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list of mass arrest codes

Q knows the right time, but I think anons need to be ready to wait for a bit longer than [-21]. Just a guess. I hope I'm wrong.

188b95  No.5484459>>5484468 >>5484474>>5484480 >>5484484 >>5484485 >>5484498 >>5484499>>5484500 >>5484509 >>5484511 >>5484512 >>5484513>>5484514 >>5484516 >>5484521 >>5484523 >>5484524>>5484527 >>5484532 >>5484533 >>5484534 >>5484535>>5484536 >>5484537 >>5484538 >>5484539 >>5484540>>5484541 >>5484542 >>5484543 >>5484546 >>5484551>>5484555 >>5484556 >>5484557 >>5484558 >>5484560>>5484561 >>5484563 >>5484565 >>5484566 >>5484567>>5484568 >>5484569 >>5484570 >>5484572 >>5484573>>5484574 >>5484575 >>5484576 >>5484577 >>5484578>>5484580 >>5484581 >>5484583 >>5484584 >>5484585>>5484586 >>5484587 >>5484589 >>5484591 >>5484594>>5484596 >>5484601 >>5484602 >>5484604 >>5484607>>5484609 >>5484610 >>5484617 >>5484619 >>5484622>>5484623 >>5484626 >>5484627 >>5484630 >>5484631>>5484635 >>5484640 >>5484641 >>5484643 >>5484647>>5484650 >>5484651 >>5484653 >>5484659 >>5484661>>5484662 >>5484663 >>5484667 >>5484668 >>5484674>>5484677 >>5484678 >>5484679 >>5484685 >>5484688>>5484690 >>5484691 >>5484694 >>5484698 >>5484699>>5484707 >>5484708 >>5484715 >>5484716 >>5484719>>5484727 >>5484728 >>5484730 >>5484736 >>5484737>>5484739 >>5484742 >>5484745 >>5484750 >>5484753>>5484754 >>5484758 >>5484760 >>5484764 >>5484774>>5484787 >>5484795 >>5484798 >>5484804 >>5484808>>5484809 >>5484810 >>5484811 >>5484812 >>5484813>>5484814 >>5484819 >>5484827 >>5484836 >>5484841>>5484850 >>5484858 >>5484862 >>5484866 >>5484873>>5484881 >>5484908 >>5484913 >>5484931 >>5484935>>5484948 >>5484952 >>5484958 >>5484968 >>5484988>>5484994 >>5485011 >>5485016 >>5485038 >>5485054>>5485057 >>5485062 >>5485064
Why have there been no arrests?
Why have 'specific' dates been mentioned only to see no action?
Define 'game theory'.
Why must disinformation be provided?
Define 'open source'.
Define 'public purview'.
Do we let our enemies walk through the front door?
Define 'plausible deniability'.
Why was it important to FIRST clean house within the FBI & DOJ (public info)?
Why was it important to FIRST clean house within other ABC agencies (non_public info)?
What are the duties of the FBI?
What are the duties of the DOJ?
When does MIL INTEL have jurisdiction?
What vested powers does POTUS have re: MIL INTEL vs. ABC agencies re: matters of NAT SEC (HOMELAND)?
Think 'umbrella surv'.
What agency does the FBI report to?
What is the role of the AG?
Does the AG oversee the firing of FBI & DOJ senior/mid/lower staff?
How many FBI & DOJ were FIRED/FORCED?
Does 'Russia' recusal prevent/block AG from this responsibility?
What time period did this occur?
Who appointed and tasked HUBER?
Who appointed and tasked the OIG?
Who was AG?
[zero leaks - none]
Transfer from AG1 to AG2?
Why might that be important?
How do you avoid 'politically motivated/attack - obstruction - attempt to block/obstruct Mueller'?
Optics are important.
When are optics not important?
Think Whitaker.
Define 'stage set'.
Who recently walked 'on stage' to take command?
What 'stage' experience did this person have?
Think Bill Clinton impeachment.
Has the 'stage' been cleaned & cleared for the next performance?
If the 'stage' is clean, can the performance begin?
How might 'transparency' [DECLAS] fit into the dialogue?
Define 'thesis' statement.
What benefit(s) does this provide BARR?
"This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government." - POTUS
Logical thinking.


