 1808 à 1814 , Ansel et Pochard, 1826

Jacques Matter  (1791-1864). Officer of the Legion of Honor and Knight of the Order of the Aigle Rouge of Prussia.

Jacques Matter.jpg- "The Catalans had broken with the yoke of Spain before the Portuguese, but with less success (...) their independence came from ancient times (...) Excluded from their freedoms, overwhelmed with taxes, wretched by an insolent viceroy, had brought their complaints to the Count-Duke and all had been rejected. (...)  
When they saw that the viceroy appropriated a sum of money that belonged to the city of Barcelona and this one did imprisoned the magistrates that were opposed to terrorism, the fury of the Catalans did not have a brake: they took up their weapons and murdered the viceroy.  Among all the Catalans he immediately knocked out the shout:  O FREEDOM OR DEATH! ". Histoire des doctrines morales et polititiques des trois derniers siècles, Paris, AB. Cherbuliez et Cie, 1836-1837

Pierre Sylvain Maréchal  (1750-1803).  poet, essayist, philosopher, French political theorist

- "The Catalans have carried out various attempts  to revive the national character  of their ancestors. Lately we have seen them defend, paying with the price of their blood,  their yearning for independence  ... (...) 
In the glorious times of Greece, success would have crowned its generous audacity. 
Catalonia has received the treatment of rebellious Province on the part of the Spanish Kings; And the active and courageous, hard-working and honorable inhabitants have attracted the vigilant eye of the Government as if they were suspects. The Inquisition has a Palace in the capital of this province and hides, and hides all the passages, texts and episodes.Catalans do not dare read. " 
Civic customs of Touches les peuples connus (1788) 

Anatole Nikolaevitch DemidoffPrince of  San Donato (1813-1870), industrialist, collector of art and Russian patron.   

- "We are in Barcelona, ​​a burning city that breathes in the agitation and in the seaside breeze that regenerates its lukewarm lungs. Barcelona is the independent, lively and agile body, bold, intelligent, who has the forefront of the brand of bombs of all regimes and conflicts and, as a brave soldier, is proud to show them.  Catalonia has always revolted against any regime that has threatened its former freedoms. Barcelona is not a Spanish city (... ) is an open door to progress.  Barcelona has every right to be proud of its intelligence and industry. Barcelona's are French who strive to speak Catalan. " Stages maritimes  sur les  dimensions dEspagne. From Catalonia  to the Andalusian. Souvenirs of an exarted voyage in 1847.
Simón Bolívar ,  1783  - 1830 )  descendant of Basques, was the leader of the independence of  Venezuela Colombia ,  Peru  and  Ecuador He is considered a hero of  Latin America  

- "Hopefully in Peru and in America there would be the patriotism that the Catalans have" December 13, 1823.

Joseph-Napoleon Fervel  1811.1877 - Historian and French Colonel 

- "The tenderness of Catalans for freedom is, in the end, nothing more than an exclusive love for  absolute independence ." 

Related image

Campagnes de la Révolution française in the eastern Pyrenees. 1793-1794-1795  Revellation of a French military soldier the aggrieved of Spain, when the veritable causes of the insurrection of Catalonia in 1827 are devoided. Paris 1829.

Result of images of Catalan constitutions
- "While the laws and customs make forms, you should look at their own national institutions the Catalans.  This is where  this small town before independent, has nourished his respect for the law, the  s eu love for justice, its horror for arbitrariness and its commitment to its immunities (Constitutions) ,  which  haveoftenbeen defended with arms at hand. The kings (of the Aragonese-Aragonese crown) do not They exercised their sovereignty but as counts of Barcelona. They could not demand oath of fidelity if they had not sworn the maintenance of national laws and privileges before (Catalan Constitutions), it is not surprising that the Catalans considered themselves as vassals of pact and agreement. " Robert Studley Forrest Hughes  ( 1938 2012 ), known as  Robert Hughes , writer and Australian art critic. - "In addition, the desire to relive the glories (...) was shared by writers, painters and sculptors, and was imbued with the yearnings of The political independence  of Madrid and a sense of cultural continuity expressed in the fight for the Catalan language ".

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...