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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta New writings of Sananda. Mostrar todas las entradas


Jesús denuncia a los escribas y fariseos

 Mateo 23 La Biblia de las Américas 

Jesús denuncia a los escribas y fariseos

23 Entonces Jesús habló a la muchedumbre y a sus discípulos, 

diciendo: Los escribas y los fariseos se han sentado en la cátedra de Moisés. 

De modo que haced y observad todo lo que os digan; pero no hagáis conforme a sus obras, porque ellos dicen y no hacen. 

Atan cargas pesadas y difíciles de llevar, y las ponen sobre las espaldas de los hombres, pero ellos ni con un dedo quieren moverlas. 

Sino que hacen todas sus obras para ser vistos por los hombres; pues ensanchan sus filacterias y alargan los flecos de sus mantos; 

aman el lugar de honor en los banquetes y los primeros asientos en las sinagogas, 

y los saludos respetuosos en las plazas y ser llamados por los hombres Rabí. 

Pero vosotros no dejéis que os llamen Rabí; porque uno es vuestro Maestro y todos vosotros sois hermanos. 

Y no llaméis a nadie padre vuestro en la tierra, porque uno es vuestro Padre, el que está en los cielos. 

10 Ni dejéis que os llamen preceptores; porque uno es vuestro Preceptor, Cristo. 

11 Pero el mayor de vosotros será vuestro servidor. 

12 Y cualquiera que se ensalce, será humillado, y cualquiera que se humille, será ensalzado.

Ocho ayes contra los escribas y fariseos

13 Pero, ¡ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas!, porque cerráis el reino de los cielos delante de los hombres, pues ni vosotros entráis, ni dejáis entrar a los que están entrando. 

14 [d]¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas!, porque devoráis las casas de las viudas, aun cuando por pretexto hacéis largas oraciones; por eso recibiréis mayor condenación.

15 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas!, porque recorréis el mar y la tierra para hacer un prosélito, y cuando llega a serlo, lo hacéis hijo del infierno[e] dos veces más que vosotros.

16 ¡Ay de vosotros, guías ciegos!, que decís: «No es nada el que alguno jure por el templo[f]; pero el que jura por el oro del templo[g], contrae obligación». 17 ¡Insensatos y ciegos!, porque ¿qué es más importante: el oro, o el templo que santificó el oro? 

18 También decís: «No es nada el que alguno jure por el altar; pero el que jura por la ofrenda que está sobre él, contrae obligación». 

19 ¡Ciegos!, porque ¿qué es más importante[j]: la ofrenda, o el altar que santifica la ofrenda? 

20 Por eso, el que jura por el altar, jura por él y por todo lo que está sobre él; 

21 y el que jura por el templo, jura por él y por el que en él habita; 

22 y el que jura por el cielo, jura por el trono de Dios y por el que está sentado en él.

23 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas!, porque pagáis el diezmo de la menta, del eneldo y del comino, y habéis descuidado los preceptos de más peso de la ley: la justicia, la misericordia y la fidelidad; y estas son las cosas que debíais haber hecho, sin descuidar aquellas. 

24 ¡Guías ciegos, que coláis el mosquito y os tragáis el camello!

25 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas!, porque limpiáis el exterior del vaso y del plato, pero por dentro están llenos de robo y de desenfreno. 

26 ¡Fariseo ciego! Limpia primero lo de adentro del vaso y del plato, para que lo de afuera también quede limpio.

27 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas!, porque sois semejantes a sepulcros blanqueados, que por fuera lucen hermosos, pero por dentro están llenos de huesos de muertos y de toda inmundicia. 

28 Así también vosotros, por fuera parecéis justos a los hombres, pero por dentro estáis llenos de hipocresía y de iniquidad.

29 ¡Ay de vosotros, escribas y fariseos, hipócritas!, porque edificáis los sepulcros de los profetas y adornáis los monumentos de los justos, 

30 y decís: «Si nosotros hubiéramos vivido en los días de nuestros padres, no hubiéramos sido sus cómplices en derramar la sangre de los profetas». 