The White Hats now have total control of the White House.

Next year, your going to see more disclosure regarding corruption in Washington DC as Obama, the Clinton's and Bush, will have to face the music for crimes of High Treason. 

777 had been activated. The "Sword of Justice" will be swift! We're getting rid of all the rats. Restore America back to being a Republic. 

We the people, for the people, and by the people, will be the "Law of the Land". No more lies! 

This Intelligence Operation goes back to 1963

. They thought we couldn't knock them on their asses! MOM was pissed! The "Fake" United Nations has never done the world any good but spend our money! Enough is enough! And, the City of Jerusalem does not belong to Israel. GOD will show the way. 

The Illuminati Lion will show respect for the Lambs. My "Armageddon Programs" are almost finished. 

Peace on earth. Your "Electrical Signature" will tell us who and what you are. 

No more lies! Humans will become members of the "Galactic Federation". How cool is that! Goodbye evil. 

There's no place for you in the "New Civilization". Women and children can go about their business without fear. Men will love that which is kind and thoughtful. It's really about respect for life is it not? All world governments and religious organizations will be gone as the "Light of Universal Law" shines brightly on each "Living Soul". 

We're going home! My sights are on the Justice Department, Pentagon and CIA shenanigans. 

The Clinton Foundation a cesspool of corruption. Hillary Clinton was arrested by Naval Intelligence last year at the 9/11 Memorial and taken to a secret facility for crimes of High Treason. She was found guilty and executed. 

Deep State has her clone running around thinking they could save the day! 

hat we wouldn't dare expose her, but we have something very special for them as well. Your going to see more Elites dying and CEOs resigning. No point making a circus out of this. 

Keep it on the low. The Illuminati thought by killing JFK they were home free. How silly! The body dies but not the Spirit which is immortal. And, GOD does have a Secret Service.

Published by alternative website


Henry Kissinger At 94 About #TRUMP !!!

Resultat d'imatges de henry kissinger

Recently, Henry Kissinger did an interview and said vary amazing things regarding President Trump.  He starts with:  “Donald #Trump is a phenomenon that foreign countries haven’t seen before”!

The former Secretary of State Henry #Kissinger gives us a new understanding of President Donald Trump’s foreign policy and predicts its success:  “#Liberals and all those who favor (Hillary) #Clinton will never admit it. They will never admit that he is the one true leader. The man is doing changes like never before and does all of it for the sake of this nation’s people.   After eight years of tyranny, we finally see a difference.”

Kissinger knows it and he continues with: “Every country now has to consider two things: One, their perception that the previous president, or the outgoing president, basically withdrew America from international politics, so that they had to make their own assessments of their necessities. And secondly, that there is a new president who’s asking a lot of unfamiliar questions And because of the combination of the partial vacuum and the new questions, one could imagine that something remarkable and new emerges out of it.”

Then Kissinger puts it bluntly: “Trump puts #America and its people first. This is why people love him and this is why he will remain in charge for so long. There is not a single thing wrong with him and people need to open their eyes.”  When he boasts that he has a “bigger red button” than Kim Jung Un does, he so transcends the mealy-mouthed rhetoric of the past, thereby forcing a new recognition of American power.

Kissinger once wrote:
“The weak grow strong by effrontery – The strong grow weak through inhibition!”

No sentence better captures the US.-North Korea relationship. This applies to the liberal aggression and the conservative reticence.

Trump is discarding the inhibitions and calling the bluff on #NorthKorea’s effrontery:  His point is that the contrast of #American retreat under #Obama and its new assertion of power under Trump creates a new dynamic that every one of our allies and of our enemies must consider  Our allies grew complaisant with Obama’s passivity and now are fearful due to Trump’s activism. And they must balance the two in developing their policies:  They realize that the old assumptions, catalyzed by Bush 43’s preoccupation with Iraq and Obama’s refusal to lead are obsolete.  So, Trump is forcing a new calculus with a new power behind American interests.  Those — here and abroad — who rode the old apple cart worry about its being toppled.

