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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta nutrition. Mostrar todas las entradas

10 de agosto de 2017


A very important change

By celestial messages
August 9, 2017

"We will tell you about the very important change we each have in a different way, of course, being able to live in your body, and also in your consciousness and emotional."

They show me large amounts of particles that flood the Earth and the solar system. Not photons, it's other particles from the sun. They are more orange than brown. There are billions, while our space is invaded by these particles.

"They have the specificity to help beings to prepare for their physical transformation and especially vibrational transformation that will take them to another level of consciousness.

You must understand that your body density sometimes hinders the awakening of your consciousness, awakening convenient for your spiritual journey and your future.

The vibrations of your material body is a great brake. That is why there is a lifelong impulse in this world and in the solar system, so everything is accelerating, because now everything must have a greater acceleration for these transformations.

The planet Earth is in the third dimension and also in matter. There are several vibrational frequencies in matter: your Mother Earth has a different vibrational frequency than humans; Animals do not have the same frequency of vibration as humans.

All life on the planet, including the planet itself will be gradually transformed. This will not make breaking fingers, as they say on Earth, or at night. This significant contribution will accelerate the process of opening awareness particles and preparing your body so that you can integrate little by little what will become crystalline beings.

It will slowly transform what you are as a carbon being to access the crystalline whether or not you will become the next cycle (when we talk about "cycles" we are not talking about small human beings, but cycles cycles, solar planetary cycles ).

The main contribution of the "new particles" (which is the term they use) shakes all that you are as a material body and also acts in your consciousness.

It will gradually a different way to nourish your body, you have much less want to eat living things, so the animal kingdom.

You will also have the desire to consume much lighter food and more vegetables. All this will gradually stabilize in your body and in your consciousness; Then you can access other parts of yourself that were locked.

These powerful energies that will flood all life on Earth will change many things in your mind, your emotions, your behavior, your ability to love and what you can give to yourself and others.

These new particles also allow (which will be harder for you) back up, accelerated for some (eg through the vibrating energies of Lilith, the Black Moon), anything that was not evacuated during your personal work , Not only in this incarnation, but also incarnations.

This is the great cleansing ("cleansing of the stables of Augeas" as you say on Earth), which slowly suffers. Everyone will live this way personal and special cleaning, since we have not all done the same job, it does not have all the same winnings. For now not all are equal in the felt, the emotions, the way to love and love itself, to accept all the experiences of life.

Each will more or less easily integrate these new energies and also these new particles.

"Now I see these particles falling like rain, the" drops "are three or four millimeters long.

"You breathe in these particles, which penetrate through your pores through your material body. They will be increasingly present in this world and in your solar system.

At this time, the Sun is in great activity. It also fulfills its mission: to change the solar system for the immense change to come.

We have said that the Moon and other planets in the solar system had already experienced the transition. But what the transition? It is constantly in transit since its level of consciousness is constantly evolving. You will not see things the way they look, even if it was only six months or a year.

You live mini-dead "and" mini-resurrection ",

So that the transition to a higher consciousness (when transfer, it is always in the higher direction, never in the lower direction). So there are these permanent mini-transitions, there are larger collective transitions, and there are major transitions worldwide.

There are also cosmic transitions, but it is something else.

We will return to this topic when we talk about other topics. "

Posted by Monique Mathieu


Shared by: - Celestial Messages

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