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The Historic Results of President Donald J. Trump’s First Two Years in Office

by EraOfLight
The following article, which  is an excellent read, discusses  Trump’s achievements  in several areas, starting with the economy. IGNITING A HISTORIC ECONOMIC BOOM: President Trump’s pro-growth policies are unleashing economic growth and providing opportunities to workers across the country.
  • Due to President Trump’s pro-growth policies, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth exceeded 3 percent over the last four quarters.
    • Real GDP grew at annual rates of 3.4 percent in the third quarter of 2018 and 4.2 percent in the second quarter.
  • More than 5 million jobs have been created since President Trump’s election and the unemployment rate remains below 4 percent.
    • This is the eighth time this year that the unemployment rate has been below 4 percent.
    • Prior to this year, the unemployment rate had fallen below 4 percent only five times since 1970.
    • The unemployment rate for African Americans in May fell to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest rate on record.
    • Asian and Hispanic-American unemployment rates have reached record lows this year.
  • Initial weekly jobless claims have hit a nearly 50-year low under President Trump.
  • Under President Trump, job openings outnumber the unemployed for the first time on record.
  • Recently, more than two-thirds of Americans rated “now” as a good time to find a quality job, tying a record high in a poll by Gallup.
  • Americans are seeing more money in their pockets thanks to the booming economy.
    • In recent months, workers have seen their largest nominal year over year wage growth in nearly a decade.
    • In 2017, real median household income rose to a post-recession high.
  • President Trump’s policies are helping to lift Americans out of poverty.
    • African-American and Hispanic-American poverty rates reached record lows of 21.2 percent and 18.3 percent, respectively, in 2017.
    • Since the election, 4.6 million Americans have been lifted off of food stamps.
  • Consumer confidence has soared under President Trump, recently reaching an 18-year high.
  • President Trump is delivering on his promise to bring back American manufacturing.
    • The National Association of Manufacturers’ Outlook Index had the highest annual average in its history over the past year.
    • Manufacturing added 284,000 jobs in 2018, the most added in a year since 1997
  • Small Business optimism jumped to a record high under President Trump, according to a survey by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
    • The NFIB’s Small Business Optimism Index broke a 35-year record in August.
  • President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, ushering in the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history.
  • These tax cuts are delivering real results for American families and workers.
    • More than 6 million workers received tax cut bonuses and benefits.
    • More than 100 utility companies have announced lower rates.
  • President Trump is ensuring American workers receive the training and education they need to compete in today’s economy.
    • President Trump signed an executive order establishing the National Council for the American worker.
    • More than 185 companies and associations have signed our “Pledge to America’s Workers,” promising more than 6.4 million new training and career opportunities.
    • The President signed legislation that reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, making more than $1 billion available for career education programs.
  • President Trump has prioritized the economic empowerment of women.
    • The women’s unemployment rate recently reached its lowest rate in 65 years.
    • The Small Business Administration lent approximately $500 million more in capital to women-owned businesses in 2017 compared to 2016.
    • The Administration helped launch the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, which could leverage more than $1 billion to support women entrepreneurs.
ROLLING BACK RED TAPE: President Trump is rolling back costly regulations that have burdened hardworking Americans and stifled innovation.
  • President Trump has followed through on and exceeded his promise to roll back two regulations for every new one created.
    • President Trump’s Administration surpassed the 2:1 ratio in 2018, eliminating 12 regulations for every new one in 2018.
    • In 2017, the Trump Administration eliminated 22 regulations for every new one.
  • Since taking office, President Trump’s deregulation efforts have achieved $33 billion in regulatory savings.
    • In 2018, these efforts alone delivered $23 billion in benefits to American families and business owners.
  • President Trump has signed 16 Congressional Review Act resolutions into law, eliminating burdensome Obama-era rules and regulations.
  • President Trump announced U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, which would have harmed America’s economy and cost American workers millions of jobs.
  • President Trump signed an executive order to streamline the permitting process for infrastructure projects with a goal of cutting approval time from up to 10 years to an average of 2 years.
  • President Trump signed legislation to roll back burdensome Dodd-Frank regulations that harmed community banks.
NEGOTIATING BETTER DEALS FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE: President Trump is negotiating fair and balanced trade deals that protect American industries and workers.
  • President Trump negotiated a new trade agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico to replace the disastrous and outdated North American Free Trade Agreement.
    • Once enacted by Congress, the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) will better serve the interests of American workers and businesses.
    • USMCA will incentivize billions of dollars in auto and auto parts production in the United States and create a freer and fairer market for American agriculture.
    • USMCA also includes the strongest-ever provisions on labor, environmental, digital, and intellectual property protections to reflect the realities of the 21st century economy.
  • The President renegotiated the United States–Korea Free Trade Agreement to preserve and grow jobs in the American auto industry and increase American exports.
  • The United States and Japan are set to begin negotiations on a United States–Japan Trade Agreement.
  • President Trump is establishing a new trade relationship with the European Union (EU), working toward the elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to transatlantic trade.
  • President Trump has established a Trade and Investment Working Group to lay the groundwork for post-Brexit trade with the United Kingdom (UK) and has notified Congress of his intent to negotiate a free trade agreement with the UK.
  • This year, President Trump filed a withdrawal notification with the Universal Postal Union, launching a one-year negotiation to secure fair international postal rates for American mailers.
  • President Trump has expanded market access for American agricultural producers.
    • Argentina has opened to American pork and beef, Brazil to American beef, Japan to lamb and Idaho chipping potatoes, South Korea to American poultry, and more.