But, as Kissinger so boldly stated:  “Trump is the one true leader in world affairs and he is forcing policy changes that #PutAmericaFirst! ”

This is the most accurate statement of what the American  Citizens  who live outside of the swamp want and expect from their government.

I like the list of 13 things that I, as a senior American citizen, want. Trump is at least talking about issues that most Americans are concerned about. My mantra about Trump is this: Truthfully, We are in agreement with most of what he says.  We are getting older and our tickers aren't what they used to be, but what matters is that he covers most of the 13 things we as Seniors want, at least I do for sure

1.  Hillary: held accountable for her previous wrongs!

2. Put "GOD" back in America!

3. Borders: Closed or tightly guarded!

4. Congress: On the same retirement & healthcare plans as everybody else.

5. Congress: Obey its own laws NOW!

6. Language: English only!

7. Culture: Constitution and the Bill of Rights!

8. Drug-Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before & during Welfare!

9. Freebies: NONE to Non-Citizens!

10. Budget: Balance the darn thing!

11. Foreign Countries: Stop giving them our money! Charge them for our help! We need it here.

12. Term limits for congress

And most of all. . .

13. "RESPECT OUR MILITARY AND OUR FLAG!" And our police. We the people are coming!

Only 86% will send this on. Should be 100%



Yeshua: The Wall

by EraOfLight
yeshua eraoflight
Beloved one, beloved friend—friend” is a derivation of another word meaning equal. You are equal to me. Now, I know that your holy Fathers have said, “Well, that cannot be. One Yeshu’a, one Jeshua, one Jesus spent some time with you teaching you”— in Truth, I did not teach; I called forth what you already knew—“then he allowed the body to be finished, and there was a most beautiful Light, and he ascended unto what has been known as Heaven. He is apart and above you, sitting at the right hand of God in Heaven.”
Now, I would speak with you about heaven, because heaven is not up there any more than it is below. I know that your holy Fathers have said to you, “You’d better listen to the words that we speak to you. And if you do what all of the more wellversed teachers will tell you, you will go to heaven; you will ascend. Woe unto you if you should descend, because there is the fiery pit that will burn off all of the refuse and make you Light again.”
But in Truth, there is nowhere that you can go that is apart from what and where and Who you are right now. Ones who have released the body find themselves awakening; they are still alive. They are still knowing existence. They are still knowing.
In truth—now, hear this well—they hear you much better after they have released the body than they did when you were in the body and focused on something that you wanted to tell, think about, be engrossed in. When there is not the body to have to drag around, they are very much in the Allness of spirit.
So you may have a loved one who has released the body, passed on, whatever you want to call it, and you feel there is a presence. You feel perhaps, “Oh, that sounded like _______,” and you feel their presence, you feel their energy. It is very, very true that they are with you, because…do you remember? Do you remember the one all-encompassing statement that I have made over and over? Because there is no separation. I try to reinforce this Truth every time we speak.
So you may feel that someone has released the body, and you think, “Oh, no, they’re gone, and I can’t talk with them. I can’t hear them.” No, that is limited thinking. They are around you, much more tuned in to you than ever when there was focus upon the body; much more open and receptive to what you are feeling, what you are thinking, what you are questioning.
And they are quite happy when you are happy. When you are going through a sad and mournful time, missing them, they take that as a compliment, but they do not wish for you to stay in that space, because life is about living. Life is about joy.
However, as you go through human life, you are going to have question marks. You are going to have walls that you come up against. You are going to have times when you wonder, “How do I get over this wall? How do I get under this wall? How do I get around this wall?” You come to a place where you feel like you are being held back, that you have been stopped; you want to know more; you do know more, but you want to know how to get a hold of it.
How do you find that space? By taking the deep breath. That is how it begins. That is the key which unlocks the door in the wall or will put for you the ladder to climb up over the wall. You start with a deep breath that says, “Okay, whatever is happening, I stop.”