31 Así que dais testimonio en contra de vosotros mismos, que sois hijos de los que asesinaron a los profetas. 

32 Llenad, pues, la medida de la culpa de vuestros padres. 

33 ¡Serpientes! ¡Camada de víboras! ¿Cómo escaparéis del juicio del infierno? 

34 Por tanto, mirad, yo os envío profetas, sabios y escribas: de ellos, a unos los mataréis y crucificaréis, y a otros los azotaréis en vuestras sinagogas y los perseguiréis de ciudad en ciudad, 

35 para que recaiga sobre vosotros la culpa de toda la sangre justa derramada sobre la tierra, desde la sangre del justo Abel hasta la sangre de Zacarías, hijo de Berequías, a quien asesinasteis entre el templo y el altar. 

36 En verdad os digo que todo esto vendrá sobre esta generación.

Lamentación sobre Jerusalén

37 ¡Jerusalén, Jerusalén, la que mata a los profetas y apedrea a los que son enviados a ella! ¡Cuántas veces quise juntar a tus hijos, como la gallina junta sus pollitos debajo de sus alas, y no quisiste! 

38 He aquí, vuestra casa se os deja desierta.

39 Porque os digo que desde ahora en adelante no me veréis más hasta que digáis: «Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor».


Sananda new scripts, Chapter 11: The challenges will have to overcome to achieve your personal Ascension.

Let's talk about the challenges they have to overcome to achieve your personal Ascension.

Resultat d'imatges rainbow sky
It is a process that very few in the world have completed in the past, although many of them have lived a productive and loving life. It has been difficult to reach the high level of vibration necessary because of the atmosphere of heavy-sadness, darkness that has surrounded Even some of those who were named Santos after his death were not able to sustain the vibration of 5th dimension because religious teachings, traumas or personal problems that made them lose control over the source of high vibration , which are love and joy. Yes, it has been an impediment to the Ascension in the past, when people believed that happiness and piety can not mix.

This has been a terrible farce, because suffering and pain have been praised, while joy and goodwill have been seen as a lack of serious commitment. 

What a shame this is. Laughter, song, dance and play are a big part of the foundation for a strong connection with God. 

It has been tremendous in the development of religious practices, self-flagellation, self-loathing and self-punishment are accepted as an appropriate means to raise spirituality. 

I want to make very clear that 
the punishment of any kind, including that directed towards oneself, is completely inappropriate for any religious or spiritual practice that is intended to lift us to a higher plane.

These actions serve rather to lower vibration by creating pain, especially emotional pain. 
They should seriously consider working toward the Ascension which each examine his habit of self-judgment. Self-judgment is not the same as assessing their own behavior in order to improve or change. The trial is an attitude of superiority, condemnation and prejudice. It is designed to create a sense of triumph or power over another, even if that "other" is its own being.

What we might call a split personality - - in which harshly judging and being punished happens to inhabit the same body Therefore, a division in the person is created. Such is the power of human imagination, you can take a position of power over oneself. 
This separation or division between "I" and "my" in an individual has become accepted as normal, even advantageous to motivate or improve oneself way. sto is not true. As punishment creates ill will and resentment, so does self-punishment. This tradition of applying darkness to create "light" is totally destructive, it has been a form of torture carried out by those who wanted to divide and control others.

You can not divide and control yourself, what it is a 'route-path' direct to the lower emotions, such as sadness, despair, depression and anxiety. 
Prevented free, and prevents them from doing the healing they need to achieve the goal of promotion. And now, what is the way out of this dilemma? Understanding that our love does not contain any judgment, no condemnation, no disapproval. By accepting God's love they must also give up their attachment to the judgment-disapproval Love yourself as I love you and begin to smile. It allows the last of your tears fall-out, cleaning all the grief and pain that have accumulated over the lives of disapproval and contempt, then dry your tears and look around you.

You will begin to see the beauty, strength and intelligence in those around you - those who are like you and those who are different. 
God does not look differently from those whose skin is a different color to yours, or those who are poor, those who are in a woman 's body, or those who practice a religion different from yours. All are children of God, and all are equal in the eyes of God. I see you as you see Mother / Father God, I see bright souls at all levels of development, all trying to learn, all trying to evolve. In our eyes no one is more valuable than another, all are beautiful, all are divine. All life in the universe is sacred, and all life represents consciousness.