    • The Administration authorized $12 billion to aid farmers affected by unfair retaliatory tariffs.
    • The Trump Administration has begun the process to expand the sale of E15, or gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol, to year round.
  • Under President Trump, the United States will no longer accept bad trade deals and unfair trade practices that harm American workers and industries.
    • One of the President’s first actions after taking office was withdrawing the United States from the terrible Trans-Pacific Partnership, which incentivized outsourcing.
    • In 2017, the Administration oversaw 82 antidumping and countervailing duty investigations.
  • President Trump is holding China accountable for its unfair trade practices, such as the theft of intellectual property, by imposing tariffs on $250 billion in Chinese goods.
    • Following President Trump’s successful meeting with President Xi in Buenos Aires, both agreed to conduct negotiations over 90 days to address the United States concerns.
  • American steel and aluminum jobs are coming back following President Trump’s tariffs to protect domestic industries that are vital to national security.
  • President Trump imposed tariffs to protect American-made washing machines and solar products that were hurt by import surges.
UNLEASHING AMERICAN ENERGY: President Trump is rolling back costly and burdensome regulations to unleash America’s incredible energy resources.
  • After years of stifling regulation under the last Administration, President Trump is unleashing America’s energy potential.
  • America is the largest crude oil producer in the world and production has hit a record high.
  • President Trump’s policies are helping to boost American energy exports.
    • The Administration has streamlined Liquefied Natural Gas terminal permitting.
    • In 2017, the United States became a net natural gas exporter for the first time in 60 years.
    • American coal exports increased by more than 60 percent in 2017.
  • President Trump is expanding access to our country’s abundant natural resources.
    • The President signed legislation to open up energy exploration in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge.
    • In July 2018, the Department of the Interior announced it would hold the largest oil and gas lease sale in history.
  • In 2017, the Administration approved construction of the Dakota Access pipeline and the cross border permit for the Keystone XL pipeline.
  • The Administration issued permits for the New Burgos Pipeline that will export American petroleum products to Mexico.
  • The President has ended the war on coal, cutting Obama-era regulations such as the “Stream Protection Rule” which was estimated to cost industries $81 million a year.
  • President Trump is replacing the Clean Power Plan, a flawed Obama-era regulation that the Supreme Court ordered halted.
  • President Trump rescinded the hydraulic fracturing rule, which was expected to cost the oil and gas industry $32 million per year.
  • The Trump Administration curbed the burdensome Obama-era rule on methane, saving American energy developers hundreds of millions of dollars in regulatory costs.
EXPANDING OPTIONS FOR QUALITY AND AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE: President Trump is expanding access to affordable healthcare choices and taking action to lower drug prices.
  • President Trump’s Administration is working to provide Americans with affordable alternatives to Obamacare.
  • The Administration expanded short-term, limited duration health insurance plans that are expected to be nearly 50 percent cheaper than unsubsidized Obamacare plans.
  • President Trump has expanded association health plans, allowing more employers to join together across State lines and affordably offer coverage to their employees.
  • The Administration proposed a reform to Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) regulations that will give consumers more freedom to purchase benefits that fit their needs.
    • Roughly 800,000 employers are expected to provide HRAs for more than 10 million employees once the rule finalized.
  • Americans have more healthcare freedom thanks to the President signing legislation that ended Obamacare’s individual mandate penalty.
  • While healthcare premiums had been steadily increasing as a result of Obamacare, the average benchmark exchange premium will decline for the first time in 2019 thanks to President Trump’s policies.
    • Next year, Americans will benefit from more insurer participation on the exchanges.
  • Medicare Advantage plans offer more benefit options than ever before, and average premiums in 2019 will be 6 percent lower than in 2018.
  • President Trump launched an unprecedented campaign to drive down drug prices, leading more than a dozen drug manufactures to enact price freezes, reductions, or rollbacks.
    • In 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a record number of generic drugs, breaking the previous record set by the Administration in 2017.
    • The FDA’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 generic drug approvals are expected to bring nearly $9 billion in savings in 2017 alone.
    • President Trump signed legislation eliminating contractual gag clauses that stopped pharmacists from informing patients about lower drug prices.
  • The President put forth an initiative to stop global freeloading that drives up prices for American patients.
  • The Administration provided Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans with new negotiating tools to drive down drug costs for American patients.
  • The Administration implemented reforms to the amount Medicare pays hospitals for drugs that are purchased under the 340B program, saving seniors $320 million in 2018.
  • President Trump signed “Right to Try” legislation to expand access to experimental treatments for terminally ill patients.
FIGHTING BACK AGAINST THE CRISIS NEXT DOOR: President Trump mobilized his entire Administration to combat the opioid crisis that has devastated communities across the country.
  • President Trump launched an Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand, introducing new measures to confront the driving forces behind this crisis.
  • The President signed the landmark SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, the largest and most comprehensive legislative package addressing a single drug crisis in history.
  • The President helped secure a record $6 billion in funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
  • The Administration provided more than $2 billion in grants in 2018 to help States, territories, tribes, and local communities prevent and treat opioid abuse.
  • The Administration pursued scientific solutions to prevent and treat addiction through the Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative.
  • The President launched a national public awareness campaign about the dangers of opioid addiction and youth opioid usage.
  • Last year, President Trump created a Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, which recommends ways to tackle the opioid crisis.
  • The Administration declared the opioid crisis a nationwide Public Health Emergency in 2017.
  • President Trump is working to cut off the flow of deadly opioids into our country and to disrupt the networks that distribute them to our communities.
    • The Administration secured first-ever indictments against Chinese nationals for fentanyl trafficking.