The mind loves to run on with all of the questions of, “How am I going to do this? Who am I going to speak to who is going to have the answer? Where do I go from here?” And it has to be logical, the mind says. Sometimes answers are not logical. Sometimes I have seen you…you get the answer, and you say, “Oh, no, it can’t be that simple.”
So you allow yourself to keep breathing. It is a good thing as long as you are activating a body. Then you abide in the place of peace, the place that says, “Okay, I don’t have to put a whole lot of stress upon myself.” In fact, when you do that, oftentimes that keeps the answer out there somewhere, and you are not being receptive to it.
When you come to the place of the wall, you often feel, “I don’t know what’s on the other side of the wall. I just know that I can’t go back. I have to go forward. There is this wall in front of me, and I need some answers.” Have you ever said that? Sure, quite often. You have asked of your friends, you have asked of your teachers, you have gone to books, you have studied the books, and you may have found an answer.
So you go on a few more days or years, and sometimes you come up against another wall. And you say, “I thought I got past that.” You turn and look around, and sure enough, you got past that wall, but here is another one. So what do you do? You take the deep breath and abide in peace. You take the deep breath and allow yourself to abide in peace until there is an illumination of an idea.
Even if it is not the whole answer, you move forward with the part of the answer you are getting. It may be a suggestion that you go and speak with someone. You are not really sure why. You feel really strange about it, but you go up to the person and say, “I need to talk with you for a minute. This is what’s going on for me, and I have a feeling you have the answer.”
And the other person probably will say, “I don’t think I have the answer for you.” But then you begin to talk, and as you do, you share, and something will lead like a bread crumb to another bread crumb to another, until you see that, “Okay, I’m really not stuck. I can go forward, even if it is only by inches.” Sometimes that is how it feels; it is just an inch at a time.
Or other times it feels like it goes forward by leaps and bounds, and you feel, “Thank goodness. I felt so held back for so long, and now I see what I can be doing.” There is an exultation, a feeling of, “Wow!” and you go forward.
Now, in Truth, you never go backward. You have it behind you, the experience of what you have done, and you bring it with you, because it is and has been a teaching that you have done for yourself, an experience, and every incarnation will bring you experience; every incarnation, no matter what form you choose.
You may choose to be the honey bee. You do not have to be human in order to know life. You may be the mosquito that not everybody loves to have in their house. Or you may be the eagle that flies high. Or you may be one of the space brothers. How do you think you got here to live on holy Mother Earth? By thought, yes, but by thought of space travel. Ever think of that, ever wonder—I know you have: you have wondered how you got here. How did the first form get on holy Mother Earth? By thought and form, because form follows thought.
So have you ever been the space brother/sister? Think upon that. Sure. Why not? You are not limited. Anything you can think of, you have been, and much more; a lot of things you do not think of you have experienced. This is why it is fun to do certain exercises where you go into the meditation or you go into what is called regressive hypnosis and go back to what seems to be a previous lifetime where you have been. Sometimes you experience what would seem to be very strange form, and yet anything you can think of, you can experience and you can be.
So when you sit here and seem to be contained in a body, that is but one experience. If you can think—and I know that there many of you and brothers and sisters who like science fiction—the “Beam me up, Scotty” idea, where did that idea come from? It came from you. It came from what you have done and experienced; otherwise, it would not be within your ken, within your knowing.
So when your entertainment programs come on and seem to be quite “out there,” you get very excited about them because, “Oh, wow, what is going to happen? How can they do this space travel? That expansive space… how could I be—all those light years that they’re telling me it takes to travel from one galaxy to another.” Well, if you figure that all travel is thought, that kind of cuts it down a bit.
