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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta political Catalonia. Mostrar todas las entradas


A Citizens Catalan is just gravy train


With the election of the new president of the Generalitat, Citizens will have to make policy and not nationalism carpetovetónico 
By Santiago Aparicio

To date they have the tailwind, fierce and effectively supplied by the establishment, but for Catalonia are going to end the gravy train, the possibility of acting as advocates of an imperial and dominant nation. Comes the time of policy for Citizens and see that, in all likelihood, they will leave with the misery in sight. They are the first group of the opposition in Catalonia and to do that, opposition, proving that it can work otherwise. Now they must face Quim Torra with arguments and alternative proposals. It not only say it's a bad gentleman, who is a puppet of Puigdemont, or is racist (there are also some supremacist his companion, as Girauta with Israel, and I keep silent).

Agnes Hysteria Arrimadas or bench-mate Fernando Paramo will no longer have a place in the new stage. Nor will serve other colleagues who are in other places and other functions such as Albert Rivera and José Manuel Villegas. Once you have a government and rule, because they do not have the slightest doubt that govern for some time, at least, what agents say orange? So far they are a traditionalist, nationalist discourse (the other side), and totalitarian where there is no room for the view not the same, is called Miquel Iceta or M. Rajoy. No distinction on this issue and charged against all for being bad, very bad. But the truth is that until yesterday the speech could be funny, could penetrate between people with low common sense and a high regard nationalist (not patriotic)

And it will be a job done without much media focus. Those responsible for the media know, they are not so stupid, that Catalan tire issue and the population in general. But also it is an issue that can not be treated in the way that befits citizens seeking civil strife. Looking for the criminalization of the other, pointing the finger totalitarian. Because if bad can it be nationalism on one side, fear gives traditionalist para-fascist totalitarianism and Citizens. To the PP itself has understood that, while neglecting certain excesses, dialogue under the constitutional parameters and / or legal necessary. More when the criminalization of policy that has been occurring since the High Court begins to be frowned upon, not only outside Spain (something that the government cares little) but within our own borders. If the solution to the bankruptcy of failed coexistence model is terror (as you would like Jimenez Losantos), then Spain has no outlet.

From the nationalist bloc they are also aware that the Catalan Republic is not yet mature. They may be right but must convince internally and externally. Thus dialogue, as promised Torra and Rajoy, marks a new path. That does not mean that out of the way toward possible independence but retards. Something that kills politically citizens.Because they are not prepared for a policy dialogue. Neither in Catalonia nor anywhere else.They have grown up with the surveys made by the establishment, they are the have believed and thought untouchable. But as much power of money to support you in the state and the system in general there are many gaps for politics and put in a bind the system itself. Sean Catalans, or extremeños. And this is superior to the antagonistic view of systemic populism with citizens. They are calling them populist everything they do not and they, of course, but that is becoming less and less credible and cuñadismo starts to bother.

Just read what was said by Villegas he finished the plenary session of the Parliament, by requiring Rajoy that "rectifies and extend the application of 155 in Catalonia because the future of Spain is more important than his political future". First, they themselves, as has reminded Xavi Albiol, who only wanted elections under 155, because they thought they would raze and be the kings of the farmhouse. Citizens because Catalonia is a farmhouse in which to pack and unpack. Second, keep the 155 when there is already a legitimate government could be as unconstitutional. And how much law-abiding citizens? Or not? Evidently if you come to respect their interests, when not suit them or want to change it or skip it, as with internal funding (they are afraid that we know with papers who finance them?).