    • The Department of Justice (DOJ) launched a surge to target fentanyl and heroin dealers in the districts with the most severe overdose death rates.
    • The DOJ formed a Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement team and shut down the biggest Darknet distributor of drugs.
  • Last year, the DOJ announced the largest healthcare fraud takedown in history, arresting more than 120 defendants with opioid-related crimes.
  • The President launched a Safer Prescribing Plan that seeks to cut nationwide opioid prescription fills by one-third within three years.
  • The Administration has led four National Prescription Drug Take-Back Days, collecting a record-breaking 1,837 tons of expired and unneeded prescription drugs.
STANDING UP FOR THE SANCTITY OF LIFE AND PROTECTING RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: The President is committed to defending the right to life and religious liberty.
  • Shortly after taking office, President Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy.
  • President Trump defunded a United Nations (UN) agency for colluding with China’s brutal program of forced abortion and sterilization.
  • The Administration withdrew guidance that constrained State’s ability to exclude family-planning providers that provide abortion services from the Medicaid program.
  • The Trump Administration proposed new regulations to ensure Title X family planning funding does not go to projects that perform, support, or refer patients for abortion.
  • The Trump Administration issued regulations establishing new or expanded exemptions from the Obamacare contraceptive mandate based on religious beliefs or moral convictions.
  • In 2017, the President issued an executive order to promote free speech and religious liberty.
KEEPING AMERICAN COMMUNITIES SAFE: President Trump has made clear that his first responsibility is to protect the safety and security of Americans.
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation data shows violent crime decreased under President Trump’s watch in 2017, following two consecutive years of increases.
  • United States Attorneys indicted the most violent criminals on record last year.
  • Last year, the DOJ announced nearly $100 million in grant funding to hire hundreds of additional law enforcement officers.
  • President Trump is cracking down on the vile MS-13 gang that has brought violence to communities across the country.
    • In 2017, the DOJ worked with international partners to arrest and charge approximately 4,000 MS-13 members.
    • Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations arrested nearly 800 MS-13 members and associates in FY 2017, an 83 percent increase from the prior year.
  • President Trump signed an executive order to restore State and local law enforcement’s access to surplus equipment that can be used to help keep our communities safe.
  • President Trump enhanced and updated the Project Safe Neighborhoods program.
  • The DOJ announced the creation of the National Public Safety Partnership in 2017, launching a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crime.
  • President Trump signed legislation to improve the Federal firearm background check system and keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals.
  • President Trump signed the First Step Act, which includes bipartisan reforms to make our Federal justice system fairer and our communities safer.
    • The First Step Act will help prepare inmates to successfully rejoin society, reducing recidivism and improving community safety.
    • This legislation includes commonsense sentencing reforms that will make our Federal justice system fairer while keeping violent criminals and sex offenders off our streets.
ENFORCING OUR LAWS AND SECURING OUR BORDERS: From the first day of his Administration, President Trump has worked to uphold the rule of law and secure our borders.
  • President Trump released an immigration framework that would fix our broken immigration system through merit-based reform and provide the resources needed to secure our border.
    • This includes closing the legal loopholes that enable illegal immigration, ending chain migration, and eliminating the visa lottery.
  • President Trump secured funding to begin building the wall and construction has already begun in areas along the southern border.
  • President Trump deployed the military to assist in securing the southern border.
  • President Trump and his Administration took action to require aliens seeking asylum to go to a port of entry to make their claim.
  • Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended 17,256 criminals and 1,019 gang members in FY 2018.
  • ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested 158,581 aliens in FY 2018, an 11 percent increase from FY 2017.
    • 90 percent of those arrested had criminal convictions, pending charges, or had been issued final orders of removal.
  • ICE ERO increased removals by 13 percent in FY 2018 to 256,086, the majority of whom were convicted criminals.
    • Removals of convicted criminal aliens increased by 14 percent from FY 2017.
    • Nearly 6,000 known or suspected gang members were removed in FY 2018, a 9 percent increase from FY 2017.
  • The Department of Justice prosecuted a record number of criminal immigration offenses in FY 2018, and increased the number of prosecutions for illegal entry by 84 percent over FY 2017.
  • Immigration courts are now completing more cases than at any point since 2011
  • President Trump kept his promise by launching the office of Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) within the Department of Homeland Security.
  • The Administration has more than doubled the number of jurisdictions participating in the 287(g) program, which enables State and local law enforcement to aid immigration enforcement.
  • President Trump has made our country safer by ordering the enhanced vetting of individuals entering from countries that do not meet our security standards.
    • These procedures were upheld in a June 2018 Supreme Court ruling.
REBUILDING AMERICA’S MILITARY FORCE: President Trump is rebuilding our military and defending America’s interests across the world.
  • President Trump ended the devastating defense cuts of the past Administration and has secured historic investments to rebuild our military.
    • President Trump signed legislation providing $700 billion for defense in FY 2018 and $716 billion in FY 2019.
  • President Trump is supporting America’s men and women in uniform, securing the largest military pay raise in nearly a decade.
  • The President issued a new National Security Strategy to keep America safe from all threats.
    • The Administration has also released new strategies specific to cybersecurity, biodefense, counterterrorism, and weapons of mass destruction terrorism.
  • President Trump directed the first whole-of-government assessment of United States manufacturing and defense supply chains since the Eisenhower Administration.
  • President Trump initiated the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review, improving United States deterrence policy and existing capabilities to counter nuclear threats.
  • President Trump empowered our military commanders with broad authority in order to take the fight to ISIS, and the results are clear.
    • ISIS has lost nearly all of its territory, more than half of which has been liberated since President Trump took office.