Each planet is one being, all animals, plants and insects are creations of the soul, an integral part of ALL THAT IS. 
Kingdoms of plants and animals are sacred participants as a whole under the protection and nutrition of Mother Earth, the great cosmic soul on the planet. We are not teaching here an esoteric or strange pagana- practice - it's the truth. and separated them from the connection to the life around him, and added their estrangement, their feelings of alienation and loneliness. Restore those connections and never again feel the loneliness and despair. Start with gratitude. Consider the goodness of life. Perhaps you have seen something beautiful in nature, perhaps they have tasted the love in your life.

They celebrate those moments, those precious experiences they have in their memory. 
Look around and look for beauty. A blade of grass contains astonishment, a child's eyes reflect the depth of absolute love of God. 
What is a disability or illness, but a sacred duty? God is confident that it will exceed, to learn something deeper into the experience of living in a body that is different from the norm, or a mind that creates different from others. Get rid of the judgments: this is good, this is bad. Open your hearts to a new perspective - our perspective, which is always tempered by the deepest love and the deepest desire to see them grow.

See yourself through our eyes, and never feel a moment of shame or disappointment in themselves. They are perfect, and they are learning. 
You can see the past in the cruel light of self-judgment. This was a failure, that was a mistake. They may feel they are not "successful" in your life. Dear, from our perspective , there is no such thing as a life without success, unless they have spent every moment of it asleep, and even then it would be an important lesson. While you're alive, as long as you have breath, you're on the threshold of a new revelation. At any time, you are able to wake up and start again, Love and Light. Now look back on the experiences of their lives.

See how every "error", every disappointment led to a change in their way, or new opportunities for growth opened. 
No failures, Beloved. No, it's just learning. 

From this perspective, many have experienced more failures are more likely preparation for his ascension. 
The "school of hard knocks life" which are life on planet Earth and prepared them for one of two things - "great empathy and compassion" or the arrogant intolerance-. What will you choose? And what is going to apply yourself (a)? Indeed, the most important principles to live, and the fundamental requirement for Ascension are as follows:

No soul will reach the level of vibration required to take part in the ascent to the 5ªdimensión without full and complete acceptance of themselves as divine.

This is the knowledge that each of us is loved without exception.

The acceptance of that truth becomes infinite Love of Being - what you call Unconditional Love. In this acceptance, become light - the powerful beacon of love that will lift them and those around them to higher levels of consciousness.

Absolute love and endless themselves to be free of all experience emotions of shame, fear and judgment.

This freedom unleashes the power of creativity and the ability to love others unconditionally, without judgment or fear. 
It is a complete union with the Source and recognition of himself as one with the Creator and conscientiously. 

We, the Trinity the First Creator, Mother / Father God and I, Sananda, and we hold these truths are self - evident, as all souls are equal. 
We are those who have been known as the Father (The Primordial Creator), the Son (I) and the Holy Spirit (God Mother / Father). 
These designations of the past have limited masculine identity, but each of us carries the totality of being male and female in our nature.
I, Sananda, am male manifestation of my being in the Unit, which includes my feminine counterpart, or Soulmate, who is Lady Nada. 
She accompanied me with his body in my life of Jesus, which have become known as Mary Magdalene. Together we form a complete soul. 
Mother and Father God are one, both men and women, the creators of our galaxy, and that together and together conceived the planet known as Earth. 
Then Mother God gave birth as the expression of its unified essence, which is love. 
As in humanity, only the mother has the ability to give birth to new souls, she carries the gift of birth in his Being . 
the Prime Creator is One, is neither male nor female, the beginning of everything, Prime Creator.
Lady Nada and I are the 'soul-child' of the First Creator, God as Mother and Father are. 
We were created to fulfill our mission in the service of love. Our essence is love, and we have developed this love for eons, as we have learned the power of Creation under the watchful eyes of our Maker. 