Nor Inés Arrimadas, who is being put spaniel face with evil (the bulldog is Girauta) has fallen short pointing to the government of M. Rajoy: "May you be President of the Government thanks to the Government of Spain it allows a fugitive of justice delegate the vote after giving a blow to democracy is outrageous and is not itself a democratic country. " Curious because in Madrid, the older brothers of the kingdom itself were in favor of the delegate or electronic voting. Until they came to annoy the PP well, of course. And as we said earlier, now the separatists are again populist and racist "makes clear what their ideology, defending populism or exclusive identity and its intention to continue the confrontation in Catalonia" he has unleashed Torra.

faces, not today, nor tomorrow will be, but within very little, with the reality of a Catalan economy that is more worrisome than his boasts grungy and antediluvian patriotism. And you will see that just voting right next to the Catalan privatize health (or part), reducing medications, reduce taxes on large corporations and other acts they share with other right-wing parties. And you will see that in 95% of cases will agree economically because they are two sides of the same coin of power. And those who today look condescendingly (PSC and in Comú), they will face the blue recriminarles its policies right. Yes, always will TV3 or education as a mechanism for releasing a broadside against separatism. A theater agreed at the end to win votes each.

Because Citizens is the biggest political threat to Spain from dictatorship. The Orange party, led by Rivera, has already given good examples of their dangerous nationalism and totalitarianism. This is or beside or against them. Antagonism just denying the policy itself. Especially now that they are raising to the altars. But if there's something bothering to Spanish or Spanish is the pimp, the bluestocking, the hyperbolic cuñadismo ... all that is in citizens. Now we just need to end up realizing that danger is orange. Under that prefabrication system authoritarianism smile hides. If you are not with them and they, you just outside and subjugated by the punitive mechanisms of the state. The establishment does not care that authoritarian drift because the business are going to keep doing. More accumulation of wealth and pillaging the popular classes, the working class.But if it comes, it will no longer be thanks to Catalonia, because there the gravy train is running out. Although some media have hidden Iceta statements or Domènech, Citizens is touching the ceiling, unless the establishment of a soft coup ... everything is possible


The result of December 21

Do you not Puigdemont You wanted the proposal? Have not banned at first and not vetoing the two substitutes who volunteered in his day, Sanchez and Turull. Now there is only one possibility: If you do not want to Puigdemont must be out of jail Sanchez. Inter us is not acceptable that a judge decide who can and can not be president of the Generalitat for strictly political reasons as legal, good looks, no. 

What Puigdemont the proposal actually amounts to hold elections? Nor is such a serious thing but also do not have to. It would suffice to suspend all repressive activity of the State in Catalonia, the release of prisoners (they already bother to Zapatero), The return of exiles, the cessation of confiscations and the formation of a Government headed by Puigdemont to start negotiating. 

That goal is the logical, which respects the outcome of the elections last December 21 (it is time) and supporting the three independent forces, JXC, ERC and CUP.

The B155 absolutely refuses to admit this only reasonable possibility. Pretexta that does not belong to him, it is something of courts, justice, law. Which it is a fallacy because from the beginning it was clear that the prosecution of procés was a political and policy decision has to be the decision that "desjudicialice". And remains so today because they accept the outcome of a legal election is the only rational decision. Anything else will be, and is, break the rules and give way to tyranny. The problem is that this is not a solution and root.

So that's it, Puigdemont or elections. The alternative, which is vented in indepes cenacles, if vacuum is to complete clarity with high probability of staying in the penumbra or certainty of stay in the dark. In these circumstances the play the people and take their peoples. The particular issue is following the outcome of the elections on December 21, what would the other forthcoming if, instead of going with separate lists, lists the independence of the country? 

Among other things, this result would clearly how to calibrate the independence has increased its base; because I fiarlo a well intended expansion as a result of the independence is present as less independence it implies return to confusion and overcome.