    • All of ISIS’ territory in Iraq was successfully liberated.
    • ISIS’ self-proclaimed capital city Raqqah has been recaptured.
  • ISIS’ territorial caliphate has been defeated and President Trump has announced that he is bringing America’s troops in Syria home.
  • President Trump announced a new Iran strategy to confront all of Iran’s malign activities and withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran nuclear deal.
    • All sanctions that had been lifted or waived under the Iran deal have been reimposed.
    • The Administration has sanctioned more than 160 individuals tied to the regime’s support of terrorism, ballistic missile program, human rights abuses, and more.
  • President Trump took decisive military action to respond to the barbaric use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime.
    • President Trump directed strikes in response to the regime’s chemical weapons attacks in April 2017 and April 2018.
    • The Trump Administration has also rolled out sanctions targeting those tied to Syria’s chemical weapons program.
  • President Trump is strengthening America’s cyber defense and directed the elevation of the United States Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
  • The President announced that the Department of Defense will work to create a Space Force to serve as an independent branch of the United States military.
RESTORING AMERICAN LEADERSHIP ABROAD: President Trump is restoring American leadership on the world stage and advancing an America first agenda.
  • President Trump held an historic summit with Chairman Kim Jong-Un, bringing beginnings of peace and denuclearization to the Korean Peninsula.
    • Since the summit, the leaders have exchanged letters and high-level officials from both countries have met.
    • Because of the President’s actions, North Korea has halted nuclear and missile tests.
    • The remains of POW/MIA service members from the Korean War are being returned to the United States.
  • Prior to the summit, President Trump’s leadership helped secure the passage of historic UN sanctions on North Korea.
  • President Trump followed through on his promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the American embassy there.
  • President Trump withdrew the United States from the UN Human Rights Council due to its bias against Israel.
  • The Administration made clear that it does not accept the International Criminal Court’s jurisdiction over Americans and will continue to protect America’s sovereignty.
  • President Trump has successfully advocated for cutting waste at the UN.
    • Changes made to the organization’s structure allowed the UN to cut hundreds of millions of dollars from their budget, while making the organization more efficient.
  • The President’s leadership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has encouraged members to increase their defense spending and realign the Alliance’s priorities.
    • In 2017 alone, there was an increase of more than 4.8 percent in defense spending among NATO allies.
    • President Trump convinced the Alliance to strengthen counterterrorism activities, and NATO formally joined the coalition to defeat ISIS.
  • President Trump’s Administration is working to advance a free and open Indo-Pacific through investments and partnerships.
  • President Trump has imposed tough sanctions on the corrupt regimes in Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua.
  • President Trump has taken tough action to combat Russia’s malign activities, including Russia’s efforts to undermine United States elections.
    • The Administration has imposed sanctions on more than 200 individuals and entities related to Russia’s destabilizing activities.
    • The Trump Administration has enhanced support for Ukraine’s defense by stepping up sales of weapons to its military.
  • The Trump Administration has secured the release of numerous American citizens held abroad, including Pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkey, Josh Holt from Venezuela, and more.
  • President Trump attended G20 summits in Argentina and Germany, where he promoted American First policies and encouraged closer cooperation.
  • In 2017, President Trump conducted tours through Asia to promote America’s interests.
HONORING AMERICA’S COMMITMENT TO OUR VETERANS: President Trump is honoring America’s commitment to our veterans by ensuring they receive the quality care they have earned.
  • President Trump secured a record $73.1 billion in funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide quality medical care for our veterans.
    • This funding included $8.6 billion for mental health services, $400 million for opioid abuse prevention, $206 million for suicide prevention, and more.
  • The President signed the VA MISSION Act, revolutionizing that VA healthcare system and reforming numerous services for our veterans.
    • This legislation will consolidate and reform existing programs to give eligible veterans better access to healthcare providers in their communities.
    • Thanks to this legislation, eligible veterans will have access to walk-in community clinics that offer immediate, local care.
  • President Trump and his Administration have expanded access to telehealth services for veterans, including through the “Anywhere to Anywhere” VA health care initiative.
  • President Trump issued an executive order requiring the Administration to improve access to mental health treatment and suicide prevention resources for veterans.
  • President Trump signed the Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, making it easier to fire failing employees and protect whistleblowers.
    • Under President Trump, the VA has removed, demoted, or suspended more than 4,300 employees for poor performance.
  • President Trump signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017, streamlining the process used by veterans when appealing benefits claims.
  • President Trump fulfilled his promise to create a new White House VA Hotline to provide veterans with 24/7 support.
  • The VA is providing veterans with online access to wait time and quality of care data.
  • The President signed the Forever GI Bill, providing veterans, service members, and their families with enhanced education benefits.
  • Last year, programs at the VA and the Department of Housing and Urban Development helped more than 51,000 veterans find permanent housing and access supportive services.
TRANSFORMING GOVERNMENT: President Trump has followed through on his pledge to transform the Federal Government and increase accountability and transparency.
  • President Trump’s Administration submitted a plan to reorganize the executive branch in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  • In a historic show of transparency and accountability, the Trump Administration completed the Department of Defense’s first ever audit.
  • The President implemented a five-year ban on lobbying for White House employees and a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign countries.
  • Each quarter since taking office, President Trump has donated his salary, fulfilling a promise he made to the American people.
  • President Trump is reshaping our Federal judiciary, appointing judges who will follow the Constitution as written.
    • The President has appointed Circuit Court judges at a record pace.
    • President Trump has appointed two Supreme Court justices, Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh


