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The Brother's Keeper Government

By Anna Von Reitz

The Brother's Keeper Government
The way our government is supposed to work, the British inhabitants are supposed to perform nineteen governmental services for us, the free, sovereign, and independent people of this country.
We guarantee their liberty and their democracy. They guarantee our freedom and our republican form of government. It's supposed to be Even Steven, mutually beneficial, mutually respected. And mutually understood.
They have their Federal Code and State of State Statutes and we have our Public and General Session Laws in each State of the Union.
The entire structure is supposed to work together peaceably and well, and each one, whether acting as a person or as one of the people, is supposed to be secure and untroubled in our respective capacities.
Supposed to be.
But in 1863, the Grand Army of the Republic under Ulysses S. Grant took control, and in the years since then, the successors of the GAR have failed to do their duty by the States and the People, and have sought to undermine, deceive, and pillage the lawful civil government and the people they are hired to serve.
They have colluded with foreign governments to create a state of permanent war and emergency and have not respected the rights of the States and the People who provide not only their payroll, but the bulk of the personnel staffing their military services organizations.
The British Territorial Government and the Roman Municipal Government which have owed us Good Faith have instead usurped upon our lawful and still-standing government in the international jurisdiction, The United States of America [Unincorporated], and our member States.
Worse, in contravention of the Public Law and in disrespect of the guarantees of the respective Constitutions, they have kidnapped Americans via legal chicanery and practiced extortion against them through the United States Mail.
They have pretended that our Mothers voluntarily donated us and our Good Names and Estates to the Territorial franchises operated as "States of States" on our shores, after soliciting undisclosed and unconscionable adhesion contracts of political subjection and enslavement under color of law.
The U.S. Armed Services have been doing exactly the opposite of what we have paid them to do. They have failed to secure our safety and protect our rights and property interests. They have failed to yield to the direction of the actual Civil Government and have pandered to foreign mercenary interests and to foreign service providers--- instead.
This is how the tail has managed to wag the dog.
This has been going on for 150 years, with the worst of the abuses accelerating under the boot of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's obscene and deliberately obscured "New Deal".
Whereupon, we announce and declare and freely establish that we accept all gifts and waive all benefits. We do not wish to hear any more offers to rob, defraud, or enslave us, nor to suffer the ministrations of the false Trustees who have glutted themselves on our produce, our labor, and our lives.
We wish for the release of all Americans from the Alien Property List, and all the attendant fraudulent false claims in commerce that the practices enshrined by the Trading With the Enemy Act impose upon innocent people who have been harmed and preyed upon as Third Parties.
We wish for the return of our assets, and the repatriation of our lawful titles, Good Names, and Estates without further obstruction, obfuscation, excuses, or delay. We wish for the removal of all blocked accounting structures and return of all escrows, rents, leases, mortgages, insurances, copyrights, patents, trademarks, logos, charters and other assets that are ours. We wish for the removal of all encumbrances, odious debts, and the end of all pretenses of emergency, war, or necessity.
It is against our religion to support immorality, thievery, deceit, slavery, pillaging, unjust enrichment, inland piracy, kidnapping, unlawful conversion, fraud, extortion, treason or any other of the egregious crimes that the British Territorial Government and the Roman Municipal Government have tolerated, promoted and engaged in on our shores.
We are each owed the return of all our assets and full return of all right, title, and interest in all of our natural possessions: our land, our lives, our homes, our natural resources, our identities, our intellectual properties, our relationships, our beneficial contracts, our warranties, our guarantees, our restored and lawful government, our insurances and indemnities. We are also owed recovery from the unjust enrichment and profits made from our purloined credit and assets.
This is what we are owed no less than we may be owed from any other debt. This is a commercial affidavit. Not a point of Law.
There are Points of Law to be addressed with the Government of the Philippines, the Government of the Netherlands, the Government of Switzerland, the Government of France, the Government of Scotland, and the Government of the United Kingdom, all of which have sought to benefit themselves and blame us for their own criminality, gross breaches of trust, and failure to take immediate and effective steps to correct their operations with respect to The United States of America [Unincorporated], our States, and our People.
This is internationally published Due Process and Notice to all British Territorial Government and Roman Municipal Government departments, agencies, officials and employees, to all foreign governments, including the Government of the Philippines, and the Municipal Government of Vatican City, also fair and adequate Due Process and Notice to the members of the Territorial United States Congress, to their State of State Governors, to the Municipal United States Congress and to their STATE OF STATE GOVERNORS, to all banks, most especially the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, the British Crown, the Bank of Scotland, the Government of Westminster, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and to the other Governments of the World, including the Spanish Monarchy, the Holy See, and the United Kingdom ---- that our lawful Government, The United States of America [Unincorporated[ and our unincorporated sovereign States of the Union, still stand and still make claim upon all the Treaties, commercial contracts, guarantees and assurances, and all material rights, patents, and other assets naturally belonging to us.
There are no unclaimed or abandoned American assets anywhere in the world. Any claim that we have now or have ever "voluntarily" given away our Good Names and Estates is false and self-interested hokum promoted by would-be criminals, and we hereby take exception to it as attempted unlawful conversion, piracy, theft and fraud.
We have not accepted any representation in these matters at all; by our Public Law members of the Bar Associations are precluded and prohibited from occupying any public office or position of trust related to us, our lawful Government, and our assets. This has been plainly stated on the Public Record since 1819.
We remind all parties that all laws and legislation that are repugnant to our Constitution are null and void from inception, including those elements of The Trading With the Enemy Act which would include us in the same category as Enemies and would seek to secretively enslave and subject Americans via unconscionable and undisclosed adhesion contracts solicited under color of law and color of these actions by the British Territorial Congress as being any mandate associated with our lawful government at all.
Finally, we reserve the right and duty to issue our credentials and commission to Federal Marshals known as Continental Marshals, to act as peacekeeping officers serving the international land jurisdiction of this country, to enforce the Public Law, to combat widespread interstate securities and bank fraud, to prevent human trafficking, kidnapping, racketeering, and unlawful arrest and detainment of Private American Nationals, who are in fact internationally Protected Persons.
We rely upon President Donald J. Trump to instruct the American Armed Services and conduct business as a cooperative and mutually beneficial administrative service, for we are inevitably our brother's keeper, and the welfare of our employees ultimately depends on the welfare and safety of their actual employers.