Anything you can imagine—and much more—you have already experienced. So never put down or dismiss an idea that comes to you. It comes to tweak your memory as to how expansive you are. You are not contained within the body. You use it, as much as you think you can; you use it, but it is not all of you. The vast majority of you is not contained, cannot be contained. And you know that, because you have dreamt of running in the fields. You have dreamt of flying. You have dreamt other existences. Then you wake up and say, “Oh, but it was just a dream.”
I ask of you, where does the germ of a dream come from? From thought, and thought oftentimes is based on what you have already experienced doing and being.
When I spoke to my beloved friend and teacher, the one you know as Judith, that my topic this evening was going to be “The Wall,” she asked me, “Does that have anything to do with the political project that is being widely talked about?” And I said, “Well, of course.” Everything is within the realm of thought, and that is where the wall stands; it is within the realm of thought. Will it be? For some of you, it will be a partial reality.
I will ask of you to do something fun. Put yourself forward in future time twenty-five years from now. Is there going to be a necessity for a wall such as what is being thought about now? Probably not. I suggest to you that in twenty-five to fifty years of your timing, what you see as separate countries being Canada, United States, Mexico, some of Central America are all going to be joined together as one. They may be as the states of your United States: autonomous to some degree and yet part of a larger whole.
You, as a collective, are going to get tired of being against something. The Oneness idea is already germinating. So those of you who have been watching and following all of the talk—and that is what it is right now—allow yourself to go some years forward and know that the communities that you have now are going to be changing; they are already changing.
The conflicting energies that you observe now are very much as we have spoken many times about the seedling as it is germinating and coming up through the crust of the soil. It is difficult. It makes a mess of things. As that little seedling comes up, it pushes the dirt away. It changes everything. It takes a lot of energy to come up and push aside all that has been there in a certain form that looked like it was always going to be that way, and yet the seedling says, “But I must grow. I must flower. I must be.”
That is where you are now. And those of you who remember lifetimes of being not only the seedling, the consciousness, the expanded consciousness; those of you who remember how it feels to be in true Love and friendship with ones, you are saying, “Why can’t we have that now?”
Because there is a belief in process, time, that says, “Well, there has to be a beginning. It has to grow. It has to germinate a little bit. It has to come up through the soil. It has to be a process.”
But thought…that is the exciting thing. Thought can be really speedy, very fast, to go from an idea to a manifestation. If you look at the process that is happening from my vantage point, it is very fast.
Then I have heard some of you saying, “But Yeshu’a, if I only have a certain number of years left in this lifetime, am I still going to be activating the body when this happens, because it seems like it’s going to be a long time from now.”
The answer to that is, “As you wish.” If you want to extend the lifetime or if you want to recycle and come back, make a form again…or you may say, “Well, I’ve already visualized that, and I really like what I visualized, so maybe I don’t have to actually do it in and with form. Maybe I just know that it’s going to happen.”
You see, from where you stand in any moment, there are more pathways than you can count from that point; potentials. And that which you can visualize, imagine, play with, all of it, in truth, has already happened. But it is fun to walk it, and that is why you do it. It is fun to experience it.
Know you how to fly? How does it feel to fly, to be up above and to have the perspective to be able to look down upon all of the small little critters that are running around on the surface of the Earth? You can imagine it. You have probably been up in the airplane and looked down. If not, you remember how it is from the spaceship.
You know how it is as you do the certain meditation and go to the grassy knoll, you go to the tree, you go to the cloud, you look down on the green meadow. You know how it looks; the river that is running through, the green meadow, the bird that sits in the tree. How do you know that? Because you have already been there, done that.
How does it feel to be sleek as a cat and to hop down off the windowsill and move with an ease and a grace; as a small cat or as a big lion? Know you that the small four-footed one—you call it small—thinks she is as big as the lion? Why not?