The White Hats now have total control of the White House.

Next year, your going to see more disclosure regarding corruption in Washington DC as Obama, the Clinton's and Bush, will have to face the music for crimes of High Treason. 

777 had been activated. The "Sword of Justice" will be swift! We're getting rid of all the rats. Restore America back to being a Republic. 

We the people, for the people, and by the people, will be the "Law of the Land". No more lies! 

This Intelligence Operation goes back to 1963

. They thought we couldn't knock them on their asses! MOM was pissed! The "Fake" United Nations has never done the world any good but spend our money! Enough is enough! And, the City of Jerusalem does not belong to Israel. GOD will show the way. 

The Illuminati Lion will show respect for the Lambs. My "Armageddon Programs" are almost finished. 

Peace on earth. Your "Electrical Signature" will tell us who and what you are. 

No more lies! Humans will become members of the "Galactic Federation". How cool is that! Goodbye evil. 

There's no place for you in the "New Civilization". Women and children can go about their business without fear. Men will love that which is kind and thoughtful. It's really about respect for life is it not? All world governments and religious organizations will be gone as the "Light of Universal Law" shines brightly on each "Living Soul". 

We're going home! My sights are on the Justice Department, Pentagon and CIA shenanigans. 

The Clinton Foundation a cesspool of corruption. Hillary Clinton was arrested by Naval Intelligence last year at the 9/11 Memorial and taken to a secret facility for crimes of High Treason. She was found guilty and executed. 

Deep State has her clone running around thinking they could save the day! 

hat we wouldn't dare expose her, but we have something very special for them as well. Your going to see more Elites dying and CEOs resigning. No point making a circus out of this. 

Keep it on the low. The Illuminati thought by killing JFK they were home free. How silly! The body dies but not the Spirit which is immortal. And, GOD does have a Secret Service.

Published by alternative website


"Q Post: We are Not Alone" by Sierra (NZ) - 9.20.18

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 4:44 AM EDT on September 20, 2018

Q has released the Disclosure genie from the bottle by confirming that we are not alone in the Universe.

Q hosted a Question/Answer session on 8 Chan - it was so popular it nearly crippled the server with over 400,000 people responding...

Q post number 2221...

Question from Anon:

'Are we alone?

Q responded:

Highest classification.
Consider the vastness of space.'

Q post number 2224...

Question from Anon:

'Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?'

Q responded:

'False, moon landings are real. Programs exist that are outside of public domain.'

Q deliberately chose to answer Disclosure questions from hundreds of thousands of questions. The Alliance is starting to prepare humanity for FULL Disclosure.

Q post number 2222 discusses the changed date of the Emergency Alert Test...

Question from Anon:

'Was moving the date back on POTUS FEMA "Presidential Alert" significant?'

Q responded:

'Due to K confirmation push.
Hand in hand.
(RR) (Rod Rosenstein) stand down due to K conf.'

Q is confirming that the Emergency Alert Test is linked to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation for the Supreme Court. October 3rd will be a red letter day for the destruction of the cabal.

Jordan Sather is understandably VERY excited by Q's confirmation of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Check out his video...

While all this comes as no surprise to lightworkers, it will be a huge shock to most of Earth's population. They have been mind-controlled to believe there is no life outside of Earth.

The Disclosure genie is now out of the bottle: the cork can never be put in again.

Our friends Upstairs always said the Event would comprise a series of mini-Events that would appear to arrive almost all at once. It is unfolding now - so many revelations pouring forth in a Truth tsunami. We are ready!

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


The UK Government is Falling Apart

Source: Geopolitics

The UK govt is falling apart, but as PM May sinks, she still calls out 'look over there' at Russia. 

"One must have a heart of stone to read the death of Little Nell without laughing," Oscar Wilde said on the Dickens story. The disintegration of this incompetent administration makes me laugh – clearly my heart isn't hard enough.

And this even as I agree with Mrs. May's departing cabinet heavyweights: Boris Johnson the foreign secretary, David Davis the Brexit secretary, Steve Baker the Brexit minister – whilst despising them on every other matter. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

It is true that Mrs. May has supported the Brexit decision by 17.4 million people, the largest vote for anything or anyone in British history, as the rope supports the hanging man. And she hopes to see it dangle to death.