The truth about Syria

1. In Syria there is no central bank Rothschild.

2. Syria has banned genetically modified foods and cultivation and import of the same.

3. Syria is the only Arab country that has no debts to the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank or anyone else.

4.La Al Assad family belongs to the Alawi orientation tolerant Islam.

5. Syrian women have the same rights as men to study health and education.

6.The Syrian women have the obligation to wear the burka. Sharia (Islamic law) is unconstitutional.

7. Syria is the only Arab country with a secular constitution and does not tolerate extremist Islamist movements.

8. About 10% of the Syrian population belongs to one of the many Christian denominations always present in political and social life.

9. In other Arab countries the Christian population is less than 1% due to the harassment suffered.

10. Syria is the only Mediterranean country which still owns the oil company that wanted to privatize not.

11. Syria has an opening towards society and Western culture like no other Arab country.

12. Throughout history 5 Papas were of Syrian origin. Religious tolerance is unique in the area.

13. Before the World Conspiracy, Syria was the only peaceful country in the region without wars or internal conflicts.

14.Siria is the only country that has admitted Iraqi refugees without any social, political or religious discrimination.

15. Bashar Al Assad has an extremely popular approval.

16. Did you know that Syria has oil reserves of 2,500 million barrels, whose exploitation is reserved for state enterprises.

17. Syria opposes Zionism and the Israeli apartheid criminal.

18. The population is well informed and often discussed the establishment of the New World Order.

19. Syria is the last obstacle preventing the enslavement of mankind and the creation of the State Talmudic Greater Israel.

Perhaps now you can understand why the United States has both intere ... $$$ in Syria.