Letter from a lawyer Mariano Rajoy on the issue of the independence of Catalonia and corruption of the PP

Joan Ballana  Ahir a les 14:12Vic, Catalonia

Good morning Mr. Mariano Rajoy. I am one of those separatists who you want to steal his dignity. I write in Castilian not for  you to understand me, but because you want me to, because I have many friends with whom they engage in passionate conversations floor in Castilian, although obviously my Catalan accent betrays me.
So therefore, I send this humble letter to put things easy and avoid ridiculous older, you and the government led.
You know like me who will not be able to prevent the self-determination referendum in my country. I know, but you need to believe otherwise. You, your government and your motley circle of friends (even those who have in prison) have believed his own lie. Let me, with the utmost humility of one who is not what you have, do a bit of memory:
-You saw that only a few wisps of clay out of the sea when the worst environmental disaster in Spain and precisely in its own land is perpetrating, would have us believe that it is now able to prevent the referendum?
-you who reportedly has received envelopes with black party money presiding and encourages unscrupulous to reach into the box with SMS encouragement and support (be strong, Luis!), While most citizens of Spain I could not pay the mortgage or a pension malvive unworthy, now it stands as guarantor of legality?
-you allowing greater aberration of public resources for private purposes bailing out private banks in Spain with more than 77,000 million euros public which largely served to negotiate pensions and fakers incompetent managers, some of whom boasted not having accounting knowledge and still spend holidays in luxury yachts while thousands of people were fucking with preferred or casting their homes to entire families (shame !!!) - obsessively pursued now that the euro They intended to give voice to the people of Catalonia in a referendum? 

You that seems bumble unscrupulous prosecutors, judges and courts at will and approving express reforms TC squandering the separation of powers which requires any democratic state says are unconstitutional laws passed in Parliament or even have annihilated the rights of the opposition? 

-you who rubs shoulders with the head of state and the Spanish monarchy, allocating an annual budget of scorning of 8 million that comes from the sweat of the workers and had served to kill elephants or pay cleaning the house an Infanta, now questions the authority and thoroughness of the President of the Parliament? 

-you who has many friends and political positions that until recently were shouting the face the sun -some of which will "anaranjan" their government, or other unscrupulous leading operations against Catalunya des of the sewers of the state, now dares say my President and Vice President, and all the deputies and deputies separatists want to impose a dictatorial regime in Catalonia? 

-you who he sentenced to 6 million citizens / as to prostrate themselves unemployed with the labor reform unworthy of history, dares to say that an independent Catalonia will cause more unemployment and fewer opportunities to people?

-you who chairs the country's violator of the laws of the European Union and the highest number of convictions by the Court, thinks he is some credibility against Europe?

-you who has spent years ninguneando my nation, rights and money snatching blanket, stripping it of any investment, torpedoing our language and culture, not ashamed now establish itself as the solution to all problems?

You and your media cave only hope that in the next 19 days my country, our government, our Mossos d'Esquadra, our Mayors or any citizen -the foot of Yes and no- commit some sort of error for devour live in their news emetics. But nobody will commit such idiocy!

You believe that ordering the state attorney general search and capture of the mayors of my country by facilitating exercise "dignity" in hundreds of towns and cities all its citizens, will prevent the referendum? Just make a new and serious error.
To you, Mr. Rajoy, who speaks English as Mandarin and has lost the papers, I'll tell pretty. Only independence can prevent citizens / as de Catalunya legitimately vote No in the referendum. Your vote can do so. And if your vote wins, we will be the first to congratulate them . The vote precisely you want to prevent. Mr. Rajoy not be fooled. You no longer have legitimacy to prevent anything. Not even the corruption that has torn apart his party would. For the first time ever, time is on our side. And every day that passes, the referendum is closer.
Finally, to save you time and effort, I will say that I am a lawyer and Vic, one of the best cities in the world and leave my address and phone number (Rambla Montcada, 28 08500 Vic. Mobile 630980904) so ​​you do not have to search or send the Civil Guard (by the way, stop ordering -through the prosecutor to make the ridiculous, they too have their dignity!) in case you decide empapelarme!
My vote is my dignity. And neither you nor anybody me will undermine. Vaya bonito that Mr. Rajoy!
Joan Ballana
Vic, September 12, 2017.
* This has been sent to Mr. Mariano Rajoy through the portal of La Moncloa. Photo and Acus Receipt are attached.

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