Mother / Father God has fulfilled his destiny as the creators of this galaxy, and continue to evolve and expand as Beings of Light, as we all do. 
Each of souls throughout the Cosmos is a part of the breath of life increasing, the inevitable flow leads to a constantly changing, evolving to higher levels of consciousness.
Planet Earth, the beautiful creation of Mother / Father God, fulfills his destiny as the mother for being part of the birth of all that sustains life in and on your body. 
The stuff that is made is the source of life for all beings, including mankind. 
All beings who are born to the light in your body carry both the essence of their 'Soul-Makers' and the material essence of their bodies - the union of spirit and shape that creates life as known in the Earth. 
Therefore, the 'bodies-organisms' dwelling during your stay here on earth are the temples of their souls, entities that have allowed them to experience life in the more dense lower atmosphere the 3rd dimension.
In times past, when they finished their lives as human beings, leaving his body to be returned to Mother Earth, while his soul realized the transition to 5ªdimensión. 
This time will be different for those who choose Ascender before the end of their current life. 
They will pass higher dimensions, but their bodies will be with you, to be renovated and restored to perfect health, and be able to stay with those bodies if they want to return to Earth. 
In case of the ascent to higher dimensions, the body can be safely left while traveling in the light body, the essence of the 'Self-soul.
This will provide great freedom, can experience life in a body, as they have done here in this life, or be able to travel the cosmos as his disembodied consciousness, the 'essence of the soul'. 
They will also be able to join with your Twin Flame, the other half of his soul created, as one. 
It is really the spiritual version of what they say "a winning situation -GAIN". 
Now we are being called by Prime Creator who wants to contribute to this debate by including a statement. 
Prime Creator speaks: 
It is joy that brings me to communicate with you.
It is a derenacimiento time of increased vitality and change. Events that are experiencing now, are the beginning of a new era for Planet Earth, and the proclamation of a change in ALL THAT IS in a higher vibration. 
All beings in Multiverso - universes inside and outside human perception - are participating in the 'process-tide' uplifting all higher levels of existence. In fact all beings in every corner of the universe will feel the effects of this great revival. 
My intention is that everyone will be given the freedom to grow, to ascend to higher dimensions. 
It is the birthright of all beings, this natural movement toward expansion.
It is felt everywhere as individuals and as groups, although in many areas of the Cosmos have already evolved to an experience of life lived as a group identity, a shared consciousness. 
Love is the evolution of joining with others in harmony and 'joy-joy'. It is your destiny to make this transition, so even though this is still far from humanity. 
His experience as individuals - individual phase - has been a productive learning experience, one that will bring great richness and depth to their eventual union in Unity. 
For you, behind the veil of forgetfulness that protects them from the knowledge of those who have experienced higher dimensions as the home between incarnations, it is not clear that there are worlds beyond worlds to explore.
They have seen that all existence is what they see and feel about their present bodies, using the five senses. 
Of course, this was part of the Great Experiment. 
This experience allowed free will. They are not allowed to have a complete view as they do in the higher dimensions, so they would not be able to make decisions with complete independence, a greater inter-dimensional view allows them to see the cause and effect, and the elimination of the mystery of where a particular decision leads. 
Therefore, in the condition of the earth in 3D, they were given the option of directing their lives in response to the experience of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.
The added element of physicality, combined with free will, has created an environment of higher learning, with the possibility of choosing the connection with me and other beings in spirit form, or live apart from the love and support of the heavenly host . 
Those who have maintained this connection or are waking up to this, they will find their way clear to them. 
By joining the power of love, they are able to fly away 
As each one awakens to the possibility of carrying out this wonderful transition together, you will need teachers, mentors and guides to help them make this leap toward what you might think it is the unknown. 
Your guides will already have pierced the veil and realize the glories that await them.
They will receive all the help they need, for as long as needed. This is also part of the plan. 
Many of you are incarnated Ascended Masters who have come to help. 
They also have had to make the effort to awaken and freedom from oppression and darkness that has weighed on all of you. 
They have lived many lives in preparation for this time, which obtained the wisdom and strength, and are now working to eliminate all traces of distortion and suffering of this and past lives, so they can lead from a position Absolute Love. 
During each phase of growth, and is expressed in the process of Ascension, souls who step forward to lead others to the light.
On your planet at this time, the Kumaras, as souls whose growth was carried out for eons on the planet Venus, have played an important role. 
They are the family of Sananda and have taken a special interest in this Ascension, and they are the children of my heart. 
For millions of years, they have evolved in position of influence by virtue of their level of learning and achievement of greater dimensional understanding. 
They are among the enlightened beings in positions of responsibility on the planet and in the higher councils of the Galactic Federation and beyond. 
It is customary for these Enlightened Beings serve as regents of Planet Earth. 
Leaders who take responsibility for the growth and development of all beings on the planet.
Regents, which are also known as the Lords of the world, serve for a period of about 2,000 years, measured in Earth time. 
Regents who have been elected by a council of beings on this planet and beyond to serve in this time of transition, and are those known as Lord Saint Germain and Lady Portia. 
And they take over duties of the last regents, the Lord Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus. 
As some of you know, in his recent earthly incarnation, Sanat Kumara Kathryn trained for a period of 30 years in the ancient technique of "Centering-Visual" to prepare for the work being done now. 
Of course, none of them knew it at the time. They only knew they felt a very strong bond and much loved.
His special interest and commitment to the cause of Love and Light has been recognized for millions of years, and their love for Mother Earth and humanity is unshakable. 
In preparation for this responsibility they have, everyone lives a life as leaders of the people. 
Saint Germain is known for its incarnations as an alchemist, writer and political leader, while Lady Portia has served in powerful political positions as queen at different times in various countries throughout its history. 
Together and separately, they have helped pave and shape the fertile sand that is now his springboard to Ascension.
Our channel, Kathryn, is not comfortable with being the subject and the type of these discussions, but we can assure you that this is not the only source of information on this subject. 
We also want to reassure others who sincerely believe they have been given the responsibility to 'present-be' the presence of Lady Portia incarnated at this time, you are indeed an aspect of Lady Portia and her Soulmate is an aspect of Saint Germain, and they are offering great service by spreading the wonderful teachings of these Masters. 
Now is the time on planet Earth for all of you and start diligently applying the lessons that have been given here with the teachings of Sananda, and the many messages of Mother / Father God, who are gathered on the web, 
This is the original source of our teachings, which were written first in English. 
They have done translations in many languages, and messages can be copied free of charge, but the original should always be considered the authentic source. 
We are giving all we can offer them in writing, and our teachers are teaching our True Path around the world, but it is you who corresponds them to read with an open heart, and be willing to change the ideas that have come to believe as a result of their religious teachings, and above all to raise your vibrations and prepare to ascend when the portals become visible.
It is entirely your choice and your responsibility to prepare, like our Ascended Masters have done in the past. 
We are sending you now waves of healing energy, so they can wash and release old feelings, old beliefs and old pains so they can experience themselves the brilliant beings of Love that were born to be. 