Humans do not want more wars ... only they choose some HDP eggshells human ..... just to satisfy your bug .... by current human SACRIFICES
Photos'ha not fet +1 vega cap


Trump takes over the fight against the US establishment

Trump takes over the fight against the US establishment
by Thierry Meyssan

Since the end of July, the president of the United States has been giving the impression of being a bravado that puts world peace in jeopardy with his reckless statements. This article shows that, while making such peremptory interventions, Donald Trump, discreetly maintains its foreign policy goals, despite the almost unanimous opposition of Congress. According to the author, Trump uses what is now called a "communication resource" ... what was once called a "double game." In any case, the president is trying to make his friends achieve control of the Republican Party, which would allow him to be more rational in terms of communication and more rapidly specify his anti-establishment policy.

Donald Trump conceived the idea of ​​rising to the political scene as a result of the events of September 11, 2001, whose official version is challenged. Only after knowing Steve Bannon, Trump decides to participate in the race for the presidency. He put him at the head of his campaign team and, after winning the election, he became his special counselor. Members of Congress forced Trump to take him out of the White House, but the president continues to support him under the table to gain control over the Republican Party. The goal of Trump and Bannon is to turn the United States into a Republic.

Trump before the establishment

The crisis facing Donald Trump with the American ruling class has continued to aggravate over the past 3 months. Unscrupulously betraying the president who previously supported as a candidate, the Republican Party has made an alliance with its adversary - the Democratic Party - against the White House. These two political formations adopted at the Congress, on July 27 and 28, the Countering America's Adversals Through Sanctions Act (Ley de Actuación contra los Adversarios de América a través de Sanciones). It was, neither more nor less, than to expel the president of his prerogatives in matters of foreign policy [1].

In this article we will not take a position in that conflict. What we will do is analyze it to understand the permanent contradictions between declarations and acts as well as the inconsistencies of US foreign policy.

Barack Obama enjoyed the support of his administration and therefore used his communication to get the people of the United States and the world to admit their decisions. Thus he developed the nuclear arsenal while claiming he was going to dismantle it. Thus it burned and bloodied the extended Middle East after announcing a reset with the Muslim world, etc.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is trying to recover the institutions of his country from the ruling class to put them at the service of the people. And for this he makes statements in which he seems to change his mind constantly, thus sowing the confusion. Distract your opponents with their messy gestures as he patiently pursues his politics out of his eyes.

Although we have already forgotten it, at the time of his arrival at the White House, Donald Trump expressed positions that contradicted some of his election speeches. He was accused, then, of systematically shifting from the politics of his predecessor and being, in practice, too favorable to North Korea, Iran, Russia and Venezuela.

The commentators accused him at the time of being unable to resort to the use of force and, ultimately, to be an isolationist for weakness, interpretation they abandoned on April 7, following the American bombing against the Syrian base of Shayrat with 59 Tomahawk missiles. After returning to the cargo, the same commentators again accused him of weakness, but by then they did it by highlighting a moral relativism that supposedly prevented Trump from perceiving how dangerous the enemies of the United States were.

At the moment of the almost unanimous vote of the Congress against him, it seemed that the president was defeated. He separated abruptly from his special adviser Steve Bannon and, in what seemed a reconciliation with the establishment, he attacked successively against North Korea, Venezuela, Russia and Iran.

On August 8, he launched a dwarf against Pyongyang, announcing that the "threats" of North Korea would be faced with "fire, rage and force, as never before had the world seen." That triggered a verbal escalation between both sides that made it possible to think about the imminence of a nuclear war, to the extent that the Japanese lowered to dust the anti-atomic refuges and some inhabitants of Guam, US possession, preferred to leave the island.

On August 11, President Trump stated that he did not exclude the possibility of resorting to "the military option" to the "dictatorship" of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. Caracas responded with the publication in the New York Times of a complete advertising page accusing him of being preparing a regime change in Venezuela, according to the coup d'état scheme used in Chile against Salvador Allende, and requested the solidarity of the American people before to the coup policy [2].

