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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Violence. Mostrar todas las entradas


Error 404

The Civil Guard is not known for his sense of humor. Judges not much and apparently less El País. Neither it has happened that report benemérito body, delicious probably read at least could have invented or documented a different number of violent acts less funny. 404 because that is the www symbol for what is not found, nonexistent. As nonexistent as violence that treat all instances of encasquetarle to extirpate procés a spirit of blood and fire. These are all security forces, the government, the courts, the Spanish political parties, the media.Sometimes they shoot the gun, as they try to hang terrorism acts of peaceful civil disobedience. They balk at the moment, but they end up doing it because they have no other way out.

The weight of this report civil guard obviously be that everyone wants to try him and himself. It goes without saying that, with statements such as the political head of the body, Zoido, according to which 1 or violence was the work of the voters and not those that pummeled the report will be inexpressible. And, while useless in the era of universal video. In one of those 404 episodes of violence, according to the Civil Guard, an old man stumbled and fell. According to a couple of videos from different angles, the older gentleman, a mayor, it falls because it is beaten by the shield of an agent. 

404 not found.

There need to implement the repressive violence of the Basque Country staff because they can not think of anything else. Sunday's rally is proof that imprisonment, exile, the seizure of the independence leaders maintained a society mobilized for months in a massive, democratic, peaceful attitude, which has been deployed in the eyes of all the world. Try "batasunizar" Catalan separatism is as nasty as stupid.

Because everyone sees that there is more violence than applying the State in its many variants: bludgeoning uniform or without uniform, arbitrary measures, prosecutions, imprisonments, economic intervention, capricious prohibitions, restrictions of all kinds. The movement is unified and peaceful and, much as fabulen Unionists media remain so. 

No rebellion, no sedition, no terrorism. No court case. Lack and lack of violence that the media can not be invented or fabular judges.

CDRs are not violent. They are a popular self - organization response to increased state repression. They are geared towards peaceful civil disobedience.Undoubtedly all civil disobedience involves breach of any law and will be punished accordingly. Civil disobedience does not shy away because their action has an exemplary value for a change legislator. The law for reasons of conscience disobeys as has been done many times before when the refuseniks in the Spanish army or opposition to the Vietnam War in the US. 

Call terrorism that is what truly terrorist, 

Published by Ramon Cotarelo

among lawyers in Girona

Today, Palinuro among lawyers in Girona Among the events on the occasion of the feast of Ramon de Penyafort, patron of their profession, the Col.legi d'Advocats de Girona Palinuro invited to present their views on the topic Institutional Violence under the 1 October. There shall ye very proud of the invitation lawyers of their new city to bring their little knowledge in a subject Nauta mythical, that of violence, who would say? It has proved to be almost incomprehensible chimera conceptually a metaphysically incomprehensible Aporia.

The nomal people believe that this matter is simple and comes down to see if any kind of human interaction is maintained in the order of civilized dialogue or party agrees by brute force. Serious mistake when involved political bodies, judicial, Spanish media. In this case the concept of violence begins squirming, to mutate, to suffer strange changes, to become an amorphous entity that fits any Jesuitical casuistry typically serving the rulers. When the Spanish judges speak of violence, draw a figure similar to that of Valentin "I désossé" Toulouse-Lautrec. Thus, the interior minister, police chief who, in his younger days was a judge, discovers violence during police raids on 1 October 2017 but,

In turn, the judge of the Supreme Llarena, who, by the march that leads by imperial routes can also interior minister and even prime minister, refines the concept and comes to qualify violent non - expressed violence hostages have safe in the dungeons. That one thing is to itself time and contrary secret that Aristotle had to explain in confidence to Mr. judge in spiritual exercises. 

The event will try tomorrow clarify what territories we move when we talk about violence. 

So there we'll see. 

Posted by Ramon Cotarelo

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