It is true that her elaborately constructed 'Chequers Agreement' (Chequers is the Country House of British prime ministers) would have left Britain a Vassal State of the European Union, a rule taker forever, from a sclerotic neo-liberal protectionist bankers ramp which has impoverished half of Europe and enraged maybe most of the other half.

It would have left Britain effectively in the Customs Union effectively tied to the single market and subject to endless harassment by the European courts on trade matters. It would have neutered the possibility of a new British internationalism which an incoming Jeremy Corbyn Labour government would want to advance. And perhaps above all, the British would continue to be dominated by a financial and economic orthodoxy presided over by people we didn't elect and cannot remove.

Events are moving fast and this article may have to be updated. Three cabinet members (and counting) have resigned. Other minsters and their aides, too. The prospect of a leadership challenge are now more likely than not, even though the clock is ticking steadily toward Brexit Day next March.

I have been here before.

On November 13, 1990, I sat on the green benches of the British Parliament and watched a previous foreign secretary, Sir Geoffrey Howe, in his resignation speech, snap Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher – the Iron Lady – like a twig with a series of devastating metaphors which had the whole House wincing and laughing in equal measure.

The whole House – that is, except Mrs. Thatcher, who left the chamber that day a broken woman – opened, wide open, to an inevitable leadership challenge, which duly forced her from power after a decade of unassailability.

The resignation letter from Boris Johnson – the speech is yet to come – is equally devastating. And may well lead to the same outcome. And Mrs. May has not the mettle of Mrs. Thatcher – more 'tinfoil' lady than 'iron'.

As the government sinks in a morass of its own making, however, it has become increasingly reckless with its 'look over there!' tactics of diversion.

Discombobulated by the surge of respect, even affection for Russia in Britain (always far higher than the elite were ever prepared to acknowledge) as a result of the best World Cup in living memory, the Theresa May government has doubled down on its discredited state narrative over the Salisbury-Skripal affair.

The death of an indigent homeless woman in nearby Amesbury has seen ministers, press, and even Blairite Labour MPs return to their anti-Russia campaign like a dog returning to its own vomit.

The 44-year-old mother of three, Dawn Sturgess, was both an alcoholic and a heroin user, living in a hostel, but with a boyfriend – Charlie Rowley. He, too, is literally clinging to life in intensive care.

This sorry, tragic story has been the casus belli for a new wave of attacks upon Russia and even President Putin.

Grown men and women, educated men and women, working in media and politics in Britain are actually seriously speculating that Russian assassins sought to murder this tragic couple. And that the president of Russia, in the closing stages of Russia's triumphant World Cup, ordered the hit!

The Amesbury story has even more holes than the Skripal story – and that is saying something.

I will return in depth to those holes and that story on another day, but I wanted to leave you with, if you will pardon the pun, a taste of it.

Such was the parlous lifestyle of this poor couple we are told that they were often seen raiding dustbins and skips for what they could use or sell. But also that they were in the habit of picking up discarded cigarette butts in the streets of Salisbury.

For three full days last week, the Daily Mail – Britain's most successful newspaper – actually ran the story that one of those cigarette butts may have been laced with "Russian" Novichok. The whereabouts of the dead body of the smoker of the rest of the cigarette is presumably still in the Salisbury undergrowth!

George Galloway was a member of the British Parliament for nearly 30 years. He presents TV and radio shows (including on RT). He is a film-maker, writer and a renowned orator.


Open letter to Pedro Sánchez

Dear Sr.Sánchez 

am Catalan, independence, and what happens in politics worries me a lot. 

I want to make incapié of the meeting he had with George Soros (now a very powerful person within the Bilderberg group). 

Information available to me Mr. Soros died in 2014. If you met this person, I can assure you it was another person who has passed through it. 

About on the subject of Catalonia, later or earlier whoever president of government will sit down and talk not fit Catalonia in Spain but as you can see the furniture the Spanish state without Catalunya. 

Negotiation is inevitable. When later sit down and talk more people will feel Catalan and less remain Spanish.

His party is afraid as the PP to hold a referendum on self - determination because it would negotiate with Catalonia and the modification of the constitution, the privileges of all congressmen, senators, etc. 

Sorry to tell you that this process is unstoppable. You can not stop an idea, you can stop countless people, but an idea can not be stopped because it is in the minds of many Catalans.

Tell the truth to all Spaniards. They need to know that Catalonia wants to leave, and wants to leave because they do not want you to lose a privilege that is not theirs, nor be presidents, parliamentarians, senators, etc. because they take advantage of this constitution it is representative. or because of his party, the PSOE, then the PP, and lately Citizens You all want power and you blame the Catalans of your economic, political, social and labor errors. 

I have sold to capital, but next you've met this false George Soros and then with Angela Merkel. 

A very mio must tell you that despite all these props and dialogue it has had with them all you will get is a good word, but when the truth, do not expect anything from them.

Now a truth that will surprise you : have read something about Dolly the sheep ... if you do not know that it will give a little light ... 

The sheep Dolly was famous for being the first living being cloned, and that cloning was not by chance, had a dark purpose: cLONING PEOPLE. 


Take this test: Talk a topic that you know should demonstrate their feelings, gesture or look like just surprised, if so what I say is true.


The police can stop a lot of people, but for every person who appears to jail goal 2 And , to tell the truth, doubt already have, people have seen this circular wake. 