There is a knowing. And as I have asked already, how do you have that knowing? It is because you have already been there, done that. It is in truth a remembrance. And you have a wise teacher who has said to you that everything that you do here is done in remembrance; not in remembrance of me. If you want to remember me, that is fine, but you do not have to do it in remembrance of someone who seemingly is above you. I am not above you. We are equals; always will be, always have been. We are from the one Mind—capital “M”. I just got good press; that is all.
So when you come to that place where there seems to be a wall in front of you, “You know, I would like to change my daily routine. I’d like to actually be doing something where I could use more of my talents, more of my thinking, more of my expansive ideas. I wouldn’t even mind having a job I could sit at. It might feel good.”
Put yourself forward a year; perhaps not even that long. Visualize. Because I will say to you that in all probability, a year from now you are going to be doing something very different than what you are doing now. You are going to be expanding, developing, having more and more fun doing whatever the new endeavor is. Up to a certain point in a lifetime, you seem to be accumulating experiences, knowledge, ideas, techniques. You go to school and they teach you how the accepted form of writing is, the accepted form of the sounds of words, and you say, “Okay, you know, I’ll go along with it. I will study, I will learn.”
You are living at a very exciting time, because the consciousness is ready to know what is beyond the wall. You are at a place where you know that no wall can hold you back. You are the one who built the wall, so therefore, it has to obey you.
Now, I know that sometimes walls can feel really thick. There were many times, as is recorded in your holy writings, that I took myself to a garden and communed with the Father, as I have called it—the Father, because it was a patriarchal society, and the father was seen to be the provider. As I have shared with you at other times, if it had been a matriarchal society, it would have been the Mother.
So I communed. I said, “Look, there are certain people in this group, the expanded group, this religious group, who don’t really like what I’m saying. I know they don’t like me, and they wish I would just stop sharing, but I cannot.” Two thousand years ago, was I talking about some of the same things? Yes. Did you catch the ideas then? Yes. Why are you back now? Give me an answer to that. Why, if two thousand years ago you caught a glimpse of what I was sharing with you, why are you back now?
To explore all the possibilities of the ideas, which is what you are doing right now with exploring new hints, ideas that come to you, and you get excited about them. You wake up in the morning and think, “Hmm, I wonder what that was all about when he/she said that yesterday, and I was thinking about that,” and a new idea comes. Sometimes you get very excited about it and you want to share it with someone, and you do.
And that is how consciousness changes—in an instant. One idea comes, and it will not be silent until you play with it, until you say, “Okay, I am going up and over this wall with this idea that just came to me. I’m getting excited about it. I really want to see where it goes. I want to see what happens.”
The wall is of your own making. And if it is of your making, who can change it? Do you want to call on me to change it for you? I have news for you. I can only do for you what I can do with you. That is how powerful you are.
Your religious teachers, your holy Fathers have taught you for a long time that you were lowly worms of the dust, that you did not know how to go out and you did not know how to come in, that you had to come to them for advice. Sometimes the advice kept you in a container, kept you from thinking that you could be anything beyond what you were; not understanding how much you are and how far you could go.
But that is changing. When you feel you have come to a wall, get out your ladder; climb over the wall. Get out your shovel; climb under the wall. Get out the walking stick; walk around the wall. Get the balloon and go over: any way you want to do it.
And know that truly you never do anything alone. Always there is help. Always I am here to help. The masters, the teachers, the ones you have known in other lifetimes, the ones who have written the books in this lifetime: you are teachers one to each other. Share what you know. Share what you are questioning, because sometimes answers come out of the questions.
Be excited about life. Go for it, as they say. Be excited. Know that there is no wall that is too high, too thick, too long. Take the deep breath and say, “I am going,” and with that, a miracle happens. The wall disappears.
So be it.
» Source » Channel: Judith Coates