On August 31, the State Department initiated a diplomatic crisis with Russia by ordering the closure of numerous premises of the Russian diplomatic mission in the United States and the reduction of the number of Russian diplomats on US soil. Applying the principle of reciprocity, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs closed US mission premises in Russia and also reduced US diplomatic personnel in their country.

On October 13, Donald Trump delivered a speech where he accused Iran of being the global terrorist financier and questioned the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program that had negotiated its predecessor, Barack Obama. Prior to that speech, the State Department had issued a whole series of accusations of the same court against Hezbollah [3].

For commentators, Donald Trump is finally! following the right path ... but it goes too far and it hurts. Others consider it simply as a mentally ill and others say they rely on the hope that they are applying the "crazy dog" strategy, as did Richard Nixon, consisting in scaring the enemy by making him believe that one is capable of everything.

But, in practice, nothing has changed. Neither against North Korea, nor against Venezuela, nor against Russia. And neither in relation to Iran. On the contrary, move forward - as far as possible - Trump's policy against the creation of jihadist States. The Gulf countries have abandoned the support policy for the Islamic Emirate (Daesh), which has been defeated in Mosul and Raqqa. Yihadism is descending back to the sub-state category. Everything happens as if the president had not done anything other than "doing theater" and gain time.

Bannon, the ace in the manga

From 13 to 15 October the Values ​​Voter meeting took place at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington. A group of associations of Christian families, which the dominant press describes as racist and homophobic, organizes this conference every year. This time, numerous speakers made use of the word, after the president of the United States, before an eminently anti-establishment hearing and Steve Bannon appeared in the program - at the request of President Trump- despite the protests of some effectively homophobic organizers that They beleaguered Bannon for having popularized the speaker Milo Yiannopoulos, a young homosexual who fights against the manipulation of gays on the part of the Democrats.

In making use of the word, the former special advisor of the White House attacked fully against the interests of multimillionaires of globalization. Bannon, despite being described as an extreme right-wing individual, is in favor of the super-rich being charged a tax on 44% of his income.

Bannon harassed the elites, simultaneously "corrupt and incompetent", represented by Hillary Clinton; People who, Bannon underlined, have found a personal interest in the destruction of jobs in US soil and in the transfer of jobs to China. Bannon accused these elites of trying to destroy President Trump, as well as his family and friends. Senator Bob Corker questioned Senator Bob Burke, for having mocked the commander in chief, claiming he is unable to lead the country without causing a Third World War, and Senator Major Leader Mitch McConnell to organize sabotage against Trump. Bannon also recalled his vision of economic nationalism at the service of the American Republic, egalitarian regardless of race, religion and the sexual preference of each one. And he concluded by saying that since the Republican Party has declared war on the American people, the latter will make the war.

Bannon's friends immediately pronounced themselves against the Caciques of the Republican Party to seize partisan investiture in all local elections. As this is an unprecedented situation, nobody knows if they will achieve this goal, but it is clear that Bannon's success at this conference is a good omen for them.

The double game of the White House

At a cabinet meeting, President Trump said he understood the frustration of his former special counselor because "Congress is not doing its job," even though Republicans are majority voters. And then he went to show up next to Sen. McConnell, assuring him to calm Bannon ... on some things.

That is, the president continues with his extravagant statements, to content the Congress, while using his former counselor to get rid of the leaders of the Republican Party.

We are witnessing a struggle that is no longer political but cultural. In it they face the puritanical thought and the ideas of the Republic - or of the Common Good [4].

Seen from the outside, we find that after his extreme statements, Donald Trump discreetly pursues his action against Daesh. Closed the flow of funds to the Islamic Emirate and favored the recovery of the cities that jihadist group regarded as their capitals. He turned NATO into an anti-jihadist organization. We can not know, for the moment, whether, after the destruction of Daesh, the fight against other jihadist groups will continue, or how it will react to Pentagon initiatives aimed at ending the structures of the Northwestern states of Latin America and Southeast Asia . There is a long way to go before achieving the decadent empire in a Republic.