I'll give you one last final of what is required for your personal ascension explanation: 
1). You must maintain total control over your emotions, thoughts and feelings, so that only allow the expression of emotions high vibration, such as love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, joy, laughter, harmony and peace are.
two ) . Control over your thoughts to deny the entry of thoughts and ideas that make you doubt, anger-anger, resentment, anxiety or despair, or carry these feelings to others. 
Do not insist that you are simply reflecting "reality". These thoughts are all manifestations of the dark, dark lessons of the past. 
3 ) . Understand that self - defense is just that. Launching an attack on another, no matter the excuse, it is not acceptable to God. 
4 ) . Remain in a state of good will, kindness and compassion for yourself and your fellow humans at all times. 
Any religion or professing enmity attitude, disapproval or condemnation toward others is false and is not of this Creator.
5 ) . You agree that you and all animal, vegetable and mineral creations on planet Earth are sentient beings with feelings, thoughts and aspirations to ascend. 
Refrain from eating the animals, because they are your friends. You will all rise together and get great help from the other realms. 
6). Protect your planet as if your son was, because she is the source of life. 
Do not allow the invasion or attack his body, despite any excuse that can be given or assumed right. 
7). Join others, especially children, including joy and consciously prepare for this important event. 
Nothing in your life is as important or deserving of your attention as ensuring your own ascension and the people around you.
8). Let our Infinite Love flow through your body and fill your heart. In this way, you allow your own ascension to occur effortlessly. 
9). Teaches patience, compassion and infinite love through your own actions, which speak louder than anything you can say. Make peace with those around you, and live in peace. 
10). Come to this challenge with joy, because it truly is the stairway to heaven. 
These are my commandments and my heart 's desire to see each of my children of the earth up in joy, because they all meet the fate of mankind to live in peace and harmony in the 5ªdimensión.
They are universal laws, and live with these laws will bring immeasurable happiness and satisfaction to all beings on earth and in heaven. 
I give you my love, and my confidence in their innate nature, and the help of my reliable teachers to help ease your way. Your days be filled with laughter and joy. 
I am the 'First-Home' Creator. 
IMPORTANT - © Chapter Eleven
 ★ "The New Scriptures" as have been written by Sananda / Jesus