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.


US steps up its game in Africa, a continent open for business

by EraOfLight
eol alt news
“The U.S. needs to step up its game in Africa,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross in Accra, Ghana, Thursday in an expected and welcome assessment.
The secretary was in Ghana to close out the four-country mission of the President’s Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa (PAC-DBIA), originally established by executive order under President Obama in August of 2014, “to strengthen commercial relations between the United States and sub Saharan Africa.”
The 60-member delegation, having already made stops in Ethiopia, Kenya and Cote d’ Ivoire, sought to gather insights on market opportunities in Africa for U.S. businesses.
The fact that the Trump administration chose to embrace PAC-DBIA, when so few Obama initiatives are still standing, with Secretary Ross leading the inaugural visit, should be noteworthy for those wondering where Trump’s Africa policy is headed.
Heretofore, the narrative has been that that Trump’s Africa policy is largely driven by security concerns — the fight in Nigeria against Boko Haram, Al Shabab in Somalia, and other trans-continental, transnational terrorism threats. And there was no reason to think otherwise.
When former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson took his first trip to Africa, which would be his last mission as secretary, his agenda focused almost entirely on shoring up countries that partnered with the U.S. in fighting terrorism. And one of President Trump’s early moves in office was to impose a travel ban, originally impacting four African nations.
Many expressed concern, fearing that by prioritizing security and cutting back on aid and trade, the United States may weaken its long-term strategic position on the continent.
It seems now that either the early speculation was ill founded, or more likely, that the Trump administration is pivoting towards prioritizing trade and investment, with potentially significant implications Africa and for U.S. businesses looking for more aggressive advocacy from their government.
Secretary Ross said during his key-note address at the U.S.-Ghana Business Forum, “We are fully committed to the long-term growth of Africa.” He added that “there can be no national security without out economic security.” He also cited statistics that showed a decline in U.S. exports to Africa, and a reduction in overall U.S.-Africa trade, calling it “an embarrassment” for both the U.S. government and its private sector.
Indeed. The lost opportunity cost is staggering when one looks to the future — the continent is likely to present $5.6 trillion in market opportunities and a population of over 1.52 billion consumers by 2025.
However, the elephant in the room remains China’s aggressive and sometimes controversial practices in Africa, where it has long surpassedthe United States’ as Africa’s largest trading partner.
Since 2013, when China announced its infrastructure investment program, the Belt Road Initiative, it has pumped  huge flows of capital throughout Asia and across world markets. AidData estimates that China spends $40 billion per year through its DFIs, including the Export-Import Bank of China, the China Development Bank, the Beijing-based Asia Infrastructure Investment Fund, the Shanghai-based New Development Bank BRICS and the Silk Road Fund.
The secretary’s speech in Accra, and the PAC-DIBA mission, seem to signal that the Trump administration is awakening to the Africa’s market potential — looking to reclaim some space from China.
And as one might expect from the chamber audience, the secretary received the loudest applause when he contrasted the durability of made-in-America, with the build-and-repeat character of Chinese projects.
As I sat in the audience listening to Secretary Ross, his interest and commitment felt personal, and his engagement with the audience during the Q&A reinforced my view. He owned the room.
What’s next? What resources will Commerce deploy, personnel and financial, to further the secretary’s ambition? Can we anticipate the allocation of additional Foreign Commercial Service officers in the next budget? If not, how will the mission be achieved given existing resources?
What about the development finance institutions? Secretary Ross sits on the board of both the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM). OPIC, thanks in part to Ross’ support, is slated for major expansion. EXIM, on the other hand, currently lacks a quorum to approve loans beyond $10 million USD.
“The Export-Import Bank plays a vital role in supporting American companies as they work to sell their products to customers across the world,” said Neil Bradley of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “But as long as the seats remain vacant, U.S. businesses are at a disadvantage relative to global competitors.”
While in Ghana, Ross was reminded that it was EXIM which helped to finance the Akosombo Dam on the Volta River in 1961 to supply hydroelectric power to Kaiser Aluminum. The project was transformative for Ghana at the time, and remains so today.
Maybe with Ross’ guidance, the board of EXIM can be reconstituted, and gain Congressional approval.
Beyond EXIM, Secretary Ross is expected to report back to President Trump on the findings of PAC-DBIA with actionable recommendations to deepen commercial ties with Africa. Herein lies the real opportunity — to draw President Trump’s attention to the opportunity of Africa, to one of the largest potential markets for U.S. export growth, and to a continent open for American business.

Copyright © 2018 Era of Light All Rights Reserved.


US steps up its game in Africa, a continent open for business

US steps up its game in Africa, a continent open for business


© Getty Images

“The U.S. needs to step up its game in Africa,” said U.S. Secretary of CommerceWilbur Ross in Accra, Ghana, Thursday in an expected and welcome assessment.

The secretary was in Ghana to close out the four-country mission of the President’s Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa (PAC-DBIA), originally established by executive order under President Obama in August of 2014, “to strengthen commercial relations between the United States and sub Saharan Africa.”

