
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta esotericism. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta esotericism. Mostrar todas las entradas

7 de septiembre de 2017


Monday, May 29, 2017 The mirrors appear everywhere throughout history. For many contain a great mystery. More ... From the outset it must be said that the reptilians use a lot of mirrors, to the place where they come from , a lot of misinformation that if live below ground, that if the planet are not that pure and simple lie, never left space because it can not, that's another topic to follow the lies of NASA.

There is an ancient oriental legend that tells of a young woman whose physical resemblance to her mother was very large. When that was about to die said , "Take this gift, I'll be there forever If you're sad I'll be sad if I smile I'll smile She had never seen a mirror and when I was reflected wept with emotion, but remembered.. then the words of his mother and smiled much glad to see his mother smile from the other side. " He APPEARED WHEN THE MIRROR? I really do not know, but its history goes back to the time had not yet written the story, only dark memories, stories, fables and legends of fantastic worlds and fascinating enchantments, where we always take the same.

Found mirrors in all civilizations in the world and everywhere, in America, Asia, Africa, Europe, simple mirrors, others very ornate, there are black obsidian, some small, some huge, halls of mirrors in public buildings, not there is no place where we find them . Called "Magic Mirrors" black obsidian mirrors -confeccionados with perhaps be one of the elements more related to magic. They have discovered those mirrors in Tibet, and also in ancient Egypt, and some say that in Mexico introduced many centuries ago the ancestors of the Maya today.

Precisely in Egypt thousands of years ago, the priests performed a secret ceremony at sunrise, where rays of dawn were reflected by a mirror polished gold that the Sphinx had on his forehead, projecting between his legs and allowed them to perform portents and omens.

Reptilians are coming and out mirrors, reptilians the secret of his keys reserved for millennia. But what is a dimensional portal and how it works' Imagine a door leading to the hallway of a hotel, where left and right of the hallway are doors to different rooms, you to first enter the hall needs the key to the door thereof, that key has an electronic lock that works with a code that you have to type on a keyboard, but other to submit you first have to be registered in a database the hotel, which is checked by identifying the iris his eye. The hotel is the general reality. The room doors are the entrance to the different space-time dimensions. The corridor runs is the dimensional portal. The access door to the corridor is the spatial physical place where entered. The key is the ritual. The code are the movements, chants, postures, symbols and ritual prayers. Iris identification in the database, is his fourth top control center, the center of universal consciousness. When you open the portal is free ingress and egress of any "entity" talk about reptilians, (light and shadow) that inhabit them. Example of open portals are the "game of the Cup," mediumistic trances, shamanistic ceremonies, liturgy of the churches, the "satanic rituals" astral travel are produced by naturally or by hallucinogens, that would be another issue, because there are plants that live in our dimension, so if your going to ingest dimension, but that's another topic we do not stray, how can this be possible? There are two ways to open a portal, a natural and another artificial. Natural is as I explained, through us, this is possible because our genetics is formed in part by our creators, who have this natural but without any rite faculty, because the energy that we produce with the ritual, they and the handle have naturally. Artificial is through technology that produces these energies without the rite. Example of artificial portals are portal quantum leap, and the Large Hadron Collider LHC particle accelerator at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research Organicación) whose true purpose was not only the search for the Higgs higg,

You unknowingly, unconsciously may be opening a dimensional portal with certain movements and gestures made with his body and hands, that ultimately our masters have instilled in youth culture as signs of Voor, Kish, Koth and Mayor called signs of power, opening and closing gates just for them, giving way to really dangerous energies like the reptilians that used for the "shadows" take over our thoughts, words and deeds, so they can handle us at will , There are many more signs as popularly known as loser (loser), with the thumb and index finger forming an L letter (L). Never play these signs with his hands, left even less, they are only put here as an illustration:

We often think where the bones of the reptilians tests that are with us are, well, what they do is when they are already very weak, what they do is take the mirror and go where they came from, this dimension is like a cancel where several high-powered reptilians were locked.

Dimensional portals can be very dangerous if you do not know how to handle them and what doors open and close. For the dimensional portals can get in and out reptilians possibly more entities, I am only aware that the reptilians can come and go from the dimensional portals in the mirrors, the carbon unit is a perfect tool used to open portals to the whim of the reptilians thoroughbreds, without having the slightest idea what he is doing. Never sleep with one in your room, and less in front of you.

Reptilians say they have no soul, who want to break our soul, well, some ancient cultures believe that the mirrors reflect the "shadow of the soul", so reptilians are not reflected in mirrors ...

The absence of reflection reveals its true nature. In the Jewish religion it is important to cover all the mirrors in a house where someone has died while the family makes the shivah (the mourning period of seven days). It is said that if the mirrors are not covered the spirit of the deceased can get caught in one of the mirrors being unable to move on to the afterlife. In other cultures go beyond stating that mirrors should be covered at night while people sleep in the house, to ensure that the soul of the dreamer does not become caught in one of them. Serbocrata in culture, sometimes a mirror is buried with the dead, to prevent wandering spirit and protect him from evil spirits.

Mirrors are considered doorways. At its most basic level, are said to be input and output to another dimension, the gates are believed to be as holes, openings, "windows" to another dimension.

Psychics claim that a mirror in a dark room can be dangerous and can open an unwanted door. Displaying a mirror with candlelight can lead to many dangers, according to the myths and legends. Using a mirror with candles show your reflection as well as the entities that inhabit the home. We can say that once you are aware of its existence they also become aware of your presence, and chances are entities that are not entirely positive.

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