Thierry Meyssan


Russian interference? Not like in Ukraine, Open Society, Soros and Church of Scientology pá conspire to overthrow Orbán


the thing will not bring all of Syria and Middle Africa to Europe

 but to stop interfering in their countries

George Soros, a Hungarian Jew, Victor Orban, President of Hungary.

"Hungary, the only country that de facto throughout Europe prevents the massive immigration of George Soros. 

The OSF Open Society Foundations activates the Church of Scientology to topple its president Viktor Orbán. 

Church of Scientology of Budapest illegal in Hungary

50 police officers take the undeclared in Budapest "church.

·                     View Original
·                     October 22nd, 2017
The Church of Scientology in Los Angeles. 
Currently  the Church of Scientology is headquartered in Farmington Hills , Michigan, but have listed the building for sale. 

"Christian evangelicals, sect funded  by Israel and Washington ".

It is the only undeclared among the 32 officially recognized churches Hungary since it came into force a widely disputed on religious affairs in 2012 church law.
George Soros is using the same method in Hungary Victor Orban to overthrow that used in Kiev, Ukraine to overthrow the government and install a Jewish government.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Ukrainian Maidan Kieva organizer for the "Sea Organization" of the Church of Scientology and placed as president of your bank Aval Bank.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk Obama personally received instructions to overthrow the government of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych former president ousted by protesters organized by him and the Church of Scientology Goerge Soros funding and US governments; both Obama and Trump as seen today in Budapest. 

As a reward,  Yatsenyuk 

which reminds me of the operation of the Jewish Aleksandr Kérenski to start the revolution Trotskyite JP Morgan to launch the Soviet revolution and install the Rothschild banking in the Soviet Union, and a few months later fled as  Yatsenyuk to the US. Both born in May.

We'll give weapons and military support, we just have to stay with the productive industries such as gas, and take the gold reserve of the Central Bank at night. That's how it went.

Jewish  organizing Ukrainian troops  for the siege of the pro - Russian region DONETSK.

The oil magnate George Soros, placed a financial Democratic Party - Arseniy Yatsenyuk- , a leader of the Motherland Party, to power a regime change revolution against the government of Ukraine in Kiev." 
"Yatsenyuk took over a bank funded by the Church of Scientology  in Ukraine called  Aval Bank ".
"In the same year, he signed a contract with the so- called  " Sea Organization " , the elite structure of the" Church of Scientology ". 
Yatsenyuk is currently a senior member of the sect and has an  "audit level" called OT-6 . 
His sister, Alina Petrovna Steele (aka Alina Jones), now a citizen of the United States, is also related to the Church of Scientology. 
Steele is active in the branch of the church in the city of Santa Barbara (EE. UU., California) and is at a lower level, OT-4, a total of 8 ".

" It is a Christian duty to fight the Soros plan of Satan to bring  immigrants  to Europe '- Hungarian Deputy.

Only 3% of the  2.2 million  immigrants who entered Europe since 2015 returned home.

Most immigrants returned by the European authorities to Syria are not even Syrians. 
This is a huge multicultural identity crisis and damage in Syria adds to the already debastadores effects of war

Immigrants crossing the border from Hungary illegally.
The invasion of Hungary operation was well organized with mobile and diesel electricity generators in the field by the Open Society and American intelligence services, and Israelis.

Hungarian troops had to endure seen crossing its borders to mass immigration mandated by Angela Merkel and the EU.
Now not enough for them and want to directly overthrow the government in Ukraine through the Church of Scientology to install another Jewish government.

Viktor Orban's government was the only one who had the courage to decide on their own in an EU kidnapped by the Jews and their Masonic organization B'nai B'rith. They tried to take his country to those who had 
managed to enter illegally.

The government of Prime Minister Orbán expected protests from Brussels, but has promised to go ahead. 
By TOM McTague 02/07/17

They mounted direct trains to Germany where Merkel welcomed the calls even more. 
Angela Merkel tries to change the brand of immigrants  as workers  in a manifesto .
Upon arrival by train to Germany.  The weapon of immigration funded by George 
Soros, Israel and the US to invade Europe, are not even Syrians but Arab countries of the
 Mediterranean Bank and Libya, and even Afghanistan.