Concerning political prisoners in Spanish jails there, they have unjustly accused of things that only exists in the head of a taciturn people, avoiding dialogue vote as evidence. 


WAKE, THE LIES AND THINGS HIDDEN JOURNEY becoming less and appear to light (Look what happened to the PP) 



Posted by © misteri1963 


injustice to Spain

Good Morning...

On March 17, Saturday, a new manifestation of retirees at the state level, pass it around the world. It is heard that even young people will be there to support the retired, it is good to learn to fight for the rights of all, as we did in the decade of 60/80.
Although it seems utopian, it is possible to achieve it and for that it is necessary to read it and pass it to at least 20 people, if you do not reach that number of contacts, send them to those you have.
Thank you

Each recipient is asked to forward this e-mail to at least 20 people from their contact list and, at the same time, ask each of them to do the same.

In three days, most people in this country will have this message. This is an idea that really should be considered and improved for the benefit of the pension system and the pensioners.

Proposed Reform Law for the benefit of the pension system:

1. The legislator (deputy or senator) will be salaried only during his term. And he will not have retirement exclusively from the mandate. (this will be a contribution more)

2. The legislator will contribute to the SS and the pension system. Every legislator (past, present and future) that currently contributes to a special retirement fund of the Congress or the Senate will pass to the current Social Security regime. The legislator will participate in the benefits within the retirement regime exactly like all other citizens.

3. The legislator must pay his contribution to his retirement plan, like all citizens.

4. The legislator will stop voting his own salary increase.

5. The legislator will leave his current health insurance and participate in the same health system as other citizens

6 The legislator must also comply with the same laws regarding pension and pension systems as the rest of the citizens

7. Serving in Congress and the Senate is an honor, not a career. Legislators must fulfill their mandates (no more than 2 legislatures), then go home and seek employment.

The time for this historic repair is NOW


If you agree with the above, return.

You are one of my 20 contacts. Please keep this message CIRCULATING.

Since the parties do not do it, we, the citizens themselves, are the ones who promote this project.

A big hug And Thanks 😊


Rounded up Saudi Elite are being Tortured by American Mercenaries

EXCLUSIVE: 'American mercenaries are torturing' Saudi elite rounded up by new crown prince - and billionaire Prince Alwaleed was hung upside down 'just to send a message'
  • Source in Saudi Arabia says American private security contractors are carrying out'interrogations' on princes and billionaires arrested in crackdown 
  • Detained members of Saudi elite have been hung by their feet and beaten by interrogates, source says
  • Among those hung upside down are Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, an investor worth at least $7 billion who is being held at Riyadh's Ritz Carlton
  • Arrests were ordered three weeks ago by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
  • Source claims mercenaries are from 'Blackwater', a claim also made by Lebanese president
  • But its successor firm denies it has any operations in Saudi Arabia whatsoever and says its staff abide by U.S. lawAmericans who commit torture abroad can be jailed for up to 20 years
Source: Daily Mail | By Ryan Parry and Josh Boswell

PUBLISHED: 21:24 GMT, 22 November 2017 | UPDATED: 08:37 GMT, 23 November 2017

Saudi princes and billionaire businessmen arrested in a power grab earlier this month are being strung up by their feet and beaten by American private security contractors, a source in the country tells

The group of the country's most powerful figures were arrested in a crackdown ordered by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman three weeks ago as he ordered the detention of at least 11 fellow princes and hundreds of businessmen and government officials over claims of corruption.

Just last month, the Crown Prince vowed to restore 'moderate, open Islam' in the kingdom and relaxed a number of its ultra-conservative rules, including lifting a ban on women driving. can disclose that the arrests have been followed by 'interrogations' which a source said were being carried out by 'American mercenaries' brought in to work for the 32-year-old crown prince, who is now the kingdom's most powerful figure.

'They are beating them, torturing them, slapping them, insulting them. They want to break them down,' the source told 

'Blackwater' has been named by's source as the firm involved, and the claim of its presence in Saudi Arabia has also been made on Arabic social media, and by Lebanon's president. 

The firm's successor, Academi, strongly denies even being in Saudi Arabia and says it does not engage in torture, which it is illegal for any U.S. citizen to commit anywhere in the world. 

The Saudi crown prince, according to the source, has also confiscated more than $194 billion from the bank accounts and seized assets of those arrested.

Highest profile prisoner: Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was hung upside to 'send a message' after being lured to a meeting with the crown prince. He is worth at least $7 billion

Round-up: Dozens of princes, senior officials and businessmen, including cabinet ministers and billionaires, have been detained in a function room of the Ritz Carlton. Now a source says they are being subjected to torture by American mercenaries

Strongman: Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, seen as he attended a glittering investment conference in the hotel now being used as a prison, ordered in the mercenaries, the source claimed, and takes part in interrogations personally 

The source said that in the febrile atmosphere in the kingdom, Prince Mohammed has bypassed the normal security forces in keeping the princes and other billionaires at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Riyadh. 

'All the guards in charge are private security because MBS (Mohammed Bin Salman) doesn't want Saudi officers there who have been saluting those detainees all their lives,' said the source, who asked to remain anonymous.

'Outside the hotels where they are being detained you see the armored vehicles of the Saudi special forces. But inside, it's a private security company.

'They've transferred all the guys from Abu Dhabi. Now they are in charge of everything,' said the source. 

