
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spain INDEPENDENCE. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Spain INDEPENDENCE. Mostrar todas las entradas

12 de octubre de 2017

Mossos weapons confiscated the Nazis SOCIAL HOGAR MADRID in ULTRA manifestation of Barcelona

First we send the police ... 
After the Francoist ... 
And now the Nazis ...

Damn, how darling ...

unionism NAZI

This ragtag  HOME SOCIAL MADRID , who wanted to celebrate the day of the race  in Catalunya, brought no flares, chains and brass knuckles to discuss ...

Of course, looking at the pictures makes the police, it is normal that create that has opened the hunt with impunity against the Catalan ...
History repeats itself ...

Spain 30 years later still chasing the ultras.


22 de septiembre de 2017

Miles demonstrate in Madrid, Basque Country and Catalonia in support of the Right to decided

Thousands of people demonstrate in Madrid in support of the right to decide in Catalonia

About 2,000 people demonstrated on Wednesday the central Puerta del Sol in Madrid in support of the right to decide in Catalonia and in repulse for the operation developed by the Civil Guard against Catalan politicians for the preparations for the referendum on 1 October, considered illegal by the Constitutional Court.
"This can not be allowed, we are in a de facto state of exception," said Deputy Antón Gómez, En Marea, who is part of the Unidos Podemos confederation group, told Sputnik during the meeting.
The concentration was called on Wednesday under the motto "for the right to decide and democratic freedoms" after the Civil Guard developed an operation in Catalonia that so far left 14 detainees, including some senior government officials.
During the more than 40 registrations carried out by the Guardia Civil in this operation, authorities seized in an industrial warehouse in Barcelona almost 10 million ballot papers that the Catalan government planned to use in the unilateral referendum on 1 October.
Those attending the rally shouted slogans such as "we will vote", "this is a dictatorship" or "we are in a state of exception".
"Citizens return to the street to defend fundamental rights and democracy, but not only in the Puerta del Sol because there are about 40 calls in different cities in the state, where people of different sensibilities has gone out to the street to show its frontal rejection to the authoritarianism of the Popular Party ", assured to Sputnik Lucia Martín.
During the demonstration there were random identifications, as Sputnik could verify.
The protest had the explicit support of Agora Madrid, the municipalist platform participated by Podemos that governs the Spanish capital.
In addition to the protest of those in favor of the right to decide in Catalonia, Puerta del Sol welcomed a counter-demonstration by a small group of about 30 right-wingers who were dressed in Francoist symbols.
Attendees chanted proclamations as "separatists, terrorists."
"We came to ask for the resignation and imprisonment of Carles Puigdemont (president of Catalonia). The first thing is the unity of Spain, that is not negotiated, "said one of the assistants to Sputnik.
Sputnik Novosti

Thousands, before the TSJC, demand the release of the detainees

Thousands of people are currently in the Catalan High Court of Justice (TSJC), on the promenade Lluís Companys, to request freedom for the detainees this Wednesday by the Civil Guard in the macrooperation of the PP against the referendum of October 1 . 

The atmosphere in the concentration is festive and demanding. There are cries of "independence" and criticism of the "manipulative Spanish press". "The people who have returned to the streets today are the real force that guarantees that 1-O will vote and win," said Jordi Sánchez (ANC) on the stage before the TSJC, in a voice: "our state it's the people, it's the people, and this state is unbeatable. " 

"Today in Catalonia there is no democrat who does not feel ashamed for what they did justice and Civil Guard," said Sanchez: "We will remain civically and peacefully before the TSJC until all the detainees are released. 
We are peaceful people, but we will not accept any arrogant action by the State. October 1 no one will prevent us from voting. "Finally, the ANC president asked the protesters to avoid" violence ":" Let's not get caught up in their provocations. "
For his part, Jordi Cuixart, also aphonic, has sent a message of support to the relatives of the detainees: "They are not criminals, they are our heroes". "Today in Catalonia we are stopping a real coup," he said to applause: "The world is seeing more and more clearly that the state is a state like Turkey, a repressive state." "This town will never be the same," he concluded: "What we are doing is a revolution with all the letters."
The intention of the organizers is not to revoke the concentration until the detainees are released. Although none of them must pass through the Courthouse - the investigating courts are in the City of Justice in the Hospitalet - the entities have decided to concentrate before the TSJC alleging that the protest is more effective if it is made before the higher instance in Catalonia.
For now, only three of the 15 arrested yesterday have been released. The rest are still in police units waiting for a statement to be taken and the judge decides what to do.
Many politicians, including the President of the Parliament, Carme Forcadell, consellers like Meritxell Borràs; the deputy of the PDECat in the Parlament Montserrat Candini; the leader of the United We in Congress, Xavier Domènech, and the Deputy Mayor of Barcelona Gerardo Pisarello, reports ARA.


  From the reformist organization  EH Bildu were present its leaders, headed by  Arnaldo Otegi, as  well as the general secretaries of the nationalist unions  ELA (Txiki Muñoz)  and  LAB (GarbiñeAranburu).
   On the other hand, there was no representative of the Basque Government, nor of  We can.
The Civil Guard has denied that they have been stolen weapons of their vehicles in the incidents that were the night of this Wednesday outside the body barracks in Manresa. 
"We have all our weapons," said Civil Guard sources, dismissing reports that the pro-independence protesters after having destroyed a police vehicle had picked up the weapons inside.
Long night in the heart of Barcelona. After more than 20 hours of registration at the headquarters of the Departament d'Economia, the head of which is the Vice-President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Oriol Junqueras, the Civil Guard, escorted by the Mossos d'Esquadra, left the Catalan cries of the people who were gathered there. The autonomous police dissolved the protesters, there was load and a hall was made so that the agents of the Armed Institute could leave the building.
The stevedores of the Port of Barcelona have decided in an extraordinary assembly not to supply services to any of the two cruises in which they will be lodged in the next days the riot police agents of the National Police sent by the Ministry of Interior of the PP to repress and to intimidate to Catalonia.
It is known - since the case Naseiro and there are the newspapers with cases such as that of Juan Sebastián Elcano - that the PP is financed from what it steals and with the contributions of drug trafficking, especially the Galician, organized from the Franco regime, with the army and numerous corrupt in the police. 
But what is already an evidence and patron of embarrassing corso is that the Civil Guard will pay with the ridiculous suspension of three months of employment the illegal performance of one of its first captives in the province of Castellón which caught with more than half a ton of hashish.
In Perpignan (Catalunya Nord), this Wednesday evening, a demonstration has gathered hundreds of people in front of the Spanish consulate. Cries, whistles and songs (including Els Segadors, the Catalan national anthem and the Stake) have been heard before the consulate that represents Spain in Perpignan. 
Demonstrators are outraged by the strong interventions of the Guardia Civil this Wednesday in Barcelona.
"It is the expression that appears frequently since this morning, after the entry by the force of Spanish paramilitary police in several offices of the Catalan government to make arrests. The Spanish government has made a coup d'etat against the Generalitat de Catalunya".

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...