In fact most Syrians still remain in refugee camps in the deserts of Jordan and Turkey waiting
 to return to their homes, something that has not even begun and that most are entering Syria SYRIAN NO.

Toilets in small left next to the cottages.


US commits war crimes 'fight' against Daesh

White phosphorus bombings carried out by the US-led coalition against civilians they show that Washington commits war crimes.

US President Donald Trump has already committed war crimes in the fight against terrorists during operations of the so - called anti-EIIL coalition, led by the US, Syria and Iraq, said Saturday the portal  Reverb Press .

The source cites a report by the US newspaper  The Washington Post , which based on the published videos and statements from human rights groups argued that the said coalition supposedly fighting EIIL terrorist group (Daesh, in Arabic) used white phosphorus in densely populated areas in Mosul (northern Iraq) and Al-Raqa (northern Syria).

Also specifies that this weapon is capable of causing inhumane and its effects are difficult to control injuries, so he adds, under international law, white phosphorus in no way should be used against civilians or civilian areas, especially if there are other weapons available to fight the enemy soldiers.

Dozens of Syrian civilians were killed in the city of Al-Raqa  because white phosphorus shelling  conducted on Thursday and Friday EIIL anti-coalition. 

Activists in the northern city of Al-Raqa published images that illuminated the sky of this town is a brilliant rain rockets hitting the city.

Mary Wareham, director of the division of defense weapons Observatory of Human Rights (HRW, its acronym in English), announced that the white phosphorus bombs were similar to those used on Saturday in the Iraqi city of Mosul.

Previously, the US Department of Defense (The Pentagon)  had admitted the deaths of hundreds of civilians  since it began operations against the takfiri band.However,  if civilians are attacked with white phosphorus, this amounts to a war crime, the source said .

US uses white phosphorus in attacks on civilians in al-raqa

By  Elmicrolector

According to local media denounce Syria, dozens of Syrian civilians were killed in the city of Al-Raqa because white phosphorus bombings carried out by the US-led coalition
Airstrikes "unprecedented" went on Thursday against neighborhoods Mashlab, Haret al-Bado and Rmaileh, according to the SANA Syrian agency and the Syrian Radio Sham FM, adding that the number of civilian casualties was unknown, although estimates indicate which could be dozens.
Activists in the northern city of Al-Raqa published images that illuminated the sky of this town is a brilliant rain rockets hitting the city.
However, given the serious allegations, the US-led international coalition He said the use of white phosphorus munitions was conducted in accordance with international standards and taking all precautions regarding civilians.
White phosphorus is considered by many as a chemical weapon. However, its use in the military field is not specifically prohibited by any international treaty. 
In this regard, many organizations condemn its use, around which there is debate about whether to be considered illegal, according to the Chemical Weapons Convention April 1997.


Libya what worries the US is Russia not terrorism

Image result in Libya what worries the US is Russia not terrorism

Do you prepare public opinion for a new military aggression against Libya?

Although the Council of mujahedeen (subsidiary of ISIS) of Derna, Cyrenaica, denied involvement in the killing of 29 Copts on 27 May, the Egyptian air force bombed the town, killing twenty people.

Nor defend religious minorities has been among the priorities of President Al Sisi: Copts are attacked daily in Egypt by the extreme right Islamic "cristianófoba" enjoys absolute impunity.

Libya is "failed"

Since the dismantling of the Libyan state by NATO in 2011 and the killing of dozens of political leaders, intellectuals, judges and progressive lawyers, the political scene in Libya is being controlled by these right-wing forces that have divided the country and not just based on historical divisions:

The Government of National Agreement (GAN), sponsored by the UN in 2015, belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood. Under the direction of Fayez al-Serraj, is installed in Tripoli, controls the central bank, and enjoys special support from Qatar, Turkey and Sudan.

The government's anti jihadi Marshal Khalifa Haftar and Libyan National Army (ENL), has its headquarters in Tobruk, east of the country, and has the support of Russia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt.

