
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta the 3rd world war. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta the 3rd world war. Mostrar todas las entradas

11 de mayo de 2017


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comp 1_00000

The analyst Patrick Martin, who attended a series of recent meetings in the US Congress warns that military intelligence  United States  is involved in systematic preparations for a Third World War.
According to the expert, the Pentagon estimated that a military conflict with China, Russia and the two countries is inevitable and that this perspective has become the driving force of American tactical and strategic planning.
"The three sessions that took place last Tuesday, November 3 in the US Congress, show that US military intelligence service is addressing the preparations for the Third World War"
"In the morning, the Armed Services Committee of the Senate held a long session on cyberwarfare. In the afternoon, a subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee of the House discussed the current size and fleet deployment of US aircraft carriers, while another subcommittee same panel discussed the modernization of US nuclear weapons "
According to Martin, none of these meetings the general implications that would have a enfentamiento addressed ...
"None of the hearings discussed the broad implications that could have US preparations for war, or what it would mean a great war between nuclear powers for the survival of the human species, or even for life on our planet"
"On the contrary, these sessions were examples of what could be described as a  process  underway to convert the preparation of the Third World War in a routine"
"In other words, it seems that preparations for a world war using cyber weapons, aircraft carriers, bombers, missiles and a wide variety of weapons, have  been  running for an extended period of time.These meetings were not in response to recent developments, whether in the South China Sea, Ukraine,  Syria  or elsewhere: there were not made in response to recent events "
"In these meetings it was assumed that the US will face a war against China, Russia or both countries and both the witness testimony and the questions of the senators and representatives, Democrats and Republicans alike were focused on the best methods for win the war "
Martin keeps talking about what he witnessed in these sessions at the conference:
"Each session involved an e important nfrentamiento US with another great power (sometimes a 'nameless power", sometimes explicitly naming China or Russia) within a relatively short period of years rather than decades "
One of the most significant points of the revelations of Martin, is found in reference to how the threat of terrorism was discussed at these sessions. One might think that the eternal fight against terrorism would be a central element in the discussions, but Martin reveals that in fact, terrorism did not care too senators and representatives ... maybe because they know what the real nature of this terrorism.
Martin tells us so:
"The danger of terrorism, promoted endlessly in the media to have an effect on public opinion, was minimized and to some extent ignored and discounted.
At one point the Senate hearing on cyberwarfare, in response to a direct question from Democratic Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, witnesses panel unanimously declared that his greatest concern was the nation-state and not terrorists "
Very significant, right? The global war on terrorism, which both bombard us, is revealed as an excuse for war against other states.
One participant, Peter W. Singer, titled his presentation  "Lessons of World War"  and said:
Warships  of  the US . China and offshore combat shooting everything from guns to cruise missiles and lasers. Russian stealth fighters and US combat fighting in the air assisted by  drones  robotic. Hackers Shanghai and Silicon Valley fighting in fields of digital game. Struggles in outer space decide who wins on Earth. Are fragments of a novel or perhaps what will happen in the real world within a short time? Both"
Stellar Avenger missile defense intercept ballistic successful
Stellar Avenger missile defense intercept ballistic successful
On the political position of both sides of the camera, Patrick Martin reveals the sad reality of modern democracy:
"Contrary to the media version that shows us that in Washington's political factions are deeply divided and have completely opposite political perspectives, the truth is that both Republicans and Democrats reached an agreement on the fundamental issue: the preparation of a new world war imperialist "
Finally, the analyst concludes that  this crisis has two main components: the declining economic power of  the US . compared to its main rivals and internal contradictions of American society with a profound alienation of the working class and, in particular young people " .
As we see, the US ruling elites are working actively in the preparation of a world war.
And if we ignore that reveals Patrick Martin, it does not seem to be preparing for the eventuality or possibility of a major conflict: work knowing full well that this conflict will occur within a few years.
Valiant_Shield _-_ B2_Stealth_bomber_from_Missouri_leads_ariel_formation
Valiant_Shield _-_ B2_Stealth_bomber_from_Missouri_leads_ariel_formation
As a final addition to everything above, the recent statements by US Defense Secretary, clear and direct, leave little room for interpretation.
Here are two excerpts, quite alarming, drawn 2 RT very recent articles:
New phase of hysteria  US .  "Russia and China are challenging the world order"
"Although the US Army" does not seek "a new  Cold War , is determined to oppose global emerging powers like Russia and China in order to protect the" international order "dominated by  the US ." Said Secretary defense of the North American country, Ashton Carter, on Saturday in the Presidential Library  Ronald Reagan .
Ashton Carter
Ashton Carter
The US military official put back into the same bag Islamic State, Russia and China when enumerating the challenges for the United States:
"Terrorist elements as  the State  Islamic, of course, are totally opposed to our values. However, other challenges are more complicated, and taking into account its size and capacity, are potentially more harmful " .
"It seems that some players are determined to eliminate these principles and undermine the international order that helps keep them. Of course, neither Russia nor China can revoke that order. However, both defy "
"Most disturbing"  to the US official is called  "noise nuclear sabers Moscow" , which in his opinion  "raises questions about the commitment of the Russian strategic stability leaders and respect for the rules against the use of weapons nuclear " .
And how the US intends to act against what it considers "threats to world order"?
Well, say it bluntly: MILITARILY
Another amazing excerpt from a news RT:
USA . plans to contain Russia's actions by military means
The United States believes that Russia challenges the international order and intends to hold to Moscow with the help of political, military and economic means, it was announced Saturday the Pentagon chief Ashton Carter, during a conference in the state of California.
To what Carter has been classified as  "threatening statements"  of Russia on the potential for nuclear weapons use  US . It is modernizing its entire nuclear arsenal, not just submarines, bombers and missiles on land are armed with long - range nuclear weapons, but also the warheads themselves.
"We are investing in technologies that are most relevant to the provocations of Russia, and new unmanned systems, a new long - range bomber, and innovation in technologies like the barrel of electromagnetic rail, lasers and new electronic warfare systems, space and cyberspace, including some surprising really can not describe here , " Carter said, quoted by AP.
"We do not seek a cold war, much less a hot with Russia" , said the secretary of defense. " We are not seeking to make Russia an enemy. But have no doubt that the United States will defend our interests, our allies, international order based on principles, and the positive future that this offers us " .
It is almost impossible to say clearer:  the US is preparing, almost explicitly, to start a world war.
As we have stated on other occasions, we believe that the deadline for the outbreak of the conflict on a large scale, will be the year 2020, the date on which they conclude multitude of rearmament programs internationally, as pointed out in an old article a few months ago: DISTURBING 2020
Rim of the Pacific 2010
Rim of the Pacific 2010
However, there is another possibility, but certainly now seem impossible.
And it is the possibility that we are ready to believe that this great war will break out and at the last moment, a series of political agreements are reached saviors internationally that stop everything.
Agreements that will change all global structures at all levels: political, economic, social; one  new world order  centered planetary unity, which "will save us from the war that could destroy the planet."
And you can rest assured that the big winners of this new world order will be the ruling elites and the big losers will be the ordinary people.
Perhaps that is the great run they are riding: forcibly accept all the conditions of the new order, because the only alternative to it, is a devastating world war that destroys the world.
And, as we have said many times, the real war is not between countries, powers or ideas, but between the elites and peoples of the world.
This criminal riffraff and the rulers thugs who obey them, are our only enemy ...