Sananda new scripts, Chapter 10

When this plan Ascension it is now carrying out is launched thousands of years ago was considered a very ambitious design. Although there have been many planets in the cosmos that have risen, and many groups of people who have risen in the past, is not usually done all together - the planet and its inhabitants in cooperation.

It is common that a planet is cleared of its inhabitants, and go somewhere else for a while to make their lessons while the planet itself raises its vibration to a higher level, eventually making the transition to a higher dimension. Some have done several times, and now reside in the plane is not visible to you. In other cases, the individual souls have adopted the draft raised to a higher dimension, which also exist in a dimension that human eyes can not perceive.

You are familiar with the story of my death and resurrection. This was my ascension of planet Earth to higher dimensions. Intended to represent to you the possibility of eternal life, with a resurrected to be the vehicle by which you can return to lower dimensions if desired body without having to go through birth and death experience was had . 

Unfortunately, that was not part of the story that has been told, so I'll take the opportunity to explain. 

I did not come to our beloved planet Earth to die for the sins of anyone. That's an absurd idea, since we are all individually responsible for our own actions and beliefs. I came to teach love, just that.

I wanted to express my love for the Creator, and show others that they too could find solace, inspiration and deep connection with spirit beings who oversee and help us in our lives. I saw the cruelty and greed on the planet and wanted to find a way to lead people away from the causes of these sufferings.

Unfortunately, I was not very successful in stopping the advance of the Reptilian race. They distorted my teaching, in the way that compiled the Bible, and even more effective in the way they interpret my teachings manner. My disciples tried very hard to make an accurate record of what it was, but his writings were overwhelmed by the contributions of others whose 'program-agenda "was to promote division and exclusivity rather than unity and the recognition that all we are one.

I did not come to establish the religion of Christianity. I would not have allowed lessons to divide my people, the Jews, or anyone from other religions or belief systems. He had hoped to create a working system that could be included in any and all religious systems and philosophies and views. 

The intention was to expand consciousness, regardless of the belief system of the people. Unfortunately, he had not yet left the Earth plane, when the person who called himself Paul was responsible for initiating a vigorous campaign of proselytism in which appointed himself the Apostle to the Gentiles. Thus began the division among my followers and many others that has continued to this day.

Paul or Saul as he was known, did not know me, nor understood the depth of my desire to encourage Unity through races, religions and creeds. Instead, he began a crusade to teach in their own version of my words, adapted to their narrow world view. It was a cruel man, whose purpose had been to pursue my followers. It is true that he had a "vision" in which I asked him why he was so determined to do this. There was nothing special about his ability to listen to my complaint. Many have been able to hear my voice more consistent than him. That convinced him to finish his open cross and intended to kill us, but the lure of power and psychological violence did not end there.

I do not blame Paul for his zeal and its destructive effect on my teaching. He was under the influence of the dark forces, was 'inhabited-occupied' by reptilian entities, and was strongly influenced by his early family teachings. He has long been pardoned, and returned to the family of Love and Light. He will play an important role in the upcoming ascension of humanity. In fact, he is now a commander of one of the great ships that will aid in the healing process of those who come to us in the first waves of those who have risen enough to cross into the fifth dimension.

Now, many of you have been given the impression that the next event is something that "will happen" because they are here on Earth. It has scared them with images of massive war, catastrophic weather, and other life-threatening events. This has been a fear campaign initiated by the Dark, to distract and lower your vibration so they can not raise themselves high enough to ascend to the light, which would be totally out of reach.