The amalgam of Islamist groups: the Islamic Struggle (sponsored by NATO in 2011), al-Watan (led by Abdel Hakim Belhadj, who after approach Gaddafi the West, was kidnapped in 2004 in Bangkok by the CIA and MI6 and delivered the Libyan police), Ansar al-Sharia or controlling Benghazi Libya Dawn, central, western and southern Libya, where most of the population.

All they are fighting for control of Tripoli and the main oil ports.

The draft UN and Serraj to recover the country has failed due to the weakness of GAN and that Khalifa Haftar refuses to cooperate with him, maybe they can conquer the whole country with Russian help thinking (the same thought Bashar al Assad ).

Unaware that  one of the reasons for NATO to dismantle Libya  was turning the country into mini-states to control (as they have done  with Sudan in 2011, and before Yugoslavia) .

Serraj government controls a small part of the country and unable to unify. Who has the backing of the UN does not change this reality, so the powers studying other outlets Libyan collapse.

Russia returns to Libya

The last time a Libyan leader was visiting the Kremlin April 1981: Gaddafi was received by Leónidas Breznev, renewing the  support of the USSR the Rejection Front  (to the Egyptian-Israeli peace). Moscow now invites the Marshal Haftar to negotiate the future of their country.

This former "Official Libre" of the sixties, then become CIA agent, he has reorganized the remnants of the Libyan army, and aims to take the place of the "Brother Leader" of Gaddafi. After declaring war on his rivals, it has taken over the most important oil ports, Sidra and Ras Lanuf, and continues to extend its dominion.

Libya is important for Russia:

Because of its location in the Mediterranean. If you manage to resolve the crisis in Libya and give stability to the region, the EU would appreciate it. For Moscow have good relationship with Europe is his priority and Libya may be a way to reach it.

Having allies in Tripoli would give the possibility to influence the migration to the EU, and therefore on the West. Since 2011,  about 14,000 people faceless, traveling in boats "anti-Titanic"  have lost their lives in the waters between Libya and Italy. Libia hoy is the leading country in the world is immigrant-enslaved.

To get a naval base on the Libyan coast.

This is the first hydrocarbon reserves in Africa, and a rival in supplying gas to Europe.
To be part of its strategy of returning to North Africa has also consolidated its relationship with Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.

The Kremlin while maintaining contact with Tripoli through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has established a relationship with Haftar by the Ministry of Defense: Moscow aims to unify Libya under the leadership of General Haftar.

The EU does not have a plan, but ....

The EU lacks a political consensus on Libya: on one side are France and Italy competing with Russia to attract Khalifa Haftar. GAN want to integrate him in, reserving the Minister of Defense, (as if you were offered the possibility of a future coup!). They fear that Haftar, US citizen, get support from Trump and Putin and give him back to the EU.

Although it is likely that the US president, in need of a sound war, attack on Libya, causing the emigration of tens of thousands of children, men and women towards the EU.

On the other are countries like Malta that warn of the risk of shaking hands with the Libyan military because it would cause a civil war and  a new "refugee crisis" .

The US ambassador to the EU, Anthony Gardner opposes cooperation with Russia in Libya, among other reasons, because  you are concerned about a rapprochement between the EU and Moscow . Sebastian Gorka, former national security adviser Donald Trump has had to resign by ties to neo - Nazi groups, he said that the solution to the collapse of Libya going to break the country between east and west: The  Balkanization of Libya was just one of the seven pleas to kill Gaddafi .

While world powers decide on the fate of Libya, widespread discontent by insecurity, food shortages, water and electricity cuts, inflation and lack of basic services is widespread. According to the UN, nearly half of the population needs emergency humanitarian aid.

Killing 145 soldiers and loyal to Haftar by the GAN civilians on May 20 last shows how the perspective of the country's unification away and Libya drifts civil war.

Said former NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen that NATO's mission in Libya has been the most successful in its history. Destroy a country previously disarmed, murdering his head of state and bombs buried under thousands of civilians without merit.

The current chaos in Libya is the direct result of a criminal intervention of NATO. Some in the EU must have realized how  stupid it was to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi.

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