The source said that Salman, often referred to by his initials MBS, is conducting some of the interrogations himself.

'When it's something big he asks them questions,' the source said.

'He speaks to them very nicely in the interrogation, and then he leaves the room, and the mercenaries go in. The prisoners are slapped, insulted, hung up, tortured.'

The source says the crown prince is desperate to assert his authority through fear and wants to uncover an alleged network of foreign officials who have taken bribes from Saudi princes. 

The source said that the name 'Blackwater' is being circulated as providing the mercenaries.

The controversial private security company, however, no longer exists under that name and is now Academi.

A spokesperson for Constellis, Academi's parent company, denied the claims.

The spokesperson told that it has no presence in Saudi Arabia and does not carry out interrogations.

'Constellis through Academi does not now or have we ever provided interrogative services,' they said.

'We do not provide security services in KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), we have no contact or connection with any government official or private party regarding this allegation.'

When asked if Academi workers were involved in any kind of violence during these interrogations, the spokesperson said: 'No. Academi has no presence in KSA. We do not have interrogators, nor do we provide any interrogators, advisors or other similar services.'

They added: 'Academi does not participate in interrogative services for any government or private customer. Academi has a zero tolerance policy for violence. We operate legally, morally, ethically and in compliance with local and US laws.'

The name Blackwater, however, has previously surfaced in the Middle East in the wake of the round-up.

Presence: The Ritz Carlton in Riyadh is said to be guarded by Saudi special forces but inside, the interrogations are said to be carried out by American contractors. Blackwater's successor firm, Academi, denies any involvement

Lebanese link: Saad Hariri, who quit as Lebanon's prime minister, was said to be being held in Saudi Arabia by 'Blackwater' guards by his country's president - but he deleted the tweet

Endorsement: The 32-year-old crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, has received backing from President Trump 

Harsh treatment: Trump hinted at the interrogations when he tweeted his support for the arrests

The Lebanese President tweeted that the country's former prime minister Saad Hariri was being detained in Riyadh by Blackwater guards, but later deleted the tweet.

'Lebanese authorities have unconfirmed information that the Blackwater firm is guarding Hariri and his family - not official Saudi security forces,' Michel Aoun, the President of Lebanon, tweeted last Wednesday.

A high-profile Saudi twitter account, @ Ahdjadid, which posts what is said to be inside information, also claimed Salman has brought in at least 150 'Blackwater' guards.

Saudi whistleblower Ahdjadid tweeted: 'The first group of Blackwater mercenaries arrived in Saudi Arabia a week after the toppling of bin Nayef [Salman's predecessor as crown prince]. 

'They were around 150 fighters. Bin Salman sent some of them to secure bin Nayef's place of detention and the rest he used for his own protection.'

The abuse claims were also raised recently in an article in the New York Times.

A doctor at a hospital in Riyadh and a US official told the Times that as many as 17 detainees had needed medical treatment.

But Fatimah Baeshen, spokeswoman for the Saudi Embassy in Washington, told the newspaper that the arrests were for 'white collar' crimes and that the country's public prosecutor was ensuring that the arrests are 'complying with the relevant laws and regulations'. 

In his name: The arrests carry the authority of King Salman, but have made his son Prince Mohammed unquestionably the most powerful man in the kingdom

Among those arrested on allegations of corruption is Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, the Saudi King's nephew who is worth more than $17bn according to Forbes, and owns stakes in Twitter, Lyft and Citigroup.'s source claims the crown prince lulled Alwaleed into a false sense of security, inviting him to a meeting at his Al Yamamah palace, then sent officers to arrest him the night before the meeting.

'Suddenly at 2.45am all his guards were disarmed, the royal guards of MBS storm in,' said the source.

'He's dragged from his own bedroom in his pajamas, handcuffed, put in the back of an SUV, and interrogated like a criminal.

'They hung them upside down, just to send a message.

'They told them that "we've made your charges public, the world knows that you've been arrested on these charges."'

After the arrests, a picture was given to of the Saudi royals sleeping on thin mattresses in the ballroom of the five star Ritz Carlton Hotel in Riyadh.

A US State Department source told the New York Times Salman was 'behaving recklessly without sufficient consideration to the likely consequences of his behavior, and that has the potential to damage US interests.'

However, the arrests drew praise from President Donald Trump, who tweeted that he had 'great confidence in King Salman and the crown prince of Saudi Arabia' after the corruption crackdown earlier this month.

Torture by a US citizen abroad has only been prosecuted in America once.

In 2008 the Boston-born son of former Liberian President Charles Taylor was found guilty by a US court of horrific torture.

The jury in Miami found Charles 'Chuckie' Taylor Jr. guilty on all eight counts brought against him, including allegations he and his cohorts tortured victims in Liberia by applying electric shocks to their genitals, burning them with hot irons and melting plastic and rubbing salt in their open wounds.

At the time Sigal Mandelker, the then deputy assistant attorney general with the crime division of the U.S. Department of Justice, said: 'It sends a very powerful message to human rights violators worldwide that they are not welcome here.'

Taylor was arrested at Miami International Airport in 2006 and pleaded guilty to a charge of lying about his father's identity on a passport application.

He was later indicted for torturing victims when he was the commander of a paramilitary security force called the Antiterrorist Unit - known as the 'Demon Forces' - that protected the elder Taylor while he was president of Liberia.

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