You see, the reptilian race that controls the media and all other important institutions in the world were not able to climb higher than the fourth dimension. They were lost in their own genetic limitations of creation, they were not capable of great love, and they despised the Light. His only desire was to control humanity, and they did it by keeping them in a state of fear. Fear is the opposite of love, so if you are afraid, can not ascend and join the Company of Heaven. It was a very simple but effective strategy, and it is the way we are now working to free them.

Reptilians and other dark entities have now disappeared from the planet, on August 22, 2013. You can listen to the narration of the great ceremony that were given the alternative of going to light or disappear, as souls.Almost one million of them were rescued and went voluntarily to join Mother and Father God and with other teachers who welcomed them home. 

Event recording is in *, available for all to hear. I was there, watching the momentous event that marks the beginning of a new era. Really was the turning point that will allow Ascension to proceed in an atmosphere of freedom and individual independence.

Many of you were "possessed" by affliction of carrying a dark entity within their bodies. 

They were able to move, in spirit form, of a human body to another, causing pain, illness, and perhaps worst of all, inculcating in the host thoughts of despair, depression and anxiety. 

They had developed technologies to promote their campaigns and to torture that defy. They were really the enemy of humanity. Mother God has spoken eloquently about these things in your messages for you, on the same radio channel and the recent message delivered on his behalf.

The leader of the Reptilians, Reginaldo, has taken the responsibility to lead his people to light, and will play an important role in the restoration and recovery of thousands of years of living as followers of imaginary being called the devil or Satan. They were convinced erroneously that Lucifer was his dark hero. When he (Lucifer) publicly and tearfully announced his return to Mother / Father God, and was received as a hero of light, it was the beginning of the end for them.

In the short period of one month, his reign of terror has come to an end. Its leaders have been removed from the planet, its hero was revealed as the leader of their supposed enemies, and were invited to be welcomed back like the prodigal race that had been for millions of years. The implications of this dramatic finale - the real Apocalypse - have only just begun to feel around the globe. This will be developed gradually, as people wake up knowing that they no longer live under massive oppression.

There are a few redoubts such as the Syrian dictator who was allowed to remain as the ultimate example or lesson, how they would be treated cruelly, if man becomes the Reptilian program - which our Kathryn called "Wannabes" - " be like them "- and decide to continue their dark deeds. 

This will be resolved when they realize they no longer have followers, because everyone has "given his soul" when it comes to profit at the expense of the poor and exploitation of power over others. There is no longer power structure to protect them and allow them immunity from prosecution. The collapse of the Tower of Darkness is at hand.

This is the apocalypse, Beloved. It is an event that will bring dancing in the streets, and everyone willexperience the Arab Spring - the term has come to represent until the end of the birth of those who have been oppressed, to make better and more humane ways and more viable government for all. It has stumbled, as could be expected, but it is a powerful and unstoppable force for good that has gripped the imagination of all who strive toward the Light. It shall be done, as on Earth as in Heaven. 

The sky, you see, is a place of endless love. There is no punishment, no judgment or reprisal. It's what you might think democratically governed as a place beyond time and space multidimensional.

There are no limits on the ability of each soul to evolve, to learn and to grow. All creativity is celebrated, all individuality respected, and all efforts towards love and light are supported by Prime Creator and the Ascended Masters are your Legions of Light. 

In the Milky Way, which is our home, the government of the Galaxy is overseen by Mother / Father God, and those great enlightened beings of pure Love that created ALL THAT IS in this galaxy. 

It has been taught that there is a Trinity leadership in charge of the Earth and beyond.

We are the first Creator, the Creator of all Creator, Mother / Father God, and I, Sananda, whom they met on my most recent incarnation as Yeshua ben Joseph. Mother God has been known as Sekhmet, Isis, The Empress, and has been depicted as a lioness, the Great Sphinx. 

God the Father has been known in several as Alcyone, Yahweh, Allah, Shiva and more recently, Zorra. The Creator is the invisible hand behind all creation, the source of all things, and we honor and love above all.There is no name to describe the Prime Creator, as he / she / it. Simply we honor and worship our Creator, who is Love, the source of all light.