3 de mayo de 2017

old prophetic vision in 1968: 4 signals before World War and the return of Jesus Christ

USA - A prophetic vision of 1968, an elderly woman of 90 years old in Norway, talks about the future and things that would happen before the Third World War and the return of Jesus Christ, is was given to the evangelista Emanuel Minos who held several meetings in the city of Valdres in those years. 

Blog  The Christian Post  shared the prophetic word was written on paper that was saved in a drawer for 30 years, Minos said, but after many things began to happen, recalled the vision and decided to share it with the world . 

The woman Valdres was a very alert, reliable, awake and credible, with a good reputation among all who knew Christian. This is what he saw:  

I saw the time just before the coming of Jesus and the outbreak of World War III. I saw the events with my natural eyes. I saw the world like a balloon and Europe saw land for land. I saw Scandinavia. 

I saw Norway, I saw certain things that would take place just before the return of Jesus, and just before the last calamity, calamity such as we have never experienced before happen. " He mentioned four waves:  

1." First, before Jesus comes and before the start of World war III, will be a "detente" as never be peace between the super powers in the east and west, and there will be a (Remember this was in 1968 when the cold war was at its peak level) in this period of peace there will be disarmament in many countries, also in Norway and we are not prepared when war comes. World War III will begin in a way no one would have anticipated - and from an unexpected place. 

2. "A lukewarmness without parallel will take hold of the Christians, a departure from the true and living Christianity. Christians will not be open for penetrating preaching. They do not want, as in previous times, hear of sin and grace, law . and gospel, repentance and restoration: instead, a replacement will: prosperity (happiness) Christianity "the important thing will be successful, be something; to have material things, things that God never promised us in this way. Churches and prayer houses will be emptier and empty. Instead of preaching to which we have been accustomed for generations like to take up his cross and follow Jesus entertainment, art and culture will invade the churches where there should have been gatherings for repentance and revival. This will increase markedly just before the return of Jesus. 

3. "There will be a moral disintegration that old Norway has never experienced the likes of people will live together like married without beingmarried. Much uncleanness before marriage, and much infidelity in marriage will become the natural and justified. even enter Christian circles and we'll leave, even sin against nature is just before Jesus returns, there will be television programs as we have never experienced [TV had arrived in Norway in 1968]. " TV will be filled with such horrible violence that it teaches people to murder and destroy each other, and our streets are unsafe. People will copy what you see. There will be only one 'station' on TV, it will be full of "stations". [She did not know the word 'channel' which we use today. Why the called stations, says Minos.] The TV will be like the radio where we have many 'stations,' and be filled with violence. People will use it for entertainment. Let's see terrible scenes of murder and destruction one of the other, and this will spread in society. Sex scenes will also be shown on the screen, the most intimate things that take place in a marriage. "Then the old woman said," come to pass, and see. Everything we have had before will be broken down, 

and the most indecent things will pass before our eyes. " 4." People from poor countries will flow to Europe. [In 1968 there was no such thing as immigration] they will also come to Scandinavia and Norway. There will be so many of them that people will begin to displease them and become hard with them, they will be treated like the Jews before World War II, and then will have reached the full measure of our sins. 

Tears welled up in the eyes of the old woman down her cheeks. "I do not see you , but you will." Then suddenly, Jesus will come and the Third World War will break out, it will be a short war. "(She saw it in the vision)" Everything I've seen before war is only child 's play compared to this one, and will end with a nuclear bomb. The air will be so polluted that you can not breathe, will cover several continents, America, Japan, Australia and the wealthy nations, water will be ruined (contaminated) because we can not cultivate the soil, but it will only be a remnant. Rich countries will try to flee to the poor countries, but they will be as hard as us. 

"I'm so glad you do not see it , but when the time comes, you must have courage and say this, I have received from God, and none of it goes against what the Bible says , " he concluded.

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SOY IBA OLODUMARE, CONOCIDO POR VOSOTROS COMO VUESTRO DIOS  Os digo hijos míos que el final de estos tiempos se aproximan.  Ningú...