The 60-member delegation, having already made stops in Ethiopia, Kenya and Cote d’ Ivoire, sought to gather insights on market opportunities in Africa for U.S. businesses.

The fact that the Trump administration chose to embrace PAC-DBIA, when so few Obama initiatives are still standing, with Secretary Ross leading the inaugural visit, should be noteworthy for those wondering where Trump’s Africa policy is headed.

Heretofore, the narrative has been that that Trump’s Africa policy is largely driven by security concerns — the fight in Nigeria against Boko Haram, Al Shabab in Somalia, and other trans-continental, transnational terrorism threats. And there was no reason to think otherwise.

When former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson took his first trip to Africa, which would be his last mission as secretary, his agenda focused almost entirely on shoring up countries that partnered with the U.S. in fighting terrorism. And one ofPresident Trump’s early moves in office was to impose a travel ban, originally impacting four African nations.

Many expressed concern, fearing that by prioritizing security and cutting back on aid and trade, the United States may weaken its long-term strategic position on the continent.

It seems now that either the early speculation was ill founded, or more likely, that the Trump administration is pivoting towards prioritizing trade and investment, with potentially significant implications Africa and for U.S. businesses looking for more aggressive advocacy from their government.

Secretary Ross said during his key-note address at the U.S.-Ghana Business Forum, “We are fully committed to the long-term growth of Africa.” He added that “there can be no national security without out economic security." He also cited statistics that showed a decline in U.S. exports to Africa, and a reduction in overall U.S.-Africa trade, calling it “an embarrassment” for both the U.S. government and its private sector. 

Indeed. The lost opportunity cost is staggering when one looks to the future — the continent is likely to present $5.6 trillion in market opportunities and a population of over 1.52 billion consumers by 2025. 

However, the elephant in the room remains China’s aggressive and sometimes controversial practices in Africa, where it has long surpassedthe United States’ as Africa’s largest trading partner. 

Since 2013, when China announced its infrastructure investment program, theBelt Road Initiative, it has pumped huge flows of capital throughout Asia and across world markets. AidData estimates that China spends $40 billion per yearthrough its DFIs, including the Export-Import Bank of China, the China Development Bank, the Beijing-based Asia Infrastructure Investment Fund, the Shanghai-based New Development Bank BRICS and the Silk Road Fund.

The secretary’s speech in Accra, and the PAC-DIBA mission, seem to signal that the Trump administration is awakening to the Africa’s market potential — looking to reclaim some space from China. 

And as one might expect from the chamber audience, the secretary received the loudest applause when he contrasted the durability of made-in-America, with the build-and-repeat character of Chinese projects.

As I sat in the audience listening to Secretary Ross, his interest and commitment felt personal, and his engagement with the audience during the Q&A reinforced my view. He owned the room.

What’s next? What resources will Commerce deploy, personnel and financial, to further the secretary’s ambition? Can we anticipate the allocation of additional Foreign Commercial Service officers in the next budget? If not, how will the mission be achieved given existing resources?

What about the development finance institutions? Secretary Ross sits on the board of both the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM). OPIC, thanks in part to Ross’ support, is slated for major expansion. EXIM, on the other hand, currently lacks a quorum to approve loans beyond $10 million USD.

“The Export-Import Bank plays a vital role in supporting American companies as they work to sell their products to customers across the world,” said Neil Bradley of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “But as long as the seats remain vacant, U.S. businesses are at a disadvantage relative to global competitors.”

While in Ghana, Ross was reminded that it was EXIM which helped to finance the Akosombo Dam on the Volta River in 1961 to supply hydroelectric power to Kaiser Aluminum. The project was transformative for Ghana at the time, and remains so today.

Maybe with Ross’ guidance, the board of EXIM can be reconstituted, and gain Congressional approval.

Beyond EXIM, Secretary Ross is expectedto report back to President Trump on the findings of PAC-DBIA with actionable recommendations to deepen commercial ties with Africa. Herein lies the real opportunity — to draw President Trump’s attention to the opportunity of Africa, to one of the largest potential markets for U.S. export growth, and to a continent open for American business.

Source: The Hill

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