Within the Great Cosmos, which includes star systems, visible and invisible to human eyes, there are many races, many inhabited planets and infinite energy. It is this energy that is owned and used by the powerful Creator, the Gods who created all beings, all souls, all the planets and stars. The mystery of creation is known and taught by them, and the summit on the steps of the ascent - the ability to create. This capability is considered sacred, a sacred responsibility that is only carried out by the highest of the Altos.

There are many dark who have tried to harness the power of creation, but their efforts have always ended in nothingness, like their efforts on Planet Earth to clone beings, engineering and artificial manipulation of sacred DNA structures. That will not continue, since the authors of these projects have left. In addition, the mass poisoning of Mother Earth through the extraction and use of fossil fuels will be suspended entirely, because it is an unholy invasion of his sacred body.

there have been technologies that could have taken the place of these destructive practices for a long time, but its use was banned by those who remained in power because its profit would have been weakened. This domain of technological advances has risen by eliminating the Reptilian race. Now you will see a flowering in the invention, as never before, and access to advanced knowledge is unlimited with his brothers and sisters from other star systems will now be able to share their knowledge in all areas of life.

They will be available not only new forms of energy and transport. All the problems of agriculture, water supply and management, and all the comforts of life will be exhibited in a new light for cooperation and inspiration for anyone and everyone whose experience is desired advantage. 

This cooperation will be offered, but never imposed, because that is not the way of peaceful and loving members of the Intergalactic Federation of Light. Of course, this English translation in its name does not capture the sense of freedom and cooperation they represent. It is an organization of planetary leaders from around the Cosmos who have pledged their loyalty to the work of the First Creator, which is the action of Love and Light in the interest of all good.

Supreme Commander of the fleet of spaceships belonging to the Intergalactic Federation is that you have known as Ashtar. It has been present in Earth orbit, and has often been channeled by several of you, he gathered and organized the large fleet that has become of great help to you. His ship, the New Jerusalem, has been my home since my last incarnation as Jesus, because together we have overseen the next Ascension of Planet Earth. It is Ashtar who has been in charge of the protection of Mother Earth from any external influence, as it has gone through the process of their own Ascension.

Yes, there are still some in the lower dimensions of the universe that would bring the military to disrupt the movement (process) of the entire planet into the higher vibrations, but they are not as dangerous as they think or believe. 

The Federation always prefer peaceful means to resolve any dispute, and not use his considerable power toavoid it if possible. This gives the impression that Dark may be afraid to fight them, an idea which is, of course, totally false, but rather simply prefer not to use force. The Federation Int. Light has taken action when it is absolutely necessary, when a planet calls for help, as in the current 'removal-cleaning' of the Dark from among you.

So you see, are fully protected and supervised by the Legions of Light, which have been authorized by Prime Creator to carry out the mission to help Mother Earth and humanity at its next ascent. They help, but only to the extent that an intervention is not considered. 

I want to stress here that this process is not something we do for and to you. It's something that will achieve first individually and then as a group, because no one will ascend who has not completed their learning process.

This means that everyone must learn to heal the waste of discontent, 'anger-rage', resentment and fear that you have been involved in their lives. Each person has to lay down their arms, whether the tendency to aggression or selfish inclination to control others. All dark energy must be purged, giving up all the dark deeds. This is what many of you would consider a "difficult task". Of course.

It may find it difficult at first because they are newly adapted to their physical and emotional freedom, but we have confidence in the resilience and the great potential that is inherent in the human soul. We are here to help, and our presence will be felt increasingly as the energy of Light spreads across the globe. 

Rejoice, Beloved. His Revelation was written in the stars. It is the end of the world as they have known, and the world have known has been one of 'Dark-dark', war, suffering and control of the forces of evil. 

No more. Now in this year of calendar 2013, a new era in the life of glorious Blue Planet begins, Mother Earth.

You who have chosen to be here at this time, all who came from distant origins as souls through different universes, share the triumph and joy that is our destiny. 

I have also chosen to be here, to help lead this magnificent Ascension, full of love and admiration for the brave souls who are the brothers and sisters of my heart. 

I am Sananda, which you have known as Jesus of Nazareth.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...